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§ People are drawn to water -We're naturally drawn to aquatic hues and people associate this color with
qualities like calm, openness, depth and wisdom.

§ Human interaction with water is foremost feature that calls for riverfront development. People have a strong
desire to feel it, reach it; and thus it becomes very important that approach to water should be given, public
space production along the river shore should be primary purpose.

§ This paper focused to develop a set of guidelines that contribute to the establishment of socio interactive
spaces at riverfront.

§ Research will also explore on current riverfront developments and notion of place identity and place making
by the development of recreational spaces.

§ Different case studies and their analysis will provide the strategies of a successful riverfront with meaningful
socio interactive spaces.

§ From the synthesis of findings a set of design attributes are framed.

• People in cities wants a riverfront as a place of public enjoyment. They seek riverfront where there is
enormous visual and physical eye catching sites remain all day the throughout. People also want riverfront to
serve many purposes and a place that contributes to the quality of daily life in all of its aspect-economic ,social
and cultural.


• To formulate the framework for Riverfront development as a Socio-Interactive space.


• Explore network of public spaces that attract both citizens and tourist to riverfront.

• Identify the various needs of socio cultural response to recreational use .

• Identify issues and related problems of socio interactive spaces.

• Riverfront, socio interactive, environment, spaces.

• To rejuvenate the river by creating vibrant riverfront in the city.

• To develop city as a major commercial and service center with all facilities.

• Manifesting cities nature with urban economic development.

• To establish city as one of the major tourism attraction center.

• Appealing leisure and entertainment function contained with landscape and fountains.

• To project on the city as waterfront city with attractive investment opportunity to further
enhances the economic growth and stability.

• Making excellent living environment

• Increase the overall living standard of people in the cities contain with riverfront.

• Accessible to public and fully guaranteed as a public riverfront


• A rational public space design for both social and ecological benefits, as well as integration of
coastal restoration construction.


i. What is the purpose of riverfront development?

ii. How rivers are helping in development?

iii. what is the scope in current scenario?

iv. how to develop it into an interactive and public space?


• Limiting to a typology of socio interactive space for a riverfront.


AIM- A rational public space design for both social and ecological benefits,
as well as integration of coastal restoration construction.

OBJECTIVE- Explore network of public spaces that attract both citizens and
tourist to riverfront

SCOPE-A rational public space design for both social and ecological benefits,
as well as integration of coastal restoration construction.

Drawing inferences Detailed study of selected Design proposal

To understand issues and for the riverfront
from above with stretch for riverfront
potential of various types development
respect to identify development of Nag River.
of riverfront development
different recreational
in urban areas.
riverfront activities


1. Design Strategies (Riverfront Riverfront development Zone ‘O’
Development – Kanakapura) by by Mrs.Savita Bhandari,
A.R.Alagarsamy, CEPT, Additional Commissioner,
AHMADABAD & Analysis Landscape and Environmental
Planning Deptt, DDA) & Analysis

COMPARITIVE ANALYSIS- the framework for Riverfront development

as a Socio-Interactive space

INFERENCE- From the synthesis of findings a set of design


CONCLUSION- Human interaction with water is foremost feature that

calls for riverfront development.

• Multiple activities in different zones along riverfront. All the sectors of urban activities
(economic-productive, residential, pertaining to culture and leisure, mobility), should be
properly mixed

• River front should be developed keeping in mind previous and original uses for these zones
with the purpose of keeping alive the memory of such unusual aspects, and preserving old
identity of these places.


• A road map of all routes that facilitate and develop interaction between different activities
rather than separating them.

• The side by side development of ‘public and private’ is referring to functions (government
offices, museums etc), spaces (plazas, roads, parks etc) and the actors managing the
services on the riverfront.

• Rapid urbanization made by deforestation has created a massive negative impact on our environment.

• Huge patch of green cover has been lost resulting in many flora, fauna and animals gone extinct.

• Climate change is also attributed to deforestation which has affected our socio-economic conditions.

