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Aquatic-Based Rehabilitation and Training for

the Elite Athlete

)ill M. Thein, MPT, ATC'
Lori Thein Brody, MS, PT, SCS, ATC*

thletes of all ages enjoy Elite athletes are competing for longer seasons, training more hours, and taking less time off.
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participating in sport- This schedule may predispose the elite athlete to overuse injuries. When an injury occurs, aquatic-
ing activities. Children based rehabilitation may expedite the recovery process, as effective cardiovascular and musculo-
and adolescents partici- skeletal training may be accomplished by aquatic exercise. The pool may be used both during
pate in youth sports rehabilitation and postrecovery as an adjunctive tool. Knowledge of the unique physical properties
teams, while adults enjoy events such of water, as well as the physiological responses to immersion both at rest and during exercise, will
as running races, triathlons, and aid the physical therapist when designing a rehabilitation or training program for the athlete.
adult sport leagues. This type of rec- Understanding the principles of movement in water will provide a foundation for creative use of
reational sportsenthusiast comprises water's unique properties.
the majority of the athletic popula- Key Words: aquatic, training, rehabilitation
tion. However, a small percentage of ' Clinical Physical Therapist, University of Wisconsin Clinics Research Park, Sports Medicine Center,
Copyright © 1998 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

athletes chooses to pursue a higher 621 Science Drive, Madison, WI 5371 1

and more demanding level of train- Senior Clinical Specialist, University of Wisconsin Clinics Research Park, Sports Medicine Center,
ing and competition. Some athletes Madison, WI
excel in a sport early in adolescence No grant monies were provided for this paper.
and focus exclusively on those physi-
cal skills. Master-level athletes are
continuing to compete well into the
fifth and sixth decades of life. Ath-
period of recovery to be beneficial. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES O F WATER
They may regain mobility, strength,
letes of this caliber level are training
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

harder, competing more often, and

and maintain or improve cardiovascu- Buoyancy
lar endurance, all while "resting"
taking less time to taper. As such, the Archimedes' principle of buoy-
their injury. The pool may also be
elite athlete frequently suffers from used to increase flexibility, speed, ancy states that a body partially or
overuse injuries, particularly soft tis- balance, and coordination in the completely immersed in a fluid will
sue injuries, such as tendinitis, bursi- noninjured athletic population. experience an upward thrust equal to
tis, and stress fractures. Selfcare for The purpose of this paper is to the weight of the fluid that was dis-
the average athletic population may discuss aquatic-based rehabilitation placed. Buoyancy is defined as the
include temporary rest and discontin- and training for the elite athlete. The upward thrust acting in the opposite
ued training. Research has shown physical properties of water will be direction of gravity; it is related to
that 3 weeks of inactivity can lead to reviewed, and current research re- the specific gravity of the immersed
a significant loss of cardiovascular garding aquatic-based vs. land-based object (5). Specific gravity is the ratio
fitness, where 6 weeks of rest can cardiovascular conditioning programs of the mass of one substance to the
lead to a decrease of as much as 14- will be discussed. Extremity and core mass of the same value of water (5).
16% of maximal oxygen consumption body strengthening exercises will be Therefore, by definition, the specific
(10.1 1,27). Because of such losses reviewed, as will balance and coordi- gravity of water is 1.0 and any body
and demanding competition sched- nation exercises. Lastly, recommenda- with a specific gravity of less than 1.0
ules, the elite athlete is often under tions regarding transition from aquat- will float. The average values for the
time constraints for injury rehabilita- ic-based programs to resuming human body range from 0.97 to 0.95,
tion. As such, many athletes have competitive sports will be made, and thereby causing most humans to float
found utili7ation of a water-based sample training programs will be sug- (12). However, many individuals still
program during their "active rest" gested. have difficulty floating due to their

Volume 27 Number 1 January 1998. JOSPT


body composition and body fat distri-

bution. They may rest just below the
water's surface or their legs may sink
while their trunk remains at the sur-
face. This is of particular importance
in treating the elite athlete who may
be very lean. Buoyant equipment may
be necessary on the trunk or at vari-
ous points along the limb to main-
tain equilibrium in the pool.
Buoyancy may be used in rehabil-
itation in three ways: as assistance, as
support, and as resistance. Assisted
exercise occurs when movements are
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toward the surface of the water.

