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G.R No. 187167 August 16, 2011 2.

Whether the writs of certiorari and undermining Philippine sovereignty and

prohibition are the proper remedies to assail national security, contravening the country's
PROF. MERLIN M. MAGALLONA, the constitutionality of RA 9522. nuclear-free policy, and damaging... marine
AKBAYAN PARTY-LIST REP. RISA resources, in violation of relevant
HONTIVEROS, PROF. HARRY C. ROQUE, 2. On the merits, whether RA 9522 is constitutional provisions.
JR., AND UNIVERSITY OF THE unconstitutional.
PHILIPPINES COLLEGE OF LAW In addition, petitioners contend that RA
STUDENTS, ALITHEA BARBARA ACAS, The Ruling of the Court 9522's treatment of the KIG as "regime of
VOLTAIRE ALFERES, CZARINA MAY islands" not only results in the loss of a
ALTEZ, FRANCIS ALVIN ASILO, SHERYL On the threshold issues, we hold that (1) large maritime area but also prejudices the
BALOT, RUBY AMOR BARRACA, JOSE petitioners possess locus standi to bring livelihood of subsistence fishermen.
JAVIER BAUTISTA, ROMINA BERNARDO, this suit as citizens and (2) the writs of
VALERIE PAGASA BUENAVENTURA, certiorari and prohibition are proper petitioners facially attack RA 9522 for what
EDAN MARRI CAÑETE, VANN ALLEN remedies to test the constitutionality of RA it excluded and included - its failure to
DELA CRUZ, RENE DELORINO, PAULYN 9522. On the merits, we find no basis to reference either the Treaty of Paris or
MAY DUMAN, SHARON ESCOTO, declare RA 9522 unconstitutional. Sabah and its use of UNCLOS III's
RODRIGO FAJARDO III, GIRLIE FERRER, framework of regime of islands to determine
On the Threshold Issues the maritime zones of the KIG and the
Petitioners Possess Locus Scarborough Shoal.
Standi as Citizens
LEE, MARIA LUISA MANALAYSAY, respondents defended RA 9522 as the
MIGUEL RAFAEL MUSNGI, MICHAEL country's compliance with the terms of
OCAMPO, JAKLYN HANNA PINEDA, UNCLOS III, preserving Philippine territory
WILLIAM RAGAMAT, MARICAR RAMOS, over the KIG or Scarborough Shoal.
ENRIK FORT REVILLAS, JAMES MARK Respondents add that RA 9522 does not...
TERRY RIDON, JOHANN FRANTZ undermine the country's security,
RIVERA IV, CHRISTIAN RIVERO, DIANNE Facts: environment and economic interests or
MARIE ROA, NICHOLAS SANTIZO, relinquish the Philippines' claim over Sabah.
MELISSA CHRISTINA SANTOS, CRISTINE In 1961, Congress passed Republic Act No.
3046... demarcating the maritime baselines Petitioners submit that RA 9522
of the Philippines as an archipelagic State. "dismembers a large portion of the national
territory"... because it discards the pre-
In March 2009, Congress amended RA UNCLOS III demarcation of Philippine
3046 by enacting RA 9522, the statute now territory under the Treaty of Paris and
under scrutiny. The change was prompted related treaties, successively encoded in
by the need to make RA 3046 compliant the definition of... national territory under
with the terms of the United Nations the 1935, 1973 and 1987 Constitutions.
Convention on the Law of the Sea Petitioners theorize that this constitutional
(UNCLOS III),... which the definition trumps any treaty or statutory
provision denying the Philippines sovereign
CAPACITY AS SECRETARY OF THE Philippines ratified on 27 February 1984. control over waters, beyond the territorial
sea recognized at the time of the
MANAGEMENT, HON. DIONY VENTURA, Among others, UNCLOS III prescribes the
IN HIS CAPACITY AS ADMINISTRATOR water-land ratio, length, and contour of Treaty of Paris, that Spain supposedly
OF THE NATIONAL MAPPING & baselines of archipelagic States like the ceded to the United States. Petitioners
RESOURCE INFORMATION AUTHORITY, Philippines... and sets the deadline for the argue that from the Treaty of Paris'
and HON. HILARIO DAVIDE, JR., IN HIS filing of application... for the extended technical description, Philippine sovereignty
CAPACITY AS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE continental shelf. over territorial waters extends hundreds of
PERMANENT MISSION OF THE nautical miles around the Philippine
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES TO THE RA 9522 shortened one baseline, optimized archipelago, embracing the... rectangular
UNITED NATIONS, Respondents. the location of some basepoints around the area delineated in the Treaty of Paris.
