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1- The cosmetics company ......... for 25 5- I .........

glasses as a student, but now

years to this date, but last month, the I ......... more comfortable with
original directors, Anita Roddick and contact lenses.
her husband, ......... from the board.
A) wore/feel
AJ traded/have resigned BJ was wearing/have foll
BJ was trading/resign CJ have worn/am feeling
Cl has been trading/resigned DJ am wearing/was feeling
DJ trades/were resigning E) have been wearing/felt
El has traded/are resigning

6- This time last year, the Taliban .........

2- While my husband ......... our car in Afghanistan, but since January, a new
the garage, I ......... the plants in the government ......... the country.
A) has been ruling/has run
AJ repaired/have watered B) was ruling/has been running
B) was repairing/was watering C) ruled/is running
CJ has repaired/am wale1ing D) rules/was running
DJ repaired/ha\'e been wat.erlng EJ has ruled/ran
E) repairs/watered

7- The Parkinsons ......... two puppies

3- The Japanese ......... the Gilbert two years ago and, because they can't
Islands in the west Pacific in 1941, take the puppies with them, they
but the Americans ......... them in ......... a holiday abroad since.
A) have bought/aren't taking
AJ have been oceup}ing/wcrc evicting BJ bought/weren't laking
B) occupy /ha\'c e,icted C) bought/haven't taken
C) have occupied/evict. D) were buying/ don't take
DJ were occupying/are evicting El have bought/didn't lake
El occupied/evicted

8- A lot of youths ......... the army as

4- We ......... out our spare room to a soon as the Parliament ......... war on
student because we ......... the money. the enemy.

A) were renting/have been needing A) are joining/was decl<;\ring

B) are renting/have needed B) joined/declared
C) rent/were needing CJ have joined/is declaring
DJ have been renting/arc needing D) join/has declared
E) ha\'e rented/need El have been joining/ declares
9- The grocery shopkeeper ......... the 13-A: Do you have any plans for this
boy in his shop because a gang of afternoon?
angry young men ......... for the boy. B: Yes, we ......... the children on a
boat trip.
A) has hidden/looked
A) take
BJ hides/look
BJ took
CJ was hiding/have looked
C) have been taking
DJ hid/were looking
D) have taken
E) is hiding/look E) are taking

10- They ......... a religious service in the 14- Orchid roots ......... salep its unique
grand cathedral at the time we were flavour and cinnamon ......... extra
there, so we ......... inside. flavour.

A) were holding/didn't go A) give/adds

BJ have held/don't go B) has given/was adding
Cl arc holding/weren't going Cl have been giving/has added
Dl were giving/has been adding
D) have been holding/haven't gone
E) are giving/is adding
El hold/haven"t been going
15· Our grandmother ......... in a nursing
home while we ......... a two-week
11- Geoff •....... on my toe while we ........ holiday.

A) was treading/danced Al has been staying/were taking

Bl trod/were dancing Bl was sta,�ng/lake
CJ has trodden/are dancing CJ ls staying/have taken
DJ treads/have danced D) slayed/look
E) is treading/ dance E) stays/have been taking

16-A: It"s unusually quiet here. Where

12- Considering you ......... for your
are the children?
wedding all year, it's surprising that
B: Tony ......... football with two
you ......... a wedding dress yet.
friends in the park and Julie ........ .
her grandmother.
A) haw lJeen preparing/haven·t chosen
B) were preparing/aren't choosing A) has played/was helping
C) prepared/didn't choose Bl was playing/has helped
D) have prepared/don't choose CJ played/helped
El are preparing/haven't been choosing D) plays/helps
E) Is playing/is helping
17- The last time we ......... along the 21- It's more than half an hour since I
seafront at Sidmouth, folk dancers ......... to assemble this mobile phone,
......••• on a warm summer night. and I still ....•.... in getting past the
second step of the instructions.
A) walk/perfonned
A) have started/don't succeed
BJ have been walking/are performing
BJ have been slarung/didn't succeed
C) walked/were performing
CJ was starling/wasn't succeeding
DJ were walking/perform DJ started/haven't succeeded
E) h,we walked/have performed E) am starling/don't succeed

18- This time yesterday, he ......... for the 22- We ......... suddenly after the bend in
final, but today, because of an injury, Nursery Lane because a farmer ........ .
he ......... in front of the television. his cows across the road. This delayed
us by ten minutes.
A) is practising/sits
Bl has practised/sat A) were stopping/has herded
CJ was praclising/is sitting Bl are slopping/is herding
C) stop/has been herding
D) has been practising/has sat
D) stopped/was herding
E) practised/was silting
E) have stopped/herded

