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Circulation Research VOL. 53 NO. 5

An Official Journal of the American Heart Atmooia/ion


Role of Endothelium in Responses of Vascular

Smooth Muscle
Robert F. Furchgott
From the Department of Pharmacology, State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center Brooklyn, New York

A FEW years ago, we discovered that the relaxation tacyclin (PGI2) (Moncada et al., 1977; Mclntyre et
by acetylcholine (ACh) of isolated preparations of al., 1978; Weksler et al., 1977). Also, it was already
arteries precontracted by addition of an exogenous known that endothelial cells cultured from human
stimulating agent (e.g., norepinephrine) is strictly umbilical veins could be stimulated to synthesize
dependent on the presence of endothelial cells PGI2 by thrombin, trypsin, and the ionophore
(Furchgott and Zawadzki, 1980a, 1980b; Furchgott A23187 (Weksler et al., 1978), and that PGI2 was a
et al., 1981; Furchgott, 1981). Our initial study was potent vasodilator of vascular beds and a relaxant
on the descending thoracic aorta of the rabbit of many isolated arteries (Moncada et al., 1978,
(henceforth referred to as rabbit aorta), but it was 1979; Needleman et al., 1978). In view of the exist-
soon found that the requirement for endothelial cells ing information about prostaglandins, the possibility
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for relaxation by ACh applied in the case of isolated was considered that PGI2 or some other prostaglan-
arteries from all mammalian species tested. Using din was the endothelium-derived relaxing factor
rabbit aorta, we demonstrated that this endothe- (EDRF) mediating the ACh-induced relaxation of
lium-dependent relaxation by ACh is initiated by an the isolated rabbit aorta. However, this possibility
action of this agent on a muscarinic receptor of the was soon ruled out when it was found that none of
endothelial cells. We also successfully demonstrated the prostaglandins tested (PGI2, PGE2, PGEU PGA2,
that the action of ACh on this receptor stimulates PGF2(t) had any relaxing effect on rabbit aorta (al-
the endothelial cells to release some factor (or fac- though some gave contractions), and that cycloox-
tors) which then acts on the smooth muscle cells of ygenase inhibitors (indomethacin and aspirin) did
the artery to cause them to relax (Furchgott and not inhibit the ACh-induced relaxation (Furchgott
Zawadzki, 1980b; Furchgott et al., 1981). and Zawadzki, 1980a, 1980b).
Since our first work on ACh, we and others have The present review will deal with the following
found additional agents that require the presence of topics: the characteristics of the relaxation of isolated
endothelial cells to produce all or part of their relax- arteries by ACh and the evidence for its mediation
ation of isolated preparations of arteries. Among by EDRF, agents and conditions that interfere with
these agents are the calcium ionophore A23187 (Za- the relaxation by ACh, the role of calcium in the
wadzki et al., 1980; Furchgott, 1981; Furchgott et release of EDRF, other agents that relax arteries in
al., 1983); ATP and ADP (De Mey and Vanhoutte, an endothelium-dependent manner, the role of en-
1980, 1981; Furchgott and Zawadzki, 1980c; Furch- dothelial cells in the relaxation of veins and periph-
gott, 1981); substance P (Zawadzki et al., 1981); eral resistance vessels, proposed roles for endothelial
bradykinin, in the case of canine and human arteries cells in facilitating contractions of blood vessels, and
(Cherry et al., 1981,1982; Chand and Altura, 1981b, speculation about the nature of EDRF and the mech-
Altura and Chand, 1981); histamine, in the case of anism by which it produces relaxation.
the rat aorta (Van de Voorde and Leusen, 1983); and
thrombin, in the case of canine arteries (De Mey and I. Characteristics of Relaxation of Arteries by
Vanhoutte, 1982; De Mey et al., 1982; Ku, 1982). ACh
Prior to our finding of the obligatory role of
endothelial cells for relaxation of arteries by ACh, A. Requirement for Endothelial Cells
others had shown that endothelial cells, either pre- Figure 1 is a typical record showing the effect of
sent on the intimal surface of blood vessels or in rubbing the intimal surface of a ring of rabbit aorta
culture, can produce prostaglandins, including pros- on response of the preparation to ACh. In the un-
558 Circulation Research/Vo/. 53, No. 5, November 1983
BEFORE RUBBING houtte, 1981, 1982; Singer and Peach, 1982; Lee,
1982). Our early work showed that the relaxations
by a wide variety of agents, including isoproterenol,
sodium nitrite, glyceryl trinitrate, azide, adenosine,
and AMP, are not influenced by removal of endo-
thelial cells (Furchgott and Zawadzki, 1980b). In
NE - 8 addition, relaxation of arteries by papaverine and
relaxation by prostaglandins such as PGI2 and PGE2
are not dependent on the presence of endothelial
cells (unpublished observations; Chand and Altura,
AFTER RUBBING 1981b; Lee, 1982; Cherry et al., 1982; De Mey et al.,
1982). Also, reversible relaxation of rabbit aorta
during irradiation with long wave ultraviolet light
(Furchgott et al., 1961) does not require the presence
of endothelial cells (Furchgott and Zawadzki,
-7.5 5MIN Very early, it was demonstrated that the endothe-
lial cell receptor on which ACh acts is of the mus-
FIGURE 1. Relaxation by ACh of a precontracted ring of rabbit thoracic carinic type (Furchgott and Zawadzki, 1980b; Furch-
aorta with endothelial cells present, and lack of relaxation by ACh of gott et al., 1981). This was shown in the case of the
the same ring after removal of these cells by rubbing of the intimal
surface. Rubbing was with a wooden applicator stick. After rubbing,
rabbit aorta by the high potency of atropine as a
ring was reequilibrated in muscle chamber for 30 minutes before
competitive blocking agent (apparent KB of 0.35 nM),
being retested. Rubbing did not reduce sensitiity to NE, and possibly as well as by the relative potencies of the muscarinic
may have increased it a little. Concentrations of drugs added to Krebs agonists (ACh > methacholine > carbachol). As was
soluion in muscle chamber are expressed as logarithms of cumulative to be expected, atropine also effectively blocked
molar concentrations. For details of procedures, see Furchgott and relaxation by ACh in arteries of all species tested
Zawadzki 0980b). (unpublished observations; De Mey and Vanhoutte,
1981; Chand and Altura, 1981b; Lee, 1982; Gordon
rubbed preparation, precontracted to a moderate and Martin, 1983). The contraction elicited by higher
level of tone, ACh produces graded relaxation at concentrations of ACh on rabbit aorta (see Fig. 1)
and some other arterial preparations is also the result
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low concentrations, followed by some contraction at

