KNHS Quarter 3 Week 4 ONE

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Republic of the Philippines

Kabankalan National High School

Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

Lesson Plan in English

Grade 10
3rd Quarter Module 4

G10 – Resuma 1: 15 – 2: 15
G10 - SPA 2: 15 – 3: 15
G10 – Flores 4: 30 – 5: 30
G10 – Arroyo 5: 30 – 6: 30

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Explain the principle of formalist/structuralist approach;

b. Critique Literary selections using various approaches;

c. Show appreciation to the value of using various approaches on critiquing literature.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Critiquing a Literary Selection Based on Various Approaches

B. References: English Learner’s Material 10 book, Celebrating Diversity through World

Literature on pages 299-305.

C. Materials: Pictures, Visual Aids and Hand-outs

D. Value Focus: Critical thinking and Analytical skills

E. Subject Integration: English Literature

III. Procedure/Presentation

A. Preliminary Activities


Checking of Attendance

Republic of the Philippines
Kabankalan National High School
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

Direction: (Group Activity) The class will be divided into two groups. Each group will select a representative
who will going to write all the possible answers at the provided terminologies in the box about the movie film


Out from the activity, the key terms were already presented. Now take a look at the definitions. Match a
certain definition to its appropriate element.

>CHARACTER 1. Are the people, animals or entities that is the

subject of the story.
2. It is where and when the story took place. It
>SETTING includes the time, period, location and mood of
the surrounding.
>CONFLICT 3. The problem or the struggle that drives the plot
>TONE/MODE 4. The attitude or mood in the story. It can be
humorous, suspense or any other feeling that is
present in the story.
>PLOT 5. Stories of events that makes up the story. It
includes the introduction, rising action, climax,
>POINT OF VIEW falling action and the resolution.
6. The perspective from which the story is told.


These elements belong to the Structuralist/Formalist Approach of Critiquing.

FORMALIST/STRUCTURALIST APPROACH- a method of analyzing literature by examining the underlying
structures and patterns that contribute to the meaning and significance of a certain piece as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Kabankalan National High School
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

1. What is a Formalist/Structuralist Approach?

a method of analyzing literature by examining the underlying structures and patterns that contribute to the
meaning and significance of a certain piece as a whole.

2. What are the elements of Formalist/Structuralist Approach?


Activity 1

Out from the story of Keesh that was been discussed, Guide questions posted on the board resembles the elements of
Structuralist Approach.

Direction: Use the chart below to analyze the short story “The Story of Keesh.” Use the questions provided as your
guide. This will be done orally.

Title of the story: __________

Element Description
1. Character(s): who played the Main Character:
major roles in the story? Keesh
Other characters:
*Klosh-kwan *Ugh-Gluk *Ikeega
*Massuk *Bok *Bawn *Bim
2. Setting: Where and when did The story is set in a harsh and unforgiving Arctic landscape, where
Keesh's village is located. The environment is characterized by freezing
the story take place?
temperatures, icy terrain, and a constant struggle for survival.

3. Conflict: What was the main The main conflict in the story revolves around Keesh's desire to prove
himself as a capable and respected member of his community despite his
problem in the story?
young age and the skepticism of the village elders. Additionally, there is
an underlying conflict between tradition and innovation, as Keesh
challenges the established hunting methods of his people.
4. Plot: What happened in the Introduction: In the village of Keesh, located in the harsh Arctic
landscape, the young boy Keesh is determined to prove his worth as a
story? What was the story
hunter despite his age and the doubts of the village elders. Keesh's father,
about? a respected hunter, had died while hunting polar bears, and this adds to the
skepticism of the villagers about Keesh's abilities.

Rising Action: Keesh sets out to devise a plan to hunt the fearsome polar
bear, a task that has eluded even the most experienced hunters. He uses
his intelligence and resourcefulness to create clever traps that will capture
the bear without risking his own life. Despite facing challenges and
skepticism from the villagers, Keesh remains determined to succeed.
Republic of the Philippines
Kabankalan National High School
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

Climax: Keesh's plan comes to fruition when he successfully traps the

polar bear using his cleverly designed traps. He returns to the village
triumphantly, carrying the bear's carcass and earning the admiration and
respect of the villagers, including the skeptical elders.

Falling Action: The villagers are astonished by Keesh's bravery and

ingenuity, and they celebrate his success as a hunter. Keesh's actions
inspire hope and confidence in the younger members of the community,
who see him as a role model.

