TheCentralite2024 Undertaking HS

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Subscription Policy
1. Subscription to The Centralite 2024 is a voluntary act of any graduating student of Central Philippine University for Academic Year
2. Only subscribers shall be provided space in the graduate’s section in the yearbook.
3. For the graduate’s pictorial, the subscriber must abide by the University Dress Code Policy (please refer to the Gold and Blue
4. The subscriber must have his/her picture taken by the official photographers of The Centralite on or before given deadline. Only
pictures provided by The Centralite official photographers shall appear in the graduate’s section of the yearbook.
5. No extension shall be given to the subscriber who fails to comply with the subscription deadline and/or picture-taking, unless with
a valid reason.
6. The staff reserves the right not to include the picture of the subscriber in the yearbook if he/she does not comply with the set
deadline or University dress code for the photoshoot. No refund shall be given.
7. In case the picture of the subscriber does not appear or is unintentionally interchanged with another subscriber, The Centralite
2024 shall replace the erroneous page/s and give a corrected personal copy to the subscriber/s.
8. The bulletin boards inside the campus and the official Facebook page of The Centralite 2024 shall serve as the official venues for
the publication of announcements and information.
9. The editorial staff has the sole right to decide on policies and/or matters regarding the publication of the yearbook and reserves
the right to change or issue additional policy and to reset deadlines if necessary.
10. A period of thirty (30) days from date of the official release scheduled by The Centralite is given to the subscriber to request for
correction on erroneous page/s. Release of corrected personal copies will be announced after.

All comments, suggestions, complaints, or request for corrections must be submitted in writing for appropriate action to:

The Editor in Chief

The Centralite 2024
Central Philippine University
Jaro, Iloilo City


I, ___________________________, the parent/guardian of ____________________________________, a student of the college/department of

_________________________, have read and understood the subscription policy. I agree that the subscription policy will be shown to the
person responsible for my account.

I also agree to adhere to the terms and conditions stated in the subscription policy. Moreover, I also agree that the amount
based on my subscription will be charged to my university account.

Furthermore, I am aware that upon signing this Subscription Policy, I may not anymore revoke such agreement between my
party and the staff of Centralite 2024.


By signing this consent form, I, as the parent/guardian of _______________________________, and is understood as the “Data Subject” herein,
grant my free and voluntary consent to the collection and processing of his or her Personal Data for the purpose of subscribing to the
Centralite 2024 of Central Philippine University, in accordance with Republic Act 10173, otherwise known as the “Data Privacy Act
of 2012” of the Republic of the Philippines, including its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) as well as other guidelines and
issuances by the National Privacy Commission (NPC).

I understand that my child’s/ward’s “Personal Data” means any information, whether recorded in a material form or not, (a) from
which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding the information, or
when put together with other information would directly and certainly identify an individual, (b) about an individual’s race, ethnic
origin, marital status, age, color, gender, health, education and religious and/or political affiliations, (c) referring to any proceeding
for any offense committed or alleged to have been committed by such individual, the disposal if such proceedings, or the sentence of
any court in such proceedings, and (d) issued by government agencies peculiar to an individual which includes, but not limited to,
social security numbers and licenses.

I understand, further, that Central Philippine University and the staff of Centralite 2024 shall keep my child’s/ward’s Personal Data
and Information in strict confidence, and that the collection and processing of all Personal Data shall be used only for the purpose of
subscription and publication of Centralite 2024.

I have read and understood the above and hereby consent to, agree on, accept, and acknowledge these terms of consent by signing

Signed in Iloilo City, Philippines on ________________.

Signature over Printed Name

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