Analytic Geometry

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A Strong Partner for Sustainable Development

Math 110B


College of Engineering and Technology

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

Lesson No. 4

Analytic Geometry

1st Semester AY 2020-2021

Jose L. Zumarraga
Instructor I
Joriz U. Cardejon
Assistant Professor II
Jessa C. Austria
Instructor I
Fairy Jean C. Vergara
Instructor I

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)


Table of Contents

Content Page
Cover Page 1
Title Page 2
Table of Contents 3
Instruction to the User 202
Introduction 202
Overview 202
Learning Outcomes 202
Lesson 1 (College Algebra)
Lesson 2 (Trigonometry)
Lesson 3 (Solid Mensuration)
Lesson 4 (Analytic Geometry) 204
Pretest 203
Activity 1 292
Posttest 293
References 293
Student’s Information
Back Cover (Vision, Mission, Core Values)

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This material will be your mode of instruction for the rest of the semester amidst this Covid-
19 pandemic. It consists of pre-test, lesson proper, activities and post-test to ensure that you can
really learn something at the end.
This module discusses the very root of algebra. It includes operations in algebraic
expressions that is required to be learned and prepares you to the next higher level of mathematics
and professional courses as well. Your cooperation is very much needed through reading and
solving problem practices that will give you the success of learning process.


This module will be the fourth part of bridging program prior to Calculus 1 proper which is defined
as Differential Calculus. It will serve as a review to students and will deal on the prerequisite subject which
is Analytic Geometry.

A. Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to

1. solve word problems related on distance between two points,
2. solve word problems related to slope and angles,
3. find the x – intercept of the line,
4. solve word problems related to circle,
5. solve word problems related to hyperbola.

B. Time allotment: 3 weeks (January 4 to 22)

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Pre-test 4
This is not a test as basis for your grade, failing the test is alright. No time limits. This will also serve
as a review. Try your best to answer the items below.
 Write your answers and solution on your personal notebook.
 To get full points, your solutions must be concise and properly presented.
 Final answers should be boxed.
 Work independently

1. Given a relation between and ; , determine the value of if .

2. The relation is equivalent to

3. Slope is the ratio of rise (horizontal) to run (vertical) of a straight line. Given the slope of ⁄ ,
What should be the run for a horizontal line segment of 9.

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C. Discussion

1. The Cartesian coordinate system

Analytic geometry is the branch of mathematics which deals with the properties,
behaviors and solution of points, lines, curves, angles, surfaces and solids by means of
algebraic method in relation to a coordinate system.
Cartesian coordinate system consists of two perpendicular lines called the
and the , together they are known as the
Cartesian coordinate axes. Their point of intersection is called the origin. The coordinate axes
divide the plane into four quadrants.
A convenient unit of measurement is usually chosen and marked off on each axis.
Distances measured to the right of the y-axis and parallel to the x-axis are considered positive
while distances measured to the left of y-axis are negative. Distances measured upward from
the x-axis and parallel to the y-axis are considered positive while those measured downward
from x-axis are negative.
The position of any point on a plane may be determined by its distance from the y-axis
(abscissa or x-coordinate) and its distance from the x-axis (ordinate or y-coordinate).
Coordinates of a point are written in parentheses putting the abscissa first. A variable point
maybe denoted by . In case of fixed point where numerical coordinates are not given
letters of alphabet maybe used like .

-4 -3 -2 -1 1
-1 1 2 3 4

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1.1 Points and lines in plane

Distance between two points

By Pythagorean theorem

√ , ,

√ the distance formula


By Pythagorean theorem

√ , ,

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Find the distance between the points and .

-4 -3 -2 -1 1
-1 1 2 3 4

Using the distance formula (noting that instead of we are using ).

√ √

√ √ √

Show that points , and are in a straight line.

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The points are in a straight line if the sum of the two shorter distances is equal to the
longest distance.
For short distances

√[ ] √

√[ ] [ ] √ √

For longest distance

√[ ] √ √

As assumed

√ √ √

√ √ Hence proven

The vertices of the base of an isosceles triangle are at and . Find the
ordinate of the third vertex if its abscissa is .

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Let be the required point. Since is the base then the sides and must
equal (two sides of an isosceles triangle are equal. Hence

√ √
Squaring both sides

The third vertex is at

Division of line segment

A line segment may be divided internally (when the point of division is on the line) or
externally (when point of division lies on the extension).
Consider internal division of line segment

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To determine the coordinate of the dividing point, we consider the and use
and have the same sign since they are measured in the same sense. We
introduce a ratio as basis for proportion of division.

Where and . ( means “proportional to).