Philippine archipelago and classified
DECISION adjacent territories, namely, the Kalayaan Petitioners next submit that RA 9522's use
Island Group of UNCLOS III's regime of islands
framework to draw the baselines, and to
(KIG) and the Scarborough Shoal, as measure the breadth of the applicable
The Case "regimes of islands" whose islands maritime zones of the KIG, "weakens our
generate their own applicable maritime territorial claim" over that area.
This original action for the writs of certiorari
and prohibition assails the constitutionality
of Republic Act No. 95221 (RA 9522) Petitioners add that... the KIG's (and
Petitioners, professors of law, law students Scarborough Shoal's) exclusion from the
adjusting the country’s archipelagic and a legislator, in their respective
baselines and classifying the baseline Philippine archipelagic baselines results in
capacities... assail the constitutionality of the loss of "about 15,000 square nautical
regime of nearby territories. RA 9522 on two principal grounds, namely: miles of territorial waters," prejudicing the
(1) RA 9522 reduces livelihood of subsistence fishermen.
Philippine maritime territory, and logically, As their final argument against the validity
The Issues
the reach of the Philippine state's sovereign of RA 9522, petitioners contend that the law
The petition raises the following issues: power, in violation of Article 1 of the 1987 unconstitutionally "converts" internal waters
Constitution,... embodying the terms of the into archipelagic waters, hence subjecting
1. Preliminarily – Treaty of Paris... and ancillary... treaties,... these waters to the right of innocent and
and (2) RA 9522 opens the country's waters sea lanes passage under UNCLOS III,
1. Whether petitioners possess locus landward of the baselines to maritime including overflight.
standi to bring this suit; and passage by all vessels and aircrafts,
Petitioners extrapolate that these passage Even under petitioners' theory that the UNCLOS III manifests the Philippine State's
rights indubitably expose Philippine internal Philippine territory embraces the islands responsible observance of its pacta sunt
waters to nuclear and maritime pollution and all the waters within the rectangular servanda obligation under UNCLOS III.
hazards, in violation of the Constitution. area delimited in the Treaty of Paris, the Under Article 121 of UNCLOS III, any
baselines of the Philippines would still have "naturally formed area of land, surrounded
Issues: to be drawn in accordance with RA 9522 by water, which is above water at high tide,"
because this is the... only way to draw the such as portions of the
whether RA 9522 is unconstitutional. baselines in conformity with UNCLOS III.
The baselines cannot be drawn from the KIG, qualifies under the category of "regime
Ruling: of islands," whose islands generate their
boundaries or other portions of the
rectangular area delineated in the Treaty of own applicable maritime zones.
Petitioners' theory fails to persuade us.
Paris, but from the "outermost islands and
drying reefs of the archipelago." The fact of sovereignty, however, does not
UNCLOS III has nothing to do with the
preclude the operation of municipal and
acquisition (or loss) of territory. It is a
Petitioners' assertion of loss of "about international law norms subjecting the
multilateral treaty regulating,... sea-use
15,000 square nautical miles of territorial territorial sea or archipelagic waters to
rights over maritime zones (i.e., the
waters" under RA 9522 is similarly necessary, if not marginal, burdens in the
territorial waters [12 nautical miles from the
unfounded both in fact and law. On the interest of maintaining unimpeded,
baselines], contiguous zone [24 nautical
contrary, RA 9522, by optimizing the expeditious international navigation,...
miles from... the baselines], exclusive
location of basepoints, increased the consistent with the international law
economic zone [200 nautical miles from the
Philippines' total maritime... space (covering principle of freedom of navigation. Thus,
baselines]), and continental shelves that
its internal waters, territorial sea and domestically, the political branches of the
UNCLOS III delimits.
