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11th Class Notes

Chapter 6 – Fluid Dynamics
Q1. From the top of a tall building, you drop two table-tennis balls, one filled with air and the
other with water. Which ball reaches terminal velocity first and why?
Ans: The ball filled with air will reach its terminal velocity first.
Mathema cally, terminal velocity of a spherical body is given by;

vₜ =

From this rela on, we can clearly see that terminal velocity is directly propor onal to the density
of spherical body.
vₜ ∝ 𝜌
As the ball filled with air will be less dense implies that it’ll have smaller terminal velocity and it
takes less me to reach smaller value. Hence, the ball filled with air will reach the terminal velocity

Q2. Why can a squirrel jump from a tree branch to the ground and run away undamaged, while
a human could break a bone in such a fall?
Ans: A squirrel can jump from a tree branch to the ground undamaged because squirrel reaches
the ground with low terminal velocity.
We know that terminal velocity depends upon the mass of object. Mathema cally,
vₜ =
Furthermore, the drag force also depends upon the size of object. Greater surface area faces
greater drag force. Hence, a squirrel with smaller mass and greater drag force, reaches the ground
with low terminal velocity and remains safe. On the other hand, a human with larger mass and
less drag force, reaches the ground with higher terminal velocity and may get injured.

Prepared By: Sir Waleed


Q3. How does the terminal speed of a parachu st before opening a parachute compare to the
terminal speed a erward? Why is there a difference?
Ans: The difference in the terminal velocity of a parachu st before and a er opening its parachute
is due to the change in surface area which leads to change in the drag force.
𝐹ᴅ = 6𝜋ɳ𝑟𝑣
During his journey, a parachu st a ains terminal velocity twice. Once before opening and then
a er opening his parachute.


Before opening, the paratrooper has lower A er opening, the paratrooper has larger
radius. (Small surface area) radius. (Greater surface area)
Drag force is small due to smaller area. Drag force is large due to larger area.
As a result, parachu st has greater terminal As a result, parachu st has lower terminal
velocity. velocity.

Q4. You can squirt water over a greater distance by placing your thumb over the end of a garden
hose, than by leaving it completely uncovered. Explain how this works.
Ans: When we place our thumb over the end of a garden hose, its cross-sec onal area decreases
and as a result, the speed of fluid (water) increases.
According to equa on of con nuity, we know;
Av = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡
v =
v ∝
Above rela on shows that speed of fluid and cross-sec onal area of container are inversely
propor onal to each other. Therefore, by placing the thumb over the end of a garden hose, its
cross-sec onal area ‘A’ decreases. As a result, the speed of fluid ‘v’ increases and it covers greater

Q5. Why does smoke rise faster in a chimney on a windy day?

Ans: Smoke rises faster in a chimney on a windy day due to Bernoulli’s principle.
On a windy day, wind passes over the top of the chimney with a higher velocity, resul ng in faster
airflow. According to Bernoulli’s principle, this faster airflow reduces the pressure above the

Prepared By: Sir Waleed


chimney. This pressure difference between outside and inside of the chimney creates a suc on
effect which enhances the upward movement of smoke, causing it to rise faster.

Q6. Two boats moving in parallel paths close to one another risk colliding. Why?
Ans: Two boats moving in parallel paths close to each other risk colliding due to the Bernoulli’s
As the boats move through the water, they create a region of faster airflow between them.
According to Bernoulli’s principle, as the velocity increases, the pressure decreases. Hence, a
region of lower pressure is created between the boats as compared to the sides of boats. Due to
this pressure difference, air rushes from sides of boats (higher pressure) towards the region
between the boats (lower pressure). As a result, boats come closer to one another risk colliding.

Q7. A cricket ball moves past an observer from le to right, spinning counter clockwise. In which
direc on will the ball tend to deflect?
Ans: The cricket ball will tend to deflect towards the right side.
According to Bernoulli’s principle, as the cricket ball spins counter-clockwise while moving from
le to right, it creates a difference in airspeed between le and right side of the ball. This
difference in airspeed also creates a difference in air pressure.
The fast-moving air on the right-side experiences lower pressure, while the slow-moving air on
le -side experiences higher pressure. As a result, a pressure gradient is formed across the ball,
exer ng a force in the direc on of lower pressure. So, the ball will tend to deflect towards the
region of lower pressure which is towards the right.

Q8. If aero-foil li the aero-plane in upright posi on, how do the pilots make the aero-planes
fly upside down?
Ans: The pilots of military aircra s can make them fly upside down because of high angle of
a ack.
Aeroba c and military aircra s can fly upside down because they have a special way of controlling
the air around them. When these planes flip over, the pilot lts the nose upwards. By doing this,
the top part of the wings pushes the air down faster even though it’s upside down, crea ng a
force that helps the plane stay in the air. Fighter planes also have wings that work well when
upside down, which adds to their stability in that posi on.