Simplifying, we obtain

Similarly, by proportions

Consider external division of line segment (extension point)

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Simplifying, we obtain

( ) ( )

Similarly, by proportions

( ) ( )

The line segment joining and is to be divided into five equal
parts. Find the point of division closest to .

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1
-1 1 2 3 4

Since is to be divided into five parts, we may consider to be one part and
to be four parts. It follows and .


Using the given formula for values of and , let , , , ,

, and .

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( )( ) ( )( )

( )( ) ( )( )

The point of division is at

( ⁄ ⁄ )

The line segment from to is to be extended (from ) a distance
equal to twice its length. Find the terminal point.

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1
-1 1 2 3 4

Since is to be extended twice its length, we have total of three parts from to ,
we may consider to be one part and to be two parts. It follows and .
We are going to use the formula for external division of line segment.


Using the given formula for values of and , let , , , ,

, and .

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( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

The point of extension is at

Midpoint of a line segment

A special case of the division of a line segment is that where we have the point of
division at the midpoint. In the given formula it just means that the two ratios are equal, that is
. Substituting these values to either formula of division or extension we have


These are the formulas for midpoint of a line segment, .

Find the midpoint of the segment joining and

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1
-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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Using formula for midpoint where , , ,

⁄ ⁄ [ ]

⁄ ⁄ ⁄

The mid-point division is at

( ⁄ )

Angle of inclination
A straight line makes four angle with the . The positive angle (measured from
positive in a counter-clockwise direction and never greater than ) that the
straight line makes with the positive is called its angle of inclination or simply
inclination denoted here as α.
Consider figure 1, the angle of inclination of is .
Figure 1

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Consider figure 2, the angle of inclination of is .

Figure 2

Slope of a line
The slope denoted by the letter , of a straight line is equal to the tangent of its angle
of inclination.

Slope in terms of coordinates

Consider the line joining two distinct points and . Draw the auxiliary lines
and forming the right triangle .

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The slope of the line can now be expressed in terms of coordinates of and
noting and .

Substituting, we obtain the formula for slope of a line in terms of coordinates

Slope of parallel lines

Lines and are parallel if their angle of inclination are equal, that is . Thus
it follows for lines and to be parallel

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Slope of perpendicular lines

Consider now a line perpendicular to line .

Let the angle of inclination of be . In figure we have

Being equal their tangents are equal

From trigonometry,

Since the tangent of the angle of inclination is equal to the slope of the line

The slopes of perpendicular lines are negative reciprocal to each other.

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Find the slope of the line joining and

With the subscripts chosen, then , , and

( )

Subscripts may be interchanged, that is, is changed to and

is changed to , then , , and then
( )

⁄ with the same result


Show by formula and ⁄ that the triangle whose vertices are

, and is a right triangle.

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We can prove to be a right triangle by showing that is perpendicular to

( )

the slope of

( )

the slope of

Since can be proven as ⁄ , that is

Therefore is right triangle

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Show by formula and (when lines are parallel) that the points
, , , and are the vertices of a parallelogram.

We can prove the shape is a parallelogram by showing opposite sides are parallel to
each other.

( )

the slope of

Consider (the opposite side of )

the slope of
Since , then opposite sides and are parallel.
( )
( )

⁄ the slope of

Consider (the opposite side of )

( )

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⁄ the slope of

Since ⁄ , then opposite sides and are parallel.

Since the opposite sides of are parallel to each other, therefore it is a


Angle formed by two lines

We will consider the angle from one line to another line as the angle through which
the first line is to be rotated in a counter-clockwise direction to make it coincide with the
second. It is usually denoted by .
Figure 1

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Consider figure 2, the angle of inclination of is .

Figure 2

In figure 1

In figure 2

[ ]

In both cases, from trigonometry

By formula and . Substituting, we have the formula for the

tangent of the angle from to .

Note: If or is parallel to the , the formula fails

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Find the angle from the line through and to the line through
and .

Let the line be and the line be .
Consider line
( )

⁄ the slope of

Consider line

⁄ the slope of

Using the formula for the tangent of the angle from to .

⁄ ( ⁄ )

( ⁄ )( ⁄ )

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( ⁄ )

A line with slope intersects a line parallel to the at .
Find the angle from to .


This is a special case where formula fails (tangent of is

In figure

⁄ ⁄ ⁄

( ⁄ )

The vertices of a triangle are , and . Find the interior angle
at the vertex .

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Let the line be and the line be .
Consider line

⁄ the slope of

Consider line

⁄ the slope of

Using the formula for the tangent of the angle from to .