exclusive economic zone) by 145,216 Philippine government, in the competent
UNCLOS III was the culmination of square nautical miles discharge of their constitutional powers,
decades-long negotiations among United may pass legislation designating routes
Nations members to codify norms Extent of maritime area using RA 3046, as within the archipelagic waters to... regulate
regulating the... conduct of States in the amended, taking into account the Treaty of innocent and sea lanes passage.
world's oceans and submarine areas, Paris' delimitation (in square nautical miles)
Indeed, bills drawing nautical highways for
recognizing coastal and archipelagic States'
Extent of maritime area using RA 9522, sea lanes passage are now pending in
graduated authority over a limited span of
taking into account UNCLOS III (in square Congress.
waters and submarine lands along their
nautical miles)
coasts. In the absence of municipal legislation,
Internal or archipelagic waters international law norms, now codified in
baselines laws such as RA 9522 are
UNCLOS III, operate to grant innocent
enacted by UNCLOS III States parties to 166,858 passage rights over the territorial sea or
mark-out specific basepoints along their
archipelagic waters, subject to the treaty's
coasts from which baselines are drawn, 171,435 limitations and conditions for their exercise.
either straight or contoured, to serve as
geographic starting points to measure the Territorial Sea Significantly, the right of innocent passage
breadth of the... maritime zones and is a customary international law,[43] thus
continental shelf. Article 48 of UNCLOS III 274,136
automatically incorporated in the corpus of
on archipelagic States like ours could not Philippine law.
be any clearer: 32,106

Exclusive Economic Zone No modern State can validly invoke its

Article 48. Measurement of the breadth of sovereignty to absolutely... forbid innocent
the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the passage that is exercised in accordance
exclusive economic zone and the with customary international law without
continental shelf. - The breadth of the TOTAL risking retaliatory measures from the
territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the international community.
exclusive economic zone and the 440,994
continental shelf shall... be measured from The fact that for archipelagic States, their
archipelagic baselines drawn in accordance 586,210 archipelagic waters are subject to both the
with article 47. (Emphasis supplied) right of innocent passage and sea lanes
Thus,... the reach of the exclusive economic
passage... does not place them in lesser
Thus, baselines laws are nothing but zone drawn under RA 9522 even extends
footing vis-à-vis continental coastal States
statutory mechanisms for UNCLOS III way beyond the waters covered by the
which are subject, in their... territorial sea, to
States parties to delimit with precision the rectangular demarcation under the Treaty of
the right of innocent passage and the right
extent of their maritime zones and Paris. Of course, where there are
of transit passage through international
continental shelves. In turn, this gives overlapping exclusive economic zones of
straits. The imposition of these passage
notice to the rest of the international opposite or adjacent
rights through archipelagic waters under
community of the scope of the maritime UNCLOS III was a concession by
space... and submarine areas within which States, there will have to be a delineation of
maritime boundaries in accordance with archipelagic States, in exchange for their
States parties exercise treaty-based rights, right to claim all... the waters landward of
namely, the exercise of sovereignty over UNCLOS III.
their baselines, regardless of their depth or
territorial waters (Article 2), the jurisdiction distance from the coast, as archipelagic
Hence, far from surrendering the
to enforce customs, fiscal, immigration, and waters subject to their territorial sovereignty.
