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Python Full Stack Developer Course by AI SOFT

PART1 Simple Backend Codes (NO GUI)

1. Install python and VSC >>Print name (Youtube Link Provided)

2. Even odd Numbers finder code >> Input from users

3. While loop >> If else >> Try except
4. Current Date and Time code, 10 Second Count down Timer code
5. Ip Address, Mac Address Finder Code
6. Uk Time code, Toast Notification code, Uk Temperature code

What have We learned So Far? Discussion/Story Time:

a) Horse Race (horse names Raftaar, Jeet, Haar, etc) (Family background,
b) 10,000 hours theory, who is master of the field?
c) First day of soldier Training in Army (Make your bed, polish your shoe, we will
not lose a war if we don’t polish our shoe)
d) Army Training >> Sharks are in water. Swim to the bank.

PART2 GUI APPLICATIONS (Frontend + Backend)

7. PYQT calculator >> install PYQT5 library >> also make installer
8. PYQT Designer Custom UI >> installer (Youtube Link Provided)

What have We learned So Far? Discussion/Story Time:

a) Yoggi Baba (When i will reach my destination?)
b) Elehent and Rope (Story of Shahi Qila Lahore)
c) Kojja Farishtaa (An Ugly Angel) >> A school teacher’s baby girl was very sick >> forgot keys in car
>> autolocked >> car theif
d) M. Ali Boxer and One Punch >> 20 years and 1 minute

Our Software house is located in Faisalabad, Susan Road, Ravi Market Near Faizan e Madina. We deal in
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, A.I based projects. We also make Robotics, I.O.T Projects, Mobile apps
and websites. Reach us @+92-3057736599
PART3: Learn About Database
9. SQL Database installation (Youtube Link Provided)

10. Database Creation and table making in SQL (Youtube Link Provided)

11. Send manual data to db & Send data from python to db (Youtube Link

What have we learned So Far? Discussion/Story Time:

Dollar current rate today? 1 million dollars in Pakistani Rupees?
What is Atomic bomb? How it is so lethal? How many countries are Atomic Power?
You know about periodic Table elements? Uranium and Radium?
Have you heard of Nobel Prize? Who won it? Fame and Money can be found in academic
Have you heard of Paris? World Tour, Eiffel Tower
What is cancer and what is its treatment?
What is Cancer and how it is treated?
You know about Madaam Curie from France who won two Nobel Prizes in her life?
>One Nobel Prize in MS and one in Phd

Our Software house is located in Faisalabad, Susan Road, Ravi Market Near Faizan e Madina. We deal in
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, A.I based projects. We also make Robotics, I.O.T Projects, Mobile apps
and websites. Reach us @+92-3057736599
PART4 (Frontend + Backend + Database)
12. Build a form1 (First name, Last name, Email) and store data into sql lite db
13.Build a form2 (First name, Last name, Email, upload photo) >> click on submit
and render new page with all data
14. Signup screen >> Login >> calculator on successful login
15.Open camera and take picture >> save picture >> q quit keypress detector>>
Screenshot of laptop screen

What have we learned So Far? Discussion/Story Time:

How China bacame World Power? Chinease Model, the copy cat
Story of a man who helped a Butterfly. A journey from pupa to butterfly
Who is a coach? How coach helps?

PART5 Complete Desktop Applications:

16. PROJECT >> Employee Tracker system >> ui >> Threading >> make installer
17. School Managment System

What have we learned So Far? Discussion/Story Time:

Mahmood o ayyaz >> Related to Biryani, do small things right >> keep spices ready
Doctors first day and frog operation >> Pay attention
Best painter of the century

PART6 Website Development in Python:

What to Learn in this module? Discussion/Story Time:

Evolution of Weapons (Stones, Sword, Guns, Atomic Bomb, Bio weapons, websites and online selling

18. Install Django >> Create first hello world app (Youtube Link Provided)
Our Software house is located in Faisalabad, Susan Road, Ravi Market Near Faizan e Madina. We deal in
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, A.I based projects. We also make Robotics, I.O.T Projects, Mobile apps
and websites. Reach us @+92-3057736599
19. Render you name >> http response>> Url and view
20. Render html page with name (Youtube Link Provided)

21. Render html page with name and photo >> Make your Resume Website
22. Make a Small Complete Website using Django (Youtube Link Provided)

23. Calculator in Django

24. Library Management System
25. Beauty parlor Management System
26. School management system >> add student >> result >> fee

27. Ecommerace website, Login, Cart, Database

PART7 DataScience

What to learn in this module? Discussion/Story Time:

Why America attacked Iraq WMD?
How facebook/google earns money? It is free yeah?
Why data is importat? What if you have my data?
where is data used by companies?
Which is hot selling toy?
What you are looking for online to buy?
Are you watching marriage dresses? Baby dresses? Want to buy a watch?
What you watch online can be used to blackmail you.

28. Linear Regression >> w3 school

29. SVM, CNN, RNN and Other Algorihms

Our Software house is located in Faisalabad, Susan Road, Ravi Market Near Faizan e Madina. We deal in
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, A.I based projects. We also make Robotics, I.O.T Projects, Mobile apps
and websites. Reach us @+92-3057736599
30. Learn Google Colab >> print your name

31. Dog and Cat classifier >> model train

32. Dog and Cat >> Frontend + backend (user can brows
picture and model will predict result in html page using

33. Lungs Cancer Detection >> Model Design

34. Lungs Cancer Detection >> Frontend Design in Desktop

Application usig PYQT5

35. Video Leactures of UDEMY Course in datascience (20GB


Our Software house is located in Faisalabad, Susan Road, Ravi Market Near Faizan e Madina. We deal in
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, A.I based projects. We also make Robotics, I.O.T Projects, Mobile apps
and websites. Reach us @+92-3057736599

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