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a SS = tule — diplomat Ca) — a ———}twkt,__ se 'y a= ae 2 ax __velathy (ws = | Rate of clare of angulay dtgplacomeyit ___W = da < -O1 | Rete of change of argolos, velovity- b= dw ti a { b= W,-Wi, | “tr -ti T vector form [ee di dt _ {] H ( Bisse L pepe | eto of 3 § + Right hand Sexew 9 ac T ule. Be a. ee fee Thi i = x Y¥ — > Radivs Angolan [wv =yu|——> magnitode | atl’ |x £1 awe axfal vecbby > fds alorg the axis. 2, Relatin Bl Tinga lacy. 00 angel velocity! is a Ls J | | | I 1 aR -lcm @, the Cirwlax motion Tin which Speed of _ paséticle _vemains —_ Gnstant _i8_called _Oniform rwlon mation _ eee 3) Tn vn -the magnétode of — velocity -alarays __ remains _Constutt “but _i1s_divection — chang a cat _ouery — Tnstant. therefore uniform _Cirwlan motion >is an Accelerated __mation- _ @ This acceleration is __callled __centupefal ion 0 (i cceferachon | = Ore Pam") [a= vw) 7 : In_vector foam a = | ly = Bw Tahert'al ace!" __I at =xa. 2 - i Oe Vv On oe 4 S a r | — ile. sf pee eo ie -4) se ‘ pean eh 4 geek ih z) | Cottbsttegal Roce ts. balanced — by a ___Maxm — Reaction of ual) ik N= fee a ae N= ea" —@ i cbaill hale Han 02 —euad “eal lnseight forte | Fictional fixe. 7 [| [ I I MW) << Fe feng! = Tq Sys fro Vs Ann k {> min _ualue of Le 7 Also ult, Ve yw = ie Vist, [Wain =. £9 nin. valoe of angulas Musy | well of death. ital pend Ss 24) 1S te Fe bob Ceanatled to_oloeg, 7 , flexible manatee 5. in extensible sti edt _ngid___ . Ssppoit is_cabled pendulum. a this pends» lum TTnhes in Sicha uty —sthat bab det citbes Ont cle cl race of aight Chywlax Cone. Then it is called 08 4 i prendulom 7) Consk Q_conit L i gf Maung J; in_a_hovi20nfal Art aie B_ the “Eaces acting _on the boh axe Tay aveinkt i vertical, Beta direction. [le Cenfrifigal "force in radially outward direction la Tension “(67 ) along the staing towands the Aix Support. @) the Tenxion (to) Can be yetolved into two (omo.n ia hovrontal romponnt Te Sina 6 2 ‘8 vertical corbonent? “cos. vertical Component Teroso_is balanced sookghit Ms | Toros = a —M. < oil fer =| ToSing = Fre Tosina = mrw* =a sgn ©. with. a oO. 2 Sino = pitrw? ee a | “sete gq oe - sine = xw? —~6) _ SO — Sing = + _ i a — ae 2s = Ising —H . - y PIL 4n@__in_oqn®: _ __- iB 4 cove SoS = Jb. ; Cos 9g ‘ Sere Se 3 9 = w : eee = _ 7a 0 We 1 Le cs W = oss ] eT 10 ; | err 7 Atont, tig pesto CO) of Centcal —pendolora is. given by gts Te 2L- 7 4 WwW aa corse Hose = ae i 1) Topmest position “A Prom fq 5 it . | mq + Ta = mv | Fer minimum possible Speed at pl_A Consider | __tondition + ie Tas | g= a Cn) nin = (Va) ritin = 2 —Y va > hg | lowermost position B! | from fq: mgt Vi ann Gece) By = of ANOVA. 