These exercises are commonly used
to increase mobility, such as when
allowing the arm to passively abduct FIGURE 2. Eddie currents behind the walking individ-
toward the surface (20). Buoyancy- ual create a negative pressure and drag posteriorly.
supported exercises are movements
that are perpendicular to the upward Fluid Dynamics
thrust of buoyancy and parallel to the
bottom of the pool. Typically, the Two different types of water flow
limb will float just below the surface exist: laminar flow and turbulent
Copyright © 1998 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

of the water, but this depends upon flow. Laminar flow, defined as the
the limb's density and floatation de- smooth flow of water molecules, has
vice use. Examples of buoyancy-sup the least amount of resistance be-
ported exercise include horizontal cause the water molecules are all trav-
abduction and adduction of the eling the same direction and speed.
shoulder with the athlete in standing. Turbulent flow is interrupted flow, as
Lastly, buoyancy-resisted exercises when laminar flow encounters an
FIGURE 1. A) Buoyancy-resisted hip extension from
directly oppose the upward thrust of 90Qf flexion to neutral. B) Buoyancy-assisted hip object, causing water molecules to
buoyancy. Buoyancy-resisted hip ex- extension beyond neutral. rebound in all directions. Turbulent
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

tension is performed standing in 90" flow can be visualized as the white

of hip flexion and extending the hip water and air bubbles next to the
to neutral (Figure 1A). In the above in effusion. Hydrostatic pressure is skin when a body is moved through
example, the hip extensor muscles also responsible for the cardiovascu- the water (Figure 2).
would become buoyancy-assisted if lar changes seen with immersion and The shape of the object moving
the hip were to extend past neutral has a significant impact on exercise the water also effects drag. A tapered,
(Figure 1B). training parameters. streamlined object will produce mini-
mal disruption of flow, while an un-
Hydrostatic Pressure Viscosity streamlined object will create rapid
disruption of flow, causing turbu-
Pascal's law states that, at any Viscosity is defined as the friction lence (30). For example, forward
given depth, the pressure from the occurring between individual mole- walking is more resistive than walking
liquid is exerted equally on all sur- cules in a liquid, causing resistance to sideways, and shoulder internal and
faces of the immersed object (5). As flow (5). Viscosity is only noticeable external rotation with the forearms
the density and depth of the liquid when there is motion through the pronated creates less drag than per-
increases, so does the volume of liq- liquid and acts as resistance to move- forming the same exercise in forearm
uid overhead and, therefore, the hy- ment because the liquid molecules neutral.
drostatic pressure. As such, hydro- adhere to the surface of the body Muscle contraction type is a key
static pressure may be used in (5). Because water is more viscous consideration when designing an ex-
rehabilitation to reduce effusion or than air, there is resistance to most ercise program with increasing resis-
to allow the athlete to exercise an movement in the water regardless of tance based upon viscosity. Exercises
injured extremity without an increase buoyancy. performed against the water's resis-

JOSFT Volume 27 Number 1 Janua~y1998

Temperature Right atrial venous pressure Increase (8-1 2 mm Hg)
Heart blood volume Increase (180-2 50 ml)
recomrnendations for Cardiac output Increase (25%+)
Stroke volume Increase (25%)
intense training of the Central venous pressure Increase
Heart rate Remains the same or decreases slightly
elite athlete should be Systemic blood pressure Remains the same or increases slightly
between 26 and 28°C. TABLE 1. Cardiovascular responses to immersion at rest (2,4,9,13,15,16,23,24,29,30).

