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Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC-2023)

IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP23K25-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-6408-6

A Raspberry Pi based Smart Security Patrol Robot

Salna Joy*1, Richard Lincoln Paulraj1, Punith M 1 ,Shalini M 1, Srushti Goudar1, Ruthesh S1
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India-560103
salnamaryjoy*, richy.rlp, mpunith64, cheekushal, goudarsrushti,

Abstract— Nowadays, most security and surveillance The advantage of using mobile robots in a physical
systems use mobile robots. The advantage of using mobile security situation is the ability to examine the surroundings
2023 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) | 978-1-6654-6408-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICCMC56507.2023.10083908

robots in a physical security situation is that they can than a static sensor network. Additionally, because some
extensively examine the surroundings as opposed to a static sensor types, like chemical sensors, have a very small
sensor network. This paper demonstrates a patrolling Robot to operating range when installed statically, they are only useful
enhance security. The sensor-based crime detection relies on in key locations. Such sensors may be moved throughout the
Raspberry Pi, L2939D motor driver Module, Pi Camera,
environment, which makes them more useful when
S ound Sensor, Dc Motor an d Neo-6 AGPS Receiver. The
employed on a mobile robotic platform [4]. The difficulty of
patrolling robot monitors and secures the premise at a lower
a human operator watching many feeds still exists, and
cost, it uses a sound sensor to detect the unusual sound
occurring and migrates to the place to send live footage and monitoring a wide variety of sensors could exacerbate the
location under the sky view to alert the user to stay conscious. monitoring issue. Any system would benefit fro m
To operate the bot, it must be connected to reliable internet automating event detection since feeds may inform a human
through the inbuilt Wi-Fi module in the Raspberry Pi. The operator of circumstances that might call for action [5].
communication between the model and the user is through A well-established research line in the automatic control
mail service, and the user can analyze live data stream footage community, which works with a problem that shares many
and the live location so that the user can approach the suspect
fundamental characteristics with robotic patrolling, includes
area as soon as possible. This smart monitoring system is
designed with video surveillance and plays a crucial part in the a variety of theoretical and algorithmic solutions for
places like commercial buildings, schools, hospitals, patrolling techniques that optimize some objective functions
warehouses, and other demanding outdoor and indoor [6]. Persistent monitoring is the typical term used to describe
locations. the issue. Because it adopts a broader viewpoint of recurring
data collected on a set of benchmarks without essentially
Keywords—Mobile robots, Robotic Security Systems, analysing such data as consistent with the identification of a
Patrolling Robot, S ensor-Based Crime Detection, Raspberry Pi threat, which is more typical in robotic patrols. Persistent
observation can be thought of as a broad form of non-
adversarial patrolling [7].
The patrolling issue is handled from the standpoint of
The population is growing in this expanding universe, decentralized online task assignment, where incentives are
and security issues are rising as well. Physical security dependent on idleness [8]. In order to demonstrate how
systems are frequently staffed systems, with guards online synchronization can be utilized to achieve a great
patrolling and keeping an eye on the surroundings. result in realistic dynamic circu mstances, two methods —one
Sometimes CCTV stations are added to these networks. In based on successive single-item auctions and the other on a
such cases, a human operator keeps an eye on the greedy task-assignment approach—are developed and
surroundings from a base station that receives images fro m a assessed [9].
static sensor network. Co mpared to the only manual method,
this solution has the following two advantages: A single The key focus of patrol robot research is path planning.
operator can watch numerous remote sites at once utilizing a The ability of a robot to independently travel a continuous
distributed network of sensors; in the event that attackers and collision-free path fro m the beginning place to the target
break in, the operator can keep an eye on the situation position is the key to achieving autonomous navigation
without risking their safety. However, as the number of video operations [10].
feeds to be watched grows, the likelihood that a human An advanced new step in the cutting-edge safety and
operator may miss a noteworthy occurrence likewise grows surveillance field is autonomous patrolling robots. Patrolling
[1,2]. an area with sticks and torch lights has never been found to
The general phrase "robotic patrolling" is frequently used be much effective; however, smart safety systems with
to describe situations in which more or one mobile robot mobile applications, integrated devices, intelligent sensors
continually inspects an environment, walks around different and independent control methodologies have become very
parts of it, and constantly carries out local observations to common nowadays. Multiple Sensor Array employs a variety
recognize potential enduring threats. By defining, for of sensors to find security threats [11,12]. These include
instance, how the surroundings are depicted, which bot path passive infrared motion detectors, temperature and light
planning steps and perception strategies are used, which sensors, audio and fire sensors, and ultrasonic sensors. The
standards are used to assess the traversing performance, and microcontroller is directly connected to every sensor. This
what data can or need to be engaged to improve such criteria, mu ltisensory array improves security surveillance's
this far-reaching problem definit ion could be instantiated in effectiveness while reducing false alarms [13].
different scenarios [3].