Philippines' claim over the KIG and the
sanitation laws in the contiguous zone More importantly, the recognition of
Scarborough Shoal, Congress' decision to
(Article 33), and the right... to exploit the archipelagic States' archipelago and the
classify the KIG and the Scarborough Shoal
living and non-living resources in the waters enclosed by their... baselines as one
as "`Regime[s] of Islands' under the
exclusive economic zone (Article 56) and cohesive entity prevents the treatment of
Republic of the Philippines consistent with
continental shelf (Article 77). their islands as separate islands under
Article 121"... of
APCN, while the landing stations or
terminals and Segment E of APCN located
in Nasugbu, Batangas are allegedly owned
by the Philippine Long Distance Telephone
Corporation (PLDT). 6 Moreover, it alleges
that the Wet Segment is laid in
1. Parties: 7. Conclusion:
inten1ational, and not Philippine, waters. 7
Petitioners: University of the Philippines Magallona v. Ermita clarified the legal status
Capwire claims that as co-owner, it does
(UP) College of Law professors, law of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA)
not own any particular physical part of the
students, and alumni, led by Dr. Merlin M. between the Philippines and the United
cable system but, consistent with its
Magallona. States. It established that the VFA is an
financial contributions, it owns the right to
executive agreement that does not need
Respondents: Executive Secretary Eduardo use a certain capacity of the said
Senate concurrence and upheld its
Ermita, in representation of the President of systern. 8 This property right is allegedly
constitutionality, emphasizing the
the Philippines and other government reported in its financial books as
importance of diplomatic relations between
officials involved in the negotiation and "Indefeasible Rights in Cable Systems."9
the two nations.
ratification of the Visiting Forces Agreement
However, for loan restructuring purposes,
Capwire claims that "it was required to
2. Statement of Facts: register the value of its right," hence, it
CASE 2 engaged an appraiser to "assess the
The case revolves around the market value of the international submarine
constitutionality of the Visiting Forces cable system and the cost to
Agreement (VFA) between the Philippines G.R. No. 180110 Capwire." 10 On May 15, 2000, Capwire
and the United States, an agreement submitted a Sworn Statement of True Value
concerning the treatment of U.S. military CAPITOL WIRELESS, INC., Petitioner, of Real Properties at the Provincial
personnel visiting the Philippines. vs. Treasurer's Office, Batangas City, Batangas
THE PROVINCIAL TREASURER OF Province, for the Wet Segment of the
Petitioners argue that the VFA infringes BATANGAS, THE PROVINCIAL system, stating:
upon Philippine sovereignty, violates ASSESSOR OF BATANGAS, THE
constitutional provisions, and should be MUNICIPAL TREASURER AND System Sound Value
declared unconstitutional. ASSESSOR OF NASUGBU,
BATANGAS, Respondents.
3. Issues Presented: APCN P203,300,000.00
Whether or not the VFA is consistent with
the Constitution. PERALTA, J.: BMP-CNS p 65,662,000.00

Whether or not the VFA requires Senate Before the Court is a petition for review
concurrence. SEA-ME-
on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of
WE-3 P7,540,000.00
Court seeking to annul and set aside the
4. Ruling/Decision: CNSP
Court of Appeals’ Decision1 dated May 30,
2007 and Resolution2 dated October 8,
The Supreme Court upheld the
2007 in CA-G.R. SP No. 82264, which both GP-CNS P1,789,000.00
constitutionality of the VFA.
denied the appeal of petitioner against the
The Court ruled that the VFA does not decision of the Regional Trial Court. Capwire claims that it also reported that the
require Senate concurrence for its validity system "interconnects at the PLDT Landing
Below are the acts of the case.
and effectivity. Station in Nasugbu, Batangas," which is
Petitioner Capitol Wireless Inc. (Capwire) is covered by a transfer certificate of title and
5. Reasoning: tax declarations in the name of PLDT. 11
a Philippine corporation in the business of
The Court held that the VFA is an executive providing international telecommunications
As a result, the respondent Provincial
agreement, which, under international law services. 3 As such provider, Capwire has
Assessor of Batangas (Provincial Assessor)
and Philippine jurisprudence, does not need signed agreements with other local and
issued the following Assessments of Real
Senate concurrence. foreign telecommunications companies
Property (ARP) against Capwire:
covering an international network of
It was argued that the VFA did not derogate
the Philippines' sovereignty, as it merely submarine cable systems such as the Asia Cable
provided for procedural mechanisms Pacific Cable Network System (APCN) ARP Syste
regarding the entry of U.S. troops into (which connects Australia, Thailand, m
Philippine territory and the handling of Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan,
offenses committed by them. Korea, Japan, Indonesia and the
Philippines); the BruneiMalaysia-Philippines BMP- P52,529,600.0
The Court also considered the significance Cable Network System (BMP-CNS), the CNS 0
of maintaining good relations with the PhilippinesItaly
United States, a long-standing ally of the
Philippines. (SEA-ME-WE-3 CNS), and the Guam 019-
Philippines (GP-CNS) systems. 4 The P162,640,000.
