Bioenergetics Questions Gcse

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Name: ________________________

Bio energetics Class: ________________________

Date: ________________________

Time: 251 minutes

Marks: 244 marks


Page 1 of 50
Students investigated the effect of changing the carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of
1. photosynthesis in pieces of leaf.

Diagram 1 shows the type of leaf used by the students.

The students:

• cut pieces of leaf from the green region

• put the pieces into tubes

• added different concentrations of carbon dioxide to each tube

• shone lights on the tubes with either high or low light intensity

• recorded the concentration of oxygen in the tubes after 5 hours.

Diagram 2 shows how each experiment was set up.

The graph shows the results of the investigation.

(a) (i) Describe the effect of increasing carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of
photosynthesis at low light intensity.


Page 2 of 50

(ii) Explain the effect that you have described.

In your answer you should refer to limiting factors.





(b) What would have been the effect on oxygen concentration over the five-hour period if a
white region of the leaf had been used, instead of a green region?

Effect ______________________________________________________________

Explain your answer.

Explanation _________________________________________________________



(c) Some people keep indoor plants which have variegated leaves (leaves with green and
white regions).

If plants with variegated leaves are kept in dim light conditions the white areas of the leaves
start to turn green.

This is an advantage to the plant.

Suggest why.




(Total 7 marks)

Page 3 of 50
The diagram shows where three seaweeds live on a seashore.
2. As the tide moves in and out, these seaweeds are covered with seawater for different lengths of

Some students investigated the rate of photosynthesis in these seaweeds.

• They cut ten small discs from one seaweed.

• They dropped the discs into seawater in a beaker.

• They recorded the time taken for the fifth disc to float to the surface.

• They repeated this experiment with the other two seaweeds.

(a) (i) Suggest why the discs floated to the surface.



(ii) Suggest the advantage of recording the time taken for the fifth disc to reach the
surface, rather than for the tenth disc.



Page 4 of 50
(b) The students carried out their experiments at different light intensities.
The graph shows the results they collected.

(i) Compare the rate of photosynthesis for flat wrack with the rate for saw wrack at
different light intensities.





(ii) Seawater absorbs light.

The growth rate of saw wrack is less than the growth rate of bladder wrack.

Suggest why.




(Total 6 marks)
Page 5 of 50
Lactic acid production during exercise affects an athlete’s performance.
Explain why lactic acid is produced during exercise.





(Total 2 marks)

An athlete carried out a 6-month training programme.

Graph 1 shows the effect of the same amount of exercise on his heart rate before and after the
training programme.

(a) (i) Use Graph 1 to find the heart rate of the trained athlete 5 minutes after the start of
the exercise.

Heart rate = _______________________ beats per minute


Page 6 of 50
The stroke volume of the heart is the volume of blood pumped out of the left side of the
heart in one heart beat.

Graph 2 shows the relationship between the stroke volume and the heart rate before and
after the athlete did the training programme.

(ii) The cardiac output is defined as

cardiac output = heart rate × stroke volume

Calculate the cardiac output of the trained athlete 5 minutes after the start of the
exercise. Use your answer to part (a)(i), and information from Graph 2.

Show clearly how you work out your answer.



Cardiac output = _________________________ cm3 blood per minute


(b) Graph 1 shows that, for the same amount of exercise, the heart of the trained athlete was
beating more slowly than it did before the training programme.

Use information from Graph 2 to explain why.





Page 7 of 50
(c) An increased cardiac output will provide more oxygen and more glucose to the working

Explain how this helps the athlete during exercise.








(Total 9 marks)

(a) The concentration of sulfate ions was measured in the roots of barley plants and in the
5. water in the surrounding soil.

The table shows the results.

Concentration of sulfate ions in mmol per


Roots of barley plants 1.4

Soil 0.15

Is it possible for the barley roots to take up sulfate ions from the soil by diffusion?

Draw a ring around your answer. Yes / No

Explain your answer.





Page 8 of 50
(b) Some scientists investigated the amounts of sulfate ions taken up by barley roots in the
presence of oxygen and when no oxygen was present.

The graph below shows the results.