7 7v-En = TEs Kia + PEa = KIp+ Pt. vb 4 mag(?x) = + mvs +0 4s (RAY? + aman, = mus” pe GAP aren am i uu —y mar + 2Qqmy an me (ain = iq —@._ Kh ss \fSan a a No Slack ms + 0 = at an gn @) in qn @. oy 4 msg =e si a [Te 6rq | —O 2) Midlemat__ postion cf D ) Te = To Te =~ mvc -—@. By Corsewntian OF energy + T Ep = TE k Eat P Ee= RE TREC + mvt tig x a Dilferorce of “Tarrions ) Te -TA = 2g YTe- Ta = amg 3) TB- Ta = Grnq. 4) Te -Te = Beg. 5) TT. = Bey. ssing__ouler acdge ~ H Conkirg of sad t- The prcensof Sarg oad. J ture” road 15 cabled as ae on Banke, O) Consider a uchicle of mam au - of bork é of rods conafore Ser 70rd —_Onf) 1 ash” hot zonded — 3 CV Concfdering the vehitle “tp theo. porrd - a = todion “and _ other _ron= (onseruattive + “Pres, Thee OH Ay Aheyo ase bo _Ayres__acting, on_Avelu (> vsigh eng, vochically dovwoxd direction. PY Novtwod — -yeaction. perpeniticn lore to the__Svrface of fe 4 aad ie CG) Mot sate Speed 9) aa ut _ sh ] vertical Component of Woimalvenction balance force. Nise = my —=O igi Horizontal Component of Norrl_nencfion, —bolancas a ae | @ Or | Déing. = og “Nese li, sing mt Bu Ey pe £nerg4 Sa croetouy body - Rigid bedy isa body who's dimers fordh, Sire oe Fae ches “tt change onder applicafion of any lange : “ance f 179 A “(onsider 0 id of mays (M) roiett worth Carats | arqulon— sc Ww fe an _axés fee, 1g tsoogh port Wo: 0." perpendicu lax tothe _ plane _¢ rigid body oe of rie romber of pasctich _my Stated at a, sik feo the | of_masseg “M1, M24 Ms 4+ ypendiculax__distance_of_ a, 124 Ty. as yokition _ rotates ~ all “thise. paxticles - perfor UCM ) he body ut Sane — angler eo c2. bot _Hredifferent linear |Speeds Vay Vays 229 Ve. total vas sang tye ‘ip_the Sum of fndivi dal ' -bansabona k-E. oe Tofer= be aie ‘kEe to KEW : =m Put + bmn st eh mare wry. 4 1 mu Kes eof + mnt _t tg Ye* + nate) ts || KE tvatattonal_- | kE yet = [Ee ony? “fe we Be a F. SP Sercare. > Trorslational oe. eee se is $ ] centnwe spi: —— 3 the tem a: nv = — — a tion 75 ata, | Enver] in _20tafionat rma 9084 i i on. HS. NbA 0 in__tanslational motion.” S provi, mass (11) in Dae he Zz, min?) pail, Vit | gotational — inertia and__it —is— known +08 omer of Inertia. - a tio. in whal factors iH dea (Moment of Tnevtio (2) of a rotating _bedy about 7 vis of rotntion 1 defined 08 the Som oF predag ross. of each _pastticle arid. tt Sqvaxe_of i i peopendicalar __ dtstance_fsom- the axts_af soiztion. © mathematically — fox dacrete body | eae vex f And for _Confinvoos body INQ, wtot 1s moment __of ine _ T= | stam is oO) ST_onit of moment of Inextia | kg -m? 1 dey c.6s_ onit | geri ae @_ Dimension of moment of i nevtion is ee et © mr of on object pends opon : “16 fndividval masses —Tt ° ’ ~—lgy Pistibution of these mass ——— 5 Oe sotation. es -aboutt given oxis $6 cation - and oventition. of axis. of solation ag) Forqpe— ono rotating body ————, | “All Consider & —™ id body of mass Cra) rotating with 4 accnler ation (©) about dn oxts Constart arg ulax c : __poitth 0 perpendicolan to plane e passing though ! © | of _paper._—_— pital thei id. ~ pody_ consists of 1 rwmber of los OF rrames—_ 1, M% May Mn. a ot a er perticu lor distance of v1 2,7: Tee» Iw respectively — EA GLAS. the body —votates fs te atten