higher concentrations, but in the rubbed prepara- of an action on muscarinic receptors, but these re-
tion, ACh produces no relaxation. The loss of the ceptors mediating contraction are on the smooth
relaxing response to ACh in aortic preparations muscle cells (Furchgott and Zawadzki, 1980b;
(rings and helical and transverse strips) that had Furchgott et al., 1981; De Mey and Vanhoutte,
been either intentionally rubbed on the intimal sur- 1981). [It should be noted, also, that, in some arter-
face or unintentionally rubbed (as must have been ies, ACh at very high concentrations (>0.1 ITIM) will
the usual case during the preparation of helical strips cause transient contractions by stimulating nicotinic
in earlier studies) suggested to us that endothelial receptors in adrenergic nerve terminals, so that the
cells, which might well be removed by gentle rub- termials release norepinephrine which mediates
bing, are necessary for the production of relaxation contraction (Steinsland and Furchgott, 1975).]
by ACh (Furchgott and Zawadzki, 1980b). The strict Whether the muscarinic receptor on the endothelial
dependance of the relaxation on the endothelial cells cells is identical to that on the smooth muscle cells
was then established when both light microscopy, is not yet known. In a number of experiments with
employing an en face silver-staining method, and rabbit arteries, pilocarpine, which acts as a partial
scanning electron microscopy (Furchgott and Za- agonist on many muscarinic receptor-effector sys-
wadzki, 1980b; Furchgott et al., 1981) showed that tems, failed to produce relaxation, but acted as a
complete removal of endothelial cells from the inti- competitive antagonist against relaxation by ACh
mal surface of the rabbit aorta, either mechanically (Furchgott et al., 1981).
by rubbing or enzymatically by collagenase, resulted
in complete loss of the relaxing response to ACh. In B. Influence of the Degree of Contraction and Nature
carefully prepared rings of aorta that showed excel- of the Contracting Agent
lent relaxation to ACh (as in Fig. 1), there was In most experiments on rabbit aorta, NE has been
usually about 70-80% of the intimal surface still used to produce a tonic contraction on which ACh
covered by endothelium on histologjcal examination has then been tested for its relaxing activity (Furch-
at the end of an experiment. Histological evidence gott and Zawadzki, 1980b; Furchgott et al., 1981).
for the obligatory role of endothelial .cells in the Against moderate NE-induced tone (about 25-50%
ACh-induced relaxation has also been obtained in of maximal contraction with NE), ACh at 1 HM
our laboratory and other laboratories for selected usually is able to produce 90-100% relaxation. Half-
arteries from the dog and cat, as well as from the maximal relaxation usually occurs between 0.03 and
rabbit (unpublished observations; De Mey and Van- 0.1 MM ACh. In the face of maximal contraction
Furchgott/Role of Endothelium in Responses of Vascular Smooth Muscle 559
produced by NE (30 ^M), ACh can usually produce pairs of strips together in a so-called "sandwich'
about 30% relaxation. Moderate contractions of rab- mount (Furchgott and Zawadzki, 1980b; Furchgott
bit aorta produced by histamine, serotonin, angj- et al., 1981). In this procedure, a transverse strip
otensin II, or PGF2n have essentially the same sen- freed of endothelial cells was tested when mounted
sitivity to the relaxing effect of ACh as do those separately and also when mounted, intimal surface
produced by NE (Furchgott et al., 1981). against intimal surface, with a longitudinal strip of
In our studies on other isolated arteries from the the same width and length with endothelial cells
rabbit (celiac, superior mesenteric, ear, renal), the present ("sandwich mount'). Because the muscle
cat (thoracic and abdominal aorta, superior mesen- cells of the longitudinal strips were oriented at a
teric, renal, pulmonary, external iliac), and the dog right angle to the connection to the force transducer,
(femoral, superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, this strip could contribute only trivial changes in
celiac, renal, pulmonary, and circumflex and left tension on the transducer during its contraction.
anterior descending coronary), we have found their ACh, which failed to relax the contraction of the
sensitivities to the relaxing action of ACh to be about endothelium-free transverse strip mounted sepa-
the same or greater than that of the rabbit aorta. In rately, always gave good relaxation of the same strip
a limited number of human arteries (branches of when it was mounted in a sandwich with the en-
mesenteric arteries and an ovarian artery), sensitivity dothelium-containing longitudinal strip. Thus, the
to the relaxing action of ACh has been less than that endothelial cells of the latter strip in response to
in the arteries from laboratory animals (unpublished ACh must have released some factors) which, on
observations). Other investigators also have re- diffusion into the transverse strip, activated relaxa-
ported on the high sensitivity of certain isolated dog tion of the contracted muscle cells of the latter. With
arteries to ACh (De Mey and Vanhoutte, 1981; De this procedure, we have also demonstrated release
Mey et al., 1982; Chand and Altura, 1981b; Altura of an EDRF by the ionophore A23187 in the case of
and Chand, 1981). rabbit aortic strips. (It should be noted that we have
In rabbit aorta, moderate contractions produced also had occasional success in demonstrating release
by increasing K+ in the Krebs solution (to 18-24 mM) of EDRF in superfusion experiments in which ACh
are less sensitive to ACh than are equivalent con- is added to the superfusion fluid that first passes
tractions produced by NE, with the maximum relax- over the endothelium of an intact segment of aorta
ation by ACh of K+-contractions being only 10-50% and then over a suspended transverse strip free of
of that of NE contractions (Furchgott et al., 1981). endothelium. However, the results with superfusion
In a few experiments, we also found that even the procedures have been discouragingly inconsistent
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strong contractions of rabbit aorta produced by ba- up to this time.)

thing the preparation in a completely depolarizing Van de Voorde and Leusen (1983) have reported
'K2SO4-Krebs' solution (all NaCl and NaHCO3 of successful application of a modified sandwich
the regular solution replaced by K2SO4 and KHCO3) method in demonstrating release of EDRF in re-
could be relaxed about 20% by 1 MM ACh. De Mey sponse to both ACh and histamine in the case of
and co-workers (1980b, 1982), using rings of dog strips of rat aorta. Also, the sandwich method or
femoral artery, also found that the contractions pro- modifications of it have been applied successfully in
duced by elevated K+ were less sensitive to the our laboratory and in others to show release of EDRF
relaxing action of ACh than were contractions pro- in other arteries of rabbits and dogs. In modifications
duced by NE. Chand and Altura (1981b) compared developed independently by J. De Mey and by G.W.
the relaxations by ACh of spiral strips of canine Frank and }. Bevan (personal communications), a
intrapulmonary arteries contracted by 80 ITIM K+ and ring of artery without endothelium is mounted for
by NE, and reported that the relaxation in the face recording with either a strip of artery with endothe-
of the K+-induced tone was only 5% of that in the lium, or a smaller inverted ring with endothelium,
face of NE-induced tone ('95% inhibition'). How- inserted in its lumen.
ever, in five experiments on rings of these arteries Another modification of the sandwich method
in our laboratory, tested at equivalent levels of con- was developed in our laboratory to demonstrate
traction produced by 80 rriM K+ and by NE, ACh- release of EDRF in the case of the dog intrapulmon-
induced relaxation in the face of the K+-induced ary arteries, after Chand and Altura (1981b) had
tone ranged from 10 to 40% of that in the face of expressed doubts about the role of released EDRF
NE-induced tone. Thus, sensitivity to ACh of these in the relaxation of those arteries by ACh and by
dog arteries was similar to that of rabbit aorta when bradykinin. The original method is not suitable in
contracted with excess K+. the case of these arteries because their muscle cells
are not all arranged in an essentially circular pattern
C. Demonstration of Release of an Endothelium- (as in the rabbit aorta), and, therefore, longitudinally
Derived Relaxing Factor (EDRF) cut strips can also exert appreciable tension changes
Evidence that a relaxing factor (or factors) is pro- on the force transducer when contracted by NE. In
duced and released by endothelial cells when stim- order to keep the strip containing endothelial cells
ulated by ACh was first obtained with rabbit aortic (donor) from contracting in response to NE when it
strips, with a procedure involving the suspension of is mounted in a sandwich with the strip freed of
560 Circulation Research/Vo/. 53, No. 5, November 1983

endothelial cells (recipient), the donor strip is pre- muscle chamber during gassing with the mixture
treated separately with sufficient dibenamine to and adding of drugs. The same anoxic condition did
block irreversibly and completely the a-adrenergjc not interfere with relaxation by NaNO2, glyceryl
receptors of the smooth muscle. Using this proce- trinitrate, and isoproterenol. A reduction of O2 in
dure, we have demonstrated release of EDRF by the gassing mixture from 95% to about 5% decreased
both ACh and bradykinin in the case of dog intra- the relaxation response to ACh moderately in iso-
pulmonary arteries (Fig. 2). lated canine femoral arteries (De Mey and Van-
houtte, 1980), but did not significantly change it in
II. Agents and Conditions that Interfere with isolated canine intrapulmonary arteries (Chand and
the Endothelium-Dependent Relaxation of Altura, 1981b).
Arteries by ACh
B. 5,8,11,14-Ekosatetraynoic Acid (ETYA)
A. Anoxia
Prior to the discovery that relaxation of arteries As pointed out in the introduction, inhibition of
by ACh requires the presence of endothelial cells, cyclooxygenase does not interfere with the relaxing
De Mey and Vanhoutte (1978, 1980) had found that effect of ACh on rabbit aorta and other arteries.
anoxic conditions inhibited the relaxation by ACh However, we did find that ETYA, the triple-bond
of rings of canine femoral arteries. We showed that analog of arachidonic acid, which is recognized as a
a lack of oxygen also inhibited relaxation of rings of lipoxygenase inhibitor as well as a cyclooxygenase
rabbit thoracic aorta by ACh (Furchgott and Za- inhibitor (Flower, 1974), was an effective inhibitor
wadzki, 1980; Furchgott et al., 1981). To obtain of relaxation by ACh. When ETYA is added during
consistent complete inhibition, we had to use a the course of an ACh-induced relaxation of rabbit
specially prepared 95% N2-5% CO2 gas mixture (less aorta that has been precontracted with NE, it rapidly
than 0.001% O2 contamination) and an experimental (in less than 1 minute) antagonizes the relaxation
arrangement to minimize any leakage of air into the (i.e., it restores contraction) (Furchgott and Za-



(• E.C.)
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I t
NE-7.6 NE-6 -5



NE-6-5 ANG-8

BKN-8 -7
NE-6 -6


FIGURE 2. "Sandwich" experiment demonstrating that bradykinin (BKN) releases a nonprostaglandin relaxing factor from endothelial cells of
canine intrapulmonary artery. Transverse strips were 2.5 mm wide and about 12 mm long. Small plastic clips were used for attachments in
mounting the strips. Flurbiprofen (35 HM) was present in Krebs solution to prevent prostaglandin synthesis (1) Strip A, with endothelial cells
present, was relaxed by BKN, but strip B, with endothelial cells mechanically removed by rubbing of the intimal surface, was not relaxed but was
further contracted by BKN. (2) Strip A, after exposure to 10 I±M dibenamine for 30 minutes (to irreversibly block a-adrenergic receptors) and
washout, no longer was contracted by NE, even at very high concentrations. (3) Strip A and strip B were now mounted together in a 'sandwich'
arrangement, with their intimal surfaces apposed, in a single pair of clips, and then were reequilibrated for 30 min. Strip B in the sandwich, after
contraction by NE, was now relaxed when BKN was added. Since precontracted strip B alone was not relaxed by BKN, its relaxation in the
sandwich must have been evoked by relaxing factor released from the endothelial cells of strip A by BKN. (4) Final testing confirmed that strip B
alone still was not relaxed by BKN, and that strip A alone still was not contracted by NE. Contraction of strip A with angiotensin H (ANG)
allowed endothelium-dependent relaxation by BKN to be demonstrated once more.
Furchgott /Role of Endotheliiun in Responses of Vascular Smooth Muscle 561