(i) The graph shows that the rate of sulfate ion uptake between 100 and 200 minutes,
without oxygen, was 0.4 arbitrary units per minute.

The rate of sulfate ion uptake between 100 and 200 minutes, with oxygen, was

How much greater was it? Show clearly how you work out your answer.




Answer __________ arbitrary units


Page 9 of 50
(ii) The barley roots were able to take up more sulfate ions with oxygen than without

Explain how.






(Total 7 marks)

Changing the conditions in which plants grow affects how fast they grow.
The diagram shows a propagator in which scientists can control temperature, light intensity and
carbon dioxide concentration.

The graph shows the effects of changing the temperature, light intensity and carbon dioxide
concentration on the growth of lettuce plants.

Page 10 of 50
(a) Describe and explain the effect of increasing light intensity on the mean mass of lettuce
plants at 4% carbon dioxide and 15 °C.








(b) Growers wish to make maximum profits from their lettuces.

What do they need to consider before making decisions about the growing conditions for
their lettuces?





(c) The nutrient solution contains nitrate ions and magnesium ions.

Complete the table to show the functions of these ions in plants and their deficiency

Ion Function in plants Deficiency symptoms

__________________________ _________________________

Nitrate __________________________ _________________________

__________________________ _________________________

__________________________ _________________________

Magnesium __________________________ _________________________

__________________________ _________________________

(Total 9 marks)

Page 11 of 50
The diagram shows a fermenter. This fermenter is used for growing the fungus Fusarium which is
7. used to make mycoprotein.

(a) Bubbles of air enter the fermenter at A.

Give two functions of the air bubbles.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


(b) Glucose is added to the fermenter at B.

Explain why glucose is added.



(c) The fermenter is prevented from overheating by the cold water flowing in through the heat
exchanger coils at C.

Explain what causes the fermenter to heat up.



Page 12 of 50
(d) It is important to prevent microorganisms other than Fusarium from growing in the

(i) Why is this important?



(ii) Suggest two ways in which contamination of the fermenter by microorganisms could
be prevented.

1. ____________________________________________________________


2. ____________________________________________________________


(e) Human cells cannot make some of the amino acids which we need. We must obtain these
amino acids from our diet.

The table shows the amounts of four of these amino acids present in mycoprotein, in beef
and in wheat.

Amount of amino acid per 100 g Daily amount

Name of in mg needed by a 70
amino acid kg human in
Mycoprotein Beef Wheat mg

Lysine 910 1600 300 840

Methionine 230 500 220 910

Phenylalanine 540 760 680 980

Threonine 610 840 370 490

Page 13 of 50
A diet book states that mycoprotein is the best source of amino acids for the human diet.

Evaluate this statement.

Remember to include a conclusion in your evaluation.








(Total 11 marks)

Page 14 of 50
A student‘s breathing was monitored before and after vigorous exercise. The student breathed in
8. and out through a special apparatus. The graphs show the changes in the volume of air inside
the apparatus. Each time the student breathed in, the line on the graph dropped. Each time the
student breathed out, the line went up.

(a) How many times did the student breathe in per minute:

before exercise; _____________________________________________________

after exercise? ______________________________________________________


Page 15 of 50
(b) On each graph, the line A – B shows how much oxygen was used. The rate of oxygen use
before exercise was 0.5 dm3 per minute. Calculate the rate of oxygen use after exercise.




Rate of oxygen use after exercise = ________________________ dm3 per minute


(c) The breathing rate and the amount of oxygen used were still higher after exercise, even
though the student sat down to rest. Why were they still higher?







(Total 7 marks)

The diagram below shows a food web for some of the organisms which live in a pond.

(a) (i) Name one secondary consumer in this food web.


(ii) The algae are small green plants.

Give three conditions needed by green plants to produce sugars.

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

Page 16 of 50
(b) This is a pyramid of biomass for the organisms in the aquarium.

Some of the biomass of the producers is not transferred to the tertiary consumers.

Explain, as fully as you can, what happens to this biomass.

(Total 10 marks)

Marathon runners are recommended to have a high carbohydrate diet prior to a race. Three
10. athletes tried out three dietary regimes prior to a marathon race.

These three dietry regimes were as follows.