⁄ ( ⁄ )
( ⁄ )( ⁄ )

( ⁄ )

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2. Algebraic curves and equations

An equation involving the variables and is usually satisfied by an infinite number
of pairs of values of and , and each pair of values correspond to a point. Those points
follow a pattern according to the given equation and form a definite geometric figure called
the curve or locus of the equation. Each algebraic equation corresponds to a definite curve or
locus, or in some cases, no locus at all.

2.1 Curve tracing

A curve or locus of a given equation may be drawn by point-plotting. This is
accomplished by assigning values to and solving for , or vise-versa. Each pair of values of
and represents a point. By connecting a sufficient number of points with a smooth curve,
we obtain an approximation of the required curve. The number of points necessary to be
plotted is not the same for different curves, but the more points there are, the more accurate
the curve will be. The values of and may be tabulated to facilitate the plotting of points.

Plot the curve represented by the equation

Assign values to and solve for .





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Locus of the equation


1 x-axis

-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7










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Plot the curve represented by the equation


Express as function of , that is, √ , assign values to then solve for


√ , √ (undefined)

√ ,

√ ,

√ , √ ,

√ , √ ,


√ √

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Locus of the equation


( √ ) ( √ )
( √ ) 1 ( √ ) x-axis

-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9





Plot the curve represented by the equation

Some values of are very large and to make the graph more compact, each unit along
the is made equivalent to along the . Assign values to and solve
for and tabulate values.

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Locus of the equation









5 x-axis
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9












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2.2 Intercepts
The points where the curve crosses the coordinate axes are called the intersections
with the axes. The are the values of the abscissas of the points where the
curve crosses the . The are the values of the ordinates of the points
where the curve crosses the . The are found by setting and
solving for . are found by setting and solving for .
In the figure, the points where the curve crosses the are at , and
. The are , and . The curve crosses the at . The
is .


4 y-intercept

1 x-axis
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



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Find the intercepts of the curve represented by the equation

The figure need not be drawn


Solve for the values of by synthetic division

Therefore is a root and is a factor

The are , , and

The curve crosses the at , , and .

; ,
The curve crosses the at .

Find the intercepts of the curve represented by the equation

The figure need not be drawn


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The curve crosses the at , , and .

; ,
The curve crosses the at .

2.3 Symmetry
The center of symmetry of two points and is the point midway them (figure a).
The axis or line of symmetry of two points is the perpendicular bisector of the line joining
them (figure b).
Figure a Figure b

line of symmetry

A curve is symmetric with respect to a coordinate axis if, for every point of the curve
on one side of the axis, there is a corresponding image point on the opposite side of the axis.

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A curve is symmetric with respect the origin if, for every point of the curve, there is a
corresponding image point directly opposite and at equal distance from the origin. See figure

Tests for symmetry

If an equation is unchanged by the substitution of – for , its curve is symmetric with

respect to the x-axis.

If an equation is unchanged by the substitution of – for , its curve is symmetric with

respect to the y-axis.

If an equation is unchanged by the substitution of – for and – for

simultaneously, its curve is symmetric with respect to the origin.

Test for symmetry the curve represented by the equation


Test symmetry to , substitute – for .

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The equation is different from original equation. Therefore, not symmetrical to


Test symmetry to , substitute – for .

The equation is different from original equation. Therefore, not symmetrical to

Test symmetry to , substitute – for and – for simultaneously

The equation is different from original equation. Therefore, not symmetrical to

Test for symmetry the curve represented by the equation


Test symmetry to , substitute – for .

The equation is identical with the original equation. Therefore, symmetrical to


Test symmetry to , substitute – for .

The equation is identical with the original equation. Therefore, symmetrical to


Test symmetry to , substitute – for and – for simultaneously

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The equation is identical with the original equation. Therefore, symmetrical to

Tests for symmetry may be simplified as follows
If all of the terms have even exponents, the curve is symmetric with respect to the
If all of the terms have even exponents, the curve is symmetric with respect to the
If all of the terms have even exponents or if all of the terms have odd exponents, the
curve is symmetric with respect to the origin.

2.4 Domain analysis

Domain analysis is the analysis of abscissas or possible values. We have to solve for
in terms of (though for some equations it may be impractical to reform as such, we have
to resort to other means of analysis) and analyze possible values for .
Discuss about the domain analysis for the curve whose equation is

Solve for in terms of

( )( )

Since the denominator cannot be zero, then and ,

hence the values of cannot be and . The vertical equations and
are called the vertical asymptotes. An asymptote is a line where the curve approaches
more and more closely but never really touches it except as a limiting position at

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Hence for the domain analysis, the abscissa or values for is good for all real
numbers except and .

