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AN ASSESSMNENT OF THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE that the three blocs or groupings aimed at regional unity in spite of their

ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITY (O.A.U) TO THE ideological differences.

AFRICAN UNION (A.U), 1963 - 2007
By 1962, several African leaders got tired of the divisions within the African
continent and so jettisoned bloc politics. It was this development that eventually
Victor Osaro Edo led to the birth of the O.A.U on 25 May, 19634. It is significant that the signing
of the charter was a landmark in Africa Pan Africanist movement and provided
and room for the fact that Africa would henceforth speak with one voice and be in
Michael Abiodun Olanrewaju a position to resist imperial rule and neo-colonialism. This singular
development was watershed in inter - African relations. This was because the
Abstract charter stipulated the need for unity among members as well as co-opoeration
in their various endeavours.
The Organisation of African Unity (O.A.U) in 2002 transited and
transformed into the African Union (AU) after a period of 39 critical years. The O.A.U., 1963 - 2002
This paper, therefore, assesses the existence of the O.A.U. between 1963,
when it was established and 2002 on the one hand and goes further to As it were, the O.AU. lasted 39 years from 1963 to 2002, when it transformed
examine the AU between 2002 and 2007 on the other. It establishes that the into the African Union (A.U). Within the period of 39 years, the O.A.U. tried to
democratic tenets sweeping across the continent from the time of accomplish the Aims and Objectives of the organization as far as it could.
independence from colonial rule as well as Pan African dictates that is above Indeed, heads of African states believed that it was the inalienable right of all
ideological and other primordial considerations led to the organization's people to control their own destiny, that freedom, equality, justice and dignity
debut. It noted that the transformation was as a result of the failures and were essential objectives for the achievements of the legitimate aspirations of
constraints of the O.A.U. The work further looked at the emergence of the the African peoples, the harnessing of natural and human resources, the desire
AU as a corrective union and concluded by examining the AU in the light of to promote understanding and safeguard the independence and territorial
its new structure, that is, the New Partnership for Africa's Development integrity of African states. Besides, other motivating factors included the
(NEPAD) as a radical transformation of Africa's response to international desire to establish conditions for peace and security in Africa, to ensure African
affairs. progress and cooperation among the states, to enhance the well being of
Africans and to establish common institutions. All these were contained in the
preambles to the charter of the OAU.
Indeed, the objectives and goals of setting up the OAU were clearly stated
The Organisation of African unity (O.A.U), the umbrella association the African in the organisation's charter, particularly Article II, which states inter alia:
continent was established on 25 May, 1963 at Addis Aba Ethiopia. The charter
of the O.A.U was signed on that day by Heads State and Government of 32 1. The organisation shall have the following purposes;
independent African states at the end of a conference that started on 23 May, a. To promote the unity and solidarity of the African states;
1963. The organisation, which was an amalgam of the three ideological blocs b. To co-ordinate and intensify their co-operation and efforts to achieve a
in Africa, namely, the Casablanca group led by Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana; the better life for the people of Africa;
Moronvia group led by Nigeria's Tafawa Balewa; and the Brazzaville group led c. To defend their sovereignty, their territorial integrity and independence;
by Cameroon transformed in 2002 to the African Union (A.U). It is noteworthy d. To eradicate all forms of colonialism from Africa; and.

2. To these ends, the member states shall co-ordinate and harmonize their The OAU, no doubt, successfully achieved the above aims and objectives.
general policies, especially in the following fields: Today, no African country is under colonial rule and apartheid South Africa has
a. Political and diplomatic co-operation; regained its freedom since 1994. However, the O.A.U never had the capacity to
b. Economic co-operation, including transport and communication; resolve major wars in Africa throughout its period of existence. Indeed, it had
c. Educational and cultural co-operation; no standing army. Little wonder, it was described as a bull dog that could only
d. Health, sanitation and nutritional cooperation; bark, but could not bite. Besides, the O.A.U never developed to become an
e. Scientific and technical co-operation; and economic union like other regional organizations, such as the European Union.
f. Co-operation for defence and security. Perhaps, this
informed the initiative of some African leaders to campaign for it to be
The principles underlining the stated objectives of the O.A.U are enunciated in transformed to the African Union that emerged in 2002, ten years ago.
Article III of the Charter, which also states as follows:
O.A.U. Performance, 1963-2002
The member states, in pursuit of the purposes stated in Article II The performance of the Organisation of African Unity can be adequately
solemnly affirm and declare their adherence to the following evaluated and justified in consonance with its stated objectives in the ever-
principles: changing world. Thus, the positive changes that the actions of the organisation
1. The sovereign equality of all member states; brought into the continent as well as its inherent international political
2. Non-interference in the internal affairs of states; dynamism in the different spheres are worthy of enumeration. This will now be
3. Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of each member discussed piecemeal.
state and for its inalienable right to independent existence,
4. Peaceful settlement of disputes by negotiations, mediation, Political Achievements
conciliation, or arbitration; In the annals of the Continent, the Organisation was able to supranational unity
5. Unreserved condemnation, in all its forms, of political assassination as that transcended any primordial considerations - ideological blocs, ethnic,
well as of subversive activities on the part of neighbouring states or religious and even colonial attachments/cleavages. This bound of unity became
any other states; manifest at the international diplomatic levels where Africa was able to speak
6. Absolute dedication to the total emancipation of the African territories with one voice at the United Nations. Africa as a continent started having
which are still dependent; envoys to represent its general interest at the United Nations (U.N). Thus, a
7. Affirmation of a policy of non-alignment with regard to all blocs. radical change or departure from the past, when Africa presented their demands
In proclaiming the OAU's principles and objectives, the founding fathers of the in discordant manners. According to Agbi, "it indeed created a framework of
Organisation envisaged clearly a unity that transcended ethnic and national unity for Africa".
differences. Hence, the Pan African interests at the onset made African The OAU performed creditably well in areas of political liberation African
statesmen at the formative stage of the O.A.U. jettison their ideological and States from their colonial masters. The OAU Co-ordinating Committee for the
philosophical persuasion in an era of thick cold war to begin a Continental Liberation of Africa had organised diplomatic support and channeled financial,
Organisation that united them beyond geo-political, colonial and primordial military and logistical aids to liberation movements. This made liberation
exigencies. Thus, it is not surprising that the objectives of the O.A.U. at the struggle to be recognised as legitimate in the U.N. Even at liberation, countries
beginning were tailored towards the unity of the Continent at International fora like Guinea Bissau, Angola and Mozambique received international support
to be able to rid the Continent of the twin evils of colonialism and apartheid, through funding by the OAU. Given various actions like taking Portugal to the
settle disputes between member states, maintain territorial integrity of member International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the status of Namibia and the need to
states to wade off any form of suspicion among member states. grant the territory its independence; the U.N. boycott of racist South Africa,