Athlete A Up to 7 days before the race - Normal mixed diet

7 days before the race - Prolonged extreme physical activity

6-3 days before the race - Protein and fat diet; no carbohydrate

2 and 1 days before the race - Large carbohydrate intake

Athlete B Up to 5 days before race - Normal mixed diet

5 days before the race - Prolonged extreme physical activity

4-1 days before the race - Large carbohydrate intake

Athlete C Up to 4 days before the race - Normal mixed diet

4-1 days before the race - Large carbohydrate intake

The graph below shows the effect of each of these dietary regimes on glycogen levels in the
athletes’ muscles

Page 17 of 50
(a) (i) What is the immediate effect of extreme physical activity on the glycogen content of



(ii) Describe how this effect occurs.









(b) (i) Evaluate the three regimes as preparation for a marathon race.







(ii) Suggest a possible explanation for the different effects of the three regimes.




(Total 9 marks)

Page 18 of 50
(a) Explain, as fully as you can, why respiration has to take place more rapidly during exercise.



(b) During exercise the process of respiration produces excess heat. Explain how the body
prevents this heat from causing a rise in the core (deep) body temperature.








(Total 6 marks)

The graph shows the effect of increasing the carbon dioxide content of the inhaled air on:
• the number of breaths per minute;

• the total volume of air breathed per minute.

Page 19 of 50
(i) Describe the effect of increasing the percentage of carbon dioxide in the inhaled air on the
total volume of air breathed.





(ii) Suggest why the total volume of inhaled air is not directly proportional to the number of
breaths per minute.




(Total 4 marks)

The diagram shows a plant leaf during photosynthesis.


(a) Name:

(i) gas X; _______________

(ii) gas Y. _______________


(b) Why is sunlight necessary for photosynthesis?



Page 20 of 50
(c) Some of the sugars produced by photosynthesis are stored as starch in the roots.
Explain, as fully as you can, why it is an advantage to the plant to store carbohydrate as
starch rather than as sugar.






(Total 6 marks)

Read the passage.


Glutton up a gum tree

Along the banks of the Cygnet River on Kangaroo Island, the branches of the dying gum trees
stretch out like accusing fingers. They have no leaves. Birds search in vain for nectar-bearing

The scene, repeated mile upon mile, is an ecological nightmare. But, for once, the culprit is not
human. Instead, it is one of the most appealing mammals on the planet – the koala. If the trees are
to survive and provide a food source for the wildlife such as koalas that depend on them, more than
2000 koalas must die. If they are not removed the island’s entire koala population will vanish.

Illegal killing has already started. Worried about soil erosion on the island, some farmers have
gone for their guns. Why not catch 2000 koalas and take them to the mainland? “Almost
impossible,” says farmer Andrew Kelly. “Four rangers tried to catch some and in two days they got
just six, and these fought, bit and scratched like fury.”

The diagram shows the flow of energy through a koala.

The numbers show units of energy.

Page 21 of 50
(i) Calculate the percentage of the food intake which is converted into new tissues for growth.
Show your working.

____________ %

(ii) Give three different ways in which the koala uses the energy released in respiration.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________

(Total 5 marks)

Page 22 of 50
Low light intensity is one factor that limits the yield of a crop.
In Britain, many tomato growers use artificial lights to increase the yield of tomato crops.

The table shows the amount of natural daylight and artificial lamplight received by a tomato crop
grown in a greenhouse.

Natural daylight received Artificial lamplight given Total light Percentage

by tomato plant to tomato plant energy increase in
received growth
Month Day length Light Hours of Light by plant resulting
in hours energy light given energy per day in from
received by per day received by J/cm2 artificial
plant per plant per light
day in J/cm2 day in J/cm2

January 8.1 239 18 492 731 206

February 9.9 492 18 492 984 100

March 11.9 848 12 328 1176 39

April 13.9 1401 2 55 1456 4

May 15.5 1786 0 0 1786 0

June 16.6 1960 0 0 1960 0

July 16.2 1849 0 0 1849 0

August 14.7 1561 0 0 1561 0

September 12.8 1064 2 55 1119 5

October 10.6 614 11 301 915 49

November 8.8 288 18 492 780 171

December 7.6 183 18 492 675 269

(a) Describe the pattern for the amount of light energy received from natural daylight by a
tomato plant during the day.