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Authorized licensed use limited to: R V College of Engineering. Downloaded on January 29,2024 at 18:23:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC-2023)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP23K25-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-6408-6

This paper suggests a system that will secure the In [19] the auto mated vehicle moved through the
premises in an efficient way using video and audio predetermined area. It is fitted with a n ight vision camera
surveillance and transmitting the information to the user or and sound-acquiring sensors. The camera used in the
concerned authorities like the police department or security suggested system includes a 360-degree turning feature that
control room, using high-speed internet. Static CCTV records or views everything. With the help of the camera, it
security systems of Banks and other important institutions scans the area and detects a human face. It captures images
can be replaced with affordable patrolling Robots. The usage and video of the situation after obtaining verifiab le evidence
of patrolling robots will help to reduce manpower in security of the sound or human face. IOT neighborhood (LA N) is
used to receive supplied images and display them to the
II. RELAT ED W ORKS client while playing warning noises.
A significant limitation in the above-mentioned
Security robotic systems can be broadly classified
security patrol robot systems is the lack of exact coordinates
into machine learn ing-based artificial intelligent systems of the patrolling device. Tracking the device fro m video
and sensor-based crime detection and notification systems. footage is crucial during an emergency. The range limitation
In [14] it is explained that in many places of the
of the Bluetooth connection restricts remote access to the
world today, wo men's safety is the top priority. Therefore, system.
every member o f society wants a safe and secure system.
The safety electronic system for wo men is the subject of the
study. This paper, suggests utilizing a Raspberry Pi and III. PROPOSED SYST EM
open CV to operate a security camera with night vision
capabilit ies. This approach, which is affordable, makes use The system is designed with a camera and GPS module
of a Raspberry Pi camera and a ch ip the size of a credit card. with a set of sound sensors which is connected to the
For ano maly detection, CNN deep learning is employed. Raspberry Pi as Node MCU through Wi-Fi module for
Therefore, the image is taken using the pi camera and sent to communication purposes. The processor is been programmed
the raspberry pi fo r processing so that faces and humans can using Python with a Raspbian OS installed into the
be detected using an open CV. The limitations are the range processor. It is powered by a rechargeable battery. L293D
of the model is less and in this case of a failure, a whole motor driver is used to control the mo ment of the device in
zone might get disconnected from the network. forward, backward, right and left direction using dc motors.
Three pieces of the system, including an Arduino The security patrolling robot can move around in a random
developing board, a night vision sensor, and a camera are direction for monitoring and detecting suspicious activity
occurring in the assigned area. Under normal conditions, the
lin ked to the spy robot system. The web server can
model tirelessly works around the premise waiting for the
simu ltaneously post information about the activities that
four sound sensors to trigger the model to travel in the
take place in front of the camera that has been gathered by
respective direction. Figure 1 depicts the proposed system
users [15]. In 2013, Cheng Tang, Guo lai Jiang, Yongsheng block diagram.
Ou, and QunqunXie perform a road trip based on a planar
reflection model [16]. Different road detection and
monitoring ideas have sprung from it. Road and street
monitoring is also crucial for carrying out numerous tasks
including identifying pedestrians and seeing any suspicious
behavior, among other things.
The route image's pixels are graded using this
approach. Numerous projects have been organized fo r
daylight monitoring, but only less effort has been done for
night monitoring. Th is technology focuses on identifying
any inadequate nighttime procedures. As this device relies
on vision and can determine the path based on the view, it
will have trouble if other objects, enter the picture. Here, an
infrared camera and a planar reflection model are useful fo r
distributing the strength of various pixel types [17]. For that,
it is tested whether or not the various pixels are members of
the lane using a categorization based on pixels. If it just
determines the road's surface, the next cycle begins.
Kirk Mac Tavish, M ichael Paton, and Timothy D.
Fig. 1. Proposed System Block Diagram
Barfoot were the creators of Night Rider: Visual Odo metry
with Headlights in 2017. With a succession of camera
images, this method calculates relative transfer for mobile
When the device is on duty and if any suspicious
robotic systems [18]. A camera can be used to obtain
sound disturbance is been recognized by the sound
enormous amounts of input data fro m relatively inexpensive sensor, The sensors give the input to the processor while
sensors, making it extremely expensive to utilize fo r the processor co mpiles the code and gives the output to
functional captures in mobile robots. However, because this the LN293d motor driver to stop the current path and the
is a passive component, it will be reliant on an outside force, model is been directed to the new path where the sound
which could reduce its accessibility. is been generated. Fo r examp le, if the sound is generated