pressure on Britain as the colonial power that allowed Ian Smith Unilateral preservation of cohesion of Nigeria as a single entity during the civil war (1967
Declaration of Independence over Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1965 to grant - 1970). The ad hoc Committee set up strived to resolve the crisis within the
independence. Thus, the embarrassment and condemnation that Portugal, racist African context. Likewise, were the Sierra Leone and Liberia civil wars when
minority rulers of South Africa, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) with their NATO allies regional peace keeper of Economic Community of West African states led by
suffered in the hands of the African group in the U.N. contributed immensely Nigeria intervened and restored peace in the war torn countries in the 1990s.
towards decolonisation of Africa. The same story was the case with Angola civil war, which lasted 29 years.
According to Kio, the OAU could achieve the feats it did in political Restoration of peace to the belligerent political leaders at different African
liberation because: countries such as Mozambique, Sudan (Dafur), Somalia, Niger, Chad, etc are
great changes that the OAU had performed in its decades of existence.
Although none of the principles of the charter imposes legal obligations on In a number of boundary disputes/conflicts, the OAU had decisively
member states, the establishment of the O.A.U. Liberation Committee made resolved them in an African spirit without any foreign intervention. In the
the assistance to liberation movements morally binding and virtually Northern African region, border conflicts between Arab African brothers like
compulsory. In addition, the resolutions passed by the OAU have themselves Morocco and Algeria was resolved, conflicts between Somalia and Ethiopia and
become morally binding - being the implementation of the purposes and between Chad and Libya were resolved. In East Africa, conflicts between
principles of the charter to which the member states pledged their loyalty and Uganda and Kenya was also resolved, while the conflict between Gabon and
adherence. Equatorial Guinea in Central Africa was equally resolved. The ability of the
This line of argument is further strengthened with the OAU Summit Declaration OAU through its Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration Commission to
on Dialogue at Addis Ababa in 1971. It is not surprising that liberation resolve intra-African conflicts had received commendation from the United
movements from then became Associate Members of the OAU with their Nations.
observer status. This underscores the essence of funding liberation movements The concentration of the OAU performance on political emancipation from
aimed at total eradication of colonialism in Africa as adopted by the OAU colonialism, maintenance and restoration of territorial integrity, peace and
Summits at Cairo in 1964 and Accra in 1965. Attempts were made by South orderliness has made some scholars to accuse the OAU of being only a political
Africa and its allies to blackmail the Dar-es-Salam headquarters of the organisation thrusted towards effecting political changes that it has recorded in
Liberation Committee as "Centre for Communist conspiracy against Africa", Africa. However, it would be pertinent to examine some of the other fields that
but the OAU remained resolute in making the world know that it is the centre the OAU tried to perform and make impact.
for diplomatic co-ordination for total liberation of Africa. Not minding the time Economic Achievements
and dimensions that it took, it is to the credit of the OAU that colonialism had The OAU made many significant economic decisions. These included the
been totally eradicated from the African continent in accordance with Article II African Declaration on Economic Co-operation, Development and
(1) d of its 1963 charter. Independence (May, 1973); the programme of Technical Co-operation (July,
Closely tied to political liberation were the organisation's efforts in the 1975); the Kinshasa Declaration (December, 1978), which paved the way for
struggle against apartheid and its demise. African group at the United Nations the creation of the African Economic Group (AEG); the Monrovia strategy for
sensitised, mobilised world opinions and campaigned vigorously against state Economic Development in Africa (July, 1979); the Lagos Plan of Action (April,
imposed racial discrimination as a state administrative policy in South Africa, 1980); and the creation of the African Economic Group in Abuja, Nigeria in
Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and Namibia. This led to the exclusion of apartheid 1991.
South Africa from the Commonwealth of Nations, and international sports until By 1981, the African Economic Commission (AEC) was formed. Through
the black majority rule found its way in that part of the continent. the OAU efforts, African countries were able to harmonise their policies on
In the areas of defence of Member States' sovereignty and territorial UNCTAD, IBRD, IMF, UNIDO, ILO, which improved their terms of trade,
integrity, the OAU has achieved greatly. For instance, the OAU was resolute on

participation in a new international monetary system as well as attraction of Challenges of The OAU up to 2002
more multilateral aid. This had (he added advantage of propelling them to seek
for modification of international law on the Continental shelf and territorial Political Instability and Military Coup
water. It was the central belief of the OAU that there should be non-interference in the
The OAU laid the basis for a Continental telecommunications network as internal affairs or sovereignty of other member states. This promoted
well as efficient air and road transport that was beyond colonial vestige. dictatorship in the African political scene for several years.
However, most of these economic decisions were limited to intra- governmental
This, in turn, aided political instability as coups and counter coups became
levels to the exclusion of the private sector involvement as obtained in other
the order of the day. It is tragic to note that one of the founding fathers of the
climes that contributed to prosperity of their citizenry.
OAU, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, was overthrown in 1974 and
Social Achievements murdered by Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam. Mengistu Haile Mariam
The organisation unified trade unions across the Continent through the declared his 'red terror', which was used to eliminate thousands of his
formation of the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) with its opponents. The OAU leaders did not frown at this, but converged at the
headquarters in Accra, Ghana. It also united African youths into African Youth subsequent summit at Addis Ababa only to thank Mengistu for a warm hostage
Organisations to prepare them for the challenge of future leadership of the of its meeting.
Continent. In the West African states of Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Nigeria, Sierra Leone,
In the field of Education, Science and Health, the OAU to fostered academic Liberia, Gambia and Chad, the political leaders were overthrown by the military
exchange among African universities in particular, promoted pre-investment at various times without any serious reaction from the OAU. Kwame Nkrumah
studies, earth science as well as preventive medicine and public health. of Ghana who was a leading figure at the formation of the OAU was overthrown
In terms of conflict management and resolution, the OAU has achieved in a coup d'état by Gen. Joseph Ankrah on February 24, 1966, halting the
success to a large extent. Ambassador Ronald D. Palmer in 2003 reported that growth and development of democracy in that country. Successive coups
the New York_Times commented that this was a long step forward and "is a followed in Ghana in 1967, 1972, 1977, 1978 and 1979 by Lt. Samuel Benjamin
testament to the duration of peace agreements reached by African nations with Arthur, Lt. Col. Ignatius Kutu Acheampong, Lt. Col. George Minyila/ Attoh
minimal outside help or interference" with reference to Democratic Republic of Quarshie,
Congo crisis of 1998 - 2003. The O. A.U played prominent roles in restoring Gen. F.W.K. Akuffo and Fit. Lt. Jerry Rawlings respectively.
peace to the Sudan, Somalia, Sierra Leone Liberia, Cole ď Ivoire, Madagascar, In Guinea, another founding figure, Sekou Toure of Guinea, was toppled in
Mozambique, Zambia, and Uganda Kenya, which Palmer called, "a possible another military putsch on February 16, 1968.1n Guinea Bissau. Maj. Joao
trend toward local resolution of disputes". Bernardo Vierra toppled the democratic government on November 14. 1980
The OAU took concrete action towards the social problems of refuges before he was also toppled by Col. Paul Correira in another coup in 1985. The
created by the pervading conflicts in the continent. With a bureau at the OAU same thing happened in Mali where Lt. Moussa Traore staged a successful coup
headquarters set up purposely for the educational placement refugees in Africa, that toppled the democratic government on November 19, 1968 and Chad where
the 1969 Summit adopted the Convention. Thus, refugees' status and right of Ahmed Abdullah led junta toppled the government on August 26, 1971 before
asylum in accordance with Article 11 of the OAU Convention on Refugees he was overthrown in another putsch by Gen. Noel Odigar in 1975. In Nigeria,
started operating. Refugees had a new lease of life are left territories where their Alhaji (Sir) Abubakar Tafawa Balewa who was another founding father of the
lives were threatened. O.A.U was overthrown by Major Kaduna Nzeogwu in January, 1966. General
Aguiyi Ironsi took over power was overthrown later by General Yakubu Gowon

