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1. To bring about a comprehensive understanding of 4. To create an awareness of the role of Media in
the different types of Mass Media and their bringing about social change.
convergence. 5. To sensitise and bring about an awareness of
2. To provide an introduction to the various media Online hazards and Internet safety.
regulatory bodies and their objectives. 6. To develop an understanding of the Evolution
3. To enable the comprehension of technical and of the various forms of Media and
creative concepts associated with the various Communication.
Media production processes.

There will be two papers in the subject: (iii) Components of News
Paper I: Theory: 3 hours ------ 70 marks Definition of each of the following with
Paper II: Project Work: ------- 30 marks suitable examples: Accuracy, attribution,
fairness, clarity and brevity.
PAPER I (THEORY) – 70 Marks (iv) News Values
1. Communication Definition of each of the following with
(i) Understanding Communication examples: timeliness, proximity, prominence,
Definition and nature of communication: it conflict, consequence, oddity, human interest
is both a science and an art. and development.
(ii) Levels of Communication transactions. (v) Reporting and Editing Techniques
Intrapersonal Communication: definition, (a) Inverted Pyramid
understanding Self as a concept;
Introduction/Lead (the most important
Self disclosure and Self-esteem:
information) Nutgraph, Body and End;
meaning only.
Interpersonal Communication: definition, The 5 Ws and H in the Lead (To be done
types and functions. with examples);
Group Communication: definition and An understanding of the following with
types (small and large group reference to reporting a news story:
communication). What - What does it mean? What should I
Mass Communication: definition and know?
Why - Why now? Why is it important?
(iii) Models of Communication
Where - Where is this decision coming
A brief understanding of the models of from? Where/what locations will it affect?
communication given by the following: Where can I get more information?
Aristotle, Shannon and Weaver, Harold
Laswell and Wilber Schram. When - When is this happening/
2. Basics of Journalism
Who – Whose story is it? Who made the
(i) Definition of journalism decision? Who’s in charge? Who does it
(ii) Understanding News impact?
Definition of news; Hard News Vs Soft News. How - How was the decision made? How
will it be implemented? How will

communications flow internally and (ii) PR Campaigns.
An understanding of the tools and steps.
(b) Headlines
6. Media Regulatory Bodies
Characteristics and impact of headlines
Role and functions (as stated by the Government
with suitable examples.
of India) of: Telecom Regulatory Authority of
Writing a headline - Factors to be kept in India; Press Council of India; Central Board for
mind: should be catchy, concise, not Film Certification; Advertisement Standard
misleading, to be written in active voice, Council of India; News Broadcasting Standards
articles to be avoided. Authority of India.
(vi) Photo Journalism (with reference to print Telecom Regulatory Authority of India: Regulates
media) telecommunication services, adjudicate disputes,
dispose appeals, protect interests of service
Definition; importance of photographs in a
providers and consumers.
news story;
Press Council of India: Helps newspapers
Photo essays: an understanding of photo
maintain their independence, builds code of
essay as a visual depiction of an event/issue.
conduct for newspapers and journalists,
Writing Captions for photographs. guidelines for training, guidelines for spreading
news, reviews newspaper production, maintains
3. Radio Programs
Types of radio programmes
Central Board for Film Certification: Certifies for
An understanding of each with reference to how public viewing, film certification: U, A, UA, S.
these are scripted: news bulletins, talk shows,
interviews, announcements: commercial and Advertisement Standard Council of India: Self-
public service, documentaries, dramas, features, regulation in advertising, protection of consumer
commentary, radio jingles, commercial, public interests, promotion of responsible advertising,
service and music based. enhancing public confidence in advertising;
Consumer Complaints Council.
4. Programs for Television
News Broadcasting Standards Authority of India:
(i) Types of Television Programmes: Fiction and Ensures - impartiality, objectivity, neutrality,
Non-Fiction discretion (crimes against women and children),
Difference between fiction and non-fiction. privacy, national security is not endangered.
Non-fiction: news bulletins, interviews, Prevents - glorification of violence and crime,
documentaries; Fiction: soap operas, lifestyle encouragement of superstition and occultism,
shows, reality shows, animation. showcasing sex and nudity.

(ii) Difference between Television and Cinema. PAPER II: PROJECT WORK - 30 MARKS

Difference with reference to the format, Candidates will be required to have completed two
production process and audience. projects from any topic covered in Theory.

