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Ref. No.

: 785043
Name : Mr Stuart Brews ter
DOB : 03/05/1945
19 Gardeners
Address : CHELMSFORD Group : Group 1 Automotive
Es s ex Dealer : Audi Chelms ford
Postcode : CM2 8YU
Reg. No. : EK73GZ S

Duty of Care Document

Our Obligation to You

Group 1 Automotive UK Limited is authoris ed and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority for Ins urance
Dis tribution activities (firm reference number 671390).

Barons Autos tar Limited is authoris ed and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority for Cons umer Credit
activities (firm reference number 685296) and an Appointed Repres entative of Group 1 Automotive UK Limited.
Barons Autos tar Limited is a Credit Broker not a Lender.

The following wholly owned group s ubs idiary companies are all Appointed Repres entatives of both Group 1
Automotive UK Limited and Barons Autos tar Limited in regard to the s pecified activities in the regulatory
dis clos ure above:

Spire Automotive Limited Spire Lakes ide Limited Beadles Sidcup Limited
Think One Limited Hodgs on Automotive Limited Beadles Ayles ford Limited
Barons Automotive Limited Beadles Medway Limited Beadles Maids tone Limited
Beadles Dartford Limited Beadles Couls don Limited

Further information can be found on our Initial Dis clos ure Document previous ly provided to you.

As your vehicle is a valuable as s et and to ens ure that we identified the protection products mos t s uitable to
meet your requirements , we gathered information from a s eries of detailed ques tions and the ans wers you
s upplied to us regarding your needs , from which we are able to identify potential areas of ris k. You confirmed
that the information you provided is complete and accurate to the bes t of your knowledge.

We have previous ly provided you with a copy of your Statement of Demands and Needs , pleas e take time to
review this document again as it details your res pons e to the ques tions as ked and as a res ult, the products and
providers we identified were mos t s uitable for your needs .

This Duty of Care document is important, please take time to review it.

Having considered the suitable products you have purchased:

Red Sands Combined GAP/RTI - For Vehicles £30,001 to £75,000 - 36 months

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Duty of Care

The above product(s ) meet the ris ks highlighted in your 'Statement of Demands and Needs '.

I confirm that the features , benefits and any s ignificant exclus ions of the products have been fully explained to
me. To the bes t of my knowledge the information I have provided is complete and accurate.

I als o confirm that I have received the following documentation for each product and a Company Status
Dis clos ure document. Each document has been fully explained to me:-

The GAP Document Pack detailing the deferred period (The pack contains important information
about our GAP policy and should be read before purchasing GAP Insurance.) Please note: GAP
insurance is not available to Group 1 Assured Centres
Ins urance Product Information Document (IPID)
Statement of Price
Ins urance Certificate
Policy Document detailing the full terms and conditions

Cus tomer's Signature (Mr Stuart Brewster, 04-10-2023 18:47 BST)

I have been allowed time to carefully cons ider the benefits of the protection and I am aware that the purchas e of
any ins urance is "optional" and not conditional upon the vehicle purchas e.

We are unable to establish suitability

Tyre Damage Insurance

SMART Protection Insurance

Contract Hire GAP

Customer Declaration

This is your pers onal 'Duty of Care Document' and has been prepared from information directly s upplied by you.

I confirm that my 'Duty of Care Document' has been fully explained to me.

I als o confirm that I have made arrangements for the vehicle to be covered by a motor ins urance policy BEFORE
taking delivery of the vehicle, directly with the Ins urance company.

I acknowledge receipt of this document which has either been electronically emailed to me or a copy handed to

Cus tomer's Signature (Mr Stuart Brewster, 04-10-2023 18:47 BST)

Dealer's Signature (Lee Stevens , 03-10-2023 10:28 BST)

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Data Protection

Your personal data collected as part of this process will be passed to the product insurer and tothe product administrator, as detailed above in respect of the policy you have selected, out
ofnecessity in order to set up the contract of insurance. For the purposes of the data protectionlegislation the insurer is the 'controller' of this personal data, the administrator
merelyprocesses this personal data on behalf of the insurer - this means the administrator is a 'processor'of this personal data.

More information about how your personal data collected as part of this process is used is given inthe Privacy and Data Protection Notice set out in your policy document. If you have any
concernsabout the handling of your personal data collected as part of this process, you have the right tocomplain to the Information Commissioner's Office.

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