wadzki, 1980b; Furchgott et al., 1981). The antago- well, 1976), can inhibit ACh-induced relaxation of
nism is concentration-dependent and is almost com- rabbit thoracic aorta, whether it is added prior to or
plete at 100 MM ETYA (Fig. 3). This agent does not after the addition of the ACh (Furchgott and Za-
antagonize relaxations of rabbit aorta produced by wadzi, 1980b; Furchgott et al., 1981; Singer and
isoproterenol, NaNO2, glyceryl trinitrate, adenosine, Peach, 1983b). The inhibition is essentially complete
or adenylic acid (AMP), and by itself it inhibits to at concentrations of 10-30 MM, and is readily re-
some extent contractions evoked by NE and other versed by washout. As in the case of ETYA, the
contracting agents. On the rabbit superior mesen- inhibition is selective, with quinacrine exhibiting no
teric artery, cat superior mesenteric artery, and a inhibition against relaxations produced by isoproter-
variety of dog arteries, the degree of acute antago- enol, NaNO2, glyceryl trinitrate, and AMP. It has
nism of ACh-induced relaxation by ETYA is gener- been reported that quinacrine (10 MM) partially in-
ally less than on the rabbit aorta (unpublished ob- hibits in a noncompetitive manner contractions elic-
servations; Cherry et al., 1981), possibly because of ited by methacholirie in rings of rabbit aorta devoid
a greater inhibitory effect of ETYA itself on contrac- of endothelium (Singer and Peach, 1983b). Quina-
tions in these vessels. Pre-addition of ETYA (100 crine has also been found effective in inhibiting the
MM) significantly inhibits ACh-induced relaxation in relaxing response to ACh in some isolated canine
the isolated dog femoral artery (De Mey et al., 1982) arteries, such as the LAD coronary, the superior
and rat thoracic aorta (Van de Voorde and Leusen, mesenteric (Furchgott et al., 1981; Cherry et al.,
1983). In the case of rabbit aorta, the antagonistic 1982), and the femoral (De Mey et al., 1982). On
action of ETYA is reversible on washout if the the other hand, in rat thoracic aorta, quinacrine does
exposure time to the ETYA is limited to a few not inhibit ACh-induced relaxation at 10 MM (Van
minutes. However, when aortic preparations are de Voorde and Leusen, 1983) and inhibits less than
exposed to 100 MM ETYA for 30-60 minutes, they 40% at 100 MM (Rapoport and Murad, 1983). On
completely and irreversibly lose the capacity to relax some vessels, quinacrine itself, particularly at con-
in response to ACh (Furchgott and Zawadzki, centrations approaching 100 MM, tends to cause con-
1980b; Furchgott et al., 1981). siderable inhibition of contractions by agents such
as NE (unpublished observations; Singer and Peach,
C. Quinacnne 1983b; Rapoport and Murad, 1983).
Quinacrine (mepacrine), which is known to be an
inhibitor of phospholipase A2 (Flower and Black- D. Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid (NDGA)
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NDGA, which has two catechol moieties in its

structure and is known to be both an antioxidant
and an inhibitor of lipoxygenases, has also been
found to be a very effective inhibitor of ACh-in-
duced relaxation in rabbit aorta (Furchgott et al.,
1982, 1983; Singer and Peach, 1983b) and dog renal
artery (Chand and Altura, 1981c). When it is added
I to aorta during the course of a relaxation by ACh, it
NE-7.5 ETYA-4
antagonizes the relaxation almost as rapidly as does
an addition of ETYA (Furchgott et al., 1983). NDGA
does not inhibit relaxations by endothelium-inde-
pendent relaxing agents. The inhibition by NDGA
of relaxation by ACh is largely reversed on washout
if exposure is limited to a few minutes. However, if
exposure is prolonged (e.g., 30 minutes at 100 MM),
NE-7.5 essentially complete, irreversible inhibition results
(Furchgott et al., 1982). On rabbit aortic rings pre-
contracted with NE or PGF2n, NDGA itself produces
some moderate relaxation of tone (usually transient).
Interestingly, this NDGA-induced relaxation itself
requires the presence of endothelial cells (Furchgott
et al., 1983). NDGA has also been found to rapidly
NE-7.5 antagonize (inhibit) relaxations by ACh in the rabbit
superior mesenteric artery and some dog arteries
FIGURE 3. Acute inhibition by ETYA of ACh-induced relaxation in
three matched rings from one rabbit aorta. The ETYA was added from
(unpublished observations), but these preparations
an ethanol stock solution (33 MM) in a volume of 10, 20, and 60 pi to are more sensitive to the relaxing effect of NDGA
the 20 ml of Krebs in each muscle chamber. Ethanol, alone, m these itself, and antagonism by NDGA to the relaxations
volumes had little or no effect. The fall in tone that began about 1-2 by ACh may therefore appear to be incomplete. In
minutes after addition of ETYA and before washout (W) is the result the case of the cat superior mesenteric artery, NDGA
of a marked (but reversible) depression of responsiveness to contractile itself has such a marked relaxing effect (largely but
agents that develops during exposure to ETYA not completely endothelium-dependent) that any
562 Circulation Research/Vo/. 53, No. 5, November 1983

antagonism by it of ACh-induced relaxations would and the reduction of temperature, are all interven-
be completely masked. tions that would inhibit Na+-K+-ATPase, De Mey
and Vanhoutte felt that their results suggested a role
E. Hydroquinone for this enzyme in the relaxation produced by ACh.
Fairly early in our work on the endothelium-
dependent relaxation of rabbit aorta by ACh, we III. Relaxation of Arteries by A23187 and the
tested a number of potential free-radical scavengers Role of Calcium in the Release of EDRF
as inhibitors, since one speculation at the time was The calcium ionophore A23187 was the next
that EDRF may be a free radical (Furchgott et al., agent after the muscarinic agonists to be found to
1981). Results with most of the agents tested were be dependent on endothelial cells for its relaxing
either negative or equivocal, but hydroquinone (100 effect on isolated rabbit aorta and other arteries
IIM), when added during the course of relaxation of (Zawadzki et al., 1980; Furchgott, 1981; Furchgott
rabbit aorta by ACh, antagonized the relaxation et al., 1983). This agent (added from ethanol solu-
about as rapidly as did ETYA (Furchgott et al., 1981; tions) is 10-30X more potent than ACh in producing
Furchgott, 1981). Over-exposure to hydroquinone relaxation of rabbit aorta (Fig. 4A). It is also more
(100 /XM for 10-20 minutes) completely and irrevers- powerful: against high levels of contraction, the
ibly eliminated relaxation by ACh (unpublished ob- maximal relaxation by A23187 (0.1 /XM) is always
servations). greater than that by ACh (1-3 /XM). Relaxation by
A23187, like that by ACh, is not inhibited by indo-
F. a-p-Dibromoacetophenone [p-Bromophenacyl methacin or flurbiprofen (cyclooxygenase inhibi-
Bromide (BPB)] tors). Also, the relaxation, like that by ACh, is re-
This alkylating agent, which has been shown versibly inhibited by anoxia; reversibly inhibited by
to be a potent irreversible inhibitor of phospho- ETYA, hydroquinone or NDGA on short exposure,
lipase A2 in cell-free systems (Roberts et al., 1977), and irreversibly inhibited by each on prolonged
is a potent inhibitor of the relaxing action of ACh exposure; and irreversibly inhibited by BPB. Release
on rabbit aorta. An exposure to as little as 3 HM for of an EDRF from endothelial cells of rabbit aorta by
20 minutes or 10 ^M for 5 minutes suffices to inhibit A23187 has also been demonstrated, using A23187
completely and irreversibly this relaxing action in place of ACh in the sandwich method (unpub-
(Furchgott et al., 1982, 1983). A number of other lished observations). Relaxation by A23187, unlike
arteries tested from the rabbit, dog, cat, and man all that by ACh, is not inhibited by quinacrine (Furch-
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have shown loss of the relaxing response to ACh gott and Zawadzki, 1980; Singer and Peach, 1983b).
after exposure to BPB. It should be noted, however, Despite this lack of inhibition, our other findings
that the complete inhibition of ACh-induced relax- provide strong evidence that A23187 and ACh stim-
ation in rings of rabbit aorta after exposure to BPB ulate release of the same EDRF. It has been postu-
is generally accompanied by loss of endothelial cells lated that quinacrine may interfere with relaxation
from the intimal surface, as judged by histological by ACh, not by directly inhibiting some enzyme,
examination at the end of experiments, using the en such as phospholipase A, but by interfering with
face silver-staining method (unpublished observa- alterations in ion fluxes or Ca++ coupling set off by
tions). The loss of these cells may be partial or an agonist acting on the muscarinic receptor of
complete, but complete loss of the relaxing response endothelial cells (Furchgott et al., 1981; Singer and
after exposure to BPB can occur even when the loss Peach, 1983b). Such a mode of action by quinacrine
of cells is partial. could account for its lack of effectiveness against
A2187-induced relaxation.
G. Extracellular Monovalent Cations; Temperature; On many other arteries from rabbit, dog, cat, and
Ouabain man on which we have tested A23187, it is always
As already noted, the relaxation of arteries by more powerful than ACh as a relaxing agent. When
ACh when they are precontracted by elevated extra- a high dose of A23187 (1 IIM) is added to a ring or
cellular K+ is significantly less than when they are strip of rabbit aorta for several minutes and then
precontracted by NE and other agents. De Mey and washed out, the relaxing action of the ionophore
Vanhoutte (1980b) also found in the case of dog (manifested as a marked reduction in sensitivity to
femoral artery precontracted with NE that the de- NE and other contracting agents) persists for long
gree of relaxation by ACh was markedly decreased periods after the washout. Whenever A23187 is
by replacing most of the Na + in the Krebs solution present at a concentration that produces maximal
with either Li+ or sucrose, and completely blocked relaxation, and tone is restored by additional NE,
after an hour of exposure of the artery to a K+-free ACh fails to produce any additional relaxation of
solution. Also, with this artery, they found that the artery (Fig. 4B). It is proposed that this interfer-
exposure to ouabain (2-10 IXM) for 15 minutes or ence by A23187 with relaxation by ACh is attribut-
reduction of temperature to 22°C markedly inhib- able to A23187 fully activating the mechanism for
ited ACh-induced relaxation. Since the reductions production and release of EDRF in the endothelial
in extracellular Na + or K+, the exposure to ouabain, cells, thus precluding any additional activation by
Furchgott/Role of Endothelium in Responses of Vascular Smooth Muscle 563