progress lower extremity weight bear- responses were significantly greater

ing. during water exercise than on land.
tance most always elicit concentric Cardiac preload was elevated both at
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muscle contractions. Consider perfor- PHYSIOLOGIC RESPONSES TO rest and during water exercise, sug-
mance of the above shoulder internal gesting that the centralization of pe-
and external rotation exercise; the ripheral blood flow exists despite the
movements elicit reciprocal concen- redistribution of blood known to oc-
Physiological Responses of Water
tric contractions of the rotator mus- cur during exercise. Sheldahl (29)
cles. Eccentric muscle contractions Immersion studied two groups of nine males per-
can be elicited using buoyancy if When humans are immersed in forming supervised bicycle ergometry
enough floatation is used. For exam- water, physiologic changes occur, 3 times/week for 12 weeks, one
ple, the upward abduction motion of both at rest and during exercise. As group on land, the other immersed
the arm away from the side will elicit such, it is important that the physical to the suprasternal notch. Results
Copyright © 1998 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

an eccentric contraction of the shoul- therapist is aware of these differences showed a similar increase in stroke
der adductors if a large floatation so training programs may be appro- volume and decrease in heart rate
bell is held in the hand. Additionally, priately modified. Changes that occur and blood pressure as well as a simi-
eccentric contractions in the lower at rest during water immersion are lar increase in VO,, in both
extremity can be achieved if the wa- the result of hydrostatic pressure and groups. The authors concluded that
ter is shallow enough to minimize include, most importantly, a cephalad exercise training is not affected by
buoyancy. For example, lunges in redistribution of blood flow (2). In- the cephalad shift in blood volume
hipdeep water can elicit eccentric cluded in these alterations is an in- during water exercise.
quadricep muscle contractions. crease in right atrial venous pressure, These two studies highlight the
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

which results in a Frank Starling re- issue of immersion and exercise. As

Effect of Depth of lmmersion on flex and a subsequent increase in cardiovascular changes are immer-
Weight Bearing stroke volume (2,4,13,16,23,28). Hor- sion-related, exercise prescription in
monal changes and diuresis have deep water becomes difficult. Deep
Weight bearing is effected by the been observed with sustained periods water running is commonly used in
depth of water owing to buoyancy. of water immersion (l4,15,18,21,24) the rehabilitation of athletic injuries
This becomes an important issue in (Table 1). and has been extensively studied. A
rehabilitation, especially when reha- study of 10 trained males running at
bilitating athletes with lower extrem- lmmersion and Exercise Response four submaximal loads and maximal
ity injuries. In general, at the seventh intensity in both deep water and on
cervical vertebral level, the xyphoid, Several studies have been con- land showed that submaximal work-
and the anterior superior iliac spine, ducted to determine if central blood load heart rates and VO,, were
female athletes will bear 8, 28, and volume continues to remain elevated lower during water running (31).
47% of their body weight, respec- during exercise in water. Christie et The authors believed the lower sub-
tively. Male athletes are approxi- al (9) studied 10 men performing maximal heart rate relative to VO,
mately 8, 35, and 54% weight bearing upright bicycle ergometry both on may be due to increased stroke vol-
at the same levels (30). However, land and immersed in water to the ume, which is an effect of increased
these numbers reflect static weight suprasternal notch. Subjects exercised central blood volume or increased
bearing, and increasing to a fast walk- at 40, 60, 80, and 100% VO,, while preload.
ing speed can increase weight bear- numerous cardiac responses were A similar study of 12 female cross-
ing by as much as 76% (22). Decreas- observed. Although VO,,,, did not country runners compared VO,,
ing the depth of water is one way to differ between groups, other cardiac on a treadmill with deep water im-

Volume 27 Number 1 January 1998 JOSPT


mersion (7). Results found VOnmax response to exercise. Avellini et al (3) Owing to the potential for heat
values to be 17% lower in water when studied three groups of five males, illness, temperature recommenda-
compared with land, a finding similar where Group I exercised on land, tions for intense training of the elite
to previous studies. Peak heart rate and Groups I1 and I11 exercised in athlete should be between 26 and
32°C or 20°C water, respectively. 28°C to prevent any heat-related
Maximal oxygen consumption was complications.
tested before and after the training
Studies have found the period on land via a treadmill and
cycle ergometer. Subjects trained on REHABILITATION
heart rate- VO, a cycle ergometer 5 days/week for 1
hour at 75% VO,, which was ad- Cardiovascular Training
relationship and the justed throughout the study. Results
rate of perceived showed that the water groups exer-
cised at a lower heart rate for a pre-
With utilization of a pool for
training, the athlete's goal of main-
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exertion in deepwater scribed VO,, level than the land taining or improving cardiovascular
group. Maximal oxygen consumption function can be achieved while rest-
running to be skill increased for all three groups, but no ing an injury. This is particularly use-
dependent. significant difference was found be-
tween groups. The authors hypothe-
ful for the athlete with weight bear-
ing or impact restrictions. Because of
sized that the lower water tempera- the physiologic changes incurred
ture caused vasoconstriction in the while immersed, it is recommended
responses while water running were 17
periphery to decrease heat loss, forc- that the athlete train at a heart rate
beats/minute lower than those during 17 to 20 beats/minute lower than
ing blood centrally, enhancing ve-
a treadmill run. The authors suggested they do on land. The rate of per-
nous return and increasing stroke
Copyright © 1998 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

