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Opinion editorial Columnists

NYC subway shooting is more proof of Steve Cuozzo

lawmakers’ fecklessness
By Post Editorial Board
Why you
can't get
you used to
murdered in NYC

Published March 15, 2024, 8:12 p.m. ET

Nicole Gelinas

Solution to subway mayhem is simple

-- don't send in National Guard,
enforce farebeating!

Rich Lowry

Chuck Schumer just sold out our

democratic ally, Israel — for Dem

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Mayor Eric Adams speaks during his in-person media availability inside City Hall on March 12, 2024 in New York City.
Andrew Schwartz /

It’s every commuter’s worst nightmare: a fight on a subway car, culminating in gunfire — thanks to a man
with evident mental illness.
And New York lawmakers don’t care that it keeps happening .

The latest horror, caught on video , began on the A train Thursday when a guy now ID’d as Dajuan
Robinson harangued other riders for two minutes; he then instigates a fight as a woman pleads “there’s Browse Covers
babies on here!”
Next he pulled a knife, then a gun — and wound up shot himself. Trending Now
Robinson is in critical condition; the shooter quite rightly faces no charges because it’s a clear case of

Mayor Adams highlighted the “severe mental health” problems that Robinson showed and pushed state
lawmakers to pass the Supportive Interventions Act , which he first put forward last year after Jordan
Neely’s death .

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Post Editorial Board NY home after gentle giant would
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Britain bans puberty Blocking newspaper Admit green agenda’s

blockers for transgender trucks is NOT ‘peaceful costs, Biden’s
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‘science’ still rules US and other commentary

The bill would allow for involuntary confinement of the severely mentally ill before they pose an Luke Bryan's Nashville bar says
college student had 1 alcoholic drink,
unmistakable threat to public safety; current law plainly doesn’t go far enough, at least as most judges 2 waters before removal,

interpret it.

That is: People who should be getting pulled off the street and forced into treatment just aren’t. 97,322
This is beyond obvious: The man arrested for stabbing two teens in Grand Central Terminal in December
had 17 prior arrests and a history of psychological issues.

Kemal Rideout, busted for a series of random subway slashings last year had , five prior arrests, including
for attempted rape, and a history of mental illness.

And don’t forget Brooklyn subway mass shooter Frank James back , in 2022, or the troubled souls behind Town agrees to foot moving bill after
subway shovings like the one that killed Michelle Go judge orders Porsche-driving LI
squatters to hit the road
Heck, more than half of the perps responsible for attacks on MTA workers last year had long rap sheets
and histories of psychological problems.
Danger is magnified in the close confines of the subway, but these troubled souls pose a threat to
innocents above ground, too — yet the system lets them roam until they strike, and often even afterward .

Progressives insist that tougher laws will only lead to permanent confinement of those with mental illness.

Maybe that’s a risk, despite the huge local industry of “advocates” watching out for all New York’s
unfortunates, but how does the status quo serve anyone?

Some people are too unwell to seek out and stick to treatment on their own; government needs the ability
to step in.

For all the wailing about “compassion,” leaving people with serious mental illness to suffer, causing harm
to themselves and those around them, is cruel and inhumane.
As Dajuan Robinson’s fate shows.

How much more will it take for New York’s leaders to do something ?

Adams’ bill is no cure-all, but it’s a good place to start.

Filed under brooklyn subway shooting crime editorial eric adams mental illness
subway subway slashings 3/15/24

Read Next Blocking newspaper trucks is NOT 'peaceful protest'

Conversation 192 Comments 62 Viewing

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James Smith
14 hours ago
Fourth year not riding the subway and I have a free mta retirees pass.this is the worst it’s ever
Don’t believe the lower crime rate it’s just that they don’t arrest for most things.