978-1-6654-6408-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE 1141

Authorized licensed use limited to: R V College of Engineering. Downloaded on January 29,2024 at 18:23:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC-2023)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP23K25-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-6408-6

on the left side, the model stops instantly, turns left far fro m Earth, a GPS receiver determines its location.
direct ion and moves in a forward direct ion toward the Each satellite broadcasts messages continuously,
suspect area. Once the robot reaches a particu lar po int it includ ing the mo ment the co mmun ication was sent
again stops and triggers the camera and GPS module to certain o rbital details the state of the entire GPS s ystem
serve. and the approximate orbits of each satellite.
E. L293D d river: Dual H-bridge motor d river
Live video footage is been captured by the camera integrated circu it. They produce a larger cu rrent signal
and in order to serve better a GPS modu le is also been
by taking a small current signal. The motors are driven
installed so that the user need not waste time search ing
by a signal with a h igher current. Two H Bridge driv ing
the crime area, the GPS module finds the respected circuits are present.
longitude and latitude of the robot. The video footage
F. Raspberry pi OS: Raspbian is a Deb ian-based
and location position is been clubbed together and is engineer, especially for the Raspberry Pi and it is the
been transmitted through the Internet v ia mail. As mobile
perfect general-purpose OS fo r Raspberry users. It can
has made a revolutionary change the user gets a accomplish any task you throw at it.
notificat ion through the mail with the attached live
footage and live location where the user can use google IV. SYST EM W ORKFLOW
maps to get direct ions to the spot without any hindrance
with the prior video footage of what is taking place. Raspberry pi is the development board based on the
ARM Cortex processor used to process the task by taking
input fro m other external models to create our real-wo rld
entity projects. The raspberry p i wh ich is po wered by a
5v battery has an onboard Wi-Fi module that helps to
establish a reliable network connection with the user. A
sound detector is used to get the sound in the typical area
and process the input to the raspberry. The proposed
system flowchart is given in figure3.

Fig. 2. Raspberry pi connection with sound sensors and camera

Figure 2 shows the Raspberry pi connection with the

right, left, front and back sound sensors and camera. Two
dc motors are used to control the robot’s movements.
The system uses the following components:
A. Raspberry Pi 3B: It is equipped with a Quad-co re
64-bit Broadco m BCM 2835 A RM Co rtex-Soc p rocessor
1.2GHz making it 50% Mo re powerfu l than pi2.
Raspberry Pi3 is used as the system requ ires 4 USB
pins2.0 ports.
B. Camera: It enables video surveillance for mo re
effect ive monitoring. Real-t ime streaming of video is
availab le on android or laptop. St ill p ictures and 720p 60,
1080p30 and VGA90 formats are supported. The camera
is attached to the Raspberry Pi Camera Serial Interface
port through a 15cm cable.
C. Sound Sensor: The output of the Dig ital Sound
Detector Module is High when the onboard
potentiometer is ad justed to the threshold. The module
checks if the sound exceeds the threshold or not.
D. Neo-6 A GPS Receiver: By accu rately t iming the
Fig. 3. Proposed system flowchart
signals supplied by the Global positioning system located