the lower heart rate response was due volume. Since cardiac output at the ceived exertion is often unreliable
to increased stroke volume and the same VO, is similar when exercising due to the effects of skill and com-
cooling effects of the water. on land or in water, the exercise fort on perceived exertion.
An important factor in deep wa- could be achieved at a lower heart As with any exercise session, an
water running is the skill of the ath- rate. Since Group I11 demonstrated appropriate warm-up and cool down
lete. Studies have found the heart similar improvements in maximal are essential. These should be per-
rate-V02 relationship and the rate of aerobic power while exercising at a formed in the pool and may consist
perceived exertion in deepwater run- heart rate 20 beats/minute lower of walking, bicycling, or performing
ning to be skill dependent (6,31). than Groups I and 11, the authors calisthenics in the water, followed by
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Those individuals who were less concluded that training in cold water stretching. A variety of cardiovascular
skilled used greater arm movement enhanced stroke volume and de- exercises may be performed and may
to maintain position in the water, creased heart rate, increasing exer- replicate a movement pattern used in
thereby increasing their heart rate cise efficiency. their sport or challenge muscles in
and rate of perceived exertion. A pe- In contrast, exercising in warm need of training for their sport. Deep
riod of technique training should water can increase cardiovascular de- water running and cross-country ski-
precede any testing or establishing of mands above those of exercise alone. ing may be performed with the ath-
a training heart rate. Choukroun and Varene (8) studied lete tethered to the side of the pool
Training heart rate should be the effects of water temperature on the or free floating (Figure 3). When
cardiovascular system of subjects at teaching deep water running, have
established in the pool rather than
rest Subjects were immersed to the the athlete "run off the bottomn of
attempting to apply land-based heart
neck in 25". 34". and 40°C water and the shallow end into the deep end,
rates to pool exercise (34). In gen-
cardiovascular demands were mea- trying to maintain form. Once the
eral, heart rates during deep water
sured. Cardiac output increased signifi- feet leave the bottom, some forward
exercise will be approximately 17 progress will be made owing to slight
cantly at 40°C. Gleim and Nicholas
beats/minute lower than comparable forward lean, but excessive lean
(19) studied the effects of water tem-
exercise on land (26). perature on individuals exercising in which begins to mimic a swimming
waistdeep water. The authors found stroke should be avoided. Deepwater
Effects of Water Temperature that the centralization of peripheral running requires minimal range of
blood flow was overcome by the ther- motion at the shoulders and a large
Water temperature can have a mal stimulus to increase heart rate at range of hip and knee motion when
profound effect on the cardiovascular 36°C. performed optimally. Of course, the

JOSPT Volume 27 Number 1 January 1998


pact and suggest appropriate

The fundamental guidelines for
cardiovascular training should be at
the core of program design. Twenty-
five minutes, five times per week or
more, is recommended as a mini-
mum, while the elite athlete may
need a longer training period, de-
pending upon the season and sport.
Like land-based exercise, the pool
can also be used for inteml training.
A number of stations or a variety of
exercises performed within a single
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FIGURE 3. Deep water running while tethered can be session can alleviate boredom and
used in a pool with limited space.
assure a well-rounded workout. Ankle
floats, arm paddles, or gloves and fins
technique may be modified as will increase the lever arm and resis-
needed for special circumstances. tance. The athlete should be re-
Cross-country skiing is an excel- FIGURE 5. Vertical kicking maintaininggoodpostural minded to increase speed to further
lent cardiovascular training tool, em- alignment without a m assistance. increase resistance.
phasizing leg and trunk extension Most importantly, the physical
(Figure 4). Both the shoulders and formed with or without fins and therapist should make the program
the hips move through a large range should be initiated with a small flut- as sports-specific as possible. For ex-
Copyright © 1998 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

