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I. Complete the conversation with the correct form of “be” / Konuşmayı “be”fiilinin doğru
formu ile tamamlayınız

Ahmet: Hi! I ¹---- Ahmet. What ²---- your name?

Hasan: My name ³---- Hasan. Nice to meet you.
Ahmet: ⁴---- you from the Turkey?
Hasan: No, I ⁵----. I ⁶---- from Cyprus.
Ahmet: Ah! You ⁷---- Cypriot!
Hasan: Yes! And you? ⁸---- you Turkish?
Ahmet: No, I ⁹---- Turkish. I ¹⁰----Turkmenistanian.
Hasan: What are you into, Ahmet?
Ahmet: I ¹¹---- into music. I am in a band with Ayşe.
Hasan: ¹²---- she your friend?
Ahmet: No, she ¹³----. She ¹⁴---- my sister.
Hasan: ¹⁵---- you and your band famous in Turkmenistan?
Ahmet: No, we ¹⁶---- but we ¹⁷---- good!
Hasan: Who are your band members?
Ahmet: There is a drummer. His name ¹⁸---- Josh. There is a bassist. Her name ¹⁹---- Eliza.
The rhythm guitarist 20 ---- Amy, and of course, I am the vocalist!
Hasan: Oh my God! Good!

II. Choose the correct answer / Doğru cevabı seçiniz

Margot Robbie Jason Statham Dwayne Johnson Rose Byrne Bruce Willis
They ¹ ---- American!
Hollywood stars from other countries.
Jason Statham ²---- from Shirebrook, Derbyshire, England. Bruce Wills is from the small town
of Idar-Oberstein, German. He ³---- German. Russell Crowe is from Wellington, New Zealand.
Margot Robbie and Rose Byrne ⁴---- Australian. Dwayne Johnson ⁵---- from England and ⁶----

1. a. are b. aren’t c. isn’t
2. a. is b. are c. am
3. a. is b. isn’t c. are
4. a. is b. ‘s c. are
5. a. aren’t b. are c. is
6. a. He’s b. She’s c. I’m

III. Rewrite the sentences with negatives / Cümleleri negative şekilde tekrar yazınız

1. She is 16 years old.

2. I am Turkish.
3. My friend and I are at the school.
4. They are handsome.
5. We are ill.

IV. Make meaningful sentences by given prompts and don’t forget to use “be”/ Verilenleri
kullanarak anlamlı cümleler oluşturunuz ve “be” fiilini kullanmayı unutmayınız

1. a / she / student.
2. Mike and Tom / the / at / hospital.
3. 18 / old / years / you?

4. They / married / not.
5. husband / I / my / interested in / music / and.
6. name / what / your?

7. old / she / how?
8. they / beautiful / not.


I. Read the text and choose True (T) or False (F). Correct the false statements / Metni
okuyunuz ve Doğru (T) veya Yanlış (F) seçeneğini seçiniz. Yanlış olanları düzeltiniz
I’m John. I’m 18 years old. I’m a university student at Boğaziçi University. My father’s name is
Darwin Kant. He’s 50 years old and he’s a musician. He is in a band. My mother is Kate Kant.
She is 49 years old and she is a teacher. My sister, Katherine, is twenty-five years old, and she
is a doctor. She’s married. Her husband’s name is Hans- he’s from German. Their daughters’
names are Isabel and Bianca. Isabel is four and Bianca is two years old. They are sweet and
naughty! My cousin Karl is from England. He is my best friend. He’s nineteen years old, and he
isn’t married. He is a student at the New York University. His girlfriend’s name is Mira. She’s
18 years old. She isn’t a student.
1. John is a student at the New York University. T / F

2. John’s parents are doctors. T / F
3. Isabel and Bianca are Katherine and Hans’s daughters. T / F

4. Karl is John’s sister. T / F

5. Mira is a student at the same university with Karl. T / F

II. Read the texts and answer the questions / Metinleri okuyunuz ve soruları cevaplayınız

Helen Martin Henry Pot Mary Castle

I am 18 years old, I am a
I’m married and I’m a singer. I’m American but I live in
student at Amsterdam
I’m from England, but I am in Melbourne. I am single and I
University, I am from the
a band, MMC. I am forty two am a footballer. My girlfriend
USA and I am American. My
years old. My dog’s name is is Canadian and her name is
sister’s name is Katherine.
Tara. Carmen. She’s a musician.
She is a student, too. She is
so beautiful.

1. Who’s Tara? 5. Is Henry single?


2. What is Henry’s job? 6. Where is Carmen from?

3. What does Carmen do? 7. Is Katherine beautiful?
4. Who is from the USA? 8. Is Mary British?


III. Read the four small texts about and fill in the chart/ Dört kısa metni okuyunuz ve tabloyu

(1) My name is Sam. I am sixteen years (2) My name is Milly. I am thirty years
old. I am from Spain. I am a student at old. I am from France, but my husband
Berlin University. My favourite subject is from Germany. I have got two sisters.
is Maths. I have a girlfriend. She is a I am a teacher. My subject is Art. I am
student, too. I am at home at the at the school now.