Page 23 of 50
(b) A tomato plant needs 600 J of light energy per cm2 each day to grow and produce

Use this information and data from the table to suggest an explanation for the pattern of the
artificial light given to the tomato plants.






(Total 5 marks)

The diagram shows some plants growing in a greenhouse on a hot summer’s day.

Which one of the following factors is most likely to limit the rate of photosynthesis at this time?

• carbon dioxide concentration

• light intensity

• temperature

Factor ______________________________________________

Explain the reason for your answer.






(Total 4 marks)

Page 24 of 50
The temperature at the surface of the skin can be measured by using a technique called
17. thermography.

In this technique, areas with higher temperature appear as a different colour on the

The drawings below show the results of an investigation in which thermographs were taken from
a person before and after exercise.

Describe and explain, as fully as you can, the effects of exercise on skin temperature.








(Total 3 marks)

A food chain in the North Atlantic Ocean is:

diatoms → small fish → large fish

Page 25 of 50
The graphs show how over a year:

• the population size of diatoms in the North Atlantic varies;

• the light intensity alters;

• the concentration of nitrate and phosphate minerals alters.

(a) Explain why the light intensity is a major factor in controlling the numbers of diatoms.




(b) (i) Suggest two reasons why the population of diatoms decreases between spring and

1. ____________________________________________________________


2. ____________________________________________________________


(ii) Give two reasons why the population of diatoms decreases in autumn.

1. ____________________________________________________________


2. ____________________________________________________________


Page 26 of 50
(c) Use the information on the graph to suggest what change causes the number of diatoms to
increase in the late summer. Give a reason for the change.



(Total 8 marks)

Plants need chemical energy for respiration and for active transport.
(i) Write a balanced chemical equation which represents the process of respiration in plants.


(ii) Describe the process of active transport in the root hair cells of plants.










(Total 5 marks)

The figures below show how the yield of a wheat crop is affected by adding nitrogen fertiliser.
Nitrogen fertiliser Yield
added (kg/hectare) (tonnes/hectare)

0 26
50 28
75 31
100 34
125 40
150 43
175 44
200 44

Page 27 of 50
(a) Display these results on the graph paper in the most suitable way.


(b) What conclusions can you draw from the graph?





(Total 7 marks)

The graph shows how the rate of photosynthesis is affected by different conditions.

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(a) What patterns can you find from this graph?






(b) How useful could this information be to a grower using glasshouses? Give reasons for
your answer.



(Total 7 marks)

Diagram 1 shows the main features of human blood circulation.


(a) What changes in the composition of blood occur in the lungs?




Page 29 of 50
Diagram 2 shows how the circulation of blood changes between rest and exercise.

Rate of supply of blood to parts of the body (cm³/min) when at rest and during exercise.

Page 30 of 50
(b) (i) Use the information from Diagram 2 to complete the table below.

Parts of the body to be included:

Digestive System
Arteries of Heart
Muscles of Skeleton


(ii) What happens to the rate of supply of blood to the whole body with exercise?

(You should make full use of the information provided.)



(Total 9 marks)

Page 31 of 50
(a) The table shows an athlete’s breathing rate after the end of a race.
Use the information shown in the table to draw a line graph.


(b) The bar charts show what happens in an athlete’s muscles when running in two races of
different distances.

(i) Compare what happens in the athlete’s muscles when running in the two races.



(ii) Use the information in the box to explain your answer to (i).



Page 32 of 50
(c) Explain why the athlete breathes at a faster rate than normal for two minutes after finishing
a 100 metres race.



(Total 10 marks)

Plants and animals have many defence responses.

(a) The table below shows some plant defences.

Identify whether each defence is a chemical response or a physical response.

✓) one box in each row.

Tick (✓

Type of response

Plant defence Chemical Physical

Thick, waxy layer on leaf surface

Berries that are poisonous

Bark on trees that falls off


Mimicry is a mechanical adaptation seen in both plants and animals.

Figure 1 shows two insects.

