Os Ceo Spe Questions

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Question Bank-OSPE, OSCE

1-Written Response OSCE

2-OSCE(Observed station )

3- Written Response OSPE

4-OSPE(Observed station )

*To select one OSCE and one OSPE from above (One of these should be
observed station) 2 Marks each.

1- Question Bank for OSCE Objective Structured Clinical Examination


1. A 15-year-old boy has been bitten by a rabid dog. On examination, there is

a small wound on his right arm and right leg with bleeding.

a) ) Categorize this wound. ½ marks

b )What Post Exposure Prophylaxis measures will take including first aid . 1 Mark

c) What vaccination schedule you recommend for this patient? ½ marks

2. A four-year-old boy has loose stools more than 3 times a day associated with
vomiting for 4 days and urine flow is very limited . On examination, his
tongue is very dry and radial pulse is rapid and feeble and , skin pinch
retracts very slowly .

a) What is your diagnosis? ½ mark

c) What is the treatment? 11/2 mark

3. A mother has brought her 3-year-old son with following complaints of
breathing difficulty for one day, cough and fever 3 days. On examination, the
respiratory rate was 66 breaths/min. chest indrawing present, Cyanosis

a) What is your diagnosis? ½ mark

b) How do you manage this case? 1Mark

c) What are vaccines you recommend? ½ mark

4) 58-year-old male with no comorbidities presented with complaints of

headache for one week. On examination, his BP was 190/110

a)Which stage of hypertension does this patient belongs to? ½ mark

b)What is meant by the rule of halves? ½ mark

c)What is meant by tracking of blood pressure? ½ mark

d)Which level of prevention? ½ mark

5)Mr Viswa, 40-year-old businessman came to the emergency department with the history
of sudden onset of chest pain. He has no history of any comorbidities and did not have any
medical consultation in the last three years. His blood pressure was 192/108 mm of Hg. His
ECG showed ‘ST elevation’ on lead 2, 3 and aVf which is suggestive of inferior wall
Myocardial Infarction.

a)Which level of prevention has been failed in this patient? why? 1and ½ mark

c) Name the National programme related to CHD? ½ mark

6. A 60-year-old man came into the OP department with complaints of
persistent fever with night sweats and cough for more than 2 weeks. No
history of similar illness in the past.

a) What is your probable clinical diagnosis? ½ mark

b) Name two important investigations? ½ mark

c) What is the treatment? 1 mark

7. Sujatha, a 34-year-old woman came into the OP department with

complaints of high fever, intense headache, Myalgia, joint pain and
retroorbital pain. Fever is followed by a remission for a few hours.

a) What is your probable diagnosis? ½ mark

b) How do you manage this case ? 1 mark

C) What is the control measures? ½ mark

8) A 50-year-old man with no history of any co-morbidities came into the OP

department with complaints of frequent urination, increased thirst and
hunger. GRBS is found to be 284 mg/dl

a) WHO recommendations for the diagnostic criteria for the disease? 1 mark

b) What are the screening methods? 1/2 mark

C) Which level prevention has been failed in this patient? ½ mark

II-QUESTION BANK OF OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical

1-BMI -

a)Check height and weight of this person

If BMI is 24.1

b)Interpret BMI according to Asian Pacific classification


a)Counsel and advice this patient if his BMI is 28.6. This person does not have
any co. morbidity
-Mrs Radha 24 year old newly married has come to you for counselling
regarding Family Planning.
a)Counsel this patient regarding Family Planning
Mrs Radha 27-year-old P1L1 has come to you for counselling regarding
Family Planning.
a)Counsel this patient regarding Family Planning

a)Record the blood pressure of one side upper limb of this patient and categorize it
This patient is a known case of diabetes for 8 years and on T Metformin 1g BD .
All physical, peripheral neuropathy, vital and systemic examinations are Normal

Blood Investigation as follows

FBS-267 PPBS -302

1)Advice management plan for this patient.


Two years old Hamida was brought by the mother with complaints of child is “not
gaining weight and not eating enough”.Her weight is 9.5kg.

a) What is your diagnosis by using the growth chart provided to you (Choose the
appropriate growth chart and Mark using Pencil)
b) Advice her mother to improve the condition and prevent recurrence?


a Two years old Hamida was brought by the mother with complaints of the child is
“not eating enough”.Her weight is 9 kg. She was very anxious.

c) a) What is your diagnosis by using the growth chart provided to you (Choose
the appropriate growth chart and Mark using Pencil)
b) Give counselling to the Mother.
c) How will you diagnose PEM using WHO child growth standards?
III-Question Bank – OSPE Objective Structured Practical Examination
(Written Response )
1-An open dug well lined with cement concrete rings of 2-metre diameter, the
height of each ring is 1 meter .the depth of water in the well is 4 rings, the well
water is to be disinfected. Horrock's test shows a blue colour from the 3 rd cup
onwards. Calculate the amount of bleaching powder needed to disinfect the well? 2

2 -An outbreak of jaundice is reported in a Panchayat area of Kozhikode following

a flood. A sample of well water in the village which is used for drinking purpose
is sent to the public health lab for analysis. Compare the results with drinking
water standards and comment – 2 marks

*Select any of the four the particulars below (4*1/2 marks – 2 Marks

SN Particular Value
1 pH 6.0
2 Total hardness 560 mg/l
3 Chloride 310 mg/l
4 TDS 1800.0 mg/l
5 Coliform count 50 MPN/100 ml
6 E-coli present
7 Lead 0.05mg/litre
8 Flouride 1.5mg/litre

IV-Question Bank –OSPE Objective Structured Practical Examination



a)Demonstrate the appropriate disposal of the following

b)What is Biomedical Waste Management Rule 2016

c)Identify this symbol


a)Arrange the given food materials with serving size in the food pyramid

b)What black circle and inverted triangle represent in food pyramid?

3-Hand rub Technique

a) Demonstrate the steps WHO- HAND RUB steps using alcohol-based sanitiser

b) What is the recommended duration of the HAND RUB steps?

c) What are the preventive measures you will practice for prevention of nosocomial

infection in Hospital?

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