0096 APCN
6. Disposition: agreements provide for co-ownership and 00
other rights among the parties over the
The Supreme Court dismissed the petition, network. 5
affirming the constitutionality of the Visiting 019- SEA- P:
Forces Agreement (VFA) and ruling that it Petitioner Capwire claims that it is co-owner 0096 ME- 6,032,000.00
does not require Senate concurrence. only of the so-called "Wet Segment" of the 9 WE3-
CNS CAPITOL WIRELESS, INC., PETITIONER, dismissing the petition for failure of the
VS. THE PROVINCIAL TREASURER OF petitioner Capwire to follow the requisite of
BATANGAS, THE PROVINCIAL payment under protest as well as failure to
019- ASSESSOR OF BATANGAS, THE appeal to the Local Board of Assessment
GP- P:
0097 MUNICIPAL TREASURER AND Appeals... appeal to the Court of Appeals...
CNS 1,431,200.00
0 ASSESSOR OF NASUGBU, BATANGAS, the Court of Appeals promulgated its
RESPONDENTS.D E C I S I O N Decision dismissing the appeal filed by
In essence, the Provincial Assessor had Capwire and affirming the order of the trial
determined that the submarine cable Petitioner Capitol Wireless Inc. (Capwire) is court
systems described in Capwire's Sworn a Philippine corporation in the business of
Statement of True Value of Real Properties providing international telecommunications The appellate court held that the trial court
are taxable real property, a determination services... ed agreements with other local correctly dismissed Capwire's petition
that was contested by Capwire in an and foreign telecommunications because of the latter's failure to comply with
exchange of letters between the company companies... international network of the requirements set in Sections 226 and
and the public respondent. 12 The reason submarine cable systems... o-ownership 229 of the Local Government Code, that is,
cited by Capwire is that the cable system and other rights among the parties over the by not availing of remedies before
lies outside of Philippine territory, i.e., on network administrative bodies like the LBAA and the
international waters. 13 Central Board of Assessment Appeals
Petitioner Capwire claims that it is co-owner (CBAA)
On February 7, 2003 and March 4, 2003, only of the so-called "Wet Segment" of the
Capwire received a Warrant of Levy and a APCN, while the landing stations or Capwire claims that it saw no need to
Notice of Auction Sale, respectively, from terminals and Segment E of APCN located undergo administrative proceedings
the respondent Provincial Treasurer of in Nasugbu, Batangas are allegedly owned because its petition raises purely legal
Batangas (Provincial Treasurer). 14 by the Philippine Long Distance Telephone questions, the appellate court did not share
Corporation (PLDT). this view and noted that the case raises
On March I 0, 2003, Capwire filed a Petition questions of fact, such as the extent to
for Prohibition and Declaration of Nullity of as co-owner, it does not own any particular which parts of the submarine cable system
Warrant of Levy, Notice of Auction Sale physical part of the cable system lie within the territorial jurisdiction of the
and/or Auction Sale with the Regional Trial taxing authorities, the public respondents.
However, for loan restructuring purposes,
Court (RTC) of Batangas City. 15
Capwire claims that "it was required to the CA noted that Capwire failed to pay the
After the filing of the public respondents' register the value of its right," hence, it tax assessed against it under protest,
Comment, 16 on May 5, 2003, the RTC engaged an appraiser to "assess the another strict requirement under Section
issued an Order dismissing the petition for market value of the international submarine 252 of the Local Government Code
failure of the petitioner Capwire to follow the cable system and the cost to Capwire."
requisite of payment under protest as well Issues:
Capwire claims that it also reported that the
as failure to appeal to the Local Board of
system "interconnects at the PLDT Landing Petitioner Capwire asserts that recourse to
Assessment Appeals (LBAA), as provided
Station in Nasugbu, Batangas," which is the Local Board of Assessment Appeals, or
for in Sections 206 and 226 of Republic Act
covered by a transfer certificate of title and payment of the tax under protest, is
(R.A.) No. 7160, or the Local Government
tax declarations in the name of PLDT inapplicable to the case at bar since there is
Code. 17
no question of fact involved, or that the
Provincial Assessor of Batangas (Provincial question involved is not the reasonableness
Capwire filed a Motion for
Assessor) issued the following of the amount assessed but, rather, the
Reconsideration,18 but the same was
Assessments of Real Property (ARP) authority and power of the assessor to
likewise dismissed by the RTC in an
against Capwire impose the tax and of the treasurer to
Order19 dated August 26, 2003. It then filed
an appeal to the Court of Appeals. 20 collect it.