Figure 1

(b) Hornets are insects that sting other animals and cause pain.

Hornet moths do not sting other animals.

Suggest how mimicry helps the hornet moth survive.



Page 33 of 50
Adult hornet moths lay eggs that hatch into larvae.

Figure 2 shows the larvae of a hornet moth.

Figure 2

(c) The larvae of the hornet moth:

• live inside the roots of trees
• use the tree roots as a source of food
• cause damage to the tree roots.

Explain why a tree might die if the roots of the tree are damaged.













Page 34 of 50
(d) The larvae of the hornet moth form when fertilised eggs divide by mitosis.

Describe how mitosis produces two genetically identical cells.









(e) The cells which are first formed from the fertilised eggs of the hornet moth are stem cells.

Name the process by which these stem cells then form specialised cells.

(Total 14 marks)

Water and carbon dioxide are exchanged between leaves and the atmosphere through pores
25. called stomata.

(a) Name the cells that control the opening and closing of the stomata.


Water moves through a plant in the transpiration stream.

(b) Describe two differences between the transpiration stream and translocation.

1 _________________________________________________________________


2 _________________________________________________________________


Page 35 of 50
(c) Which environmental conditions would cause the rate of transpiration to be greatest in a

✓) one box.
Tick (✓

Cold with low humidity

Cold with high humidity

Warm with low humidity

Warm with high humidity


The figure below shows information about the mean width of the stomata in a plant.

(d) The changes in the mean width of the stomata in normal conditions are an advantage to
the plant.

Explain how.









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(e) The changes in the mean width of the stomata in low atmospheric carbon dioxide are
different from the changes in normal conditions.

Explain how the difference helps the plant to survive in low atmospheric carbon dioxide.





(Total 10 marks)

Table 1 shows information about five different organisms.

Table 1

Surface area in Surface area to

Organism Volume in m3
m2 volume ratio

A 6.04 × 10−8 1.65 × 10−12 36606:1

B 3.21 × 10−3 1.25 × 10−6 2568:1

C 9.96 × 10−3 1.35 × 10−4 X:1

D 4.61 × 10−1 1.57 × 10−2 29:1

E 1.99 × 101 6.12 × 100 3:1

(a) Calculate value X in Table 1.

Give your answer to the nearest whole number.







X (nearest whole number) = _______________


Page 37 of 50
(b) What is the relationship between the size of an organism and its surface area to volume

Use Table 1.



(c) Organism B exchanges gases with the environment directly through its skin.

Organism D exchanges gases with the environment using its respiratory system.

Explain why organism D requires a respiratory system, but organism B does not require a
respiratory system.






Table 1 is repeated below.

Table 1

Surface area in Surface area to

Organism Volume in m3
m2 volume ratio

A 6.04 × 10−8 1.65 × 10−12 36606:1

B 3.21 × 10−3 1.25 × 10−6 2568:1

C 9.96 × 10−3 1.35 × 10−4 X:1

D 4.61 × 10−1 1.57 × 10−2 29:1

E 1.99 × 101 6.12 × 100 3:1

Table 2 shows information about organism D and organism E.

Table 2

Metabolic rate in arbitrary


D 890

E 75

Page 38 of 50
(d) Organisms D and E both keep a constant body temperature (warm-blooded).

Explain why the metabolic rate of organism D is greater than the metabolic rate of
organism E.

Use information from Table 1 and Table 2.









Page 39 of 50
(e) Organism D and organism E both have alveoli in the lungs and villi in the small intestine.

The figure below shows some alveoli and some villi.

Describe how the alveoli and the villi are adapted to increase absorption.











(Total 14 marks)

The rapid growth in human population means that more waste substances are released into the
27. environment.

The release of substances into the environment can cause pollution.

(a) Name one harmful substance that could cause air pollution.


Page 40 of 50
(b) Name three harmful substances that could cause water pollution.

Do not refer to plastic or to litter in your answer.

1 _________________________________________________________________

2 _________________________________________________________________

3 _________________________________________________________________

(c) Describe how substances that pollute air and water could be harmful to humans and other
living organisms.












(Total 10 marks)

Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is a rare inherited human condition.

