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Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) Guidebook

Figure 4: Comparison of Symbolic and Statistical Modeling

While these early systems were developed and altered manually, today's AI revolution is driven
by machine learning algorithms – statistical models that are automatically refined by repeatedly
executing thousands of data sets through an algorithm that improves itself or learns to improve
its outcomes. Advances in modern AI systems
are all made possible by the confluence of four AI Example: Smart Assistants
converging technological trends: increases in
computing speed, addressable storage Smart assistants are devices loaded with
capacity, network bandwidth, and advanced software that you use to access information,
mathematics. We can access larger and more perform tasks or control other devices. You
comprehensive data sets, as math gets more
can have a smart assistant on your computer
efficient, trustworthy, and robust in its
or your phone, but most people use them
representation of reality. This allows the
through a smart speaker. Well-known brands
training of more models faster and the pursuit
include Alexa, Siri, Cortana and Google
of AI in a growing range of applications is now
feasible because of advances in computational Assistant.
In addition to symbolic modeling of AI and machine learning, there is a complementary
perspective called human-machine teaming or human-machine learning that evolved from
intelligence augmentation, which is the use of technology to enhance human intelligence and
decision making. Although intelligence augmentation evolved around the same time as AI and
machine learning, this perspective is relevant more than ever as we seek to leverage the
advantages gained by human intelligence and machine learning models.
Development of modern AI systems focuses on continuously developing and deploying updates,
often referred to as Agile Development. Some of the modern approaches to AI system
development include:

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