-3 1

2.5 Range analysis

Range analysis is the analysis of ordinates or possible values. We have to solve for
in terms of (though for some equations it may be impractical to reform as such, we have to
resort to other means of analysis) and analyze possible values for .
Discuss about the range analysis for the curve whose equation is

Solve for in terms of

A quadratic form with , , and .

We can solve for in terms of using quadratic formula.

( ) √( ) ( )( )
( )

The denominator cannot be zero, thus and we determine our horizontal

asymptote which is actually the .

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Alternative solution
We recall the form when the same equation is in term of as in example (domain analysis)

Divide each term of the numerator and the denominator of the right hand
member by , the term of highest degree.

As approaches infinity

{ }

The horizontal asymptote, confirming our previous analysis.

Discuss and trace the curve of the equation

We are going to apply the following analysis to facilitate tracing the curve
Domain analysis
Range analysis
Curve tracing with the help of point plotting


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The curve crosses the at .


The curve crosses the at .


Test symmetry to , substitute – for .

The equation is different from the original equation. Therefore, not
symmetrical to .

Test symmetry to , substitute – for .

The equation is different from the original equation. Therefore, not
symmetrical to .

Test symmetry to , substitute – for and – for simultaneously

The equation is different from original equation. Therefore, not symmetrical to

Domain analysis

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Since the denominator cannot be zero, then and cannot be . We

have a vertical asymptote of .
Hence for the domain analysis, the abscissa or values for is good for all real
numbers except .
Range analysis

Since the denominator cannot be zero, then and cannot be . We

have a horizontal asymptote of .
Hence for the range analysis, the ordinate or values for is good for all real
numbers except .

Curve tracing
We first draw the coordinate axes depicting the intercepts, vertical and
horizontal asymptotes.

Before point plotting we will do some supplementary analysis using domain

equation and range equation.

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At the values from to , is negative.

At the values from to , is positive.
At the values from to , is positive.

At the values from to , is positive.

At the values from to , is positive.
At the values from to , is negative.

Shaded areas are the possible curve location

(vertical asymptote)

(horizontal asymptote)


Values for point plotting will be determined using the equation in terms of x;
. Assume values of (using the shaded areas as reference) and solve for .

or ⁄

When ; ⁄

When ; ⁄

When ; ⁄ ⁄

When ; ⁄ ⁄
When ; ⁄ ⁄

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When ⁄ ; ( ⁄ )⁄( ⁄ )

When ⁄ ; ( ⁄ )⁄( ⁄ )

When ; ⁄

When ; ⁄

When ; ⁄ ⁄ ⁄

When ; ⁄ ⁄ ⁄

⁄ ⁄
0 ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ 5 ⁄ ⁄

Locus of the equation


O 1

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7





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2.6 Lines
Line or straight line is a locus of a given equation that has a constant slope.
If the line is parallel to and at a directed distance from the , its equation is

If the line is parallel to and at a directed distance from the , its equation is

General equation of a line

where , , and
where , , and

a) Standard equation of a line. Point slope form.

Suppose a line passes through the point and has a slope equal to . Take
any point on the line

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By formula, , simplifying, we obtain the point-slope form of the straight



Find the equation of the line through with slope ⁄ .

Plot the point and draw the line connecting it to a point depicting the slope.

The point-slope form of the straight line is

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Where , , and ⁄

Substituting and simplifying

Find the equation of the line passing through and


By formula , we obtain the slope of the line to be

( )

Any of the two given points may be used in formula . Taking

then formula is .

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b) Standard equation of a line. Slope-intercept form.

We derive the standard equation of a line whose intercept is equal to and whose
slope is equal to . Take any point on the line.

Using formula

, taking , and

the slope-intercept form of the straight line

Reduce the equation to the slope intercept form.

Here ⁄ and , or point

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Find the angle from the line to the line
Let be and be

⁄ ⁄


Using the formula for the tangent of the angle from to .

⁄ ( ⁄ )
( ⁄ )( ⁄ )

( ⁄ )

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Equation of parallel lines

Theorem: If two linear equations have identical x-coefficients and identical y-
coefficients, the lines represented are parallel.
This theorem states that
is parallel to

Both lines have slope ⁄ . Since their slopes are equal, the lines are parallel.

Equation of perpendicular lines

Theorem: If in two linear equations, the x-coefficient of the first is equal to the y-
coefficicient of the second and the y-coefficient of the first is numerically equal but of opposite
sign to the x-coefficient of the second, or vice-versa, the lines represented are perpendicular
to each other.
This theorem states that
is perpendicular to

Slopes of the lines are ⁄ and ⁄ respectively. Since their slopes are negative
reciprocals to each other, the lines are perpendicular.

