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Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. His success is due to industry and thrift.

He is successful because he is ______ and ______.

2. He evaded the question.

He gave ______ answer.

3. It was an act of great courage.

It was a ______.

4. His frivolity amuses me.

His ______ behavior amuses me.

5. She is a ______ woman.

She is fond of quarrels.

6. Storms do not always cause destruction.

Storms are not ______.

7. We feel contempt for liars.

We are ______.

8. He has ______ mind.

He shows great ingenuity in hi work.

9. Her taste are in harmony with mine.

Our tastes ______.

10. She is oppressed with a foreboding of misfortune.

She has ______ feeling.


1. He is successful because he is industrious and thrifty.

2. He gave an evasive answer.
3. It was a courageous act.
4. His frivolous behavior amuses me.
5. She is a quarrelsome woman.
6. Storms are not always destructive.
7. We are contemptuous of liars.
8. He has __an ingenious mind.
9. Our tastes are harmonious.
10. She has an oppressive feeling.

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