Reply 66 Share
John Rockford
3 hours ago
Adams talks out of the side of his mouth. it's disgusting looking.
Reply 13 Share
2 hours ago
Both sides
Reply 1 Share

Spurlos Versenkt
11 hours ago
Eric Adams: "Have you ever seen this much chocolate leading the city of New
Thanks for explaining what's wrong in this town. Much appreciated.
Reply 46 Share
Frank Drebbin
5 hours ago
Leading? Leading? Funny in itself.
Reply 18 Share
Space Cowboy
2 hours ago
Correct and not just New York. Look around.
Reply 3 Share
The Junction
1 hour ago
Chocolate melts when the heat is too high and then it stains. Detroit, Chicago and NYC all
the same problem
Reply 1 Share
10 hours ago
ytdevvl tells lies
Reply 1 Share
Joe Biden Sold us out
13 minutes ago
I wish they'd bring back sickle cell
Reply Share
Joe Biden Sold us out
13 minutes ago
Reply 1 Share

14 hours ago
The mayor was a cop, where is his sense of purpose, his sense of pride? I don’t know how he
leeps at night watching the city in his charge circling the drain. Where is the common sense,
has none, he truly believes he’s doing a good job
Reply 49 Share
Rudy Calabrese
13 hours ago
Eric Adams made 4 arrests In his 20 year Police Career and he was assigned those arrests!
Eric Adams couldn't catch a cold In a hospital!
Reply 54 Share
Cat D
13 hours ago
If you know how to play the game. And play the card. You win. No. accountability.
Reply 9 Share

Sean Lee
10 hours ago
He worked at the NYPD. I doubt you would find too many people who would describe him
a, “cop.“
Reply 34 Share
8 hours ago
Adams was a computer programmer — but, most of his time at NYPD was spent
his fellow cops and the institution.
Reply 12 Share
1 hour ago
He spent all his time sueing. Race card
Reply Share

the poop has hit the fan...

14 hours ago
he wasn't a street cop...
Reply 15 Share
william jackson
3 hours ago
I listened to adams on WLIB radio as he was 'moving' up the ranks. He hates, by his own
crack--s, Whites and, yes, even hispos.
Reply 6 Share
Cat D
13 hours ago
D.E.I. baby. It all about. D.E.I. Colleagues. Same.
Reply 5 Share
1 hour ago
Easy he has a security detail 24-7 on the taxpayers dime and doesn't ride the subway.
Reply 3 Share
Cat D
13 hours ago
Has been. He. is. a. has. been. Yuck!
Reply 4 Share
Frank Drebbin
5hours ago
A has been that never was.
Reply 2 Share

Gwen Smith
1 hour ago
he was never a cop! he just dressed like one.....frigging house mouse!
Reply 6 Share
Commander Riker
2hours ago
The only difference between aBoxOfPoo and a the box
Reply 2 Share
Slongare Dowfrui
5 hours ago
Vaseline boy
Reply 4 Share

14 hours ago
Bail Reform needs to go immediately.
Reply 65 Share
Jerry G.
14 hours ago
As long as the vast majority of criminals are from a certain segment of the population, you
ill never see bail reform end. To many rich white liberals have guilty consciences and
see the truth.
Reply 62 Share
13 hours ago
Well, either way it’s the only answer at this point.
Reply 5 Share
Cat D
13 hours ago
Class control.
Reply 1 Share

Rudy Radio
6 hours ago
Carl Heastie Vivian Cook, Alvin Bragg Letitia James, Crystal Peoples-Stokes, Andrea
Cousins remember these names when you vote next time...
Reply 33 Share
Slongare Dowfrui
5 hours ago
or purchase a weapon
Reply 3 Share

John Rockford
12 hours ago
it's so disgusting the way Adams talks out of the side of his mouth. he should see a speech
herapist. until he does that to correct to disgusting behavior I would avoid having this
Reply 9 Share
Slongare Dowfrui
5 hours ago
It's from side slipping the black swam in the oral cavity.
Reply 2 Share

Jerry G.
14 hours ago
The NYS Bail Reform & Raise the Age bills/laws enacted were made because democrats spread
he belief that the criminal justice system in NY is racist. As we can see, the overwhelming
of violent & petty crime criminals in NY are from one particular segment of our
Stop the lies and bring back bail and start putting people in jail again.
Reply 30 Share
2 hours ago
Yep, you don’t look for beer in a winery.
Reply Share

Daybee829 Pen
13 hours ago
It’s time to bring back all the tough law enforcement like it was in the 90’s. Bring back stop and
risk and broken windows policy! We are living in a war zone! The pro criminal democrats have
our city with their soft on crime policies! Enough is enough! Criminals need to be
up and... See more
Reply 27 Share
10 hours ago
Turn the City Republican?? Now there’s Wishful Thinking at its best! The only way that
ill happen is for a Total Collapse of Society, which by then will be too late, but as the
goes, Keep Hope Alive!
Reply 6 Share
Cat D
13 hours ago
Let us pray. I hope to see this in my life time.
Reply 4 Share
John S
4 hours ago
It’s bad enough now and they are still planning to close Rikers Island.
Reply 3 Share

Mark Lynch
16 hours ago
The Mayor says it’s perception !