of motion, making this activity ideal ter kick. Once mastered, a dolphin ample, the sprinter can perform in-
in sports with such requirements. Un- kick may be added, keeping in mind terval sprinting, working at peak oxy-
like deepwater running where the that it requires a high level of dy- gen consumption, with intermittent
knees go through a large range of namic lumbar control. Kicking jogging for recovery. In contrast, the
motion, the knees stay relatively should be performed without arm marathon runner might perform low
straight throughout the cross-country assistance, with the arms held behind intensity, long duration cardiovascu-
ski motion and motion occurs pri- the back or hands out of the water lar exercise, maintaining the work-
marily at the hips. Again, the tech- (Figure 5). This training technique is load at 70-80% maximal oxygen
nique may be modified based upon particularly effective for those ath- consumption. Likewise, a football
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

the athlete's specific needs. letes needing trunk stabilization or lineman may shallow water sprint
Once the athlete has mastered performing rapid movements in a with a plow for & to 10-second inter-
these cardiovascular training tech- small range of motion. vals, with light jogging during recov-
niques, more advanced techniques, Floatation vests may be used ery to replicate the demands of his
such as vertical kicking, may be incor- when teaching the athlete a deep sport.
porated. Vertical kicking may be per- water technique or if safety is a con-
cern. When possible, the vest should
be discontinued to increase the diffi- Stretching
culty of the workout. When choosing
a belt or vest, it is prudent to assess The athlete may perform any or
the device for the primary location of all of their stretching routine in the
floatation. Some belts provide the water. A warm water pool (32"-35°C)
greatest floatation posteriorly, which provides a relaxing environment,
places the athlete in an excessive for- which may allow for increased soft
ward lean. A more symmetrical belt tissue extensibility. Additionally, the
or vest is recommended. buoyancy of the water makes stretch-
If weight bearing is allowed, the ing easier to perform and optimal
athlete may exercise in shoulderdeep positions easier to maintain (Figures
water. Shallow water running and 6A and B). The duration of the
cross-country skiing are both effective stretch can vary; however, a low in-
FIGURE 4. Deep water cross-country skiing is a good training techniques. The therapist tensity, long duration (20-30 sec-
cardiovascular and musculoskeletal training exercise. must be aware of the amount of im- onds) stretch has proved to be most

Volume 27 Number 1 January 1998 JOSFT

- - - - . - - - - - - -C-O. M M E N -T A .R Y

muscular coordination, and stretch-

ing and elongation through the legs,
trunk, and upper extremities. A snor-
kel may improve the skill of those
individuals with adequate swimming
technique who have difficulty coordi-
nating the breathing. Backstroke
swimming negates the breathing ob-
stacles, produces elongation through
the body, and provides resistance to
the neck, back, and leg extensor mus
cles. Remember that the athlete does
FIGURE 7. Resistive tubing can be used to train the
not necessarily have to be able to swim throwing motion while challenging trunk balance in
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for 25 minutes for their training ses- shallow water.

sion; the swimming may be just one
component of an interval program. For Overhead activity can be per-
example, an athlete performing inter- formed using a few techniques. Resis-
vals may compliment deepwater run- tive tubing may be used in the pool
ning (working hip and knee flexor as it is on land. Although there is
muscles) with backstroke swimming little additional benefit to performing
(working extensor muscles). this type of exercise in the pool, it
FIGURE 6. A) Hamstring stretching and B) gluteal Shoulder strengthening exercises can be incorporated as part of a total
stretching can be easily accomplished in the pool. usually performed on land can be training program that is performed
Copyright © 1998 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

