CMPS282 Assignment4dwq

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Mohamad Yassine-202002235

CMPS282 - Assignment 4
0- Creating extra-storage (mnt directory) //additional step due to the low memory

1- Getting the Linux kernel and the File System

 Extracting Linux file

 Bunzip2 for Gentoo file and renaming it.

Then moving it into linux file

2- Building and Running User-Mode Linux

 Starting Linux:
3- Inside User-Mode Linux

pic1: date, useradd, userdel, useradd, groupadd

pic2: ifconfig
pic3: access my home directory on the host machine, mount, halt.

4- Adding a system call

4.1 Adding a system call (64 bits).

4.2 Implementing the system call.

 cmps282_hello.c:

4.3 Adding the new file to make.

4.4 Using the system call.

 Building the program

4.5 Running the system call.

 dmesg | tail

5- Appendix – Helpers

nm -C linux | grep cmps282 hello

 objdump

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