Reply 23 Share
Jae Beez
16 hours ago
Right Nothing changes
Reply 6 Share
Cat D
13 hours ago
invite 10 million++ to dinner at gracie. mansion. sleeps with one eye open.
Reply 3 Share

klipp klapp
14 hours ago
I remember when a token was a dime and people would yell at you if you littered on a platform
. . .

Reply 23 Share
2 hours ago
Yeah, they were tiny tokens back then.
Reply 1 Share

Homer Jay
15 hours ago
I thought illegal guns weren’t allowed on the subway?
Reply 19 Share
the poop has hit the fan...
14 hours ago
in fairness, the gun was just a back up in case the knife failed him...
Reply 12 Share
2 hours ago
Reply Share

Cat D
13 hours ago
Ha! No. Laws. In Gotham City.
Reply 5 Share

installed joe
4 hours ago
Rudy Giuliani as mayor the crime rate dropped by 56% and was considered one of the safest
the country. Supporters of Giuliani contend that this is evidence of his leadership
ig cities in
kills and efficiency. I remember those days working in Manhattan it was great, now look at the
omparison of Ruday and Mayor Hollywood Adams, like day and night. All democrat cities are
destroyed by liberal intentional agenda pushed on the American taxpayer against our
These elected officials are not upholding their oath to office and should be removed. But
democrats have to destroy everyone in their way to Marxism; this includes Trump and
Reply 9 Share

Long time reader

13 hours ago
A single person's right not to be involuntarily committed does not trump the rest of the
right to live.
Reply 10 Share

12 hours ago
All elected officials must take public transportation without bodyguards.
Reply 9 Share
k d
12 hours ago
And stupid people on TV, talking nonsense, on MSNBC, The View, Daily Show, among
of their kind.

Reply 8 Share

J Hawk
7hours ago
Did it ever dawn on these "progressives" that some people need permanent confinement? If
are a danger to yourself and others you shouldn't be with the general public.
Reply 8 Share

5 hours ago
Let’s remember that Frank James injured 29 people and now we have this. Also, let’s
emember who it was that got rid of stop and frisk, who put cashless bail in place, who has
painted the Police as villains… why it’s our friends THE DEMOCRATS! These are
who will talk around a prob...
See more
Reply 8 Share

14 hours ago
Adams is a joke and always pointing fingers. Diversity doesn't work in making intelligent

Reply 24 Share

15 hours ago
Lawmakers, you call them? Hah. Lawbreakers is more like it. It’s a sick society we’ve allowed to
Reply 23 Share
Snikk Rikk
14 hours ago
That’s what happens when you walk away from God and go your own way. Welcome to
equals consequence.
Reply 4 Share
Cat D
13 hours ago
Law. Rakers. Albany. 10 million++ invite to. Law. Rakers. Albany. Homes!
Reply Share

14 hours ago
And these democrat politicians want to force congestion pricing down our throats and they
an’t protect our citizens from the out of control crime above and below ground! Congestion
is a democrat ideological scam
Reply 14 Share

8 hours ago
The Albany Crew knows exactly what they are doing — causing chaos; destroying the social
abric; sewing despair and confusion; putting black vs white vs brown vs Asian vs……

This is based on Alinsky’s eight steps from democracy to socialist society.

Barak Obama quotes him often in his book and Hillary... See more
Reply 7 Share

Michael Bridges
15 hours ago
New York is the next Detroit. It’s been failing to Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Los Angeles,
eattle and Miami, in terms of innovation, over the last decade. The decline has been put into
speed by the pandemic!
Reply 6 Share
Cat D
13 hours ago
Ahh, once again. post AI does not like the truth. Capital city of New York. D.E.I.
Reply 1 Share
Michael Bridges
3 hours ago
The government pressures them into censorship.
Reply Share

14 hours ago
The port au prince of America
Reply 14 Share
Cat D
13 hours ago
wait. more free everything come soon. Haiti.
Reply 6 Share

stefanik panic
5 hours ago
I think these imbies who have so called compassion for the dangerous people on our streets
be put into these institutions beside their soul mates.

Their misdirected and inappropriate compassion puts every day citizens at risk.