19- This plant ......... in its previous place, 23- An increasing number o:f teenagers
so I ......... it to a sunnier position on ......... drugs in the UK these days, so
the balcony. the government ......... a new
campaign called 'Tackling Drugs for a
Al has withered/was moVing Better Britain'.
BJ was withering/moved
C) is withering/have moved A) are taking/has introduced
D) Wit.hers/move
BJ were la.king/introduces
CJ took/has been introducing
E) Withered/have been movlng
DJ have taken/introduces
El have been laking/was introducing

20- She ......... into the city centre last

autumn, and since then, she ....... .. 24- I only ......... my treatment last
her car much at all. Thursday and my condition ........ .
AJ has moved/didn't use
BJ is moVing/hasn'l been using A) was beginning/is improVing
C) has been moVing/ didn't use Bl have been beginning/was imprm1ng
D) was moving/ doesn't use Cl began/has improved
E) moved/hasn't used DJ am beginning/improved
El have begun/has been improving
25- In their experiments up to now, 29- When I visited the Blue Mosque, it
scientists ......... a sheep and a cat, was prayer time and some
but genetic engineering techniques worshippers ....... in prayer while
......... all the time. tourists ........ the impressive
A) have been cloning/have developed
B) have cloned/are developing AJ have knelt/are touring
Cl are cloning/ develop BJ knelt/have been l.ouling
DJ done/were developing Cl were kneeling/were touring
El cloned/have been developing DJ kneel/toured
E) are kneeling/are touring

26- In order to get Marie tQ hospital, they

......... the crossing from the island to 30- I ......... to the opticians later this
the mainland even though a violent afternoon because I ......... difficulty
storm ......... at the time. reading small print recently.

A) risked/was raging AJ have gone/am having

BJ are risking/has raged BJ am going/have had
Cl have risked/is raging C) went/have
DJ were risking/has been raging DJ have been going/was having
EJ have been risking/rages E)go/had

27- It ......... one week since the terrorist 31- As he ......... a photograph of his
attacks, but still workers ......... away family in the park, a stranger ........ .
the rubble. in front of the camera.

A) was/have cleared AJ was taking/walked

Bl has been/ cleared BJ has been taking/has walked
C) was/have been clearing C) has taken/was walking
DJ is/clear DJ takes/is walking
EJ has been/ are clearing EJ took/has been walking

28- Even though we ......... an important 32- Jo ......... for the role of Romeo for
issue at the time, he ......... us. two months and is now confident that
he ......... his lines by heart.
A) have been discussing/interrupts
BJ discuss/has been intenupting Al is rehearsing/has known
CJ have discussed/was interrupting BJ rehearsed/knew
D) were discussing/interrupted C) is rehearsing/knows
El discussed/has interrupted D) was rehearsing/has known
E) has been rehearsing/knows
33- While she ......... breakfast, her 37• Our family ......... this same plot of
husband ......... her with a bouquet of land for centuries and my brother
......... this tradition to continue.
flowers for Valentine's Day.
Al farm/has wanted
A) prepares/has presented B) have been farming/wants
BJ has prepared/presents C) were farming/has been wanting
Dl farmed/has wanted
CJ was preparing/presented
El are farming/wanted
Dl is preparing/has been presenting
El prepared/was presenting
38· My grandmother ......... on her own
until she ......... too weak and thus
dependent on other people.
34· I'm not sure, but it ......... like pure
silk and it ......... fabulous on you. A) has been living/becomes
Why don't you buy it? B) has lived/has become
Cl lives/ls becoming
DJ lived/became
Al has been feeling/looked E) was living/was becoming
Bl has felt/is looking
C) was feeling/was looking
Dl feels/looks 39· My daughter ......... about her new
course from the moment she ......... it
El is feeling/has looked
last Friday.

A) complained/has started
35- I am sorry. We ......... Coalport china Bl has complained/ starts
any more, but we ......... Minton and Cl was complaining/was starting
D) has been complaining/started
Worcester porcelain in stock, which E) complains/has been starting
are very similar.

A) don't stock/have 40• I ..•...... my job soon because the

stress ......... unbearable.
Bl haven't stocked/are ha,1ng
CJ aren'L slacking/have had A) have quit/became
Dl weren't stocking/had B) was quitting/becomes
El didn't stock/have had C) quit/becomes
D) have quit/is becoming
E) am quitting/has become
36· My husband ......... our patio himself,
and he ......... it, apart from the 41• These research findings ......... that
border. people ......... baby wet wipes for all
sorts of purposes nowadays.
A) paved/ls completing A) have been indicating/were using
Bl has been paving/has completed Bl have indicated/have used
CJ was paving/is completing Cl were indicating/used
D) paves/ completes D) indicate/are uslni;(
E) are indicating/have been using
El has paved/was completing
42- I •••••.•.• my belongings for four hours 46- Be ...... to take getting fired calmly,
now, and I still •..•••••• the living room but I am sure he ...... his true
and the kitchen yet. feelings.

