When To Use Pressurized Unpressurized

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Université Française d'Égypte

Engineering Faculty



When to use pressurized /unpressurized

gating system

Maria Sarwat

Supervisor: Dr. Mohamed Abdelaziz

 When to use pressurized /unpressurized gating system?

 Pressurized Gating System:

 Complex Parts:
 Pressurized gating systems are often used for casting complex parts with intricate
geometries or thin sections. The application of pressure helps to ensure that the molten
metal reaches all areas of the mold cavity, minimizing the risk of incomplete filling or the
formation of defects.
 High-Pressure Casting Processes:
 Casting processes such as high-pressure die casting or squeeze casting, which involve
injecting molten metal into the Mold under high pressure, typically require a pressurized
gating system. The pressure assists in driving the metal into the cavity quickly and
 Thin-Walled Castings:
 When casting thin-walled components, a pressurized gating system can help prevent the
formation of defects like cold shuts or porosity. The pressure aids in maintaining a
consistent flow and filling the Mold completely.

 Unpressurized Gating System:

 Gravity Casting:
 In gravity casting processes, where molten metal is poured into the Mold using gravity
alone, an unpressurized gating system is commonly employed. The force of gravity is
sufficient to fill the Mold, and the simplicity of an unpressurized system can be
advantageous for certain casting applications.
 Low-Pressure Casting:
 Some casting methods, like low-pressure die casting or permanent Mold casting, utilize
low-pressure systems where pressure is not applied to the molten metal. These
processes typically rely on the controlled flow of metal through the gating system and
the use of gating and riser designs to achieve proper Mold filling.
 Simple and Robust Castings:
 For castings that have straightforward geometries, thicker sections, or do not require
strict control over metal flow, an unpressurized gating system may be sufficient. It can be
a cost-effective and reliable choice for such applications.

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