Resolution: Keesh's successful hunt establishes him as a respected and

valued member of the community, earning him the admiration of the
villagers and proving his worth as a skilled hunter.
5. Tone/Mood: What was the The tone of the story is one of determination, resilience, and triumph over
author’s attitude towards the adversity. Despite the harsh environment and the doubts of others, Keesh's
unwavering determination and cleverness ultimately lead to success.
subject? What kind of emotion
do you get after reading the

6. Point of view: who is telling The story is narrated from a third-person omniscient point of view,
or narrating the story? If the allowing the reader insight into Keesh's thoughts and actions as well as
the reactions of the other characters in the village. This perspective
character acting as narrator
provides a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and triumphs
(first person) or some telling experienced by Keesh as he strives to prove himself.
what was going on (Third

Activity 2

Direction: Divide the class into two groups and give each group a character from the story “The Story of Keesh.”

Guide Questions.
How did they face the conflicts through their words, actions and motives?

Based on your analysis of the two characters, who is more effective in responding to the people’s needs?

Group 1 Group 2
The Story
Republic of the Philippines
Kabankalan National High School
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

Motives Actions Motives Actions

Words Words

After each group are done answering the group activity, they are going to report it in front of the class.


DIRECTION: Read and select the correct answer from the box (1-6). Answer in a ¼ sheet of pad paper.

Characters Setting Point of view

Conflict Plot Tone/Mood

1. The perspective from which the story is told.

2. It is where and when the story took place. It includes the time, period, location and mood of the

3. Stories of events that makes up the story. It includes the introduction, rising action, climax, falling
action and the resolution.

4. The attitude or mood in the story. It can be humorous, suspense or any other feeling that is present in
the story.

5. Are the people, animals or entities that is the subject of the story.

6. The problem or the struggle that drives the plot forward.

7. What element does the underlined statement referring to? Keesh lived long ago on the rim of the
polar sea.

a. Setting b. Conflict c. Characters d. Mood/Tone

8. What is the perspective from which the story is told?

a. First Person b. Second Person c. Third Person d. None of these

9. Klosh-Kwan is the antagonist of the story. TRUE or FALSE?

10. Does the Story of Keesh has an animal character on it? TRUE or FALSE?
Republic of the Philippines
Kabankalan National High School
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental


In a ½ sheet of pad paper, write down what is a Moralist Approach.

Prepared by:

Name: School:
Joiane Marie B. Castillo Central Philippines State University – Main
Contact Number: 09109950961 Email Address:

Checked by: School:

Ma. Jeneath Repique Kabankalan National High School
Cooperating Teacher Remarks/Comments:
Republic of the Philippines
Kabankalan National High School
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

Communicative style refers to the manner in which individuals express themselves verbally and non-verbally to convey
messages effectively. It encompasses various elements such as tone, body language, choice of words, and cultural nuances,
depending on the context and the relationship between communicators.

Intimate Communicative Style

The intimate communicative style is defined as total absence of social interactions. This style is used by participants who know
each other well or share a very close relationship, such as between close friends, siblings, husband and wife, parents and children,
and boyfriend and girlfriend. The participants in this style do not need for clear articulation of words or additional explanations.
They may use words of endearment such as babe, love, dear, honey as a sign of intimacy.

Casual Communicative Style

The casual communicative style uses a language used between friends, peers, colleagues, or family. Most of the ambience with
this style is relaxed and very light. And so, the participants may use group language only members of the group can understand.
Jargon, slang, or the vernacular language are used. The tone is conversational and interruptions are very common. Also,
nicknames are used in addressing one another.

Consultative Communicative Style

•The consultative speech style happens in a two- way participation. It is used in semi-formal situations in which a speaker needs to
provide background information. The listener participates by giving feedback. Thus, both the speaker and the listener are active
participants. Take note that this style is often used in business or in other professional situations, such as conversations between a
doctor and a patient, or a teacher and a student.

In addition, short responses like I see and Ah may be used to signal that he or she is listening attentively or has understood what
was tackled. Titles such as Mr., Ms., Sir, Ma'am, Madam, or Dr. are likely to be used when using this communicative style. This
communicative style is the most operational among others

Formal Communicative Style

• The formal communicative style is also considered to be a straightforward speech.

• Used in speaking to medium to large groups.

• May also be used in single hearers, strangers, older persons, and while talking to people with ranks.

• Avoids using slang terminologies.

• This style is often used in the following situations where there is only one-way communication:
Republic of the Philippines
Kabankalan National High School
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

 Speeches School lessons

 Graduation ceremony A television newscast

 Giving announcements

Frozen Communicative Style

The frozen communicative style, also called the oratorical style, is the most formal style and is reserved for very formal situations
such as during weddings, other religious services or rituals, court proceedings, and other formal ceremonies. This style is used to
address or is given before an audience of absolute strangers. It uses prescribed and highly formal language. In this style,
statements are learned by heart. Examples are the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. It is typically prescribed by law,
or it is a ritual that involves certain fixed statements (verbatim) that are never changed.

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