On May 30, 2007, the Court of Appeals It contends that there is only a pure
019-00968 APCN question of law since the issue is whether
promulgated its Decision dismissing the
appeal filed by Capwire and affirming the its submarine cable system, which it claims
019-00969 SEA-ME-WE3-CNS
order of the trial court.1âwphi1 The lies in international waters, is taxable
dispositive portion of the CA's decision 019-00970 GP-CNS... the Provincial
Capwire holds the position that the cable
states: Assessor had determined that the
system is not subject to tax.
submarine cable systems described in
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Capwire's Sworn Statement of True Value Respondents assessors and treasurers of
assailed Orders dated May 5, 2003 and of Real Properties are taxable real property, the Province of Batangas ana Municipality
August 26, 2003 of the Regional Trial Court, a determination that was contested by of Nasugbu, Batangas disagree with
Branch II of Batangas City, are AFFIRMED. Capwire Capwire and insist that the case presents
SO ORDERED.21 questions of fact such as the extent and
The reason cited by Capwire is that the
portion of the submarine cable system that
cable system lies outside of Philippine
lies within the jurisdiction of the said local
territory, i.e., on international waters.
governments, as well as the nature of the
CAPITOL WIRELESS v. PROVINCIAL Capwire received a Warrant of Levy and a so-called indefeasible rights as property of
TREASURER OF BATANGAS, GR No. Notice of Auction Sale, respectively, from Capwire
180110, 2016-05-30 the respondent Provincial Treasurer of
Is the case cognizable by the administrative
Facts: agencies and covered by the requirements
Capwire filed a Petition for Prohibition and in Sections 226 and 229 of the Local
SECOND DIVISION Government Code which makes the
Declaration of Nullity of Warrant of Levy,
Notice of Auction Sale and/or Auction Sale dismissal of Capwire's petition by the RTC
[ G.R. No. 180110, May 30, 2016 ] proper? May submarine communications
with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
Batangas City... the RTC issued an Order
cables be classified as taxable real property apwire argues based on mere legal As the Court takes judicial notice that
by the local governments? conclusions, culminating on its claim of Nasugbu is a coastal town and the
illegality of respondents' acts, but the surrounding sea falls within what the United
Ruling: conclusions are yet unsupported by facts Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
that should have been threshed out quasi- (UNCLOS) would define as the country's
The petition is denied. No error attended judicially before the administrative territorial sea
the ruling of the appellate court that the agencies.
case involves factual questions that should It easily belies Capwire's contention that the
have been resolved before the appropriate Capwire's resort to judicial action, premised cable system is entirely in international
administrative bodies. on its legal conclusion that its cables (the waters. And even if such portion does not
equipment being taxed) lie entirely on lie in the 12-nautical-mile vicinity of the
whether submarine wires or cables used for international waters, without first territorial sea but further inward... the
communications may be taxed like other administratively substantiating such a Philippines exercises sovereignty over the
real estate.We hold in the affirmative. factual premise, is improper and was rightly body of water lying landward of (its)
denied. baselines, including the air space over it
and the submarine areas underneath."