• Increased cost of land in urban areas prohibits us from getting the green cover back in open spaces,
hence turning roofs into greenery could be significant source of urban greenery and mitigate the issues related to

• This paper presents the advantages, disadvantages, planning consideration, components of green roofs along
with its holistic benefits.
Green roofs which are also known as living roofs or eco roofs, are special type of roofs over which vegetative landscaping is
used as an effective strategy to enhance the built environment.

Green roof concept can be introduced to the design of a new building or at times to existing buildings
which aims at providing durability and longevity to rooftop along with improving the aesthetics of buildings.


Green roofs provide shade, remove heat from the air, and reduce temperatures of the roof surface and surrounding air.
Using green roofs in cities or other built environments with limited vegetation can moderate the heat island effect,
particularly during the day.


The environmental benefits of green roofs include a reduced peak run-off flow and lower surface water
run-off volume. The reduction in peak run-off and lower surface water run-off is achieved by absorption
of part of the rainfall and postponing the initial time of run-off by the green roof.
Benefits of green roofs

Green roofs provide a wider range of benefits which includes,

• Reduced surface water runoff

• Energy Efficiency

• Enhanced local biodiversity

• Increased lifespan and durability of roofs

• Better local air quality

• Psychological benefits

• Reduced Urban Heat Island effect

• Noise Reduction
Types of Green Roofs

Green roofs can be installed on a wide range of buildings, from industrial facilities to
private residences. There are two types of green roofs: extensive and intensive.

Extensive Green Roofs Intensive Green Roofs

• Tend to be more complex, such as a
• Tend to be simpler, with hardy fully accessible park complete with
plants and a growing medium depth trees
of two to four inches
• Resemble conventional gardens or
• Require the least amount of added parks
structural support since they are
lightweight • Require more structural support
since they are heavier
• Need little maintenance once
established • Require a higher initial investment

• Require more intensive


• Cool roofs present another option to reduce the heat island effect. Cool roofs are made of highly reflective and
emissive materials that remain cooler than traditional materials during peak temperatures.

• Reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions: By lowering air-conditioning demand, green roofs can
decrease the associated air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from conventional power sources.
Vegetation can also remove pollutants and GHGs from the air through dry deposition and carbon sequestration
and storage, respectively.
• Reduced energy use: Green roofs remove heat from the air through the process of evapotranspiration, and also act
as insulators for buildings, reducing the energy needed to provide cooling and heating.

• Improved human health and comfort: Green roofs, by reducing heat transfer through the building roof, can improve
indoor comfort, and lower the incidence of heat stress associated with heat waves.

• The EPA-published case study, Estimating the Environmental Effects of Green Roofs, demonstrates the
environmental and health benefits of green roofs for Kansas City, Missouri.


• Green roofs reduce building energy use by cooling roofs and providing shading, thermal mass and

• Biodiversity and Habitat: Green roofs provide new urban habitat for plants and animals, like birds and
insects, thereby increasing biodiversity.

a. How effective is a roof top garden in insulating a building?

b. what is the purpose of green roof building in urban environment?

c. how climate influences the performance of green roofs?

d. how to plant selection criteria for green roofs and living walls?

e. How to demonstrate effect of building height on green roof cooling?


Limiting the study through the research by beneifts of green roof and their uses
Tukad Unda River Change Land Use
Border Sidemen

Theory of Land Use Change

(Lestari, 2009); Law No. 16 Results:
of 2007 concerning Spatial Types of Land Functions
Planning; RTRW of that Experience the
Karangasem Regency in Most Changes

• Green roofs can help mitigate the ecological problems that cities create by bringing the natural
cooling and water-treatment capabilities of undeveloped areas into the urban environment.

• Green roofs offer great potential savings and benefits. Although the added maintenance costs of a
green roof as compared with a conventional roof are significant, these added costs are more than
made up for over the roof’s lifetime by its increased longevity.

• On the area of energy, additional research is needed to determine the potential for green roofs to
reduce the air intake temperature and other energy usage issues for rooftop heating and cooling units.

• On the area of air pollution, increased research could help to determine the ability of green roof
planting to reduce particulate matter, volatile organic compounds and other air pollutants

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