When considering the common good, why would they advantage the perps who wreak havoc on

Is this such a difficult concept to understand?

How did we get to this point?

I'm certain an over abundance of attornies and NGO'S, zealous and in need of ways to continue
their paychecks, play a significant role.

America needs bona fide leadership to rid itself of these self serving elements who present
hemselves as compassionate and perversely consider themselves to be morally and

All they do is harm society!

Reply 4 Share
David Thomson
5 hours ago
Vote Republican.
Reply 1 Share

15 hours ago
"mayor" ,total tool.
Reply 21 Share

Mark Mathew’s
15 hours ago
Articles are useless….your only hope is to STOP voting democrat over and over again!
Reply 25 Share

Ray Monte
15 hours ago
First, change the NYS Mental Health Laws…
Reply 8 Share

9 hours ago
Pulling the "mentally illness card" for involuntary confinement is fundamentally
nconstitutional. You are saying a cop or any actor of the state can decide the thoughts in your
aren't "correct." Which they can forcibly seize and incarcerate you with no crime or trial,
no burden of proof o...
See more
Reply 2 Share
David Thomson
5hours ago
Cops or regular officials wouldn't make this decision. It would be done by trained mental
Reply 2 Share
2 hours ago
With everything so politicized, a liberal ‘expert’ might lock me up.
Reply Share

2 hours ago
It’s a slippery slope, I agree.
Reply Share

Harry Flashman
4 hours ago
Most of the problems we face on the local, National and international level are the result of
leadership and bad policies.
Reply 2 Share
4 hours ago
They are the outcomes of voting practices.
Reply Share

the poop has hit the fan...

14 hours ago
I guess the Army is afraid to search a guy named DaJuan for fear of a discrimination
all the Asian and white stockbrokers are late for work.
Reply 8 Share
Cat D
13 hours ago
And, now a four day work week. HA! Get to work folks!!
Reply Share

Benny Pupick
7 hours ago
Every editorial should begin, "The NYP Editorial Board again apologizes for endorsing Eric

Reply 6 Share
David Thomson
5 hours ago
Eric Adams was the lesser of evils.
Reply Share

8 hours ago
Instead of Biden’s Invasion of the unwanted, NYC could be using the money being spent on
llegal aliens to open inpatient and outpatient facilities for the mentally ill, our forgotten
and homeless.
Reply 5 Share

Cat D
13 hours ago
Until Red. Votes. Same old very sad story. I miss NYC in 2019.
Reply 2 Share

KC Chief
6 hours ago
I don’t agree, it’s voters who don’t think about who they are voting for in addition to the actual
of the people running for office.
Reply 2 Share

14 hours ago
Entire industries in NYC are dependent on crazy people staying in the system.

They’ll just pass more gun laws affecting law-abiding citizens.

Reply 5 Share
Cat D
13 hours ago
o wait a minute. Taxpayers. Vote. for this. Love, Berreta.
Reply 2 Share
2 hours ago
The government you elect is the government you deserve. Love.Thomas.Jefferson.

Reply Share

k d
12 hours ago
This guy is either in over his head, or he's just 'following orders'. AMERICA is on the Ballot in
Never surrender to the forces of evil.
Reply 5 Share

Ger Steen
5 hours ago
New York has fallen back into the 1970s with high crime, shootings and murders. A nightmare
this party will determine governance in all cities and states.
Reply 2 Share

6 hours ago
Meanwhile there are empty and abandoned mental health facilities that were sold off for cents
the dollar all over NY State…
Reply 2 Share

1 hour ago
New York lawmakers WILL care that it keeps happening with law-abiding, tax-paying residents
egin to launch lawsuits against the city, the MTA, and politicians individually ... all of whom
negligent in providing adequate public safety. We pay taxes as part of social contract. Yet,
are gettin...
See more
Reply 1 Share

Alex Acevedo
14 hours ago
Broadway should move out of New York City. No more visitors really go there
Reply 4 Share

Jon Kerr
12 hours ago
Thanks to mayor Adams NYC now became second to DC as the murder capital of world!
Reply 6 Share

Marshall Johnson
15 hours ago
This is a prime example of Right Wing Fecklessness-beginning and ending with the
roliferation of guns in the hands of men. Take away the guns- limit them to only ppl in law
& military- otherwise known as well-regulated militia. Know the 2nd amendment-
just quote half of it.
Reply 1 Share
the poop has hit the fan...
14 hours ago
oh gee, was DaJuan wearing a MAGA hat?
Reply 1 Share
2 hours ago
Wrong Ace
Reply Share

Taz Pan
2 hours ago
To hold on to their jobs, Adams and Hochul should be required to ride the NY subway
without benefit of security personnel.
Reply 1 Share

Smargatoo Jones
14 hours ago
Mayors of his ilk only bring death and destruction.
Reply 6 Share

Snikk Rikk
14 hours ago
When are you all going to understand that those who run NYC aka Democrats DO NOT CARE
bout the citizens.