NE -7.5

NE -7.7 NE-7.7

post-A23187 133' po*t-A23187

NE-e NE - 8 -7.7 NE - 8 -7.7

FIGURE 4. Relaxing activity of A23187 on rabbit aorta. Panel A: demonstration that A23187, like ACh, requires endothelial cells to produce
relaxation, and that it is more potent than ACh. Panel B: failure of ACh to elicit relaxation in a preparation exposed to a maximally effective
concentration (1 ^M) of A23187. This concentation had produced complete relaxation of a moderate NE-induced contraction (not shown). The
failure of ACh to relax the NE-induced contraction 44 minutes after washout of A23187 indicates that the latter was still exerting essentially full
relaxing activity. The reduced sensitivity to NE also reflects continuing relaxing activity by A23187. Note partial recovery of response to ACh
133 minutes after washout of A13187.
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ACh (Furchgott et al., 1983). laxation was unexpected (since the ionophore
In part because of our findings with A23187, we should transport Ca++ directly across cell mem-
hypothesized that an increase of calcium ions in the branes without the involvement of activated chan-
region of some key Ca++-activated enzyme (perhaps nels), and Singer and Peach speculated that it may
a phospholipase) might be an early step in the reflect a direct interaction between the blockers and
sequence of reactions mediating the release of EDRF A23187.
by both ACh and A23187 (Furchgott et al., 1981).
A23187, acting as an ionophore, and ACh, opening IV. Other Agents that Produce Endothelium-
up a Ca++-channel coupled to muscarinic receptor Dependent Relaxations of Arteries
activation, both might facilitate Ca++ influx into the
region of the enzyme. A recent study by Singer and A. ATPandADP
Peach (1982) has provided convincing evidence for The finding that ATP and ADP exert most of their
a critical role or calcium. In their study they used relaxing effects on isolated preparations of arteries
A23187, methacholine (in place of ACh as the mus- indirectly through an action on endothelial cells was
carinic agonist), and phyenylephrine (as the con- independently made by De Mey and Vanhoutte
tracting agent) on rabbit aortic rings with endothe- (1980, 1981), using rings of dog femoral artery, and
lium. They found that eliminating Ca++ from the by my colleagues and me, using rings of rabbit aorta
incubation medium inhibited maximum methacho- (Furchgott and Zawadzki, 1980; Furchgott, 1981).
line-induced relaxations of approximately equiva- In both of these preparations, concentration-de-
lent phenylephrine-induced contractions by 67%, pendent relaxations by ATP or ADP (1-100 MM) are
and A23187-induced relaxations by 92%. They at- markedly reduced after removal of endothelial cells,
tributed the lesser degree of inhibition of the meth- whereas the relaxations by AMP or adenosine (10-
acholine-induced relaxations to the possible utiliza- 1000 HM) are the same before and after removal of
tion by methacholine of a 'pool of Ca++ inaccessible endothelial cells. Gordon and Martin (1983) have
to the ionophore.' They also found that the calcium made rather similar findings in the case of pig aorta,
channel blockers, verapamil and nifedipine, inhib- except that—in this artery—a major part of the
ited maximum methacholine-induced relaxation by relaxations by AMP and adenosine are also endo-
about 40-45%, and maximum A23187-induced re-
laxation by about the same extent. The finding that thelium-dependent. On the dog artery, 30 HM the-
the channel-blockers inhibited A23187-induced re- ophylline abolishes relaxations by 500 FIM adenosine
without significantly affecting relaxations by 10 /XM
564 Circulation Research/Vol. 53, No. 5, November 1983

ATP (De Mey and Vanhoutte, 1981). On the rabbit the other hand, ETYA and quinacrine have been
aorta theophylline does not inhibit relaxation by reported to have no inhibitory action against relax-
adenosine or AMP, but in the presence of 1-3 mM ations of the dog femoral artery by ATP (De Mey et
adenosine or AMP (added in order to activate fully al., 1982). The reason for this difference is not clear.
the purinergic receptors on the muscle cells mediat-
ing relaxation), ATP and ADP no longer produce B. Bradykinin on Canine, Porcine, and Human
any relaxation of preparations without endothelium, Arteries
but still produce good relaxation of those with en- In the first preliminary publication from our lab-
dothelium (Fig. 5). These findings indicate that, in oratory on the effects of bradykinin (BKN) on iso-
dog femoral artery and rabbit aorta, ATP and ADP lated arteries (Cherry et al., 1981), we reported that
relax untreated arterial preparations containing en- the relaxation of canine superior mesenteric and
dothelial cells by both a direct action on the muscle celiac arteries by this potent vasodilator at concen-
cell and a more powerful indirect action via the trations ranging from 1 to 1000 nM was strictly
endothelial cells, whereas AMP and adenosine relax dependent on the presence of endothelial cells, and
such preparations by a direct action on the muscle was not inhibited by indomethacin. In a preliminary
cells. It should be pointed out that the direct relaxing publication appearing simultaneously with ours,
action of ATP and ADP on the muscle cells may Chand and Altura (1981a) also reported the require-
actually be the result of an action of their metabolic ment for endothelial cells in the relaxation by BKN
products, AMP and/or adenosine. Pearson and Gor- of isolated canine pulmonary and renal arteries, but
don (1979) have shown that cultured smooth muscle stated that indomethacin inhibited relaxant re-
cells and endothelial cells from porcine aorta can sponses to BKN and that the threshold concentra-
readily degrade added ATP and ADP to AMP and tions of BKN were 10~15 to 10"16 M. However, in
adenosine. later publications (Chand and Altura, 1981b; Altura
In rabbit aorta, relaxations caused by ATP and and Chand, 1981), they revised their preliminary
ADP often are transient. Also in this preparation, statements by reporting that indomethacin does not
with or without endothelial cells, ATP at a high inhibit relaxation of these arteries by BKN and that
concentration (1 ITIM) often elicits a transient con- threshold concentrations averaged around 10~9 to
traction (Fig. 5). Endothelium-dependent relaxations 10"10 M.
by ATP are not inhibited by cyclooxygenase inhibi- In a more detailed report from my laboratory, we
tors in the rabbit aorta (Furchgott et al., 1983) or in noted that for each of a large variety of canine
Downloaded from by on February 13, 2024

the dog femoral artery (De Mey et al., 1982). ETYA arteries (coronary, celiac, superior mesenteric,
and quinacrine added during endothelium-depend- splenic, pulmonary, gastric, renal and femoral), re-
ent relaxations of rabbit aorta by ATP, antagonize laxation by BKN occurred at threshold concentra-
the relaxations, but not so completely as they antag- tions of 0.1-1 nM, was always lost after removal of
onize the relaxations by ACh (Furchgott, 1981). On endothelial cells, and was not inhibited by either of



