Activity 4 - Reading in Present Simple

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1. Read the text and conjugate the verbs in brackets according to the subject of the
sentence in present simple. Don’t forget that sometimes verbs need “s – es - ies”
and when you see the negative particle “not”, you have to conjugate the verb in
a negative form.

Mathew _________ (have) a very hectic life. First, he has three jobs. In the morning he
________ (work) as a teacher in a school, in the afternoon as a taxi driver and at night as
a singer. Mathew _________ (wake up) at 4 am, he _______ (take) a shower, ________
(get) dressed and _______ (go) to school. He ________ (not have) time for breakfast at
home so he _______ (have) breakfast at school. Mathew ________ (teach) 5th grade. He
_______ (enjoy) working with children and kids ________ (love) him, they _______ (think)
that he ______ (be) the best teacher of all, they ________ (not want) that his classes

At 12:30 Mathew always ________ (have) lunch with his coworkers. Sophia and Elisa
________ (be) his best friends, he ________ (consider) them good partners, since, they
________ (help) him with work stuff when it _______ (be) necessary. Also, they
sometimes ________ (visit) his wife and _______ (buy) the groceries for her in the
supermarket. After school, he _________ (not go) home, instead he _______ (pick up) his
father’s taxi and _______ (begin) working as a taxi driver. He _______ (be) a good driver
and _______ (like) talking to passengers about politics and sports. Sometimes, their
parents _______ (worry) because they _______ (see) the busy and stressful life that
Mathew _______ (carry out); they ________ (not agree) on his life style, they _______
(try) to convince him to keep only one job.

Mathew ________ (belong) to a rock band with his friends Mike and Jack; at night the
band ________ (play) some music at a local bar. They ________ (not give) big concerts,
they ________ (not be) famous, they _______ (be) only a local band. After Mathew
_______ (sing) for two hours, he ________ (not stay) longer, he just ________ (share)
some jokes and a beer with them before going back home; Jack and Mike ________ (not
have) family so, they _______ (stay) more time at the bar, they ________ (listen) to the
other bands and _______ (drink) some shots of vodka.

Mathew’s wife _______ (be) pregnant, so she ________ (wait) for him to have dinner
together, she _________ (not like) to eat alone, when Mathew ________ (arrive) home,
they ________ (talk) about their daily activities and ________ (watch) TV. Moreover, they
_________ (contemplate) the idea that Mathew _______ (quit) to two of his jobs soon; she
________ (want) that he _______ (spend) more time at home with her and the future

GFPI-F-019 V
2. Use the auxiliary “DO - DOES” or the verb “to be” “AM- IS – ARE” to complete questions
in Present simple.

__________ your friends often listen to new bands?.

__________ they at the cinema today?

__________ the dog a bone lover or a meat lover?

__________ the plane fly to London every Monday?

__________ Julia and Andrew with their parents at the theatre?

__________ Peter help his wife with the kitchen tasks?

__________ Tina and Paul eat spaghetti for the dinner?

__________ I good or bad student at Sena?

__________ your brother angry now?

3. Answer the following questions.

- What is your favorite color to wear?

- How many items of clothing do you have in this color?
- Do you buy clothes or shoes online?
- What are your favorite online shops?
- Where is the best place to shop for clothes in your town?
- What do you do with clothes that you no longer wear?

GFPI-F-019 V
Created by: Diana Marcela Manchola Jara

GFPI-F-019 V

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