(3) My name is Gaby. I am twenty eight (4) My name is Dan. I am twenty five
years old. I am Portuguese. I am years old. I am from Egypt. But I live
married and I am a doctor. I am at the in Boston. I am a mechanical
hospital now. I am a single child in my engineer. I have one sister. Her name
family. My wife is a nurse. Her name is is Sarah. I am at her house now.

People Age Nationality Job Where are they


IV. Read the messages between Sofia and Mark. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Correct the false statements / Sofia ve Mark arasındaki mesajları okuyunuz. Cümleler doğru
mu (T) yoksa yanlış mı (F)? Yanlış olanları düzeltiniz

Sofia: Hi Mark! Where am I? Guess 

Mark: Hi Sofia, Of course you are in the USA 
Sofia: No, the picture is only joke. Guess, please. I am not far from our country. I am by the
seaside. And, the country is over the Belgium.
Mark: 
Sofia: I am in Holland. It’s amazing. Amsterdam is a beautiful city. There are lots of people and
bicycles. This city is too crowded. However, everything is perfect.

Mark: Wow, incredible! Tell me more! Where are you in Amsterdam now? Is the food good?
Is the weather hot? Who are you with? Are the restaurants and hotels expensive?
Sofia: I am at the hotel now. Yes, the restaurants and the hotels are really good and clean but
they are expensive  The food is delicious. The weather is cloudy, but it is OK for me. How are
you? Everything is OK? Are you at work?
Mark: Unfortunately, I am at work  but I am OK, my girlfriend, Kate is ill and she is at home.
What is your next destination?

1. Sofia is in the USA. T/F ________________________________________.

2. Amsterdam is a beautiful city. T/F ________________________________________.
3. The weather is hot. T/F ________________________________________.

4. Only restaurants are expensive. T/F _________________________________.

5. Mark is on holiday. T/F _______________________________________.


I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the box below / Boşlukları kutuda
verilen kelimeler ile doldurunuz
mother/father children actor/actress engineer singer waiter
businessperson husband sister teacher parent doctor

1. My sister is a __________ at primary school. She teaches language.

2. A __________ helps people when they are sick or injured.

3. An __________ performs in movies or on stage.

4. An __________ designs and builds things like bridges and buildings.

5. A __________ runs their own company or works in the world of business.

6. We didn’t like the food and asked the __________ to serve pasta.

7. A __________ sings songs for a living.

8. She met her ____________ at the graduation party. They are married for three years.

9. A __________ is a female sibling.

10. A __________ takes care of and raises their children.

11. A __________ is someone's father or mother.

12. __________ are young boys and girls, they are kids.

II. Complete the blanks with the appropriate words from the box below. The first letters of
the words are given / Boşlukları kutuda verilen kelimelerle uygun şekilde doldurunuz.
Kelimelerin ilk harfi verilmiştir

interested scared thirsty bored book angry happy

hungry hot well tired cold surprised key

1. When you haven't eaten for a long time, you feel h________.

2. If you want a drink, you're feeling t________.

3. When you have nothing to do and feel uninterested, you are b ________.

4. After a long day at work, you might feel very t________.

5. If someone makes you really mad, you become a________.

6. When something makes you feel joy, you're feeling h________.

7. When a topic or activity catches your attention, you are i________.

8. If something frightens you, you might be feeling s________.

9. If something unexpected happens, you might be s________.

10. If you're not sick or injured, you are feeling w________.

11. You can read a b________ to enjoy a story.

12. In winter, the weather can be quite c ________.

13. In the middle of summer, it can be very h________.

14. You need a k________ to open a door or start a car.

III. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below / Cümleleri tamamlamak için
doğru seçeneği seçiniz
1. I need a new ______________ because I want to write down my ideas.
a) chair b) notebook
2. Would you like some tea in a ____________?
a) key b) cup

3. Put your toys in the ______________ so your room looks tidy.

a) chair b) box
4. Last year, I gave a knitted ______________ to my best friend as a gift.
a) sweater b) jeans
5. I can't see very well, so I wear ______________ to help me.

a) shoes b) glasses
6. In summer, I wear a ______________ to protect my head from the sun.
a) hat b) shirt
7. When it's rainy and chilly outside, I wear my ______________.
a) jacket b) shorts

8. I'm going to a formal dinner, so I need to choose a nice ______________ to wear.

a) jeans b) shirt
9. My favorite color is ______________, and it reminds me of the sky.
a) orange b) blue
10. These are my new ______________. They're comfortable for walking.

a) shoes b) shirts

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