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A brief introduction about the ER Diagram

➢ This ER diagram shows the process of school and many other information.
➢ This ER diagram show the information of the school.
➢ There are five entities in this diagram.
➢ The entities are listed below:
• School
• Students
• Teacher
• Subject
• Examination
➢ All these data’s are interconnected with each other, these data’s are
connected with connectors.
➢ These Entities are written in rectangle shape, while the attributes are in oval
shape and also connecting part are represented by diamond shape.
➢ The Attributes in the diagram gives more information about Entities.
➢ The shapes used in the table are listed below:

:Rectangle shapes are used for writing Entities.

:Oval Shapes represent the attributes Entities.

:Diamond shape helps to show relation between Entities.

:This line is used to connect Entities with the attributes.

Student ID
School Name

Student Name

School Has Students


Phone Number Phone Number

Teacher ID
Subject ID

Subject Teaches Teacher

Teacher Name

Subject Name




Subject ID

Exam ID

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