NE-77 W



ATP -6 - 5 "4 -3

NE _7

FIGURE 5. Demonstration of endothelium-dependent relaxation by ATP. Paired rings of rabbit aorta, with and without endothelial cells, were
tested simultaneously. Initial testing showed greater sensitivity of the ring with endothelial cells to relaxation by ATP. AMP (3 mM) produced
marked relaxation of NE-induced contraction in both rings (not shown). After higher concentrations of NE were added to restore contraction in
the presence of the AMP, relaxation by ATP occurred only in the ring with endothelial cells. See text for further discussion.
Furchgott /Role of Endothelium in Responses of Vascular Smooth Muscle 565
two cyclooxygenase inhibitors tested, indomethacin duced by BKN is probably PGI2 (Aiken, personal
and flurbiprofen (Cherry et al, 1982). We drew the communication). Relaxation of isolated celiac and
conclusion that, in all canine arteries, BKN, like superior mesenteric arteries of the cat by BKN was
ACh, produces relaxation by stimulating release of also completely inhibited by the cyclooxygenase in-
a non-prostaglandin-relaxing factor from endothe- hibitors. In the absence of cyclooxygenase inhibi-
lial cells. In contrast to our finding of no interference tion, removal of the endothelial cells did not inter-
by indomethacin, Toda (1977) found that this agent fere with BKN-induced relaxation in the rabbit ar-
reduced to a smaller extent the sensitivity of isolated teries; and usually, but not always, did not interfere
canine coronary arteries to the relaxing action of in the cat arteries. Thus, it appears that other types
BKN. We found that treatment of canine arteries of cells in these arteries, in addition to endothelial
with inhibitors of cyclooxygenase almost always cells, are stimulated by BKN to release a relaxing
gave considerable potentiation of the contracting prostaglandin(s) (Cherry et al., 1982). It is of consid-
activity of the agents used to produce initial tone erable interest that BKN fails to relax isolated prep-
(usually NE or PGF2(,). The potentiation presumably arations of rabbit aorta (thoracic and abdominal)
occurs because the isolated arteries, prior to treat- and renal arteries. These arteries, unlike the rabbit
ment with the inhibitor, are synthesizing prostaglan- celiac and superior mesenteric arteries, also do not
dins with relaxing activity (e.g., PGI2 and PGE2) that relax in response to PGI2. Cat aorta and renal arter-
opposes the contracting activity of added NE or ies also fail to relax in response to BKN, but here
PGF2o (Cherry et al., 1982). Our studies do not the renal arteries do relax in response to PGI2 and
exclude the possibility that BKN stimulates the re- PGE2 (unpublished results).
lease of some prostaglandins (as well as EDRF) in We have tested BKN on rings of isolated human
canine arteries, but they do suggest that prostaglan- arteries (branches of mesenteric arteries and ovarian
dins make little or no contribution to the relaxing artery) in a few experiments (Cherry et al., 1982;
effect of BKN. Recently, Gordon and Martin (1983) Furchgott et al., 1983; unpublished observations). In
have reported that relaxation of the pig aorta by all cases, relaxation was dependent on the presence
BKN is also endothelium-dependent and prostaglan- of endothelial cells and was not reduced by inhibi-
din-independent. tion of cyclooxygenase" by indomethacin or flurbi-
In the absence of oxygen, BKN, like ACh, no profen. Thus, in human arteries, as in canine, relax-
longer relaxes canine arteries (renal and pulmonary, ation by BKN appears to be mediated by a non-
unpublished observations). Exposure of canine ar- prostaglandin EDRF.
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teries to BPB (10 HM for 5 minutes) irreversibly

eliminates the relaxation response to BKN, just as it C. Substance P
does that to ACh. Also, in these arteries (including Relaxation of isolated arteries from rabbits, dogs
intrapulmonary), the relaxing response to BKN, like and cats by substance P is strictly dependent on the
that to ACh, can be inhibited to some degree by presence of endothelial cells (Zawadzki et al., 1981;
quinacrine, ETYA, and NDGA, but not so com- Furchgott et al., 1983). This peptide is the most
pletely as is the relaxing response to ACh in rabbit potent endothelium-dependent relaxing agent stud-
aorta (Cherry et al., 1982; Furchgott et al., 1982, ied in our laboratory, with threshold concentrations
1983). Finally, in the presence of a concentration of ranging from about 30 pM in rabbit aorta to 1 pM in
A23187 (0.1 to 1 MM) sufficient to exert its maximal dog celiac and superior mesenteric arteries. Despite
relaxing activity, BKN, like ACh, fails to give de- its greater potency, substance P usually gives a
tectable relaxation in canine arteries. The similarity smaller maximal relaxation than does ACh on the
in the characteristics of the relaxation of canine rabbit aorta—perhaps because desensitization to
arteries by BKN and by ACh is strong evidence that substance P (fade of the relaxation) occurs during
BKN and ACh release the same non-prostaglandin the course of exposure. Desentization to substance
EDRF from the endothelial cells in these arteries. P occurs in all arteries on which it has been tested.
Before our studies on BKN, there was evidence Depending on the artery used, desensitization to a
that it relaxes rabbit arteries indirectly by stimulating maximally effective dose (about 100 to 1000X
the release of a prostaglandin. It had been shown threshold) is usually complete within 10 minutes.
that inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by indo- After full development of desensitizarion to sub-
methacin prevented BKN-induced relaxation of the stance P, there is no loss of sensitivity to the relaxing
isolated rabbit celiac artery (Aiken 1974) and BKN- actions of ACh, A23187, and BKN (the last in the
induced vasodilation of the perfused rabbit mesen- case of canine arteries). Thus, desensitizarion ap-
teric vasculature (Blumberg et al., 1977) and coro- pears to be at the level of the receptor for substance
nary vasculature (Needleman et al., 1975). We have P. Full sensitivity to substance P returns readily after
confirmed Aiken's findings on isolated preparations washout of a desensitizing dose. Tests with various
(rings) of rabbit celiac and superior mesenteric ar- agents (e.g., cyclooxygenase inhibitors, ETYA, quin-
teries, using either indomethacin or flurbiprofen as acrine, and A23187) indicate that relaxation by sub-
the cyclooxygenase inhibitor (Cherry et al., 1982). stance P has many of the same characteristics as
The prostaglandin mediating the relaxation pro- relaxation by ACh.
566 Circulation Research/Vo/. 53, No. 5, November 1983
Recently, we have found that kassanin, octa-cho- nary arteries by thrombin. Here too, relaxation was
lecystokinin (CCK-8), physalaemin, and eledoisin resistant to indomethacin and blocked by heparin.
also require endothelial cells to produce relaxations The relaxation response to each addition of throm-
of isolated rabbit and dog arteries, and that cycloox- bin was transient, giving way in time to a contractile
ygenase inhibitors do not interfere with their relax- response.
ing actions (Zawadzki et al., 1983; unpublished ob-
servations.). Moreover, it was shown that these pep- F. Arachidonic Acid
tides fail to produce relaxation in the presence of a The inhibition of ACh-induced relaxation of rab-
desensitizing dose of substance P—strongly sug- bit aorta by anoxia, quinacrine, and ETYA, but not
gesting that they cause relaxation by acting on the by indomethacin, led to our early speculation that
same set of receptors as substance P. EDRF may be a product of lipoxygenase oxidation
of arachidonic acid (or some other unsaturated fatty
D. Histamine on Rat Thoracic Aorta acid) liberated from phospholipids of the endothelial
In tests in our laboratory, we found no relaxation cells (Furchgott and Zawadzki, 1980; Furchgott et
by histamine of rings of rabbit aorta, but only con- al., 1981; see section VII). With this speculation in
traction, whether or not endothelial cells were pre- mind, Zawadzki, Cherry, and I carried out a number
sent. This contraction is inhibited by antagonists of of experiments testing arachidonic acid (AA) on
histaminergic Hi-receptors. Recently, however, Van rings or rabbit aorta. Usually, but not always, this
de Voorde and Leusen (1983) have reported that agent, at concentrations of 10-100 HM, produced
rings of rat thoracic aorta precontracted with NE moderate relaxation of NE-induced contractions that
exhibit dose-dependent relaxation to histamine (10- was dependent on endothelial cells and not only
100 ^M). According to them, this relaxation, like that was not inhibited, but, actually, was potentiated, by
produced by ACh (0.01-100 HM) in rat aorta, was indomethacin. Singer and Peach (1983a) have in-
dependent on the presence of endothelial cells, was dependently demonstrated the endothelium-de-
not blocked by indomethacin, and was diminished pendent relaxation of rings of rabbit aorta by AA,
significantly by hypoxia, ETYA, and hydroquinone. and its potentiation by indomethacin. They found
The relaxation by histamine was inhibited by me- that preincubation of rings with ETYA (50 fiu) or
pyramine but not by cimetidine, indicating that hist- NDGA (25 MM) for 15 minutes completely prevented
mine acts on an Hi-receptor of the endothelial cells relaxation by AA. On the other hand, we find that
of the rat aorta. Successful modified 'sandwich' neither ETYA nor NDGA added during relaxation
experiments demonstrating release of an EDRF from of rabbit aorta by AA acutely antagonizes the relax-
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rat aortic endothelial cells by histamine were also ation, as it does in the case of relaxations by ACh or
reported. A23187.
Recently, De Mey and co-workers have reported
E. Thrombin on Canine Arteries their findings on relaxation of rings of canine arteries
De Mey et al. (1982) have recently demonstrated by AA (De Mey et al, 1982; De Mey and Vanhoutte,
that bovine thrombin (0.1 to 10 U/ml) elicits a dose- 1982). Relaxation of splenic artery was completely
dependent relaxation of precontracted rings of dog lost after removal of the endothelium, and relaxa-
femoral artery; and that the relaxation, like that tions of pulmonary, saphenous, and femoral arteries
elicited by ACh, is lost when the rings have been were reduced markedly, especially at lower concen-
denuded of endothelial cells. With successive tests trations of AA (0.1-3 J*M). Thus, relaxation of these
over several hours the sensitivity of the preparation dog arteries by AA is largely endothelium-depend-
to thrombin decreased progressively, whereas sen- ent (De Mey and Vanhoutte, 1982). In the case of
sitivity to ACh did not. Thrombin-induced relaxa- the femoral artery with endothelium, it was found
tion was effectively inhibited by heparin. Thrombin that indomethacin (20 fiM for 60 minutes) and ETYA
had been previously shown to stimulate formation (100 (MM for a shorter time) both completely inhibited
and release of PGI2 in cultured endothelial cells relaxation by AA at concentrations up to 30 ^M (De
(Weksler et al., 1978; Hong et al., 1980), but the Mey et al., 1982). These workers also used thin-
possibility that relaxation by thrombin was mediated layer chromatography to analyze for products
by PGI2 was ruled out by the finding that inhibitors formed by isolated femoral arteries incubated with
of cyclooxygenase and prostacyclin synthetase failed [UC]AA. A major product in endothelium-contain-
to inhibit the relaxation (De Mey et al., 1982). These ing preparations was 6-keto-PGF]a, the prostaglan-
investigators also found that two agents that inhibit din to which PGI2 is spontaneously converted. This
relaxation by ACh, namely ETYA, and quinacrine product was almost completely eliminated by either
(see Section II), failed to inhibit relaxation by throm- removing the endothelium or by pretreating the
bin. In a more recent paper, De Mey and Vanhoutte preparations with indomethacin or ETYA. Another
(1982) have shown that other canine arteries product was a hydroxy derivative of AA that was
(splenic, pulmonary, saphenous) also exhibit an en- probably formed by a lipoxygenase pathway and
dothelium-dependent relaxation by thrombin. Also was much reduced in the absence of endothelium.
very recently, Ku (1982) has demonstrated endothe- De Mey and co-workers concluded from their results
lium-dependent relaxation of isolated canine coro- that relaxation of the dog femoral arteries by AA is
Furchgott /Role of Endothelium in Responses of Vascular Smooth Muscle 567
mediated by PGI2, mainly produced by the endo- dothelium-independent relaxation of the splenic
thelial cells from the added AA. In a very recent vein is puzzling. The absence of, or limited, relaxa-
paper (De Mey and Vanhoutte, 1983), these inves- tion in the case of the other veins might be partly
tigators report that the relaxation of the canine fem- explained by a masking of endothelium-dependent
oral artery by AA is not inhibited by anoxia, but is relaxation by a strong dired contracting effect of
actually potentiated to some extent. This is quite ACh on the venous muscle at higher concentrations
unexpected, for one would hardly expect PGI2 to be (De Mey and Vanhoutte, 1982). However, this is not
formed from AA in the absence of oxygen. a full explanation, for the canine femoral vein,
In my laboratory, we have also investigated the which gives only small endothelium-dependent re-
endothelium-dependent relaxation of isolated can- laxations with ACh and with BKN, also gives only
ine coronary and superior mesenteric arteries by AA. small endothelium-dependent relaxation with
The cydooxygenase inhibitors, indomethacin and A23187 (unpublished observations). The reason for
flurbiprofen, blocked relaxation produced by low the much smaller endothelium-dependent relaxa-
concentrations (0.1-1 HM), but not by high concen- tion of canine veins, as compared to arteries, by
trations (10-100 MM) of AA (Cherry et al., 1983). In ACh, BKN, and A23187, is not clear at present.
these dog arteries, after cydooxygenase inhibition, De Mey and Vanhoutte (1982) also investigated
as in rabbit aorta, ETYA and NDGA failed to acutely the effects of ATP, bovine thrombin, and arachi-
antagonize AA-induced relaxation. Moreoer, it has donic add (AA) on corresponding canine veins and
been found that other unsaturated fatty adds be- arteries (pulmonary, femoral, splenic, and saphen-
sides AA (e.g., cis-4,7,10,13,16,19-docosohexaenoic, ous) precontraded by NE. Unlike the arteries, which
oleic, elaidic, and ris-vaccenic) can produce relaxa- exhibited good to excellent endothelium-dependent
tions in these dog and rabbit arteries that are endo- relaxation to all of these agents, the veins exhibited
thelium-dependent and not blocked by cydooxy- either no relaxation or transient relaxation of small
genase inhibitors (Cherry et al., 1983). Since some degree. In the case of thrombin and AA, it appears
of these unsaturated fatty adds have been shown unlikely that an endothelium-dependent relaxation
by others to increase the fluidity of cell membranes was being masked by a contracting action of these
to which they have been added and to enhance the agents on the veins, for the increased levels of
rate of certain enzymatic reactions in membranes contraction (that is, above the level produced by the
(Orly and Schramm, 1975; Rimon et al., 1978), it pre-added NE) produced by these two agents was
has been proposed that endothelium-dependent re- not greater but actually smaller in veins that had
laxation by these unsaturated fatty adds may be the been denuded of their endothelial cells.
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result of an increase in fluidity of the endothelial

