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“One terrible day”

Julia never imagined that her day would turn out to be such a
disaster. Like every day, she woke up very late, around 11 o'clock.
Her mother often yelled at her about it and said her daughter did
nothing but sleep. Of course, that wasn't a shred of truth. Julka
brushed her teeth and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Her house
was awfully quiet, usually her younger brother cried. The girl didn't
know what was going on.
Julia remembered mumbling under her nose the day before
that she wanted her family gone. She wanted to get away with
ruining her dad's precious watch. She walked around the house,
staring in disbelief into space aimlessly. Suddenly she jumped for joy
until she ran out of breath. Now she was in charge of the house and
finally had peace. She decided to fry her own pancakes. Meanwhile,
she went to the bathroom to get her face mask. She lost track of
time. Suddenly she smelled something. She shrieked in horror
because she remembered the pancakes. The kitchen was full of
smoke. Her house was on fire. She quickly called the emergency
number. Unexpectedly, she heard her mother calling. She ran outside
and saw her scared family. She remembered they went to the store
without her because they didn't want to wake her up. Now they
waited together for the fire department.
Firefighters quickly arrived and extinguished the fire.
Unfortunately, the kitchen at Julka's house was destroyed. Her
parents were a little mad at her, but they were also glad she was
okay. That day taught the girl not to leave cooking unchecked. It's a
good thing everything ended happily. Julia never imagined her day
would turn out to be such a disaster.

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