5. Public Relations The written outcome of the project should be

structured as given below:
(i) Understanding Public Relations.
For written projects:
Definition; Role of Public Relations: to
generate goodwill; build a brand image; aid (i) Abstract: it must contain the following
in advertising and sales promotion; crisis information:
management; media management; (a) Reason for choosing the topic.
Responsibility of a Public Relations Officer.
(b) Methods and material used.

(a) The main essay must follow the structure List of suggested assignments for Project Work:
given below:
(i) Select any two mainstream newspapers. Do an
(b) Background and context – to be discussed analysis of all the news stories on the front pages
very briefly. of these newspapers with reference to inverted
pyramid, headlines, and photographs used.
(c) Explanation of the theme and the issue.
(ii) Create a photo essay on a theme of your choice,
(d) Analysis and critical evaluation. with suitable captions.
(e) Conclusion. (iii) Analyse advertisements in print and electronic
media. Discuss stereotyping in advertisements vis
(ii) References/ bibliography: a list of all material a vis gender.
referred to for the project (including print,
electronic, oral & audio-visual material). Write a radio script for any one of the following:

(iii) Appendix: optional, only if it is crucial for a (a) Prime time News bulletin.
better understanding of the project essay. (b) Radio drama based on a short story.
For audiovisual projects: (c) Radio feature on an event in your school.

(i) Abstract: it must contain the following (iv) Write an essay on a recent public relations
information: campaign done by an organization.

(a) Reason for choosing the topic (v) Develop a Public Relations strategy to handle a
forthcoming crisis in your school, neighbourhood
(b) Methods and material used or peer group. Identify various steps in
(ii) Communication strategy: theme, title, primary management of the crisis. This can be based on an
audience, message (if any), language. issue or an event. Prepare a detailed strategy on a
chart for class presentation.
(iii) References/bibliography: a list of all materials
referred to for the project (including print,
electronic, oral & audio-visual material).
(iv) Appendix – optional, only if it is crucial for the
better understanding of the project essay.

There will be two papers in the subject: eye view, worm-eye view, long shot,
Paper I: Theory 3 hours -------------------- 70 marks extreme long shot, medium shot, oblique.
Paper II: Project Work -------------------- 30 marks (iv) Camera Movement
Pan, Tilts, Dolly shots, handheld, crane
PAPER I (THEORY) – 70 Marks shots.
1. Communication 4. Radio
(i) Culture and Communication (i) Writing for Radio
What is culture? Relationship between Characteristics of a Radio Script:
culture and mass media; communication in conversational language, active voice,
the cultural context; media as vehicle of simple sentences, avoidance of technical
cultural transmission; representation and jargons and capability of creating
stereotyping in Mass Media. imageries.
(ii) Communication and Social Change (ii) Recording Radio Programmes
Social change: meaning; media as a catalyst Brief understanding of the radio studio and
for social change (with examples of various transmission equipment: types of
social movements). microphones; amplifier, sound mixer,
speakers; audio recording.
2. Journalism
(iii) Radio Jockeying
(i) Qualities of a good Journalist.
Role of a radio jockey; skills required:
An understanding of the following: nose for
command on language (spoken and written),
News, inquisitiveness, language skills,
connectedness with the audience;
trustworthy and empathy.
knowledge about the recording equipment.
(ii) Ethical Issues in Journalism.
5. Cinema
A brief understanding of each of the following
with examples: sensationalism, fake news, (i) History of Cinema
paid news, plagiarism, advertorials, partisan A brief understanding of the early
reporting and sting operations. experiments done by the following: Lumiere
Brothers, John Grierson, Robert Flaharty
3. Television
and Dada Saheb Phalke.
(i) Advertising for television.
(ii) Cinema Genres.
Meaning and process - planning phase,
Defining genre theory; an understanding of
scripting, casting, preproduction, shooting,
the various types of genres (with suitable
post-production, approval, delivery.
examples): action, westerns, comedy, crime,
Functions- Reach large audiences, inform and
drama, fantasy/sci-fi, historical, animation,
educate, entertain and retain attention, create
romance and musical.
loyal following for product, affordable
information distribution. (iii) Cinema and Social Change.
Types- Cross promotion, Merchandise, Covert Parallel Cinema movement in India: Issues
Advertising, Infomercials, Bumper ads, depicted and low budget production process
Sponsorship, Call to action. (with reference to examples such as Shyam
(ii) Film stages Benegal’s Manthan).
Pre-shooting, shooting, post-shooting.
6. Social Media
(iii) Camera angles
(i) Definition of social media.
Eye level, low angle, high angle, ground
level, dutch angle, aerial, close-up, bird’s (ii) Types of social media platforms.
Social networking, blogging, photo sharing
and video sharing.