If it waddles quacks and looks like a duck they’ll say it’s a horse..
Reply 4 Share

3 hours ago
go back 10 years. See what Bloomberg did. Replicate it.

This city is becoming a TOILET. You don't see gunfire every day but you DO see those types
andering the subway every single day. It's only a matter of time before innocent people are
to be killed.
Reply 2 Share
3 hours ago
I think it would take a politician being shot or mugged to even think of getting
in this state.

BTW I like the hammernyc it like having a cousin or brother lol.

Reply Share

Billy Tapper
13 hours ago
Hizzoner is our worst mayor yet, but no one bedazzles a jacket like him.
Reply 4 Share

2 hours ago
It always amazes me when politicians want to enact what they consider "groundbreaking"
nitiatives to deal with a crisis they created. People with severe mental health issues, roaming
streets and subways is nothing new. What's new is the left wing bringing policies that
them from being arrested or evaluated in the name of violating their "civil rights".
Reply Share

14 hours ago
True definition of Fahk around and find out.
Reply 2 Share

31 minutes ago
Until he addresses the out of control issues above ground. The issues below ground in the
will continue. They just don’t get this basic concept.
Reply Share

The Profit Jo Say Ah

5 hours ago
The headline should read “NYC subway shooting is more proof of lawmakers’ lawlessness”.
Reply 2 Share

John Rockford
12 hours ago
it's so disgusting the way Adams talks out of the side of his mouth. he should see a speech
herapist. until he does that to correct to disgusting behavior I would avoid having this picture

Reply 2 Share
2 hours ago
Both sides
Reply Share

John Rockford
12 hours ago
it's so disgusting the way Adams talks out of the side of his mouth. he should see a speech
herapist. until he does that to correct to disgusting behavior I would avoid having this picture

Reply 2 Share

Bob E
13 hours ago
Involuntary commitment is necessary; due process must be followed but it must be reinstated.
Reply Share
9 hours ago
Those contradict each other. A criminal can be committed for psychiatric confinement,
ut giving the state the power to deem anyone "unwell" and imprison them with no proof
crime is downright morally abhorrent.
Reply Share
Bob E
9 hours ago
Not true. The legal system appoints guardians, assigns counsel, etc. And leaving
on the streets when they need assistance is cruel.
Reply 1 Share
Show 1 more reply

5 hours ago
Adams and the rest of NY officials are total failures.
Criminals run the show. Receiving a slap on the wrist and being let go is not punishment for
ome of these crimes. Sad how NY sinks lower and lower with each passing day. Great job

Reply 1 Share

Happy Camper
1 hour ago
FREE Daniel Penny. This man is a HERO.
Reply 1 Share

Swollen Elbow
23 minutes ago
Only way for crime laws to change in NY is when a politician or their relative is victimized.
Reply Share

Cat D
13 hours ago
Thanks. Law. Rakers. Albany. 9. 11. coming attraction again coming to a theater new us. Let us

Reply 1 Share

Huntley Brinckley
3 hours ago
This man and his leftist council are beyond hope. NYC is now a welfare state and voters should
ashamed of themselves.
Reply 1 Share

27 minutes ago
They want to reduce traffic congestion and urge New Yorkers to take public transportation -
ubjecting them to criminals in a confined space and then selectively choose WHO gets
for defending themselves and others from those criminals..
Reply Share

Michael Solomon
7 hours ago
They voted for this guy. It’s their problem. I’ll never go there .

Reply 1 Share

john russo
14 hours ago
Liberal politicians have no testosterone
Reply 3 Share
Jerry G.
14 hours ago
They do, it’s just the female politicians that have it.