on July 29, 1966. This military junta ruled Nigeria for 9 years before he was was civil war from 1967 to 1970 in Nigeria, which the OAU could not resolve.
toppled by General Murtala Muhammed on July 29, 1975. Likewise, armed conflict arose in Chad with the chaotic one beginning in 1965
An unsuccessful military coup against the administration of General Murtala spanning the era of the Transitional Government of National Unity from 1979
Muhammed on February 13, 1976 by Lt. Colonel Bukar Suka Dimka led to the to 1982' including the Libyan intervention on the side of President Goukouni
death of Gen. Muhammed, which made General Olusegun Obasanjo, who was Queddei against the former Defence Minister, Hussene Habre, in 1980. In Sierra
the second in command, to succeed him. He handed over to a civilian Leone, Foday Sankoh led Revolutionary United Front (RUF) began a civil war
democratic regime on October 1, 1979. General Muhammad Buhari overthrew in 1991 that lasted nine (9) years. In Liberia, following the coup led by Master
President Shehu Shagari on December 31, 1983.The Military President, Sergeant Samuel Doe of the Peoples Redemption Council [PRC] against
General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida in a palace coup on August 27, 1985 President William Richard Tolbert on April 12, 1980, he embarked on the attack
removed General Buhari. When attempts at handing over to a democratic of people from Nimba County where people like Charles Taylor came from.
government was burgled with the annulment of June 12, 1993 election by the This made Charles Taylor to leave Samuel Doe's Government and started an
Military Government, an Interim Government headed by Chief Earnest assemblage of rebel forces named the National Patriotic Front of Liberia
Adegunle Shonekan was set up. This regime was overthrown by General Sanni (NPFL). The civil war in Mali, 1990-1996, had ethnic colouration as the revolt
Abacha on November 17, 1993. And when Gen. Abacha suddenly died on June of the Tuaregs who wanted seoarate autonomy led to the conflict.
7, 1998, he was replaced by General Abubakar Abdulsalam, who handed over Conflicts degenerating to civil wars were not peculiar to the West African
the reins of power to Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo (rtd.) as an elected civilian head sub region. In the North African state of Algeria, the civil war was an armed
of state. conflict between the Algerian government and various Islamist rebel groups,
The vicious circle of coup d'etat was not peculiar to the West African sub which began in 1991 when the Islamic Salvation Front [FIS] party gained
region. It was a common feature of all African regions. In Central African popularity among Algerians and the National Liberation Front [FLN] party
Republic, there were ten coups with that of Gen. Soglo of November 15, 1965 fearing defeat cancelled elections after the first round. This led to the overthrow
being the first. In Congo Brazzaville, the democratic government was of President Chadli Bendjedid in 1992 and the emergence of various Islamist
overthrown on August 15, 1963, which was followed by another coup in 1967. guerrillas or armed groups all over Algeria. The election of President AbdelAziz
While in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gen. Mobutu Sese Seko toppled Bouteflika in 1999 and his granting of amnesty to the armed groups led to the
the democratic socialist government of Patrice Lumunba. decline of conflict.
The essence of analysing these coups is to point out the fact that political In the Horn of Africa, the Ethiopian civil war began in 1974 when Emperor
instability all over Africa was a feature that spanned decades, but to which the Haile Selassie was overthrown and continued until a coalition of rebel groups
OAU never articulated any solution. Instead of making military insurgency an under the aegis of Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front
aberration and possibly ostracise and isolate the leadership of the insurgent/ [EPRDF] got rid of Mengistu in 1991. Ditto for the Somali civil war, which was
military usurpers in the committee of nations, the OAU would openly welcome an armed conflict in Somalia that started in 1988 that almost caused crisis at the
and admit them to their summit. The failure of the OAU to solve the problems OAU summit on June 15, 1995 with non-recognition of Gen. Farah Aidid
Government. In the Sudan, the first civil war was from 1965 to 1972, which
of political instability, inherently influenced the search for a more responsive
reignited the North-South conflict in 1983-2005. They referred to these as
organisations by member states.
Anyanya 1 and Anyanya 2 with the Southern Sudanese liberation movement of
Civil Wars and The OAU Southern Sudan People Liberation Army led by John Garang demanding for
Closely knit to the political instability was the prevalence of conflicts all autonomy from the Islamic North. In Central Africa, Zaire or Democratic
Republic of Congo had the First Congo war in 1997 that led to the overthrow
over the Continent, which the OAU could not resolve. For instance, there