978-1-6654-6408-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE 1142

Authorized licensed use limited to: R V College of Engineering. Downloaded on January 29,2024 at 18:23:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC-2023)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP23K25-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-6408-6

Based on the command of the process the motor V. RESULT

driver controls the motor to move in a forward or Figure 5 depicts the concept implementation of the
backward d irect ion toward the sound. A camera is used proposed system. The security robot moves in a
when the sound sensor triggers the process to record the predetermined path around the premises which is
image and transmit it through the Internet platform. To equipped with four sound sensors and a camera. While
further know the exact location GPS module is been mov ing transmits information to check for the sound
installed to find and latitude and longitude of the crime waves in its path, when the unusual sound is detected in
taking p lace. The security robot moves in a the path the bot stops.
predetermined path around the premises which is
equipped with four sound sensors and a camera. While
mov ing in a random path it trans mits in format ion to
check fo r the sound waves in its path, when the unusual
sound is detected in the path the bot stops.
The sensors give the input to the processor while the
processor co mpiles the code and gives the output to the
LN293d motor driver to change the path and moves
toward the sound.

Fig. 4. Manual mode control functions

Figure 4 shows the console for manual mode control. Fig. 5. Concept Implementation
Manual control is provided to control the robot using
Then the bot moves in the direction of the sound and
control functions on Android. Th is feature can be used to stops at a particular d istance fro m the crime area and
move the robot manually closer to the location to get a
captures live video footage of the suspect area as shown
precise understanding of the surroundings. in figure 6 and transmits it to the internet.
A. Path Planning Algorithm

Sequential steps in the path planning patro lling

algorithm are as follows
 1: Import necessary libraries
 2: Set pins 12,13,15,15 as outputs
 3: Set pins 7, 10 as inputs
 4: Turn OFF Left (L) motor
 5: Turn ON Right (R) motor
 6: Turn OFF Right (R) motor
 7: Turn OFF all motors

 8: While true:
 9: If Left and Right sensors are OFF, Then Fig. 6. Still from the live video stream
stop both motors
In addition to the live streaming, a GPS modu le also
 10: If Left and Right sensors are ON, Then
is added to the bot so that the user need not waste time in
turn ON both motor find ing the bot. The exact longitude and latitude is been
 11: If Left sensor is ON, Then turn right found and using google Maps the user is guided to reach
motor OFF the exact location without any loss of t ime. Figure 7
 12: If Right sensor is ON, Then turn left shows the coordinates of the robot.
motor OFF

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Authorized licensed use limited to: R V College of Engineering. Downloaded on January 29,2024 at 18:23:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC-2023)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP23K25-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-6408-6


Smart Security patrolling robot using Raspberry Pi is
focused on a security of a premise based on sound distortion
caused in the area. It gives satisfactory performance for a
wide range of environmental conditions. This Robot is small
in size and enters spaces that are impossible for humans to
access. The Robot blends in with the environment and is
difficult to spot. The model is trained not only with sending
the live video footage but also the location thus serving
better. Static CCTV security systems of Banks and other
important institutions can be replaced with affordable
patrolling Robots. The usage of patrolling robots will help to
reduce manpower in security networks. Each module's
presence has been carefully considered and arranged,
resulting in the best operation of the device. The results were
tested against a variety of terrestrial conditions and the
expected results were observed successfully.
To lessen the need for human labor, the system can be
further developed into a fully functional security robot
connected with emergency and crime control departments .
Improved path-planning algorithms can be imp lemented for
enhanced security. In order to expand the system's operation
and boost its efficiency, it might be outfitted with high-end
Fig. 7. Captured Live Location components and 360-degree coverage. For better sound
The warning mail as in figure 8 will be sent to the detection, the system can be equipped with extra
Android which includes the live streaming of the location as microphones addressing a wider range of directions.
well. Police or emergency control websites can be connected
over the internet to get help in the needed situation.

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