Al pack/don't touch
AJ appeared/was hiding
BJ was packing/didn't touch
C) have been packing/haven·t touched B) was appearing/hides
D) packed/haven't been touching C) has appeared/hid
E) have packed/am not touching DJ appears/was hiding
E) Is appearing/has hidden

43- My best friend ......... wonderful

original clothes although she ....... .. 47- The coach driver ......... into the
any formal dressmaking classes. restaurant just as I ......... hungry.

A) makes/hasn't attended
B) made/Isn't attending
A) has pulled/have been getting
C) was making/doesn't attend B) has been pulling/ got
DJ has been making/wasn't attending ,;:) pulled/was getting
E) was making/isn't attending D) pulls/was getting
E) Is pulling/have got

44- I , .....••• him about his opinion several

times yesterday, but I ......... a 48- Marcus ......... Michelle all evening
straight answer.
about her new boyfriend, but so far,
she ......... him upset her.
A) have asked/haven't got
BJ ask/don't get
C) was asking/haven't been getting A) Is teasing/wasn't letting
D) asked/didn't get BJ has been teasing/hasn't !el
E) have been asking/wasn't getting C) teases/hasn't been letting
D) was teasing/doesn't let
E) teased/isn't letting
45- Our Information Technology
department ......... a new accountancy
software package for our computer
49· I ......... the toast while I ......... the
system at the moment because our
current one ......... us with enough morning paper.
Al burnt/was reading
A) tests/hasn't been providing BJ was burning/read
B) has tested/didn't provide CJ have burnt/am reading
C) was testing/hasn't provided DJ bum/have read
DJ Is testing/doesn't provide El am burning/was reading
E) tested/wasn't providing
50- Unemployment figures ......... since 54- Over 1,000 people on both sides
the government ......... the new ......... since peace talks ......... down.
employment strategy.
A) are dying/were breaking
A) fall/has introduced B) have died/broke
B) have fallen/introduces CJ have been dying/ are breaking
CJ have been falling/introduced D) die/have been breaking
DJ are falling/was introducing E) died/have broken
E) were falling/is introducing

55- I ......... the unusual sport of curling

on the sports channel for the last half
51- Even though I ....... New York before, I
hour, hut I ......•.. out the rules of the
........ a lot about it from seeing it In
game fully yet.

A) watched/am not worlting

A) didn't see/have known
B) watch/didn't work
B) wasn't seeing/knew
C) was watching/didn't work
CJ am not seeing/knew D) am watching/wasn't working
D) don't see/have known El have been watching/haven't worked
El haven't seen/know

56- At the moment, the British team

52· She ......... weight because she ........ . .. ....... well, but they ......... a gold
to work any more. medal yet.

A} was gaining/hasn't walked A) play/ don't secure

BJ is gaining/ doesn't walk B) were playing/weren't securing
CJ has gained/didn't walk C) are playing/haven't secured
D) gains/hasn't been wallting D) have been playing/don't secure
E) gained/hasn't walked E) played/aren't securing

53- Since the management training 57- Yesterday afternoon, the manager
conference she ........ a few months ......... to Malcolm about his rude
ago, Sarah ......... a lot of confidence. behaviour, and since then, he ....... ..
to his colleagues more politely.
A) has been attending/was gaining
A) has spoken/spoke
B) is attending/ gains
B) spoke/has been speaking
C) attends/gained
C) was speaking/is spealting
D) was attending/is gaining
DJ spoke/speaks
El attended/has gained
E) has been speaking/was speaking
58- After almost 500 years of Portuguese A) are beginning/proved
rule, Angola ...... an independent B) were beginning/ proves
nation in 1975. CJ began/has proved
DJ have begun/was proving
A) became E) begin/is proving
B) has become
C) ls becoming
D) becomes 60- Generally, parents who ......... their
children with schoolwork ......... them
El has been becoming
the best opportunity to succeed in
59- During the 1970s, police departments
A) don·t encourage/aren't giving
........ experimenting with hypnosis as
BJ haven't encouraged/don·t give
a means of interviewing witnesses, C) weren't encouraging/haven't been
and so far, it ........ effective in getting giving
witnesses to give accurate D) didn't encourage/aren't giving
descriptions of criminals in a number El haven't been encouraging/ didn't give
of cases.



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