of one of the longest African serving despot, President Mobutu Sese Seko. The Rather, the organisation encouraged regional economic development with the
second phase of this armed conflict was between 1998 and 2003. All these West African States (ECOWAS), Southern African Development Coordinating
armed conflicts led to the killings of millions of Africans, displacement from Commission (SADCC), North Africa-Greater Area Free Trade Area; Central
homes, refugee crisis, child-soldier, economic dislocation and depression, just Africa-Economic Community of the Great lakes countries". All these economic
to mention a few. organisations were pursuing different goals vis-a-vis their regions. It was not-
For decades of existence as a Continental Organisation, the "OAU never until 1981 when the OAU established the African Economic Commission
evolved any concrete pro-active conflict resolution mechanism to deal with (AEC) that it envisioned the need for mutual economic development of member
intra and international conflicts within member states". It is an irony that foreign states through a collaborative effort that would ensure the creation of free trade
aids from Europe, America and the United Nations were usually recourse to by areas, customs Union, a single market, a central bank and a common currency.
the OAU on conflict resolution in Africa. This was one of the challenges that The OAU's inability to achieve the ideal United Africa was further crippled
necessitated the desire for change in the OAU as an organisation. by their colonial legacy. At independence, the OAU could no break the ranks of
Francophone Countries, Anglophone Countries, the Arab League, Portuguese
Socio-Economic Challenges Countries, and the Commonwealth of Nations. There was alignment along
Socio-economic weakness was a great challenge that the OAU did not take any colonial vestiges, which the OAU pretended not to be concerned about.
definitive stand on throughout its years of existence. Many of the member states This, of course, leads neatly into another basic objective of the OAU and
were so poor after their political independence, that payment of their financial that is the achievement of a better life for the peoples of Africa. Here, the
dues to the organisation was near impossible, if not totally impossible. Some of Organisation recorded total failure. The present conditions in Africa - famine,
them were so poor that they relied mostly on external funding to run their hunger, apathetic poverty, illiteracy, and economic backwardness - are a
administration and developmental programmes. In some of these countries, it testimony to the failure of the OAU in this respect. African economies remain
was only the projects sponsored by International Organisations like UNESCO, over-dependent on the supply of raw materials and basic mineral products.
UNDP, USAID, DFID and other multilateral bodies that were feasible. Technological development is, at best, in its infancy. It is a matter of great
The OAU did not do anything about the poverty level of the citizens in the sorrow that of the thirty-six least developed states in the world, twenty-four are
member states. The organisation at a stage assumed the position of a jamboree to be found in Africa.
instead of articulating issues that could promote good governance and improve The fact of the matter is that, in the first decade and even beyond, little or no
the standards of living of the citizenry in member states. Issues that could check effort was made to deal with the issue of economic development. A great deal
the imbalance in world trade disequilibrium that is affecting third world of effort, time and energy, was spent on the political question. African nations
countries with majority being in Africa were never articulated. Lack of seem to have been influenced, as it were, by Nkrumah's political dictum: 'Seek
industrialisation policy that the OAU could have reversed for decades was left ye first the political kingdom and every other thing shall be added unto it'.
unaddressed. The long years of military interregnum coupled with internecine Reality had demonstrated that political independence without economic
conflicts further compounded the economic woes of Africa, while the OAU underpinning is hollow and unreal.
leadership treated them with lukewarm attitude, pretending as if all was well in Besides, instability which plagued many African nations has been
Africa. Foreign aids reduced life in some countries, especially the Southern counterproductive to economic development. Moreover, the economies
African region to mere existence with life expectancy being cut below what it inherited from the colonial powers have been in place, ignoring the fact that the
was about two centuries ago. colonial economies were deliberately arranged to suit the interests of the
colonial powers. Thus, no attempt was made by the vast majority of African
Since 1963 when the OAU was formed, the organisation never attempted to countries to restructure their economies and tune them to serve the interests of
integrate the economy of member states for collective bargaining in the their people as a whole. The ex-colonial powers and the elite are the
increasingly global economy with its increasing free-market philosophy.

beneficiaries of such economies. All these factors are responsible for the cruel The Declaration was more of a revival of the Union of African States formed
economic dilemma the continent now faces. by three West African States of Ghana, Mali and Guinea in the 1960s, which
was Marxist politically and led by African revolutionaries like Kwame
The Emergence of The African Union Nkrumah of Ghana, Sekou Toure of Guinea, until Guinea reached out to the
Just like its predecessor, the emergence of the African Union was sudden. It was United States of America in 1962.
a product of negotiation in tandem with the reality of dynamics of international The OAU general secretariat in obedience to the Sirte Declaration drafted
politics. Akindele observed: all the legal documents creating the African Union for studying and discussion
with experts meeting on it at Addis Ababa on April 17-21, 2000, Tripoli on May
In the last four decades of this century, the political liberation of Africa has 27-30, 2000 and a ministerial one on May 31 to June 2, 2000. The outcome as
been the pre-eminent pan-African duty. In the twenty-first century, the institutional documents were submitted to the 36th Heads of State and
liberation of Africa from economic domination will be the central pan- Government Summit at Lome, Togo, July 10-12, 2000 with the instruments
African task. Although member states of the organisation of African Unity getting approval on July 11, 2000. 27 African states were reported to have
(OAU) are today reluctant to acknowledge the fact that they all conduct their signed the instruments at the end of the Summit with Egypt joining a year later
political affairs under the economic control of foreign powers, they will after clearing the initial huddle and securing its parliamentary approval.
sooner than later realise that neo-colonialism is the main bane of It was by acclamation that the Assembly of Heads of State and Government
contemporary Africa, the basic explanation for its desperate poverty. in July 1999 in Algiers accepted an invitation from Colonel Muhammar Ghadafi
Accordingly, the fight against neo-colonialism will, and should, form the
to the 4th Extraordinary Summit in September in Sirte. The purpose of the
primary focus of OAU's activities and deliberations in the next century. . ..
Extraordinary Summit was to amend the OAU Charter to increase the efficiency
and effectiveness of the OAU. The theme of the Sirte Summit was
Having identified the neo-colonial economic dependence of African states,
'Strengthening the OAU capacity to enable it to meet the challenges of the new
which the OAU failed to tackle, Akindele adduced that "And as the twenty-first
millennium'. This Summit concluded on 9 September, 1999 with the Sirte
century matures, it will either be transformed into a more effective organisaton
Declaration aimed at:
or be relegated to functional irrelevance"