Reply 3 Share
Cat D
13 hours ago
You mean cerebellum. lol. Brain salad.
Reply 2 Share

James Kilbourne
13 hours ago
How much more will it take? When it effects our elected officials directly….
You get what you vote for!
Reply Share

Rayce Aryan
11 hours ago
our ancestors knew better than let kangs and women run things. this is the issue and nothing
until this is again acknowledged.
Reply 1 Share
10 hours ago
Ytdevvl will always be the liar he is
Reply Share

Frank Grail
4 hours ago
Mayor Adams should resign NOW. If there is a primary between Adams and Andrew Cuomo, I
stuff the ballot box for Cuomo.
Reply Share

Stourley Kracklite
3 hours ago
Reducing access to guns is not a perfect cure. But it is better than than the nothing people who
it will help are doing
Reply Share

Anna Beats
1 hour ago
Thanks to “the zero” in stopping stop and frisk, the city turned back to the horrendous
0s/80s. Today, it’s even more dangerous w/ bikes/motorcycles on sidewalks and animals
weapons in our transit system. Criminals know it’s worth it.
Reply Share

Jeff Nash
6 hours ago
The fundamental problem, the force lurking over and responsible for New York’s, New York
ity’s, the country’s, and much of the world’s chaos and catastrophe, is called Democrat.
is the existential threat to America and much of the world.

Reply 1 Share

Pee Jay
1 hour ago
Bravo well said piece. Lunatics rights must be more important than everyone
, else.
Reply 1 Share

Mike Oxlong
2 hours ago
They need to go after the REAL problem: The Second Amendment and the MAGAs. It's unreal
me that we still have both of these in 2024.
Reply Share
1 hour ago
Obviously in need of some care, eh? Soooo sure that guy was a Trumper and, of course, he
carrying that firearm lawfully.
Reply Share

Jim Nasium
32 minutes ago
Thanks for waking up and noticing the problem Bojangles. You’d better hope there’s a Daniel
enny in the car if you ever ride the subway.
Reply Share

David Thomson
5 hours ago
The severely mentally ill people living on the sreets----probably will live the rest of their lives in
psyciatric institution. This is the right thing to do!
Reply 1 Share

Buck Truth
2 hours ago
I’m a former NYPD Sergeant. The radical pro criminal Dems have intentionally handcuffed
olice and eliminated criminal consequences. That is exactly what has emboldened dangerous
and what is fueling this daily bloodshed and carnage.

Some people belong in prison or in insane asylums but the the Dems don’t care one bit about
safety. They have armed taxpayer funded security so it’s not their problem.
If NY wants safe streets and subways they have got to vote Republican.

Reply Share

John Rockford
3 hours ago
Adams talks out of the side of his mouth. it's disgusting looking.
Reply 2 Share

Heat Seeker
11 hours ago
Insanity is doing the same thing time and again and expecting different results.
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linux guy
3 hours ago
Doing nothing just doesn't appear to be a good option for the public.
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2 hours ago
Adams is a complete failure as a leader and as a Human Being...Where is Rudy when we need
Reply 1 Share

Jay z
12 hours ago
No white people where to blame nothing to see here
Reply 2 Share

5 hours ago
So the lesson we
learned children is that you need to carry because
all if someone threatens
our life with a hands they can do it...and if you try
knife or with their to stop them? you will be
and charged.
Reply Share

13 hours ago
Um, “progressiveness” isn’t really “progressive” with a logical, being.
Common sense ain’t so common….with the L
Reply Share

Michael Solomon
6 hours ago
The new York national guard must act like UN observers?
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Vox Populi
4 hours ago
Mayor Adams is not a critical thinker, he's a showman.
Reply Share
1hour ago
A bad one
Reply Share

billy g
5 hours ago
everybody needs to be armed in that city now
Reply 1 Share

2 hours ago
Violent men (we know who) are a protected class by NYC Democratic elites. You the victim has
prove you are a victim. Now you understand why Daniel Penny is being prosecuted.
Reply Share

7 hours ago
This is nothing, wait until the sleeper cells the democrats imported awaken.
Reply 1 Share

1 hour ago
ifyou never charge criminals anymore then of course "the crime rate is down"
another Democrat lie that hurts New Yorkers
Reply 1 Share

Slongare Dowfrui
5 hours ago
Chocolate Rama leadership is working just fine as whites flee. This is not fake news.
Reply 1 Share

27 minutes ago
Cool picture of the Mayor showing how long it is.