performed in the pool. These may in one location. For example, an ath-
beneficial in promoting lasting include glenohumeral flexion/exten- lete may practice the throwing m e
changes (25). sion and abduction/adduction from tion while standing in waistdeep wa-
0" to 90" in shoulderdeep water, hor- ter, using Thembandm as resistance.
izontal abduction/adduction at 90" In this case, the water is providing
Resistive Training
of abduction, elbow flexion and ex- core body resistance while the Thera-
Continued strength training dur- tension, and shoulder internal and band resists arm movement (Figure
ing the rehabilitation process is criti- external rotation. Additionally, com- 7). Secondly, exercise may be per-
cal for the elite athlete. By utilizing bination patterns such as propriocep formed in supine, in prone using a
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

equipment and implementing the tive neuromuscular facilitation diago- snorkel, or standing forward flexed
basic principles of water, the physical nals may be used. Potential problems in shallow water with the face out of
therapist may create a complete with some upper extremity exercises the water. A variety of resistive and
aquatic strengthening program for are: I) resistive exercise can be per- stabilization activities can be per-
the athlete, which may be performed formed only through a partial range formed in this position. In supine,
minimizing risk of reinjury. Although of motion in a standing position, and with the arms abducted to 135",
some athletes may focus primarily on rapid alternating shoulder flexion
2) the mechanics are different for
an injured extremity, all extremities and extension can be performed
some exercises compared with their
should be trained as should the core through a small range of motion.
land-based counterparts. For exam- Similarly, rapid alternating shoulder
body. Fortunately, since water acts as
ple, shoulder horizontal abduction internal and external rotation can be
resistance for all body parts sub-
mersed, many of the exercises below and adduction performed at 90" of performed at 90" of abduction (Fig-
load multiple areas and many include abduction is resisted in the transverse ure 8). Both of these exercises are
the core body. plane but supported in the sagittal effective in athletes with shoulder insta-
plane. That is, the athlete no longer bility, as they require muscular cocon-
has to hold the arm abducted against traction for stabilization of the upper
Upper Extremity Training gravity while performing the horizon- quarter. Elite athletes may perform
An excellent but often over- tal component of the exercise. How- sets of 30-50 repetitions or to fatigue.
looked upper extremity training tech- ever, the trunk muscles must cocon- Athletes who perform sports re-
nique is swimming. Not only does it tract to stabilize the body against the quiring closed kinetic chain move-
train the upper extremity, but it p r e destabilizing forces to a greater de- ments, such as gymnasts and wres-
vides cardiovascular benefits, neuro- gree than required on land. tlers, can benefit from closed chain

JOSPT Volume 27 Number 1 January 1998

- -

FIGURE 8. Rapid alternating shoulder internal and ex-

ternal rotation at 90' of abduction in supine is a dy-
namic stabilization exercise safely performed in the
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FIGURE 10. Sports-specific activities, such as the ten-
nis swing, can be duplicated using aquatic equipment.
exercises. Dips at the side of the
pool, using triceps, deltoids, and while the tennis player may practice
scapular stabilizers, and overhead forehand and backhand with an old FIGURE 11. Resisted seated knee flexion and exten-
. .
push-pull in the supine o r prone po- racket or various pieces of aquatic sion fatigues the quadriceps and hamstrings while
sition, utilizing latissimus dorsi, del- challenging trunk balance on an unstable surface.
equipment (Figure 10).
toids, and triceps, may be performed
(Figure 9).
When performing open chain Lower Extremity Training
exercises such as lunges, step downs,
Copyright © 1998 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

upper extremity training, equipment A variety of both open and and squats should be incorporated.
such as gloves, paddles, o r resistive closed chain exercises can be per- Owing to buoyancy, the quadriceps
bells may be used to increase resis- formed in the pool. Lower extremity eccentric work with most aquatic ex-
tance. Kickboards may be used as strengthening exercises can be per- ercise is decreased relative to compa-
resistance and held underwater in formed completely nonweight bear- rable land-based exercise. Floating
front of the athlete, performing a ing using many of the open chain squats, where the athlete stands on a
"push-pull" motion for scapular pro- activities mentioned in cardiovascular floatation board and pushes down
traction/retraction to strengthen training techniques. Vertical kicking requires coordination and eccentric
rhomboids, trapezius, and serratus is especially effective for increasing control. Athletes who require explo-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

