Foreign Traveller

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Travelers/Envoys Details
● Greek Ambassador.
Deimachos ● Ambassador to the court of the Maurya Empire
Bindusara (son of Chandragupta Maurya).
● Megasthenes visited India during the reign of
Chandragupta Maurya (Founder of Maurya
Megasthenes ● Indica is the book written by Megasthenes. The
book talked about India.
● Greek ambassador of Seleucus Nicator.
● Fa-Hien was a Chinese Buddhist monk.
● He visited India during the reign of Vikramaditya
Fa-Hien (Chandragupta II).
● He records the prosperity of the Gupta Empire.
● Visited India during the reign of
● Chinese Buddhist monk.
Hiuen Tsang ● Hieun Tsang recorded the fame of the Nalanda
● He wrote book 'Si-yu-ki' or 'Record of the
Western Countries'.
● He was a Moroccan traveller.
● He visited India during the rule of Mohammed
Ibn Battuta Bin Tughlaq.
● ‘RIHLA’ is a book written by Ibn Battuta.
● Abdur Razzaq was a persian scholar.
● He visited during the reign of Dev Raya II of
Sangam dynasty of Vijaynagar Empire.
Abdur Razak ● He gave a clear account of the Vijaynagar
empire and their kingdom.
● Ambassador of Shahrukh of Timurid dynasty.
● He was a Persian scholar.
● He wrote a book titled ‘Tahqiqi-e-Hind’.
Al-Biruni ● He was the first Muslim scholar to study India.
● He Came to India along with Mahmud Ghazni
during one of his Indian raids.

Marco Polo ● He was a foreign envoy and traveller.

● He visited Southern India during the reign of
Rudramma Devi of Kakatiyas.
● He wrote his experiences in his book ‘The Book
of Sir Marco Polo’. The book explains the
economic history of India.
● He was an Italian merchant.
Nicolo Conti ● He visited India during the reign of Devaraya I
(Sangama dynasty) of Vijayanagar Empire.
● Sir Thomas Roe was the ambassador of King
James I of England in 1609.
William Hawkins ● He visited India during the reign of Mughal
Emperor Jahangir.
● Sir Thomas Roe was the ambassador of King
James I of England.
● He visited India during the reign of Mughal
Sir Thomas Roe Emperor Jahangir in 1615.
● The object of the mission was to obtain
protection for the East India Company`s factory
at Surat.

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