Reply Share

5 hours ago
Normal Or Mentally Ill..Do Something About It..Stop With All The Excuses
Reply 1 Share

M.I. Kinsella
14 minutes ago
Adams is a liar. He ran on a "law and order" platform and yet since he's been in office there has
een more crime and disorder than in decades of NYC history. The bad old days of the
are back, unfortunately.
Reply Share

1 hour ago
New York's simple fix vote GOP down the line including city council.
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John Johnson
12 hours ago
There you go. Proof you don’t need 2nd amendment rights in NYC. Just asks the perp to
his piece.
Reply Share

Spurlos Versenkt
11 hours ago
Adams is in over his head. anyone voted for WHY him is a mystery. They liked his history of
third-rate news conferences?
Reply Share

2 hours ago
ACLU will sue if the bill is passed
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Cat D
13 hours ago
How does he sleep at night. One eye open.
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11 minutes ago
This is the result of New Yorkers voting for Squad members and incompetent Gov's/Mayors
after year. Don't allow this to happen to our country in Nov.
Reply Share

31 minutes ago
NY voters view a candidate's "fecklessness" as positive thing, as long as it's a Dem.
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Clarence Spangle
6 hours ago
Description of the suspects?
Thought so.
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Jorge Trujillo
43 minutes ago
Was the meter-maid mayor able to keep a straight face when he made that comment?
Absolutely no self-awareness!
Reply Share

Space Cowboy
2 hours ago
Agree but let's dig deeper. What other attribute beyond mental illness do all the perps share?
Reply Share

Gary Hogan
33 minutes ago
In the 90s and aughts I used to come to NYC at least annually for visits, bringing a different kid
ach time. We’d ride the subway and walk anywhere in the daytime—Brooklyn, Queens,
the Bronx. And many areas as well at night. Always felt safe. No more. You couldn’t
me to visit this filt... See more
Reply Share

Mr. Henry
2 hours ago
the article points out that half the perps have mental health issues. can you guess what other
nteresting demographic fact about these same group of people share? here's a hint; they like
hip-hop and watermelon. and, of course, they love violence.
Reply Share

USN Steam Propulsion Plant Veteran

4 hours ago
Frank James shot up the subway car too
Feds blood packs theatre
He must have been paid well
No investigation journalism follow up
It’s a joke for Agenda
People actually believe this it amazes me
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2 hours ago
Fecklessness? No, it's incompetence.
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Bob Smith
3 hours ago
Apparently the shooter was upset about the migrant situation. Yikes
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Mauro Fiorentino
11 hours ago
Eric adams...who ize beez...??
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Thirsty Dracula
3 hours ago
Why is crime fighter Batman Adams still in office?
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4 hours ago
New York City is the "City of Crime" Where . is Batman when you need him.
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2 hours ago
Lets face the fact that animals rule.
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Frank Urban
2 hours ago
He’s showing the size of his rooster in that picture.
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5 hours ago
This guy is not ony a aracist but a clown. how does someone like this get to be a mayor?
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Entropy Joe
6 hours ago
Hold on, your comment is waiting for approval.
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2 hours ago
Disband the low level intelligence city councils!!!! They are nothing but lawn sign community
Then vote correctly!! MYC is a mess !! Hochul at state level is worse!!
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2 hours ago
Adams is a grifter. Sells everyone on the idea that he can lead...Totally inept. Just in the deal for
suits and custom made shirts
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The Junction
3 hours ago
I never used my white privileged card but this guy played the race card his whole NYPD career.
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Fred Stone Cold Pony

14 hours ago
Mayor Bojangles = EMPTY SUIT!!!
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Don Sanderson
14 hours ago
Who cares, they wanted it

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3 hours ago
Adams, an Obama clone.
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Hold on, your comment is waiting for approval

14 hours ago
Feckless. Great word
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3 hours ago
Worst mayor NYC has EVER had.
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36 minutes ago
If Daniel Penney was non white he WOULD NOT have been charged with a crime!!!
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The Junction
1 hour ago
Why is Daniel Penny the only one facing charges? Because he is White!
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4 hours ago
When you vote democrat it must come with a warning from the Surgeon General that it can kill

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Mauro Fiorentino
11 hours ago
Jo mamma..??
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Mark Mathew’s
15 hours ago
Write all the articles you want… sheep will vote Democrat over and over again!
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TONSQUAD undefined
2 hours ago
Bring back a mayor with a brain
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14 hours ago
You endorsed da Mayuh
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15 hours ago
Profil Profil PROFIL!!!
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