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Unholy Scavengers adds new model Spider: This model may climb at full
types, scenarios and special rules to movement.
your Dead Gods game.
Tear Apart: If this model rolls an
Unique models: No other copies of unmodified 1 in melee, it deals an
this model can be in a Warcult. extra wound.

Warcult-specific: Some models are UNIQUE MODELS

[tagged] with a Warcult. They cannot Lady Cordelia Spite (13pts)
be in any other Warcult than this. [The Eternal]
A5 M6” B4 F2 D4 Mm3
Leader models: Some models Necromancy, Shadowy, Leader, Unique
already include the Leader special
rule. Magnus Cragg (13pts)
[The Black Maw]
Bloody Rage: If there is a wound Horrifying, Leader, Unique
token on this model it gains -1 to
Battle rolls. Vestra the Eye (12pts)
[The Order of Stars]
Blood Sacrifice: When this model A5 M6” B4 F- D3 Mm3
deals a wound after charging it may Blood Sacrifice, Self-Flagellation, Leader,
spend 1 Momentum to deal a second Unique
Dreth the Oracle (13pts)
Dread Pipes: Friendly models within [The Pale Druids]
6” can re-roll a Battle roll. A5 M6” B3 F4 D3 Mm3
Seer, Leader, Unique
Exorcism: Enemy models with
Unliving within 3” get a +1 penalty MODELS
to Defence rolls. Abomination (8pts)
A3 M6” B4 F- D3 Mm2
Holy Shot: While holding a sacred Horrifying, Mighty 1
relic this model gains a -1 to Fire
rolls. Beast (7pts)
A3 M6” B4 F- D3 Mm1
Tear Apart, Scout
Necromancy: If a friendly model
with Unliving within 12” goes Out of Berserker (6pts)
Action, it returns on a 1-2. A3 M6” B4 F- D2 Mm2
Bloody Rage
Seer: Any friendly model activating
within 3” of this model may turn a Blood Priest(6pts)
failed Activation die into a success. A3 M6” B3 F- D2 Mm1
Blood Sacrifice, Holy Shield, Self-
Slayer: This model gains a -1 to Flagellation
Battle rolls against enemies with B4+.
Dancer (6pts) SCENARIOS
A3 M6” B3 F2 D3 Mm1 This is a selection of scenarios you can
Graceful, Spider play instead of the default scenario in
the main game. These use the same
Dread Beast (10pts) basic framework with some added
A3 M6” B4 F- D3 Mm2 complications.
Tear Apart, Brute, Slayer, Graceful
Ghoul (7pts)
A4 M6” B4 F- D2 Mm1 An ancient tomb unearthed by Godfall.
Unliving, Horrifying Within stir dread corpses brought to life
by sacred relics.
Ghoul Hunter (8pts)
A4 M6” B2 F3 D3 Mm1 Set-up: Four sarcophagi spaced 12”
Exorcism, Holy Hand apart. Cover the rest of the table in
scatter, broken walls and ‘tomby’
Musician (6pts) terrain.
A3 M6” B3 F2 D2 Mm1
Dread Pipes, Graceful Rules: A normal game of Dead Gods,
but after each round roll a die. On a 5
Necromancer (7pts) or 6 a Ghoul emerges from a random
A4 M6” B2 F- D2 Mm2 sarcophagus. It has two actions,
Necromancy, Horrifying moving towards the nearest enemy
model and charging where possible. At
Pistol Priest (6pts) the beginning of each round all
A3 M6” B2 F4 D2 Mm1 remaining Ghouls move towards the
Holy Shot, Sniper 1 closest enemy and charge.
Runepriest (7pts) MOUNTAIN RUIN
A4 M6” B3 F- D2 Mm2
Seer, Holy Hand The town of Hammerwall has been
decimated by a fallen god. But the extreme
Runner (5pts) weather may cause problems for Warcults.
A3 M6” B3 F2 D2 Mm1
Spider, Scout
Set-up: A standard set up, but with
Skeleton Warrior (6pts) plenty of hills, ruins and trees. At least
A3 M6” B3 F3 D3 Mm0 a quarter of the map is difficult terrain
Unliving (ice).
Skulk (6pts) Rules: A normal game of Dead Gods
A3 M6” B2 F3 D2 Mm1 except at the beginning of each round
Shadowy, Spider, Stealthy roll a die. On a 5-6 a mighty blizzard
kicks up. All models move 2” slower
Wild Guardian (7pts) and anything 6” from a model is
A3 M6” B4 F2 D3 Mm1 outside of line of sight.
Relic Guardian, Brute 1

A god has fallen into the Brackenwood. The keeper of the wailing vault met a
To claim their relics, Warcults will need grisly end when a god landed on her. Now
to contend with the vicious Moon Beast her keys are up for grabs, and the vault
that haunts the woods. there for the taking.

Set-up: Densely packed forest Set-up: A building at the centre of the

terrain. table contains a vault. .

Rules: A normal game of Dead Gods, Rules: Mark the underside of two
but place a Moon Beast in the centre. relics and shuffle. Place the five out as
On a player’s Activation they may normal. The marked relics are vault
instead activate the Moon Beast (use keys. Anyone with a key can unlock
Dread Beast but with 8” movement). the vault as long as they end the round
The Moon Beast can’t obtain in base contact with the vault. The first
objectives. to open it wins.

Sometimes sacred relics act strangely in Some more random relics. Just roll a
the mortal world. d6.
1. A withered god-hand
Set-up: A normal game of Dead 2. A gleaming antler
Gods, except two relics are marked 3. An angelic feather
on their base. Shuffle the relics and 4. A scorching beard
place five as normal without seeing 5. A bloodied loincloth
the underside marking. . 6. A serpent staff

Rules: Whenever a relic is obtained,

flip it. Marked relics are unstable, By Scott Malthouse
doing an automatic hit to anyone Art by public domain
touching it. If that model fails their
Defense roll, roll a d6 below:

1. This model takes 1 wound

2. This model teleports 6” away
3. This model is swapped for a Beast
(keep the same wounds)
4. This model loses all their special
5. This model teleports 12” into the
air and falls.
6. This model takes 2 wounds

Once the relic has dealt its effect it

becomes a normal relic.

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