Prepared By: Sir Waleed


Q9. Why do the golf balls have dimples?

Ans: By having dimples, golf balls can achieve greater distance, accuracy, and consistency in their
As the golf ball moves through air, these dimples on a golf ball create turbulence in it. This
turbulence (disturbance) reduces the drag force ac ng on the ball, allowing it to travel farther
and more efficiently through the air.

 The dimples disturb the flow of air around the golf ball.
 The turbulent airflow creates a thin layer of air around the ball, called the ‘boundary layer’.
 This boundary layer reduces the drag force ac ng on the ball.
 As a result, the ball covers larger distance with greater accuracy and efficiency.

Q10. How by using wind deflectors on the top truck can reduce fuel consump on?
Ans: Wind deflectors are used to reduce fuel consump on by giving streamline flow to the air
which results in reduc on of drag force on the trucks.
Without using wind deflectors, the trucks when moving at high speeds experience greater air
resistance (drag force) due to their large flat surface. To overcome this drag force, the engine has
to do greater work which results in more fuel consump on.
But when wind deflectors are used on the top of trucks, it gives a streamline shape to the truck.
As a result, the drag force ac ng on a fast-moving truck is reduced. The engine has to do less work
against the drag force which ul mately reduces fuel consump on.


Prepared By: Sir Waleed


Q: What dis nguishes a fluid from a solid?
A: Fluids can flow and take the shape of their container, unlike solids.
Q: Explain the role of viscosity in fluid dynamics.
A: Viscosity measures a fluid's resistance to flow; higher viscosity results in slower flow.
Q: How does fluid fric on impact the mo on of objects in fluids?
A: Fluid fric on opposes mo on and is quan fied by Stoke's law for spherical objects.
Q: Define terminal velocity.
A: Terminal velocity is the constant speed achieved when drag equals gravita onal force during
free fall.
Q: Differen ate between laminar and turbulent fluid flow.
A: Laminar flow is smooth and orderly, while turbulent flow is chao c and irregular.
Q: How are streamlines related to fluid flow pa erns?
A: Streamlines represent the paths followed by fluid par cles in steady flow.
Q: State the equa on of con nuity for fluid flow.
A: A1v1 = A2v2 expresses the conserva on of mass in fluid flow through varying cross-sec onal
Q: Briefly describe Bernoulli's equa on and its components.
A: Bernoulli's equa on relates pressure, velocity, and height, expressing the conserva on of
energy in fluid flow. Mathema cally, Bernoulli’s eq. is,
P + 1/2ρv^2 + ρgh = constant.
Q: Provide an example of an applica on where Bernoulli's equa on is vital.
A: Aircra li is an example; lower pressure above the wing contributes to li .
Q: How do filter pumps operate in fluid systems?
A: Filter pumps remove impuri es by passing fluids through a filtering medium.
Q: Explain the role of atomizers in fluid dynamics.
A: Atomizers break down liquids into fine sprays by applying Bernoulli’s principle, used in
applica ons like spray bo les.

Prepared By: Sir Waleed


Q: Summarize Torricelli's theorem.

A: Torricelli's theorem relates the speed of efflux to the height of fluid in a container.
Q: How does a Venturi meter measure fluid flow?
A: A Venturi meter measures flow rate by detec ng pressure changes induced by a constricted
flow path.
Q: What role does an aero foil play in aerodynamics?
A: An aero foil’s shape generates li and is fundamental to the design of aircra wings.
Q: How does Bernoulli's principle apply to blood flow in arteries?
A: Faster blood flow in narrower arteries results in lower pressure, in accordance with Bernoulli's
Q: Differen ate between ideal fluids and real fluids.
A: Ideal fluids are non-viscous and incompressible, whereas real fluids have viscosity and
Q: Explain the term "buoyancy" and how it is related to fluid dynamics.
A: Buoyancy is the upward force exerted by a fluid on an immersed object, counterac ng gravity.
Q: Describe the concept of fluid pressure.
A: Fluid pressure is the force exerted by a fluid per unit area and increases with depth in a fluid.
Q: How does Pascal's law apply to fluid pressure in a confined fluid?
A: Pascal's law states that a change in pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmi ed
undiminished to all por ons of the fluid.
Q: Discuss the factors that influence the viscosity of a fluid.
A: Viscosity is affected by temperature, pressure, and the molecular structure of the fluid.
Q: Explain how viscosity impacts the flow of different fluids.
A: High-viscosity fluids flow more slowly, while low-viscosity fluids flow more easily.
Q: Define terminal velocity and its rela onship with fluid fric on.
A: Terminal velocity is the constant speed reached by an object falling through a fluid when the
upward force of fluid fric on equals the downward force of gravity.