MSUD is usually diagnosed early in childhood and can be controlled by having a low-protein diet.

Figure 1 shows the inheritance of MSUD in one family.

Figure 1

The allele for MSUD is recessive.

Page 41 of 50
(a) Give one piece of evidence from Figure 1 which shows that MSUD is a recessive



(b) Persons 7 and 8 in Figure 1 are expecting a fourth child.

Determine the probability that the child will have MSUD.

You should:
• draw a Punnett square diagram
• identify the phenotype of each offspring genotype
• use the symbols:

N = allele for not having MSUD

n = allele for MSUD.

Probability = _______________

Page 42 of 50
Figure 2 shows chemical reactions involved in the normal breakdown of some types of amino
acid inside body cells.

Figure 2

A person with MSUD cannot make Enzyme 2.

(c) One of the final products shown in Figure 2 is urea.

Where in the human body are the reactions shown in Figure 2 most likely to occur?

✓) one box.
Tick (✓




Small intestine


Page 43 of 50
Scientists can analyse blood samples or urine samples to see if a person has MSUD.

The test identifies high concentrations of toxic substance P, shown in Figure 2.

(d) Explain why the blood of a person with MSUD will have a high concentration of toxic
substance P.

Use information from Figure 2.








(e) Explain why the urine of a person with MSUD will have a high concentration of toxic
substance P.





(f) Explain why a person with MSUD must have a low-protein diet.






(Total 14 marks)

Page 44 of 50
Energy flows through an ecosystem and materials are recycled.
Figure 1 shows the water cycle.

Figure 1

(a) Name process X.


(b) Name the process by which water is absorbed into plant roots.


(c) Give two uses of water in plants.

1 _________________________________________________________________


2 _________________________________________________________________


Page 45 of 50
Figure 2 shows the flow of energy through a food chain.

The numbers are in kilojoules/m2/year.

Figure 2

(d) The cow is more efficient than the grass at converting energy.

The energy conversion efficiency of the cow is 4.098%.

Calculate how many times more efficient the cow is at converting energy than the grass.

The equation for energy conversion efficiency is:

Give your answer to 3 significant figures.










Number of times (3 significant figures) = _______________


Page 46 of 50
(e) It is more energy-efficient to rear cows indoors than to rear cows outdoors.

Give two reasons why.

1 _________________________________________________________________


2 _________________________________________________________________


(f) Suggest two possible disadvantages of rearing cows indoors.

1 _________________________________________________________________


2 _________________________________________________________________

(Total 13 marks)

An echidna is a mammal that lives in Australia.

Figure 1 shows an echidna.

Figure 1

Page 47 of 50
Figure 2 shows how the body temperature of the echidna varies in warm weather and in cold

Figure 2

Figure 3 shows how human body temperature varies.

Figure 3

(a) Compare the variation in body temperature of the echidna in warm weather with the
variation in body temperature of the human.

Use data from Figure 2 and Figure 3.





In the cold winter months, the echidna hibernates.

During hibernation:
• the echidna’s body temperature decreases to below 5 °C
• the echidna sleeps for up to 17 days at a time
• the echidna’s rate of metabolism slows down.

Page 48 of 50
(b) Explain why the decrease in body temperature is an advantage to the echidna during





(c) During hibernation the echidna wakes up several times.

Each time the echidna wakes up it becomes active and its body temperature increases to
over 30 °C.

Explain why the echidna has a higher body temperature when it is active.






(d) An echidna can dilate and constrict blood vessels in its skin.

Explain how the dilation of blood vessels in the skin can help to decrease body








Page 49 of 50
An athlete trained in a hot climate.

The athlete lost a large volume of water each day in sweat.

(e) The athlete’s energy intake each day from food was 20 000 kJ.

Evaporation of 1 cm3 of sweat requires 2.5 kJ of energy.

40% of the athlete’s daily energy intake was used to evaporate sweat.

Calculate the volume of sweat the athlete lost each day.

Give your answer in dm3

1 dm3 = 1 000 cm3






Volume of sweat lost in one day = _______________dm3


(f) Suggest why the athlete was advised to take salt tablets each day.


(Total 13 marks)

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