Write the equation of a line passing through parallel to the line

The required parallel line

Or by using the slope of the given line ⁄ . Slope ⁄ .

, ⁄ [ ]

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Write the equation of a line passing through perpendicular to the line
The required perpendicular line

Or by using the slope of the given line ⁄ . Slope ⁄ . The slope of

perpendicular line ⁄ , Therefore ⁄( ⁄ )

c) Standard equation of a line. Intercept form.

Take a line intersecting the -axis at and the -axis at . The -intercept
would therefore be and the -intercept .

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Take any point on the line and draw auxiliary lines and . Triangle
is similar to triangle ,

Dividing through by

⁄ ⁄ the intercept form of the straight line

Find the equation of a line whose -intercept is and -intercept is .
Using the formula

⁄ ⁄

⁄ ⁄

A line passes through and has its intercepts numerically equal but of
opposite signs. Find its equation.

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The intercepts are given to be numerically equal but of opposite signs, thus

The intercept form of the straight line is

⁄ ⁄

Since the point is on the line, its coordinates satisfy the equation of the line

⁄ ⁄


⁄ ⁄ ; ⁄ ⁄ ; ⁄


Substitute to ⁄ ⁄

⁄ ⁄

d) Standard equation of a line. Normal form.

A line whose equation is to be found has its distance from the origin to be equal to .
Let the angle of inclination of be .
Figure 1 Figure 2

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Figure 3 Figure 4

In all of the four possible cases

⁄ or ⁄

Since is perpendicular to , the slope of is equal to the negative reciprocal of the

slope of .

⁄ or ⁄

Substituting in the slope-intercept form

, we obtain

⁄ ⁄

Simplifying, we have the normal form of the straight line.

Reduction of the general form to the normal form

The slope of the line is ⁄ . The slope of which is

perpendicular to the line is therefore ⁄ . Thus ⁄ .

From trigonometry, we obtain the values

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If we divide through the general equation of the straight line by √ , we have

√ √ √
Transposing the constant term to the right, we obtain

√ √ √

This is of the normal form . Comparing the two equations, we

note that

To reduce the general form of the straight line to the normal form, divide through by
√ . The sign of the radical must be chosen to be the same as the sign of .

Reduce to the normal form.
Figure 1


√ √ , Note, since is positive, the sign of radical is positive.

The required equation is

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√ √ √


, √
, √

In the normal form, is positive when the -intercept is positive and negative when
the -intercept is negative.

Find the equation of a line parallel to the line passing at a distance
from the point .
Figure 1

Find first the equation of the line parallel to the given line and passing
through , that is

Reducing to the normal form, we have

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√ √ √

normal form of (parallel to )

√ √ √

The distance of this line from the origin is

The required lines are of distance from line
Figure 1

√ √ √

The required line (s), we have two are

√ √ √


√ √ √

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Distance from line to a point

Let the given line have the equation and the given point to be
The normal form of is

√ √ √

equation 1 (distance from to origin)

The equation of the line parallel to which passes through is

√ √ √

equation 2 (distance from to origin)


The distance between the two lines, which is also the distance from the line to the
point , is equal to the difference between the distances of the two lines from the
origin. Subtracting the right-hand quantity of equation 1 from that of equation 2, that is

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( )
√ √

This represents the distance from the line to the point .

The ambiguous sign should follow the sign of . This distance will be positive when
the point is above the line and negative when the point is below the line.
If the line is parallel to the -axis, the distance is positive when the point is to the right
of the line and negative when the point is to the left of the line.

Find the distance of the point from the line .

, , , and . Using the formula of distance from
point to a line.

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( )( ) ( )( )
since is negative the sign of
√( ) ( )
denominator is negative.

√ ⁄

Find the bisector of the obtuse angle between the lines
and .


Take a point on the bisector and let its distance from the two lines be and
. The two distances are numerically equal and both positive because is above both

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For the line ; , , , and . Using

the formula of distance from point to a line.

√( ) ( )

For the line ; , , , and . Using the

formula of distance from point to a line.

√( ) ( )

Since the point is equidistant to both lines then

√ √

√ √

2.7 Conic sections

If a plane is made to cut a right circular cone, the section obtained is called a conic
If the plane is parallel to the base of the cone we have a circle.

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If the cutting plane is parallel to a plane tangent to the cone, the section is called a

If the cutting plane is not parallel to a plane tangent to the cone, the section is called an

A right circular cone is actually the surface generated by an oblique line, rotated about
a vertical axis at the point of intersection . The surface has two nappes or sheets joined at .

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If the cutting plane intersects both nappes, the conic section is called a hyperbola.