lth fromthe axis of note on . alt. these particles “Berfes 23 bs different, l?newx Sp i [acceleration . O15 Arp Aa-=~ pA aye me Are. & a3 = Ih i ay = Yok on each pose foxes ach @ fz mes mit A i Px = Mita = M2: ~ i fo 2 msa3 = M3 Yoh ; ty = Maan = Mata & @ wwe know sel tp rqpe—- acting — ee a boty is = given EREIBY. a | = WE eg as Se T= -vFSine TRO =4o"_ 151090 =p “oe © wx acting __¢ bh podtee fs at qwe a -on_each particle fs given b | ma ftom ame mee ~d rf t— om = =o =EEAMUnLK = myn i =%fs =BMatrn = Ma VF aL i TA = tel ae Tae =mara i a “ptal__torqee of 2 rotating is the Sum of OL Nini” topo of each F santtoh. e Sum of tT : + Dntn & aa - Z Ph tb 4 . Te myria + Mavs a+ Mo oak + : 4 Aran S.% | —f_celn Cm 1% + Meta" + mavo =a Aoqalon— seqolan momento oF sotateg “body. body of mass “(m) aa ith SO eile “tq id — fl “ally (eo) about an __axts_ passing _to_ plane of paper: ca h_—polict _?p = cee me id _Gnsists — * nwmber of particle “aut” 7 Mn. or uded. ot Ae edthiely of masges_ Thyme y Mayo | tulan d's tance of_7 oa “Tay Ty Wu 9ep | hom the axis rae rotation, @.As_the— e alte — alt. __these- _ pasticles_ pears (UC. Constant angulax velocity with ee nen Samad Vp ay Ye oe Vp wi | V3 =YIW | i" vine nw 2 | g Urea momento — of. “each ple t Lo Pre MY = mIVIW } Py 2 mV2 = M2%2W i { Pa = mavs = Mp3 bd. fy = Mn Viv = my Fwd 6 we ies ee _mo sts t a 1s given 2 ike mentor (L) Of 0 Actas Te = Fe x gp - Mognitde Le7pSinn Tf 6= 90° 5 Stage’ = 4 @. goer momentam on each paxtite is qfuen 6 gb 2 NA = MMMW = MIP vw = j a 2 yh = 72M %2w = M292? wW gaPo. = 12 (PIN3%W) = Ms'V3' WwW Yw Pu = aw Gay ww) = MIA» @ “total Argular faerie of a rdlating body fs the som of tndividual argulax mo merctum= L244 Aled od kn: em rw qm ew 4+ mre wt - _< -_ 4 mp mays + eet ry Ve? + mp ae O i} \ wala. ima momentur, « ate tant a a prguat — MOvien, i a a “ay fomersid 07 Ye, | Restart aohen external forqwe ack t iH oY ail Proof 2 -@ The. ylor pando ofa a | bel 7s given aa ooh | Where ie position _vecloY: Be liner rmomertorn vector. | : _O_DiRE “wrt ton path sites. ee ve a = ae a (ae "lie Pee vector. ty KE torpwe acts reon a b ody No exterral, =O, . -dt 0 a a of a otafing body 7s vier __momertforn remains Cons taril - O7_ a alan ered 0” aaa [LT ec _ Th sii “Splat orton disc a 2 inl ths “Ty Radius R _eoleé—rrichnm—dise— totbdirg about its oer axis jtehich, is the ___line__pperpendicu lax wa plaae A and | pasding cthaough the Ceritxe. 2 ae know? aha : : Ten (779M at noe aso kno? e jue by = Sorfire _seniig i a 3. gale _ fut oan 1@. in ge se [ | te= fiona fa = 3K Ze ae Parallel avis theatem ?