These scholarstic research coupled with the failures of the OAU in different
- Effectively addressing the new social, political and economic realities in
fields of endeavour earlier enumerated calls for its re-evaluation and
Africa and the world;
transformation as a Continental Organisation and consequent change inevitable:
- Fulfilling the peoples' aspirations for greater unity in conforming with the
objectives of the OAU Charter and the Treaty Establishing the African
It was not a surprise that the 35th OAU Summit of Heads of State and Economic Community;
Government held at the port city of Sirte, Libya witnessed the conception of - Revitalising the Continental Organisation to play a more active role in
the African Union (AU) as a replacement of the Organisation of African addressing the needs of the people;
Unity (OAU). African leaders at the Summit accepted the invitation of - Eliminating the scourge of conflicts;
President Muammar Al Gaddafi to host the fourth extra-ordinary session of - Meeting global challenges; and
the OAU in the port city of Sirte. It was at the extra -ordinary Summit at Sirte - Harnessing the human and natural resources of the continent to improve
held on September 8-9, 1999 that the OAU was actually re-evaluated and living conditions.
transformation to the AU conceived in what is called Sirte Declaration. The
Sirte Declaration was the resolution adopted by the Organisation of African
Unity on September 9, 1999 at Sirte, Libya to create the African Union.

To achieve these aims, the Summit, inter alia, decided to: - Achieve greater unity and solidarity between the African countries and the
peoples of Africa;
Establish an African Union in conformity with the ultimate objectives of the - Defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of its
Charter of our Continental Organisation and the provisions of the Treaty Member States;
establishing the African Economic Community. Accelerate the process of - Accelerate the political and socio-economic integration of the continent;
implementing the Treaty establishing the African Economic Community, in - Promote and defend African common positions on issues of interest to the
particular: continent and its peoples;
- Encourage international co-operation, taking due account of the Charter of
- Shorten the implementation periods of the Abuja Treaty, the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
- Promote peace, security, and stability on the continent;
- Ensure the speedy establishment of all the institutions provided for in the
- Promote democratic principles and institutions, popular participation and
Abuja Treaty; such as the African Central Bank, the African Monetary
good governance;
Union, the African Court of Justice and in particular, the Pan- African - Promote and protect human peoples' rights in accordance with the African
Parliament. Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights and other relevant human rights
- Strengthening and consolidating the RECs as the pillars for achieving the instruments;
objectives of the African Economic Community and realising the envisaged - Establish the necessary conditions, which enable the Continent to play its
Union. rightful role in the global economy and in international negotiations;
- Convene an African Ministerial Conference on Security, Stability, - Promote sustainable development at the economic, social and cultural
Development and Co-operation in the Continent, as soon as possible'. levels as well as the integration of African economies;
- Promote co-operation in all fields of human activity to raise the living
Objectives of the AU standards of African peoples;
In general, the African Union objectives are different and more comprehensive - Coordinate and harmonise the policies between the existing and future
than those of the OAU. The OAU had served its mission and was due for Regional Economic Communities for the gradual attainment of the
replacement by a structure geared towards addressing the current needs of the objectives of the Union;
continent. - Advance the development of the Continent by promoting research in all
The aims of the OAU were: fields, in particular in science and technology; and
- Work with relevant international partners in the eradication of preventable
- To promote the unity and solidarity of African States; diseases and the promotion of good health on the Continent.
- To co-ordinate and intensify their co-operation and efforts to achieve a
OAU/AEC Summit, Lusaka 2001
better life for the peoples of Africa;
The main objective of the Lusaka Summit was to look at the implementation of
- To defend their sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence;
the African Union.
- To eradicate all forms of colonialism from Africa; and
The Secretary General was mandated to work out the modalities and
- To promote international co-operation.
guidelines for the launching of the Organs of the Union, including the
Comparatively, the objectives of the African Union, as contained in the preparation of the Draft Rules of Procedure of such Organs and to also ensure
Constitutive Act, are to: the effective exercising of authority and discharging of their responsibilities.
The priority Organs are the Assembly, the Executive Council, the Commission
and the Permanent Representative Committee. Rules of Procedure for all these

Organs were developed prior to the First Summit of the African Union in July, - The Secretary General prepared and submit a report on all aspects of the
2002 (the Pan- African Parliament developed its own rules of procedures). functioning of the Specialised Technical Committees.
- 25 May remains a commemoration day and an official public holiday of the
Decisions of the Lusaka Summit implementation African Union, while 2 March will be recognised as a Union Day.
- The Secretary-General was mandated to, in consultation with Member - The transitional period was one year following the adoption of this
States, work with Member States through their Permanent Representatives Decision (Decision AHG/Dec. 1 (XXXVIII) that is, from 11 July, 2001 to
and Experts. A Representative Committee of Ministers was established for 10 July, 2002.
this purpose, which would oversee the process and present its proposals and - The Secretary General would continue to use the OAU symbols, that is
recommendations to the Council. Logo, Flag and Anthem until such time that new symbols are decided upon.
- The Secretary-General was mandated to, in consultation with Member The processes to decide on the new symbols should involve citizens and
States; submit proposals regarding the Structure, Functions and Powers of competitions.
the Commission. - The Secretary General should take the necessary measures for the
- It is the responsibility of each Member State to popularise the African devolution of Assets and Liabilities of the OAU to the Union.
Union and should in doing so, also involve citizens. - The Secretary General was empowered to review and seek where
- NGOs, Professional Associations and Civil Society Organisations were necessary, amendment of the OAU Agreements with "this historic effort
involved in the formulation and implementation of the Economic, Social will require leadership, courage and willingness to depart from the ways of
and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) Programmes. Proposals and the past, if it is to "do for Africa what the European Union has done for
recommendations on Structure, Function, Area of Competence and Europe".
relationships were submitted to the next Council of Ministers meeting.
Recommendations included the Procedure and Criteria in selecting Those are the words of Kofi Annan, the secretary-general of the United Nations,
members of ECOSOCC as well as the Rules of Procedure. himself an African from Ghana. He was speaking about the newly-created
- The ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) as provided for in the Abuja African Union (AU), which was to replace the Organisation of African Unity
Treaty ceases to exist at the end of the transition period. (OAU).
- The Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution Annan's address was delivered at the 37th OAU summit, which ended in
(Central Organ) was incorporated into the Union as an Organ and the Lusaka, Zambia, and had prepared the ground for the transition and
Secretary-General should undertake a review of its structure procedure and transformation into the African Union. The AU was inspired by the European
working methods, including a possible change of name. Union and styled on other global Continental bodies in Asia and America.
- The Secretary General should consult the Communities (RECs), and RECs
were involve and implementation of all Programmes of the Union. The But will it work?
Protocol establishing the relations between the AEC and REC were The African Union is being touted as the Continental body that will pave the
amended and a new Protocol is prepared. Summit also called upon the way to a better life for all Africans. It is a tall order. In less than a year, the new
policy organs of the RECs to initiate a reflection of their relationships with interim Secretary-General of the OAU, Cote d'lvoire's former Foreign Minister,
the Union. Amara Essy, must try to steer the Continent towards a semblance of unity and
- The Secretary-General undertook a review of existing OAU Specialised development that will put Africa firmly on the global stage.
Agencies and made recommendations on possible incorporation as
Specialised Agencies of the African Union.