Analytically, a conic section is defined as the path of a point which moves so that its
distance from a fixed point called the focus is in a constant ratio to its distance from a fixed
line called the directrix. The constant ratio is called the eccentricity.

In figure, let be the , the , a point on the conic and the

From the definition of a conic,

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This is the equation of a conic. Conic sections are classified according to the value of
When the conic is an ellipse
When the conic is a parabola
When the conic is a hyperbola
When the ellipse approaches a circle as a limiting shape
When the definition fails

2.7 Parabola
The parabola is the conic section whose eccentricity is , . It is the locus of
points which are equidistant from a fixed point and a fixed line.
We shall derive the equation of the parabola. Assume the vertex to be at the origin and
focus lying along the -axis. This makes the -axis as the axis of the parabola. The distance
from vertex to the focus, called , will always be positive. Since , the distance of the
directrix with respect to the vertex will always equal the distance from vertex to focus which
is , hence the directrix in this case will be the vertical line .

Taking a point on the parabola, by definition


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Squaring both sides and simplifying

This is the standard equation of a parabola with vertex at the origin opening
rightwards. The following are its properties:
Axis : -axis
Focus :
Directrix :
Length of latus rectum :
In case of parabola opening rightward but vertex is not at origin , instead its
vertex is situated at , then its standard equation is

Axis at , Focus at , Directrix at , Length of latus rectum is


The standard equation of a parabola with vertex at the origin opening leftward

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The following are its properties:

Axis at -axis, Focus at , Directrix at , Length of latus rectum is .
In case of parabola opening leftward and vertex is at .

Axis at , Focus at , Directrix at , Length of latus rectum is


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The standard equation of a parabola with vertex at the origin opening upward

The following are its properties:

Axis at -axis, Focus at , Directrix at , Length of latus rectum is .
In case of parabola opening upward and vertex is at .
The standard equation of a parabola with vertex at opening upward

The following are its properties:

Axis at , Focus at , Directrix at , Length of latus rectum is

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The standard equation of a parabola with vertex at the origin opening downward

The following are its properties:

Axis at -axis, Focus at , Directrix at , Length of latus rectum is .
In case of parabola opening downward and vertex is at .
The standard equation of a parabola with vertex at opening downward

The following are its properties:

Axis at , Focus at , Directrix at , Length of latus rectum is
Locate the vertex, the focus and ends of the latus rectum and find the equation of the
directrix, then draw the parabola whose equation is

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This parabola is the equation of a parabola with vertex at the origin opening upward,
standard form is .

distance from the vertex to the focus and from vertex to directrix
distance from the focus to the ends of the latus rectum
The focus is at , ends of the latus rectum are at and and the
equation of the directrix is .


Find the equation and draw the general appearance of the parabola with vertex at
and as directrix
Comparing the equation of the directrix with the ordinate of the vertex, it is evident
that the directrix is above the vertex, therefore the parabola opens down ward with vertex not
at the origin.
Its standard form is

The distance from vertex to the directrix is equal to , the length of the
latus rectum , and .

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Substitute to the standard form

[ ]



General form of the parabola

The general equation of a parabola whose axis is parallel to the -axis

The general equation of a parabola whose axis is parallel to the -axis

Summary: An equation of the second degree in which the -term is missing and only
one square term is present represents a parabola with its axis parallel to a coordinate axis.
Reduce to standard form, then draw the curve.
Divide through by and transpose the and constant term to the right.

Complete squares

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( ⁄ )

Parabola with vertex not at the origin and opening upward, standard form is

Vertex is at ( ⁄ ), parallel to -axis opening upward

length of latus rectum

distance from the vertex to the focus and from vertex to directrix
distance from the focus to the ends of the latus rectum

-coordinate of focus; ⁄ ⁄ ( ⁄ )

-coordinate of ; ( ⁄ )

-coordinate of ; ( ⁄ )

Equation of directrix is ⁄ or ⁄

( ⁄ )

( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ )

( ⁄ )


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Find the equation of a parabola with axis parallel to the -axis and passing through
( ⁄ ), and .

( ⁄ )

The general equation of a parabola whose axis is parallel to the -axis is

The plan, since we have three points given, is to create three equations out of the three
points and solve simultaneously three equations for three unknowns. For the meantime we
have four arbitrary constants, , , , and , but we can remedy that by dividing the equation
through by .