cell membrane that fadlitates reactions leading to B. Resistance Vessels
formation of a relaxing factor. The finding that
relaxation by these agents (including AA in the In our first paper on the endothelium-dependent
presence of a cydooxygenase inhibitor) is enhanced mechanism for relaxation of isolated arteries by
at lower temperatures (22° vs. 37°) is thought to be ACh, we proposed that this mechanism is also ap-
consistent with the concept that they ad by chang- plicable in the case of vasodilation of smaller resist-
ing membrane fluidity (Cherry et al., 1981). ance vessels (arterioles), and that it is one of two
prindpal mechanisms responsible for the very po-
tent vasodilating effect of ACh on these vessels in
V. Role of Endothelial Cells in the Relaxation of intad animals (Furchgott and Zawadzki, 1980b).
Veins and the Vasodilation of Resistance Vessels The other mechanisms to which we referred is that
in which ACh, acting on prejunctional muscarinic
A. Veins receptors of adrenergic nerves, inhibits the stimula-
In longitudinal strips of rabbit portal vein brought tion-evoked release of NE from these nerves, and
to moderate tone with NE, 100 nM ACh evoked a thus the vasoconstricting resulting from nerve stim-
little relaxation, while 1 HM and higher produced ulation. (For review, see Vanhoutte, 1977; Fozard,
contraction (Furchgott et al, 1981). Recently, De Mey 1979). It was emphasized that the endothelium-
and Vanhoutte (1982) reported their findings on dependent mechanism for vasodilation by ACh, un-
isolated rings of various canine veins precontrarted like the prejunctional inhibitory mechanism, would
with NE: in femoral and saphenous veins, ACh in be effective on resistance vessels whether or not the
the range of 30-300 nM produced relatively small vasoconstriction was the result of adrenergic nerve
endothelium-dependent relaxations (maximum of stimulation.
20-25% of the NE tone); in the pulmonary vein, In preliminary studies, we have obtained evidence
ACh produced no relaxation but only contraction, that is consistent with the proposal that ACh dilates
whether or not endothelial cells were present; and resistance vessels by acting on endothelial cells (Car-
in the splenic vein, ACh in the range of 10-100 nM valho and Furchgott, 1981). Our preparation was
produced moderate relaxations which appeared to the perfused isolated arterial vasculature of the rab-
be endothelium-independent. Thus, the veins, on bit mesentery, a modification (Blumberg et al., 1977)
the whole, gave much less relaxation in response to of the preparation originally introduced by Mc-
ACh than did the corresponding arteries. The en- Gregor (1965) for rat mesenteric vasculature. Oxy-
568 Circulation Research/Vo/. 53, No. 5, November 1983
genated Krebs-bicarbonate solution at 37°C was response of anoxia on NE-induced tone. They pro-
perfused into the superior mesenteric artery at a posed that the facilitation by endothelium of this
constant rate of flow. Vasodilation of the perfused anoxic potennation is likely caused by either the
preparation, preconstricted by continuous perfusion generation of a facilitating modulator or the inter-
of NE, was produced by additions of ACh (0.1-1 ruption of the production of an endogenous inhibi-
MM) or A23187 (0.01-0.1 MM) to the perfusion fluid, tory substance by anoxia.
and was still pronounced even when a cyclooxygen- In connection with the possibility of a role for
ase inhibitor (indomethacin, 28 MM, or flurbiprofen, endothelial cells in facilitating contraction, it may be
33 MM) was present. In two experiments, the vaso- recalled that Bevan and Duckies (1975) found that
dilator responses were measured before and after the placement of "norepinephrine beads' [glass
perfusion with collagenase at the concentration beads, 20-300 MM in diameter, with NE covalently
(0.2%) and for the period of time (15 minutes) that bound (Venter and Kaplan, 1974)] on the upward-
had successfully removed endothelial cells and elim- facing intimal surface of helical strips of rabbit aorta
inated ACh-induced relaxation in rabbit aortic rings produced contraction of the strips. With strips that
(Furchgott and Zawadzki, 1980b). The collagenase had been rubbed on their intimal surface with an
perfusion resulted in elimination of the vasodilator aluminum sulfate 'styptic* stick (in order to damage
response to ACh; and reduced, but never eliminated the intimal cells), the contraction obtained with
completely, the vasodilator response to A23187 beads was almost completely eliminated, whereas
(Carvalho and Furchgott, 1981). The duration of that obtained with NE in solution was still about
experiments of this type was limited because basal 50% of the pretreatment level. The results of their
resistance to flow tended to increase after collagen- experiments led Bevan and Duckies to propose that
ase treatment, probably because of edema forma- either NE attached to the beads, or NE released
tion. locally in high concentrations close to the bead
Another finding that supports the proposal that surfaces, acted on a-adrenergic receptors on the
vasodilatation of resistance vessels by ACh is en- intimal surface of the endothelial cells, creating a
dothelium-dependent comes from recent work of M. stimulus that was spread by some unknown mech-
Owen (personal communication). She found that anism from the endothelial cells to the subjacent
branches of rabbit ear artery as small as 150 fim smooth muscle, causing the latter to contract. This
o.d., mounted as rings in vitro, show endothelium- proposal is interesting, but recent findings raise
dependent relaxation by ACh, and are even more some doubts about it. First, we know that when
sensitive than the central ear artery. endothelial cells are carefully removed (mechani-
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cally or enzymatically) from strips (or rings) of rabbit