(iii) Role of social media in democracy. PAPER II (PROJECT WORK) 30 MARKS
Role of social media in creating collective Candidates will be required to have completed two
identities with reference to sharing of projects from any topic/ allied aspect covered in
information; cyber activism (with suitable Theory.
examples) Project work may include:
(iv) Cyber Crime. • Script writing.
An understanding of online bullying; • Documentary/ video.
stalking; trolling; online frauds.
• Book review/ film review/ posters/
(v) Netiquettes. advertisements/ cartoon strip.
Meaning and importance of netiquettes; an • Advertisement campaign, social media
understanding of netiquettes such as: campaign.
identification of oneself; respect for others’
• Case study.
privacy, use of appropriate language and
imagery; do not spam. • Field visit/investigation.
7. New Media Candidates must be encouraged to produce project
work that is original and creative, which provides
(i) Definition of new media
insightful perspectives.
Types (websites, apps, podcasts,
List of suggested assignments for Project Work:
smartphones) and their characteristics.
(ii) Advantages and disadvantages of new (i) Develop a script for radio advertisement on any
one social issue of your choice. The duration of
the advertisement should not be more than 30
(iii) The socio-political implications of the new seconds. You are also expected to develop a
media. suitable jingle.
Self-explanatory. (ii) Develop a short comic story. You can choose
maximum 4 characters to build the story. The
8. Media Convergence
cartoons should be drawn by yourself in your
Media convergence; dimensions. own way. Write suitable dialogues. Colouring
of the comics is optional. The story should not
Meaning, importance and benefits of media
be more than five scenes or 15 drawings.
candidates can submit them pasted in a chart or
Dimensions: technological, textual, social, book. No software should be used for this
economic and political (A brief understanding assignment.
with examples). Advantages of the dimensions of (iii) Produce a one hour documentary on the topic
media convergence. “Life in School”. The documentary must
contain video clips from various activities
conducted in school as well as general school
life such as recess and dismissal. There must be
at least one interview with a student and one
with a member of staff. Narration must be clear
and fit with the visual matter. Any recording not
in English must have subtitles.

(iv) Develop an advertising campaign on any issue The Project will be assessed by the teacher and a
related to the conservation of the environment. Visiting Examiner appointed locally and
You can choose any non-electronic media for approved by CISCE.
the campaign. For example, pamphlets,
Assessment of Project Work will be done as
placards, leaflets, etc. Prepare a report of the
detailed process along with pictures of the
campaign. 1. Internal Evaluation by Teacher 15 Marks
(v) Create a power point presentation showcasing Evaluation by Visiting
the various Graduation courses a student can 2. Examiner 15 Marks
apply for after the completion of school. The
TOTAL 30 Marks
PPT must contain statistical data regarding
employment rates of adults who have
completed the courses, number and type of jobs GUIDELINES FOR TEACHERS:
which make use of the courses as well as 1. It must be emphasized that the process of doing
difficulty of the courses. Pie charts and bar the project is as important as the finished
graphs may be used. Reasons must be given product.
why the courses should be taken as well as what 2. Once the project/projects are chosen, there
advantages certain courses have over others. should be a process of brainstorming to
(vi) Choose a social media campaign. Follow it for encourage students to make out a draft/structure
a week. Do a detailed analysis of the campaign for the project.
in terms of its strategy, followers, comments/ 3. During the brainstorming/discussion, the teacher
likes, sharing and development over time. should discuss the assessment criteria with the
(vii) Use any camera or mobile phone with video
facility to create a 1-5-minute fiction story on a 4. Students must be cautioned against plagiarism
topic of your choice. and be penalized for the same.
5. Marks must be awarded for content and
(viii)Write a detailed review of a film from any one originality and not for decorative elements and
of the following genres: Fantasy/ Sci-fi, embellishments.
comedy, musical.
6. Projects must be the original work of the student.

NOTE: No question paper for Project Work will be set by CISCE.


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