⁄ ⁄ ⁄

We can change variable, let:

Substituting, we have

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equation I
Now, the arbitrary constants are reduced to three, , , and . Substituting the
coordinates of the given points to this equation, we obtain the following equations

( ⁄ ) : ( ⁄ )

equation a
equation b
equation c
Solving the three equations simultaneously, we obtain

⁄ , , ⁄ substitute to equation I

⁄ ⁄

2.8 Ellipse
The parabola is the conic section whose eccentricity is less than ,
. That is, if is any point on the ellipse

Equation of the ellipse with its axes coinciding with the coordinate axes.
Let the center be at and the major axis coincide with so that . Also let
the distance from to and be respectively and .

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For any point of the ellipse, we have by definition

⁄ , or

√ , and

√ equation 1
Because is on the ellipse, we have similarly
equation 2
Likewise is on the ellipse, so that
equation 3
By addition and subtraction we get, from equations 2 and 3
, and ⁄

Substitution into equation 1 gives

√ ⁄

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Squaring both sides

It will be convenient to let

So that in simple form

the major axis is along -axis

Note that since

So that
Hence, the major axis of an ellipse is always greater than its minor axis.

The form indicates that major axis is along -axis.

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Important properties of ellipse

1. The ellipse is a closed curve and is symmetrical with respect to both its axes.
2. The sum of the focal distance of any point on the ellipse is constant and equal to the
length of the major axis; .
3. As a corollary to the preceding property, we see that the distance from a focus to a vertex
at one end of the minor axis is equal to half the length of the major axis; .
4. The distances from the center to a focus is and center to a directrix is ⁄ .
5. The length of the latus rectum is ⁄ .

Reduce to the standard form and compute the eccentricity, the
distances from yhr center to the foci and the directrices, and the length of the latera recta.
Afterwards, locate the vertices, ends of the latera recta, and trace the ellipse.
Transposing the constant term to the right

Dividing by 45

⁄ ⁄ or ⁄⁄ ⁄

⁄ ⁄
( ⁄ ) (√ )

The major axis √ coincides with -axis and the minor axis ⁄
coincides with -axis.
The foci will lie on the major axis which is the -axis. From

√ ⁄

√ ⁄ distance from center to foci

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√ ⁄

⁄ √
⁄√ ⁄

⁄ √ ⁄ distance from center to directrix

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√ ⁄

( √ )

( √ ⁄ √ ⁄ ) ( √ ⁄ ) ( √ ⁄ √ ⁄ )

( √ ⁄ √ ⁄ ) ( √ ⁄ ) ( √ ⁄ √ ⁄ )

( √ )

√ ⁄

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An ellipse with major and minor axes coinciding with and respectively has an
eccentricity of ⁄ . If the distance between the foci is , find the equation of the ellipse.


Here, ⁄ , ⁄ and .

Hence ⁄ ⁄⁄ and

( ⁄ )

The required equation is then

⁄ ⁄

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Ellipse with center at

Referred to a set of axes coinciding with its own major and minor axes , the
equation of the ellipse is

⁄ ⁄ or ⁄ ⁄

Referred to and axes, the standard equation of the ellipse is

⁄ ⁄ or

⁄ ⁄

The general form of equation of ellipse is

The general form of equation of ellipse can be reduced to standard form by

transposing constant term and completing the squares.

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Trace the curve

Transposing and completing the squares

( ⁄ )

( ⁄ )

( ⁄ )

( ⁄ )⁄

( ⁄ )

( ⁄ )⁄

( ⁄ )

Here is ( ⁄ ), √ ⁄ , ⁄ ⁄

( ⁄ )

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2.9 Circle
A circle is the locus of a point which moves at a constant distance from a fixed point
called its center. The constant distance of any point from the center is called the radius.

Let be any point on the circle, the center. By definition

Applying the distance formula we have

This is the standard equation of a circle of radius whose center is at .

If the center is at the origin then and the equation becomes

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General equation of a circle

The general equation of second degree is of the form

The circle have and , then the equation becomes

This is the general equation of a circle. It can be reduced to the standard equation by
dividing through by and then completing squares in and .

Reduce to standard form and draw the circle whose equation is

Dividing through by 4 and transpose the constant term to the right

Completing squares in and .

⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄

( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ )

The center is at ( ⁄ ⁄ ) and the radius is ⁄

( ⁄ ⁄ )

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Find the equation of a circle with center at and tangent to the line

The radius of the circle is equal to the distance of the center from the line
. Applying the formula of distance from line to a point,

( )( ) ( )( )
since is negative the sign of
√( ) ( )
denominator is negative.
√ ⁄

The equation of the circle is

( √ ⁄ )

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Find the equation of a circle passing through , and .
We substitute the coordinates of three points to the general equation of circle, we
would obtain three equations in three arbitrary constants. For the meantime, we have four
arbitrary constants, , , , and , but we can remedy that by dividing the equation through
by .