VI. Possible Facilitation of Contraction of Blood aorta, there is no loss of sensitivity of the prepara-
Vessels by Endothelial Cells tions to the contracting action of added NE (see Fig.
1), as would be expected if endothelial cells me-
De Mey and Vanhoutte (1982), in a recent study diated a stimulus for contraction. Second, it seems
on the behavior of isolated canine arteries and veins likely that most of the endothelial cells would have
(femoral, splenic, saphenous, pulmonary), con- been rubbed off inadvertently during the prepara-
cluded that endothelial cells under certain condi- tion of the helical strips (Furchgott and Zawadzki,
tions can facilitate the contraction of vascular 1980b; Furchgott, 1982). Third, it has been demon-
smooth muscle. This conclusion was based on the strated in rabbit aorta that the muscle cells of the
findings that mechanical removal of the endothe- media nearer the intima are considerably more sen-
lium: (1) reduced the maximal contractile response sitive to the contracting action of NE than are those
to NE in most of the blood vessels tested: (2) reduced nearer the adventitia (Pascaul and Bevan, 1980). In
in veins the increase in tension produced by throm- view of these recent findings, one must now con-
bin, and reduced or abolished the increase produced sider the possiblity that—in the experiments of Be-
by arachidonic acid; (3) reduced or reversed the van and Duckies—the cells on which NE from the
increase in tension caused by anoxia introduced beads acted were not the endothelial cells but,
during NE-induced contraction. The authors do not rather, the sensitive smooth muscle cells nearest the
speculate on how removal of endothelial cells re- intimal surface. Whether the obsgrved contractions
duced the maximal response to NE and reduced the were limited to these cells, or whether there was
increases in tension in veins evoked by thrombin or also a spread of a stimulus for contraction by some
arachidonic acid. It would be interesting to deter- unidentified mechanism from the outermost smooth
mine whether these increases in tension in the pres- muscle cells to cells deeper in the tunica media,
ence of endothelium are influenced by inhibition of cannot be decided at present.
cyclooxygenase. The endothelium-facilitated in-
crease in tension (potennation) evoked by the intro-
duction of anoxia on vessels during stimulant-in- VII. The Nature of EDRF Released by
duced tone has been studied further by De Mey and Acetylcholine and Other Agents
Vanhoutte (1983) in the case of the canine femoral EDRF has not yet been identified chemically. Our
artery. They find that inhibition of cyclooxygenase early work ruled out any prostaglandin, adenosine,
by indomethacin does not prevent the potentiating or AMP as the active factor (Furchgott and Za-
Furchgott /Role of Endothelium in Responses of Vascular Smooth Muscle 569
wadzki, 1980b). The inhibition of ACh-induced re- EDRF different from that released by ACh. It is also
laxation of rabbit aorta by anoxia, ETYA (an inhib- conceivable that both ACh, acting on its receptor,
itor of lipoxygenase), and quinacrine (an inhibitor and exogenous AA, interacting with the membrane
of release of arachidonic acid from certain phospha- of the endothelial cell, alter the cells so as to allow
tides) (see Section II, A-C) suggested that ACh, the activation of some common, ordinarily re-
acting on the muscarinic receptor of the endothelial strained reaction sequence which gives rise to an
cells, somehow activates a reaction sequence in EDRF that is not itself an oxidation product of an
which arachidonic (or some other unsaturated fatty unsaturated fatty acid. The recent finding that some
acid) is liberated from phosphatides and then oxi- unsaturated fatty acids other than AA also produce
dized by lipoxygenase in these cells to a product endothelium-dependent relaxation of dog and rabbit
which is the relaxing factor (Furchgott and Za- arteries (Cherry et al., 1983) has led to the proposal
wadzki, 1980b). We speculated that the factor might that a change in fluidity of the membrane of the
be a labile hydroperoxide or free radical intermediate endothelial cells may be a primary step in the acti-
product (Furchgott et al., 1981). Consistent with this vation of the reaction sequence leading to EDRF (see
early speculation were several later findings, Section IV-F).
namely, the inhibition of ACh-induced relaxation The EDRF released by A23187 and substance P
by hydroquinone (a potential free radical scavenger), in rabbit, canine, and feline arteries and by BKN in
by NDGA (a lipoxygenase inhibitor and antioxi- canine and human arteries is most likely the same
dant), and by BPB (an inhibitor of phospholipase substance (or substances) as the EDRF released by
A2) (see Section n, D-F). However, all of these ACh in these arteries. This conclusion is based on
findings are not sufficient evidence for a firm con- the common susceptibilities to inhibitor agents of
clusion that EDRF is an oxidation product formed the relaxation produced by each one of these agents
via a lipoxygenase pathway, since each of the agents and that produced by ACh in any given artery
noted above could be acting to inhibit ACh-induced (Furchgott et al, 1983) (see Sections III and IV, B
relaxation by some mechanism other than the one and C.) On the same basis, we concluded that EDRF
that is parenthetically cited. released by ATP and ADP in rabbit aorta is similar
One finding that appears to be inconsistent with to that released by ACh. However, De Mey et al.
our speculation about the nature of EDRF is that the (1982) concluded, that in the canine femoral artery,
lipoxygenase inhibitor BW755C does not inhibit relaxation by ATP is mediated by a different 'signal'
ACh-induced relaxation in rabbit aorta (Furchgott (EDRF?) than is relaxation by ACh, since relaxation
and Zawadzki, 1980b). However, the possibility ex- by ATP, unlike that by ACh, was not susceptible to
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ists that BW755C, although capable of inhibiting inhibition of ETYA and quinacrine. De Mey and co-
lipoxygenase activity in some cells (Higgs et al., workers also found no inhibition of ETYA or quin-
1978), is not an effective inhibitor of a specific acrine of the endothelium-dependent relaxation of
endothelial lipoxgenase involved in EDRF forma- the dog femoral artery by thrombin, and therefore
tion. The findings on the endothelium-dependent concluded that this agent, too, produces a different
relaxation of rabbit aorta by arachidonic acid (AA) 'signal* for relaxation than does ACh.
during cyclooxygenase inhibition (Section FV-F) are The goal of chemicaly identifying EDRF that is
both consistent and inconsistent with the specula- released by ACh from endothelial cells will probably
tion—for example, the finding by Singer and Peach be difficult to achieve. To my knowledge, no one
(1983a) that preincubation with NDGA or ETYA has yet been able to incubate endothelial cells (either
prevents AA-induced relaxation is consistent—al- attached to an arterial wall or in culture) with ACh
though it should be noted that they postulate that (or A23187) and then demonstrate the presence of
these two agents may be inhibiting the oxidation of EDRF in the incubation mixture by bioassay on
AA to an active product by cytochrome P450 rather endothelium-free preparations of arteries. It is likely
than by a lipoxygenase. On the other hand, our that EDRF is a very labile substance, and that special
finding that ETYA or NDGA added during the procedures will be required for producing, stabiliz-
course of an AA-induced relaxation does not acutely ing, and purifying it.
antagonize the relaxation (as in the case of relaxation
by ACh) is inconsistent with the speculation con- VIE. Speculation on the Mechanism by Which
cerning the nature of EDRF. One way to reconcile EDRF Activates Relaxation
this latter finding with the early speculation would Prior to our findings that suggested that EDRF
be to assume that both ETYA and NDGA acutely released by ACh may be a product of the oxidation
antagonize ACh-induced relaxation, not by inhibit- of arachidonic or some other unsaturated fatty acid,
ing lipoxygenase, but by inhibiting a step or steps other workers had reported that in certain smooth
between the muscarinic receptor stimulation and the muscles there was a positive relationship between
liberation of AA (or another unsaturated fatty acid) an increase in cGMP and relaxation (Katsuki and
from endogenous phosphatides. However, this as- Murad, 1977; Bohme et al., 1978; Schultz et al.,
sumption is contrary to the assumptions which led 1979; Murad et al., 1979), and that guanylate cyclase
to the proposal in the first place. The possibility was markedly stimulated by hydroperoxides of ar-
therefore exists that AA releases a nonprostaglandin achidonic acid (Hidaka and Asano, 1977; Goldberg
570 Circulation Research/Vo/. 53, No, 5, November 1983
et al., 1978) and by free radicals, particularly nitric EDRF released by ACh and A23187 in rabbit aorta
oxide and the hydroxyl radical. (For review, see is associated with an increase in cGMP (Furchgott
Murad et al., 1979.) Murad and his colleagues had and Jothianandan, 1983). Rings of rabbit aorta were
proposed that many potent vasodilators, such as mounted to allow both recording of tension and
nitroprusside, organic nitrates, azide, and inorganic rapid freezing in liquid N2 at any desired stage of
nitrite, activate guanylate cyclase indirectly via nitric contraction and relaxation. Basal values of cGMP
oxide which they release as a reaction product. These (no drugs) averaged 0.20 pmol/mg protein in intact
findings of others prompted us to speculate that (1) rings (endothelium present) and 0.06 in endothe-
EDRF is either a short-lived hydroperoxide or free lium-free rings. During contractions by NE (usually
radical arising as an intermediate product in the 0.1 piM) there were no significant changes in these
oxidation of liberated AA by the lipoxygenase path- levels. Relaxation of NE contractions by ACh (1 MM)
way, and (2) EDRF, after diffusing from the endo- in intact rings was accompanied by a mean 5-fold
thelial cells to the smooth muscle cells of the artery, increase in cGMP, whereas relaxation by A23187
stimulates the muscle guanylate cyclase, causing an (0.1 MM) was accompanied by a mean 7-fold in-