anterior. The clinician should realize lower extremity muscle endurance. sive push-offs, such as track and base-
that a small increase in equipment Swimming or kicking in prone or ball as well as athletes in jumping
surface area in the upper extremity supine with fins are excellent lower sports, will benefit from jumping
translates into a significant increase extremity muscle endurance exer- drills. Two-footed jumping is pro-
in the resistance. Sports-specific cises. Sitting on a floatation device gressed to single leg jumping and
equipment can be used in the while performing repetitive knee flex- eventually to jumping with 90° turns.
aquatic rehabilitation program. The ion and extension with or without These jumping drills are especially
baseball player may use an old bat to fins is a very fatiguing quadriceps and useful with figure skaters, gymnasts,
reproduce the swinging motion, hamstring exercise and proves benefi- and volleyball, soccer, and basketball
cial for those involved in kicking players, where jumping and turning
sports, such as football and soccer are essential skills. Tethered push-offs
(Figure 11). Fins increasing surface and tethered side-tmide jumping are
area o r ankle cuffs increasing buoy- also useful jumping drills (Figure
ancy are particularly effective means 12). Shock absorptive shoes may be
to increase resistance in an open necessary for these activities.
chain. Resistive boots can increase
the resistance as much as four-fold, Core Strengthening
and exercises using boots are useful
in sports requiring power, such as fig- Core body strengthening is criti-
FIGURE 9. Closed chain activities, such as an over- ure skating and gymnastics (17,32). cal for any athlete. Baseball players
head push-pull, can be performed using the pool's To strengthen the quadriceps must be able to transfer kinetic en-
edge. and gluteals in a closed kinetic chain, ergy from their lower extremity to

Volume 27 Number 1 January 1998 JOSPT

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FIGURE 12. Side-to-side tethered jumping are impad

activities which can be initiated in the pool.

FIGURE 14. Sports-specificcore activities, such as the

FIGURE 13. Abdominal strengthening can be per- golf swing, challenge trunk muscles in functional po-
the arm via their trunk musculature.
formed in a standing position using a ball as resis- sitions.
The soccer player must be able to tance.
twist and rotate at the trunk while
kicking o r passing the soccer ball.
Core body strengthening is often Sports-specific exercises, such as ing the upper extremity, as in a push-
overlooked and can easily be ad- trunk rotations with the arms extend- pull motion with a kickboard or with
dressed in the pool. Because any u p ed, may benefit the soccer player, rotation of the upper extremity while
Copyright © 1998 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

per or lower extremity exercise must golfer, or quarterback, who require a using water paddles as resistance. In-
be stabilized by the trunk in the lot of rotation for their sport. Modifi- knee flexion on the weight-
pool, most of these exercises also cations may be made to mimic the bearing leg will increase the chal-
train the core. For example, standing specific sport (Figure 14). Resisted lenge to these muscles (Figure 15).
leg kicks in a sagittal plane require water walking/jogging with kick- Additionally, athletes may close their
both single leg balance and core boards may be helpful to the football eyes, relying more heavily on neuro-
strength to avoid being displaced by lineman. Figure skaters as well as muscular rather than visual input. If
the movement of the leg against the long and triple jumpers may increase impact is allowed, single leg hopping
water. Similarly, bilateral shoulder core body strength via pike jumping. activities, where the athlete works on
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

flexion and extension causes poste- bent knee landings and "sticking"
rior and anterior (respectively) dis- Balance and Proprioception their landing, may be performed.
placement of the body, which must The athlete may hop side-to-side, for-
be countered by the abdominal and Balance and proprioception are ward and backward, and with rota-
trunk extensor muscles. Cross-country important to any athlete and should tion, again progressing to shallow
skiing is an excellent total body work- be part of any thorough rehabilita- water as tolerated. A step may also be
out, stressing the body from the tion program. Balance is controlled used to train the athlete to hop to
shoulders through the trunk down by sensory input, central processing, and from different levels. These exer-
both legs. and neuromuscular responses (33). cises can be made more sports-spe-
Specific core body strengthening, Proprioception is defined as position
such as leg lifts at the side of the sense that orients the body or specific
pool, should also be included. By lift- body parts to space or other objects
ing the legs straight, the focus is on (1). Balance and proprioception may
the rectus abdominus, while lifting be trained in a water-based program.
side-to-side in a "V" fashion (straddle Examples of balance exercises in-
lifts or jumps) works primarily the clude hip flexion/extension and cir-
abdominal oblique muscles. Eccentric cumduction in waistdeep water while
work of the abdominal muscles may standing on the injured leg, progress-
be performed with a soccer ball by ing to shallower water. Other nonim-
doing trunk flexion/extension and pact balance activities include single
slowly allowing the ball to return to leg balance on the injured leg while FIGURE 15. Balance activities are easily performed
the surface of the water (Figure 13). altering the center of gravity by mov- using the upper extremities as resistance.