⁄ ⁄ ⁄

We can change variable, let:

Substituting, we have
equation I
Now, the arbitrary constants are reduced to three, , , and . Substituting the
coordinates of the given points to this equation, we obtain the following equations
equation a
equation b
equation c
Solving the three equations simultaneously, we obtain
, , substitute to equation I

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Find the equation of a circle passing through , and with center on

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The center of the circle will lie on the locus of points equidistant from and
. Let be any point on the locus of points equidistant from to .

√ √

equation 1
The point of intersection of this line with that of the given line
equation 2
Is the center of the required center. Solving equations 1 and 2 simultaneously, we
obtain the center of the circle to be at . The radius is or , we take .

Using the standard form, the equation of the circle is

In general form, the equation of the circle is

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2.10 Hyperbola
The hyperbola is a conic whose eccentricity is greater than 1 ; that is, for any
point on the hyperbola,

In figure, is the center, and the vertices, and the foci, and the
latera recta, and the directrices and and are the asymptotes.
The line segment is the transverse axis, whose length is usually denoted by .
The line segment or the perpendicular bisector of length , is the conjugate axis.
The length of the transverse axis of a hyperbola may be greater than, equal to, or less
than that of its conjugate axis.

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Some properties of hyperbola

1. The hyperbola consists of two open branches, and is symmetrical with respect to both
2. The difference between the focal distances of any point on the hyperbola is constant and is
equal to the length of the transverse axis:

3. The distances from the center to a focus and to a directrix are respectively and ⁄ .

4. The length of the latus rectum is ⁄ .

5. The diagonals (prolonged and ) of the rectangle of sides and

and parallel to the transverse and conjugate axes respectively are asymptotes of the
Equation of hyperbola referred to its axes

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By a procedure similar to the case of the ellipse, we obtain, for the hyperbola shown

Or since

for convenience put


Standard form for hyperbola with center at and transverse axis on -axis.

Standard form for hyperbola with center at and transverse axis on -axis.

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( ) ( )

So that

⁄ and ⁄ . The transverse axis coincides with .

√( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ ) √ ⁄ ⁄ √ ⁄

√ ⁄

The latus rectum is

( ⁄ )
⁄ ⁄
( ⁄ )

⁄ ⁄

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Hyperbola with center at

By translation of axes, the standard equation of a hyperbola with center at is
readily obtained.
Transverse axis is parallel to

Transverse axis is parallel to

General form of hyperbola

Where and are opposite signs. The general form of equation of hyperbola can be
reduced to standard form by transposing constant term and completing the squares.

Trace the curve

Transposing the constant term and completing squares

⁄ ⁄

⁄ ⁄

The center is at ; the transverse axis is parallel to ; , . The foci

are at √ to the right and to the left of the center. The latus rectum is of length
⁄ ⁄ ⁄ .

The foci are at and . The vertices at at and .

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D. Activities/Exercises


 Write your answers and solution on your personal notebook.
 To get full points, your solutions must be concise and properly presented.
 Final answers should be boxed.
 Work independently

1. Determine the distance from to

2. Find the slope of the line between and
3. The line segment from to is to be extended (from ) a distance equal to twice
its length. Find the terminal point.
4. Find the equation of the line parallel to and passing through .
5. Find the coordinates of the focus of the parabola
6. An ellipse has an eccentricity of ⁄ . Compute the distance between directrices if the distance
between foci is .
7. How far is the center of the circle from the line ?
8. Find the eccentricity of a hyperbola having distance between foci equal to and the distance
between directrices equal to

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E. Evaluation/Post-test
Post-test 4

This test will measure your mastery in Lesson 4 covered in this module.
 Write your answers and solution on your personal notebook.
 To get full points, your solutions must be concise and properly presented.
 Final answers should be boxed.
 Work independently

1. The abscissa of a point is . If its distance from a point is , find its ordinate.
2. Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the segment joining the points and
3. The vertices of the base of an isosceles triangle are and . If the third vertex lies on
the line , find the area of the triangle.
4. Compute the angle between the line .
5. A line has an equation of . Find the value of if this line makes an angle of
with the line
6. Determine the -intercept of the line passing through and .
7. A circle has its center on the line and tangent to the -axis at . Find its radius
8. Find an equation for the hyperbola with foci at and , and eccentricity .

Rainville, E., Love, C., (1981). Differential and Integral Calculus. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.

Quirino D., Mijares, J., (1993). Analytic Geometry. Royal Publishing House, Inc.

Kern W., Bland, J., (1967). Solid Mensuration. John Willy & Sons, Inc.

Rider P., (1971). Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.

Fuller, G., (1982). College Algebra. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.

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Congratulations for completing this module!

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WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

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