increase in cGMP which then somehow activates crease. These increases, though less than those
relaxation (Furchgott et al., 1981). This speculation found by Rapoport and Murad in rat aorta, were
assumes a causal relationship between increases in still highly significant (P < 0.001). On endothelium-
cGMP levels and relaxation in vascular smooth mus- free rings, ACh and A23187 produced neither relax-
cle. Evidence consistent with such a causal relation- ation of NE concentrations nor any change in cGMP.
ship in the case of relaxation of isolated bovine Nitroglycerin (0.44 MM), which relaxed endothelium-
coronary arteries by nitric oxide and nitric oxide- free rings as well as intact rings, produced marked
yielding vasodilators (nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, increases in cGMP in both types of rings. None of
inorganic nitrite) has recently been presented in the drugs tested produced any significant changes
several reports (e.g., Kukovetz et al., 1979; Ignarro in cAMP in either intact or endothelium-free rings
et al., 1981; Gruetter et al., 1981). However, admit- (mean control levels about 1.0 pmol/mg protein in
tedly, the case for a causal relationship has not yet both).
been proven, and there is as yet no generally ac- A role for hyperpolarization of membranes during
cepted hypothesis about a mechanism by which ACh-induced relaxation has been considered. Ven-
cGMP might produce relaxation. ter et al. (1975) found that ACh produced hyper-
Rapoport and Murad (1983) recently obtained polarization of the membranes of cultured endothe-
results in accord with our speculation that EDRF lial cells in an established line from rabbit aorta.
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stimulates an increase in vascular smooth muscle Also, Kuriyama and Suzuki (1978), in a study of
cGMP. They used spiral strips of rat thoracic aorta, membrane and contractile properties of segments
incubated in Krebs bicarbonate solution. Some strips and strips of rabbit superior mesenteric artery, found
were exposed to the contracting agent NE (0.1 MM) that ACh at low concentrations hyperpolarized the
alone, while others were exposed to NE plus either muscle cell membranes; but they concluded from
ACh (10 MM), histamine (100 MM), or A23187 (3 MM) their results that ACh-induced relaxation during
for varying times prior to freezing in liquid N2. These either K+-induced or NE-induced contraction (found
concentrations of ACh, histamine, and A23187 had in adult but not in young rabbits) was not caused
been found optimal for endothelium-dependent re- by hyperpolarization of the membranes. Their study
laxation of NE contractions. With NE alone, cGMP was carried out before the discovery of the obliga-
usually averaged about 0.8 pmol/mg protein in tory role of endothelial cells in the relaxation of
intact strips (endothelium present) and about 0.5 arteries by ACh. The possibility that the endothe-
pmol/mg protein in endothelium-free strips. ACh, lium-mediated relaxation of rabbit aorta by ACh
histamine, and A23187 all produced marked in- requires hyperpolarization of the smooth muscle
creases (20- to 40-fold) in cGMP in intact strips with cells was eliminated when we found that intact
peak levels being reached in 30 seconds, but pro- aortic rings which had contracted in a completely
duced no increases in endothelium-free strips. In depolarizing K2SO4-Krebs solution still relaxed in
contrast to these relaxants, nitroprusside (1 MM), response to ACh (Furchgott and Zawadzki, 1980b;
which does not depend on endothelium for its re- also see remarks in Section I-B). Admittedly, this
laxing effect, produced a mean peak increase in finding does not rule out the possibility that hyper-
cGMP of more than 60 pmol/mg protein in both polarization may make some contribution to the
endothelium-free and intact strips. Rapoport and endothelium-mediated relaxation in physiological
Murad (1983) believe that the increase in cGMP in solutions, but there is at present no evidence for
intact strips after ACh is in the muscle rather than this. On the other hand, there is strong evidence
the endothelium, since a 5-second rubbing to re- against the proposal of Chand and Altura (1981b)
move endothelium at the end of a 30-second expo- that the relaxation of dog pulmonary arteries of ACh
sure of intact strips to ACh still left elevated levels or bradykinin is due to hyperpolarization of the
of cGMP. ACh produced no significant changes in endothelial cell membrane, followed by a transfer
cAMP. of hyperpolarizing current through myoendothelial
Recently, we have also obtained evidence that junctions to the underlying vascular smooth muscle.
Furchgott/Role of Endothelium in Responses of Vascular Smooth Muscle 571
For example, in our 'sandwich experiments' (see response to one or more of these endogenous vaso-
Section I-C and Fig. 2), in which relaxation occurs dilators may well lead to compromise of blood flow
in the endothelium-free recipient strip of artery, in that bed. Already, there has been speculation
there can be no transfer of current because there are based on this concept. For example, Chand and
no myoendothelial junctions between the muscle Altura (1981b) speculated that damage to the en-
cells of that strip and the endothelial cells of the dothelial cells in the pulmonary vascular bed might
donor strip. allow endogenous ACh and BKN to now increase
rather than decrease resistance to flow, and thus
IX. Concluding Remarks contribute to the development of both pulmonary
The agents which by now have been shown to hypertension and shock lung. Also, Ku (1982), after
produce relaxation of certain isolated mammalian finding that the endothelium-dependent relaxation
arteries by stimulation of release of a nonprostaglan- but not the contraction elicited by thrombin in iso-
din relaxing factor (or signal) from the endothelial lated canine coronary arteries was largely lost in
cells include some of the most potent endogenous arteries that had been occluded in situ for 90 minutes
vasodilators found in mammals—namely, ACh, before reperfusion and removal, speculated that al-
bradykinin, ATP, and ADP, substance P, and his- tered responses to thrombin of coronary arteries
tamine (acting on an Hj-receptor). Not included are with endothelium damaged by acute ischemia may
adenosine, prostaglandins such as PGI2 and PGE2, play an important role in the pathogenesis of coro-
histamine (acting on an H2 receptor), and epineph- nary vasospasm.
rine and norepinephrine (acting on /3-adrenergic re- In addition, consideration should be given to the
ceptors), all of which are endogenous vasodilators possibility that certain drugs—already developed or
that appear to act directly on the vascular smooth yet to be developed—may produce vasodilation by
muscle. In ascribing the relaxing effect of any agent acting via endothelial cells. Indeed, Spokas et al.
to the stimulation of release of a nonprostaglandin (1983) have very recently reported that, in rabbit
endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF), it is aortic rings, the relaxant effect of the antithyperten-
important to specify the species and the arteries in sive drug hydralazine is dependent in part on the
which this mechanism was experimentally demon- presence of endothelium, whereas the effects of
strated. This precaution is important, since the same minoxidil, diazoxide and nitroprusside are not.
agent may produce relaxation by different mecha- Regardless of future developments on the phys-
nisms in different species (as in the case of bradyk- iological, pathological, and pharmacological signifi-
inin) or in different arteries of the same species (as cance of the release from endothelium of a non-
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in the case of histamine). Indeed, there is the pos- prostaglandin relaxing factor, EDRF, or—perhaps—
siblity that more than one mechanism may contrib- factors, since there is some evidence for a different
ute to relaxation in a single artery (e.g., see Section factor or signal in the case of thrombin and possibly
IV-A, on the endothelium-dependent and endothe- ATP, as compared to ACh, the chemical identifica-
lium-independent mechanism for relaxation by tion of the factor or factors remains a major research
ATP). Although we have attributed the relaxation goal. As pointed out in Section VII, newer findings
of the rabbit superior mesenteric artery by bradyki- have cast some doubt on the original hypothesis that
nin to an endothelium-independent release of pros- the EDRF released by ACh is an intermediary prod-
taglandin from the vessel wall (Section IV-B), we uct of lipoxygenase oxidation of AA or some other
have recently encountered one preparation of this unsaturated fatty acid. And, finally, directly related
artery that exhibited relaxation by bradykinin that to the goal of identifying EDRF is the other major
appeared to be mediated by both the prostaglandin goal of determining the mechanism by which it
mechanism and the endothelium-dependent non- activates relaxation of vascular smooth muscle.
prostaglandin mechanism. In the case of ACh and
substance P, in all arteries of all species so far tested,
the relaxation of drug-induced tone has appeared to / wish to acknowledge the important contributions of J.V. Za-
be solely the result of their stimulation of release of wadzki, P.D. Cherry, and D. Jothianandan to the research carried out
EDRF. in my laboratory.
The research was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant
It is still too early to evaluate the physiological HL21860.
significance of relaxation of blood vessels that is Address for reprints: Robert F. Furchgott, Department of Phar-
endothelium-dependent and not mediated by pros- macology, State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center,
taglandins. Before such an evaluation can be made, 450 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11203.
it must be ascertained whether this indirect mecha-
nism for relaxing vascular smooth muscle is involved References
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vascular smooth muscle relaxation in rabbit aorta. Hyperten- vasodilation • Endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) •
sion 4 (suppl II): 19-25 cGMP in relaxation of arteries • Relaxation of isolated blood
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