JOSPT Volume 27 Number 1 January 1998


cific by incorporating the drills used lete, the injury will receive necessary
in practice directly into the pool. recovery time while the athlete con-
tinues to train and condition. Some
Return to Sport injuries, such as stress fractures and
postoperative rehabilitation, may
Although aquatic-based programs have specific guidelines for return to
may be made very sports-specific for sport and impact activities. Others,
the injured athlete, many athletes such as tendinitis and muscle strains,
have difficulty mentally if they cannot are often symptom-limited and the
train specifically for their particular physical therapist must rely on sub-
sport. The biggest mistakes made by jective input and the athlete's re-
most athletes are returning too sponse to functional testing. Regard-
quickly after injury, training too hard less of the injury, gradual return to
too soon, and failing to allow ade- sport and impact activities is crucial
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quate time for recovery. By employ- to prevent reinjury.

ing an extensive, intense water-based Prior to resuming land impact
program that challenges the elite ath- activities, the lower extremity- or
spine-injured athlete should be put
through a battery of sports-specific
tests in shallow water to assess readi-
Shoulder: ness for impact. Athletes should be
horizontal abductionladduction able to complete the test without sig-
alternate rows at 90" of abduction nificant increase in pain, muscle sore-
ness, or swelling. Once the athlete
Copyright © 1998 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

intemallextemal rotation in supine

overhead flexionkxtension in supine tolerates the battery of tests, he/she
Elbow flexion and extension may start a land-based impact pro-
gram, continuing the water-based
Lower extremity training
Shallow water lunge jumps program on alternate days. Ideally,
Vertical kicking the athlete should increase their time
Seated knee flexiodextension sprints with fins on land slowly, with no increase in
Buoyancy-resisted knee extension pain, altered biomechanics, or signifi-
Buoyancy-resisted knee flexion in sitting cant muscle soreness. Land-based
programs may continue to be compli-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Pike jumps mented by pool programs as long as
Tuck jumps the athlete and clinician feel neces-
Side-to-side hops sary. Oftentimes, even upon return-
Leg lifts ing to preinjury status, athletes may
Ball push downs
Trunk rotations with paddles enjoy continuing to train in the pool
1-2 times/week for variety and to
Balance tnining give their extremities a much needed
TABLE 3. Sample training program for a iigure skater.
Eyes closed hip flexiodextension break, especially from impact. Sample
Eyes closed hip abdudiodadduaion training programs for various athletes
Passing standing on a single leg shoulder
internallexternal rotation at 90" of abduction are included in Tables 2-4. garding aerobic and anaerobic sports-
specific conditioning. Stretching fre-
Combination drills SUMMARY quency and duration and concentric
Single leg tubing resisted: overhead shoulder and eccentric strength training were
flexion Rehabilitation of the elite athlete discussed. Balance and proprioception
Supine kick with fins
Prone kick with fins in a water-based program was dis- activities were suggested and progres-
Side-lying kick with fins cussed. The physiologic changes in- sion to impact and return to sport cri-
curred by the body while immersed, teria were discussed. The pool is an
Cardiov;~~cuhr both at rest and during exercise, were effective medium for many aspects of
ID-mile swim reviewed. Recommendations regarding the elite athlete's training and rehabili-
Deepwater running
Deepwater cross-country skiing both weight-bearing and nonweight- tation program. An understanding of
bearing cardiovascular conditioning the differences between land-based and
TABLE 2. Sample training program for a vollevhall were made as well as suggestions re- water-based exercise allows the clini-
40 Volume 27 Number 1 January 1998 JOSPT

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