Prepared By: Sir Waleed


Q: How does Stoke's law describe the mo on of small par cles in a viscous fluid?
A: Stoke's law relates the drag force on a small sphere moving through a viscous fluid to its
Q: Discuss the factors that affect the terminal velocity of an object in free fall.
A: Terminal velocity is influenced by the object's mass, cross-sec onal area, and the viscosity of
the fluid through which it falls.
Q: How does the shape of an object affect its terminal velocity?
A: Objects with larger surface areas experience greater drag force, leading to lower terminal
veloci es.
Q: Explain the concept of streamline flow.
A: Streamline flow is characterized by fluid par cles moving in smooth, parallel paths with
consistent velocity.
Q: What is the significance of the Reynolds number in fluid flow?
A: The Reynolds number helps predict the transi on between laminar and turbulent flow in a
Q: How is turbulent flow different from laminar flow, and when does the transi on occur?
A: Turbulent flow is chao c and irregular, occurring at higher flow rates, while laminar flow is
smooth and orderly at lower flow rates.
Q: Discuss the factors that can lead to the transi on from laminar to turbulent flow.
A: Higher flow veloci es, larger pipe diameters, and increased fluid viscosity can lead to the
transi on.
Q: Explain the principle of con nuity in fluid dynamics.
A: The principle of con nuity states that the mass flow rate of fluid is constant in a pipe with
steady flow.
Q: How is the equa on of con nuity applied to blood flow in blood vessels?
A: The cross-sec onal area of blood vessels changes to maintain a constant flow rate, following
the equa on of con nuity.
Q: State Bernoulli's equa on and discuss its components.
A: Bernoulli's equa on is P + 1/2ρv^2 + ρgh = constant, where P is pressure, ρ is density, v is
velocity, g is gravity, and h is height.

Prepared By: Sir Waleed


Q: In what situa ons is the applica on of Bernoulli's equa on most appropriate?

A: Bernoulli's equa on is applicable to steady, incompressible fluid flow with negligible fric on.
Q: Describe how Bernoulli's principle is applied in the design of a carburetor.
A: A carburetor uses Bernoulli's principle to regulate the air-fuel mixture entering an engine.
Q: Discuss the importance of filter pumps in water treatment systems.
A: Filter pumps help remove contaminants, ensuring the delivery of clean and safe water.
Q: In what applica ons are atomizers commonly used, and how do they func on?
A: Atomizers are used in spray bo les, paint sprayers, and cooling systems to break down liquids
into fine sprays.
Q: Explain the role of atomizers in the pharmaceu cal industry.
A: Atomizers are used to create a fine mist of medica ons for inhala on in respiratory treatments.
Q: Discuss Torricelli's theorem and its relevance to fluid dynamics.
A: Torricelli's theorem relates the speed of efflux from a small opening to the height of the fluid
column, providing insights into fluid mo on.
Q: How is Torricelli's theorem used in designing fountains?
A: Fountains u lize Torricelli's theorem to control the height of water jets based on the size of the
Q: Explain the working principle of a Venturi meter in measuring fluid flow.
A: A Venturi meter measures fluid flow by observing pressure changes in a constricted sec on of
the pipe.
Q: Discuss the advantages of using a Venturi meter over other flow measurement devices.
A: Venturi meters offer high accuracy and minimal pressure loss compared to other flow
measurement methods.
Q: How does the shape of an aero foil generate li in aircra ?
A: The curved upper surface of an aero foil reduces air pressure, crea ng li and enabling flight.
Q: Explain the significance of the angle of a ack in aerodynamics.
A: The angle of a ack is crucial in determining the li and drag forces ac ng on an aero foil.

Prepared By: Sir Waleed


Q: Define angle of a ack (AOA).

A: The angle of a ack (AOA) is the angle between the chord line of an aero foil (the imaginary
straight line between the leading and trailing edges) and the oncoming air. It is a cri cal parameter
in aerodynamics and plays a significant role in determining the li and drag forces ac ng on an
aero foil.
Q: How does the circulatory system maintain proper blood flow despite changes in body
posi on?
A: Blood vessels constrict or dilate to regulate blood flow and maintain proper perfusion.
Q: Discuss the role of Bernoulli's principle in understanding blood flow through arteries.
A: Bernoulli's principle explains how higher blood velocity in narrower arteries corresponds to
lower pressure.


Prepared By: Sir Waleed

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