- —_____— Se hha stst — moment oF Inertia (Ze) of on cf about any _axé eis owal 6 Sum __of fk * moment cf frertia (ie) about an ans parallel +0 +,, Geen axis and passing through. centre of on ard product of mass _of (the object and Sqvaye a papendiuke distance between tuo parallel axts. TREY EID crsiet a obj of mor wklbg abst sasidey, _o._obje oF mals TM relating about axis pays, NYO naie Q) (onsidey a obi mM rotating about aris Pay | hxough poird 0 and pe xperdlicwlax to plone ay @) Let p-€ ACB be anothes axis possing ‘Tho bt | of mos Cand pasate! cto given axis. Ov: Q) tet the distance het? axis “XOY and arts AG be | he a lef ide « momal of inerta | 5 — moment. of Inertia of body abo ¢ S of body abou port 6. fost an elemental mats Situated at pole of grape Li “A; we know the 6 af “Sam —Py oy Sha gor theorem Opts ON?4 ra s (or = (oeacn)+ pn |. Ofte 2 oct 1atoc Yew) 1 cu® Lp t » opt = bry 2nCew) 1Cn 4PN> —G)- ee le ~~ thagoan he : ; es oe — 8 orb eovem, i a fie nea, iO th as Mes sl | | opts pt + rnCeN)+ Ce —8) — ; , fut_opn To om Qe — = Los {the sone + cP4) dm. _ i" Jo=[ntams Pancwaen_ + fern. cae Tozh* (sm 12h fewdon + Ie fen. Here fiend 20 ( 6y_defaition] Tes Wnt te alias ; [a S Stet tthe | Heng eae J Le H r i ae 1 Respendicerlar cx’, {heovem 8 ay etc that 9“The moment of inertia €7,), _ laminax object aboot an ants @) perpendicola, ra ~phre is the Som of its moments of netic | dbout ‘two mutual rpendiculos axes (K an Ny Hs. plane , alt dhe “twee axes being OND ep) Zz m | [ de =Ix +1y ene Tx -f yton —O “ Ty -[rtan —@ ip PL aehigton Te - {xtam —@ In Somp 2a fe cnt Pol aa + Te- fea en” zn @. (= Pitan [gram ce po ‘Radios of Gyration(i) 3~ Radios of gyration of i _about- She eects “of —retation at dekinal a f | the a a ce fo a point — which €eetd wool - tt -ef rromertt of _ ineviia ax that | of body's. acoal distaibution of mass, if the Leta — mag _ of _ the ae where _Conceritrale) there. ap other words, tt Is “the radial distance of sabe pool of rns fromthe —_axts of ratition_such_thet rt el has Same. Se erke as_ thot _of - eu Oe ett ofa dm sensu TET EEE EE 7 G. Se wil Se Dimension fe cio Ras. of Gatton | ndet — Ring oF Hollow eycll : own "J — ORAS Osolid ois 9 Solid deiner @ Solid _ sphere - ne ‘6 Hollow sper. ph te st et a 6 Thin fed re some _ stondud Sept = je. Bs, af Thin — Kia . ~ Ay, ied iuneer nn ASSEN EBT 38 an_ ants poring though “ceritre __h!. 40 the plane, —— —| | Ge eT Elen me} al a @ an axis ears * the eg. FE to the 4 thao ugh cerifre ard in -the ra —f =a 2 3 | = Id +™R — ts Sol id sphere wa cerdie [diaméler. apse 2. 9-O- ‘an _axis spa theugh | Sam a byte td. the ing Tre= Ict Pre _ te = ampere + tare See Ss =J\ carte /diarneley a: Holfow Sphere - D @ an onls passing theo ogh ee) ; - = re ahs regent “oat _ es Te + nat Se — ec + mre a os Rod —- | i) @ on td a py corre f A te = {— ~~ ~ — 96 | — aus. pouty: trvvogh | T= gh hore of ik Ty. a = Tr +7. ay Ris yn | BS aa [ae = - an a sh — Bile ste - Hy Qanrmis Ss cere 1 to ib net “Frarsiotionsl + Rotatvonal _—_ynoffon motion. __ ngs Eni “Eetatone 3s. +. L Tu* - eee 7 fo us ~vee mKef ye " ® z z R et pti mk ve . a a lergih, y acl" of & ling body Foun -p | | | ak Uineae oy t fnctine plane | t (| TEa = Tee : Kin +P leak fat pile | ot tagh = y tsoli i x = ee = hollow Story,

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