Analysts warn that too much faith is being placed in a document that makes The plan, one of the many challenges facing Africa, was presented to the leaders
more sense in theory than in practice. They say African leaders are rushing to at the Lusaka summit.
create what should be a more effective political and economic union without In his opening remarks, the outgoing OAU Secretary-General, Salim Ahmed
enough thought, thanks to fears of being left trailing in the rapid race of Salim of Tanzania, said: "This summit must provide answers to the questions
globalisation. The observers conclude that the timetable for trying to achieve that occupy the minds of our people, including the form and nature of the AU
these goals is unrealistic and could backfire. that we are establishing. Is the Union merely the OAU in a different name?"
Salim asked.
The Right Leadership? Africans all over the Continent are asking the same question and hoping the
Does the Current Continental leadership have what it takes? The answer is yes AU is not. Salim, who has occupied the top post for the past 12 years, was
and no. There are serving African leaders of vision and integrity, who are referring to the lack of political clout, and perhaps more significantly funds for
competent and committed. There are others who have not lived up to high hopes the OAU to achieve its aims, including the resolution of the devastating regional
and expectations of their election and have manifestly failed their people. wars.
There are hawks and doves, there are movers and shakers and there are those
leaders who delight in obstructing and thwarting progress. In short, Africa has Design of the African Union
some leaders who are a credit to the Continent and others who are a disgrace. Of crucial importance in the establishment of the Organs of the Union is the
Kofi Annan went straight to the point when he stressed that the resolution of challenge to move away from the overly state-centric character of the OAU and
the many conflicts in Africa was essential to making the Continent work. But its concomitant lack of civil participation. The co-operation of African NGOs,
he also pointed out that these were "in a great measure the result of misguided civil societies, labour unions, business organisations are essential in the process
leadership, which is unwilling or unable to put the people's interests first". He of co-operation and implementation of the Abuja Treaty, as was expressed in
told a news conference: "No one can say that 'My country has peace and the Ouagadougou Declaration and provided for in the Sirte Declaration.
therefore conflicts in this or that country are not my responsibility.' No one During the Lusaka Summit, several references were made to the African
wants to invest in bad neighbourhoods, so we need to clean up our Union being loosely based on the European Union model, in which respect it
neighbourhood". was said that Africa 'should not re-invent the wheel’. However, it was agreed
The OAU, created in 1963, dedicated most of its resources and energy to the that the African Union should be something new, with the emphasis on being
fight against colonialism in Africa and backed the Frontline States and the an African experience.
Continent in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. The priorities and Whereas the OAU was in principle a political Organisation that also
ambitions of the African Union will be different. discussed matters of economic and social concern, the African Union should be
an Organisation aimed at economic integration and social development, which
A new plan for Africa should lead to political unity.
The African Initiative, which is a merger of the Millennium African Recovery
Programme (MAP) spearheaded by South African leader, Thabo Mbeki, and the Organs of the African Union
Plan Omega proposed by Senegalese President, Abdoulaye Wade, was
promoted in Lusaka as a blueprint for the regeneration of Africa. Pan- African Parliament (PAP)
The Initiative calls on African leaders to consolidate democracy and The PAP is the highest legislative body of the African Union. The seat of the
development on the continent and strive for prosperity. It urges the richer, PAP is at_Madrand, South Africa. The Parliament is composed of 265 elected
industrialised world to increase investment, assistance and confidence in Africa.

representatives from all fifty-three AU states, and intended to provide popular Peace and Security Council
and civil-society participation in the processes of democratic governance. They Proposed at the Lusaka Summit in 2001, it has fifteen members responsible
meet at least twice in a year and adopt its own procedures. Decisions on any for similar programmes in intent and operation to the United Nat
African concern are taken with approval by two-thirds majority. Security Council.

Assembly of the African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council

Composed of Heads of State and Government of AU states, the Assembly is An advisory organ composed of professional and civic representatives, similar
currently the supreme governing body of the African Union. It is gradually to the European Economic and Social Committee.
devolving some of its decision-making powers to the Pan African Parliament.
It meets once a year and makes its decisions by consensus or by a two-thirds Specialised Technical Committees
majority. These address Rural Economy and Agricultural Matters: Monetary and
Financial Affairs; Trade, Customs and Immigration matters, Industry, Science
African Union Commission and Technology, Energy, Natural Resources, and Environment, Transportation,
The secretariat of the African Union was composed of ten commissioners and Communications and Tourism: Health, Labour and Social Affairs, Education,
supporting staff and headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In a similar Culture, and Human Resources.
fashion to its European counterpart, the European Commission, it is responsible
for the administration and co-ordination of the AU’s activities and meetings. Financial Institutions
- The African Bank
African Court of Justice - The African Monetary fund
To rule on human rights abuses in Africa. The court consists of eleven judges - African Investment Bank
elected by the Assembly. Kenya and Uganda expressed interests in hosting the
court, but it is now based in Nairobi, Kenya. Prof. Ibrahim Gambari opined that:

Africa is in the cusp of change and renewal so much so that observers point
Executive Council to many parallels between the immediate post-independence era of the 1960s.
Composed of ministers designated by the governments of member states. It Then as now, there was considerable hope about the course of regional events.
decides on matters such as foreign trade, social security, food, agriculture and Democracy was also in the ascendancy. There was a crop of (new) leaders in
communications. It is accountable to the Assembly and prepares materials for most African countries, who were inspired by and committed to Pan-
the Assembly to discuss and approve. It meets at least twice in a year as it Africanism. Where the Organization of African Unity (OAU) was formed in
prepares grounds for the Assembly meetings 1963 as a practical expression of political commitment to a regional political
solidarity, the African Union which was inaugurated in 2002 has reinforced
the growing importance of regionalism in an era of globalisation. Taken
Permanent representatives committee together, the African Union and NEPAD - which was adopted in 2001 – are
Consisting of nominated permanent representatives of member states, the key instruments for the region's political, economic and social renewal. The
committee prepares the work for the Executive Council. (European Union African Union and NEPAD have come to symbolize the hope and progress in
equivalent of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER). Africa today; indeed, what some African leaders have referred to as the
African Renaissance.

Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV / AIDS), malaria, tuberculosis, polio
Invariably, the African Union (AU) was launched in Durban, South Africa on meningitis as well other diseases increased greatly.
July 9, 2002 by its first Chairman, Thabo Mbeki of South Africa where the first The AU set up peace and security committee unlike the OAU that has a
session of the Assembly was held. The second session of the Assembly was held commission to manage crisis. The AU aims at permanent solution to African
at Maputo in 2003 and third session at Addis Ababa in July 6, 2004. crisis. Autocratic political dispensation was to be replaced by democratic
The African Union as a Corrective Measure The AU frowned at one - party democracy and military adventurism in
The African Union (AU) was established as a corrective measure to observable politics. Unlike the OAU era when autocrats, tyrants, like Idi-Amin Dada ruled
inadequacies in its predecessor, the Organisation of African Unity (OAU). It Uganda, Mobutu Sese Seko ruled Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) where
would be pertinent to examine some of these corrective measures that the AU they brutalised citizens and foreigners alike, the AU stands to correct all these
was to be: political anomalies in the African states. The AU noted that civil wars and
various bloody conflicts can only be brought to an end by making the total
African Union (AU) from inception was to correct the low economic growth resolution of conflicts possible and restoration of peace. Thus, the AU peace
of Africa due to low intra and inter- African trade relations that has made the and security committee worked assiduously to restore peace to the Sudan in
continent to be heavily indebted to countries of Europe and America. The September 2002, Angola in April, 2002, Sierra Leone in 2002, Liberia in 2003,
paradigm shift of AU from neo-colonial economic dependence on foreign Cote d’Voire, Chad, Central African Republic, Uganda, Burundi, and
trade would drastically reduce debt repayment and promote economic growth. Zimbabwe. All these are indications of growing prospects for African solution
to African problems.
A focus shift from state - centrist economic control by the formation of the AU Despite the fact that African countries under the Organisation of African
to the involvement of the private sectors, especially the Non-Governmental Unity (OAU) signed the protocol on the protection of Human and Peoples
Organisations in economic activities apart from aiding inter-African trade Rights, most, often, do not adhere to its implementation. The African Union
would go a long way to integrate Africa's economy with the World as it is the aims at correcting this by the institution of African Court of Justice.
private sector that forms the engine room of industrial and economic And in streamlining a common African economy in the competitive global
developments in the advanced continents. New Economic Partnership for economy, the AU aims to ensure a common African currency with a common
African Development (NEPAD) as an instrument of AU presents Africa as a African Financial Institution under the African Central Bank in order to correct
continent working towards an integrated economy with prospects for a better the global lopsidedness of Africa in international trade and commerce.
trade negotiation at the world trade in a globalised economy. In other to reduce In fact, all the structures of the AU like the Pan-African Parliament, the
and checkmate endemic corruption by African governments, promote good Economic Council, Social Council, Specialised Commissions are geared
governance and protect the interest of the citizenry that has suffered in the towards correcting the inadequacies of the OAU that necessitated its re-
almost four decades of OAU, African countries are to subject themselves to a evaluation and transformation after 39 years of existence.
"peer review" mechanism whereby all their records would be looked into and
properly audited by the intercontinental body. Conclusion
As a corrective measure, the fact that the African Union adapted NEPAD as From the aforestated, the African Union requires the international community,
an instrument, it has attracted international intervention in African problems. in particular the G8 countries, to further take concrete programme of action in
This has influenced the European Union, United States of America and even the line with commitments made in the United Nations Millennium Declaration in
United Nations to develop sudden change and have interest in Africa's socio- 2000 and the G8 Africa Action Plan in 2002. The NEPAD strategies and the
economic improvements. It is of little wonder that international intervention recommended actions of the UN Millennium Project and the Commission for
and aid in the fight against High Immune Deficiency Virus and Acquired Africa provide the details of interventions required. Therefore, the lack of

concrete development strategies and action plans, sufficiently quantified and intellectuals in the 2002 Accra Declaration on Africa's Development
detailed, can no longer be cited as a reason for lack of progress. The most critical Challenges. Part of the problem in this rejection was that the process by which
proposed actions are the following: NEPAD was adopted was insufficiently participatory- the civil society was
A commitment to provide increased budgetary support for the AU’s Peace almost totally excluded from the discussions by which it came to be adopted.
and Security programme on a predictable multi-year basis. The poor quality of the actual XEPAD document is to some extent a reflection
The doubling of development assistance in three years and further increases of this lack of consultation.
thereafter to ensure that Africa is able to meet the MDGs by 2015. More recently, NEPAD has also been criticised by some of its initial backers,
The establishment and financing of a US$20 billion AU/NEPAD including, notably, Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade, who accused
Development Fund to fast track the implementation of NEPAD programmes in NEPAD of wasting hundreds of millions of dollars and achieving nothing. Like
infrastructure, agriculture, education and skills development, integrated health many other intergovernmental bodies, NEPAD suffers from slow decision-
systems, water and sanitation and capacity building, and the implementation of making, and a relatively poorly resourced and often cumbersome implementing
the APRM programmes of action. framework. There is a great lack of information about the day-to-day activities
Agreement on the cancellation of the debts of all the Least Developed of the NEPAD secretariat, the website is notably uninformative that does not
Countries. Agreements on time frames for the abolition of trade-distorting help its case.
agricultural subsidies are essential. However, the programme has also received some acceptance from those
Africa has made an excellent start, which is a tribute to the commitment of initially very critical, and in general its status has become less controversial as
its Heads of States to improving the continent and evidence of what can be it has become more established and its programmes have become more
achieved by committed leadership, supported by a small secretariat of dedicated concrete. The aim of promoting greater regional integration and trade among
experts, working in close collaboration with the AU Commission. The African states is welcomed by many, even as the fundamental macroeconomic
increasing number of countries that are implementing progressive political and principles NEPAD endorses remain contested.
economic governance policies and regulatory frameworks is further evidence By and large, the transformation of the OAU to the AU has been more of
of the leadership of the Heads of States. Through NEPAD's work with all nomenclatural change as far reaching reforms in terms of economic integration
stakeholders, Africa now has, for the first time in its history, a common rallying of Africa, in terms of Intra- African trade, common custom institution and
point for the development of the continent. The challenge is to build on this tariffs, common currency and banking institutions like the Central Bank of
foundation by strengthening the partnership with the African people and the Africa as well as an apex court of Justice and, change of the citizenries from
international community, particularly the highly industrialised countries. abject poverty to prosperity is concerned. While one would not dispute some of
NEPAD is actualizing the AU vision of an Africa integrated, prosperous and the macro changes, but the micro changes that affect the downtrodden citizens
peaceful, community driven by its own citizens, a dynamic force in the global that the AU wanted to reach has not been achieved. In areas of globalization,
arena". Yes, Africa has embarked on a long and difficult journey. It is going to the AU has been able to make Africa to be prominent in international polities,
take time to reach the desired destination. However, we have every reason to be but impetus of positive change is yet to be felt by ordinary Africans. The
proud of the progress made in the first five years and so far. NEPAD must promotion of western democratic models to a large extent in Africa has been
continue until glory and prosperity returns to Africa. tangibly done by the AU, while less than half of the African countries have
NEPAD was initially met with a great deal of scepticism from much of civil submitted themselves for peer review for good governance.
society in Africa as playing into the 'Washington Consensus' model of economic Some argued that the transformation of the OAU to the AU was a
development. In July 2002, members of some 40 African social movements, reincarnation and vindication of the stand of the Cassablanca group at the
trade unions, youth and women's organisations NGOs, religious organisations formative stage of the organization when they called for a Continental Union
and others endorsed the African Civil Society Declaration on NEPAD rejecting Government or United States of Africa. We disagree completely with this school
NEPAD. A similar hostile view was taken by African scholars and activist of thought because the prime mover of the AU, Moammar al Ghadafí carried

out the military putsh that brought him into power in 1969 in Libya, six clear 5. J.O. Akinbi and D.O. Olupayimi "An Overview of the Organisation of African
years after the formation of the OAU. And above all, African Union Unity (DAU) Now called African Union (AU) in Gboyega Ajayi, J.O. Akanbi
Government remains a mirage till date. and F.O. Alao (eds), Themes in Humanities and African Experience, Lagos:
For the AU to become a complete transformation and correction of the OAU. Novec'kol publisher, 2006.
it has to take many pro-active actions and jettison the cosmetic purely western 6. T. Adeniran “The Relationship between the UAU and the UN: A case study of
model of approach to renewal and change in Africa. In spite of all its Congo Crisis, 1960-1964", Nigerian Journal of International Affairs, vol. 14,
comprehensive planning, the AU has not been able to stamp its feet firmly as a 1988, pp. 113-114,
Continental Organisation that would move Africa out of the doldrums in an age 7. "The charter of the O.A.U. Documentation: An extract from African Quarterly:
A Journal of African Affairs, vol. Ill April - June, 1963.
of globalisation not minding the fact that it inherited from its precursor, the
8. T. Adeniran, "The Relationship between O.A.U and the UN. . ., 1988, p. 38.
OAU, most of the things it is being criticised for as failings.
9. S.O. Agbi, The OAU and African Diplomacy; 1963-1979, Ibadan: Impact
However, the AU should be credited for noticeable transformation in areas
Publishers, 1986, p. 10.
of intervention in the internal affairs of member states to restore democracy as 10. "OAU Charter" @www.actraw.irci/0/actriv/telearan.oau/htm. Retrieved
it happened in Togo 2005, Island of Comoros 2007 as well as peace-keeping 12/2/2009.
operations in Burundi 2002, Liberia 2002, Sierra Leone 2003, Dafür, Sudan 11. A.I. Kio, "The OAU and the liberation movements in Southern Africa, 1963-
2007, which has been a complete departure from its predecessor, the OAU. It is 1978". B.A. Essay Submitted to the Department of History, University of
on this premise that lies the growth and sustainance of democracy in Africa Ibadan, Ibadan, 1980).
from the vampire of ambitious military interventionists who were always eager 12. Ibid.
to wrestle constitutional power from the civilian political elite with their barrel 13. Ibid.
of guns. 14. S. Sadigal, (1977), "OAU and Conflict Situations in Southern Africa, Idsa
Journal, vol. ix No. 4 p. 379.
Endnotes 15. Z. Červenka, The Unfinished Quest for Unity, Africa and the Organisation of
1. The Cabablanca group comprised Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Libya, Morrocco, and African Unity, 1977; London, p. 45.
the United Arab Republic. This group of radical African States believed that 16. T. Adeniran, "The Relationship between the OAU and the UN... p. 114.
radical action should be taken to uproot imperialism and colonialism from 17. G.O. Olusanya, "Reflections on the First Twenty - five years of OAU, Nigerian
Africa. Journal of International Affairs, vol. 14. No. 1, 1988, p. 69.
2. The Moronvia group consisted of Nigeria, Liberia, Tunisia, Sierra Leone and 18. B. Bukarambe,, "Regional order and Local Disorder: OAU and Civil Wars in
Congo. These were African States that believed that moderate approach should West Africa". Nigeria Journal of International Affairs vol. 14 No. 1, 1988, p.
be adopted towards decolonisation of African States. Indeed, they believed in 106.
negotiation before independence. 19. G.O. Olusanya, "Reflections on the first Twenty five years of OAU”. ...p. 70.
3. The Brazzarille group had 12 members, which included, Cameroon, Central 20. S.Y. Omoiya, "Pan Africanism, The OAU and The African Union", S.A. Ajayi
African Republic, Chad, Congo, Gabon, Ivory Coast (now Cote ď Ivoire); (ed.), African Culture and Civilisation. Ibadan: Alantis Books, 2005, p. 388.
Malagasy, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Upper Volta (now Burkina Fasso). 21. R.O. Olaniyan, "OAU; Perception and Strategy for the Management of Africa's
They were ultra conservative and comprised of independent Franco-phone Underdevelopment and Economic Crisis", Nigerian Journal of International
states in Africa still tied to the apron strings of France. They also believed in Affairs, vol. 14 No. 1,1988.
negotiation before independence. 22. Ibid.
4. C.O.C. Amate, Inside the O.A.U Pan Africarism in Practice, London: 23. “What kind of Africa by the year 2000”, International Institute of Labour
Macmillian Publishers, 1986, pp. 34-51. Also, "The Charter of the O.A.U studies, Addis- Ababa, pp. 14-15.
Documentation” Africa Quarterly: A Journal of African Affairs, vol. 11. April 24. Article 11, Treaty of ECOWAS, 1975.
- June, 1963 (No. 1) p. 60. 25. R.O. Palmer, Problems and Prospects of Africa, Lagos: Hememann, 20


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