proposition that the cables lie entirely
In disputes involving real property taxation,
beyond Philippine territory, and therefore, And as far as local government units are
the general rule is to require the taxpayer to
outside of Philippine sovereignty, is a fact concerned, the areas described above are
first avail of administrative remedies and
that is not subject to judicial notice since,... to be considered subsumed under the term
pay the tax under protest before allowing
Jurisprudence on the Local Government "municipal waters" which, under the Local
any resort to a judicial action, except when
Code is clear that facts such as these must Government Code, includes "not only
the assessment itself is alleged to be illegal
be threshed out administratively, as the streams, lakes, and tidal waters within the
or is made without legal authority... the
courts in these types of cases step in at the municipality, not being the subject of private
general rule of a prerequisite recourse to
first instance only when pure questions of ownership and not comprised within the
administrative remedies applies when
law are involved. national parks, public forest, timber lands,
questions of fact are raised, but the
forest reserves or fishery reserves, but also
exception of direct court action is allowed Submarine or undersea communications marine waters included between two lines
when purely questions of law are involved... cables are akin to electric transmission lines drawn perpendicularly to the general
doubt dichotomy. which this Court has recently declared in coastline from points where the boundary
Manila Electric Company v. City Assessor lines of the municipality or city touch the
calibration dichotomy... the Court sustains
and City Treasurer of Lucena City... may sea at low tide and a third line parallel with
the CA's finding that petitioner's case is one
qualify as "machinery" subject to real the general coastline and fifteen (15)
replete with questions of fact instead of
property tax under the Local Government kilometers from it."
pure questions of law, which renders its
filing in a judicial forum improper because it
Although the term "municipal waters"
is instead cognizable by local administrative Both electric lines and communications appears in the Code in the context of the
bodies like the Board of Assessment cables, in the strictest sense, are not grant of quarrying and fisheries privileges
Appeals, which are the proper venues for directly adhered to the soil but pass through for a fee by local governments,... its
trying these factual issues. posts, relays or landing stations, but both inclusion in the Code's Book II which covers
may be classified under the term local taxation means that it may also apply
"whether or not an indefeasible right over a
"machinery" as real property under Article as guide in determining the territorial extent
submarine cable system that lies in
415(5)... absent any showing from Capwire of the local authorities' power to levy real
international waters can be subject to real
of any express grant of an exemption for its property taxation.
property tax in the Philippines,"... is not the
lines and cables from real property taxation,
genuine issue that the case presents -...
then this interpretation applies and the jurisdiction or authority over such part of
such factual issues as the extent and status
Capwire's submarine cable may be held the subject submarine cable system lying
of Capwire's ownership of the system, the
subject to real property tax. within Philippine jurisdiction includes the
actual length of the cable/s that lie in
authority to tax the same, for taxation is one
Philippine territory, and the corresponding Having determined that Capwire is liable, of the three basic and necessary attributes
assessment and taxes due on the same, and public respondents have the right to of sovereignty... and such authority has
because the public respondents imposed impose a real property tax on its submarine been delegated by the national legislature
and collected the assailed real property tax cable, the issue that is unresolved is how to the local governments with respect to
on the finding that at least a portion or some much of such cable is taxable based on the real property taxation.
portions of the submarine cable system that extent of Capwire's ownership or co-
Capwire owns or co-owns lies inside ownership of it and the length that is laid a way for Capwire to claim that its cable
Philippine territory. within respondents' taxing jurisdiction. The system is not covered by such authority is
matter, however, requires a factual by showing a domestic enactment or even
Capwire argues and makes claims on mere
determination that is best performed by the contract, or an international agreement or
assumptions of certain facts as if they have
Local and Central Boards of Assessment treaty exempting the same from real
been already admitted or established, when
Appeals, a remedy which the petitioner did property taxation. It failed to do so,
they have not, since no evidence of such
not avail of. however, despite the fact that the burden of
have yet been presented in the proper
proving exemption from local taxation is
agencies and even in the current petition... It is not in dispute that the submarine cable upon whom the subject real property is
remains unsettled whether Capwire is a system's Landing Station in Nasugbu, declared
mere co-owner, not full owner, of the Batangas is owned by PLDT and not by
subject submarine cable and, if the former, Capwire. Obviously, Capwire is not liable for Under the Local Government Code, every
as to what extent; whether all or certain the real property tax on this Landing person by or for whom real property is
portions of the cable are indeed submerged Station. Nonetheless, Capwire admits that it declared, who shall claim tax exemption for
in water; and whether the waters wherein co-owns the submarine cable system that is such property from real property taxation
the cable/s is/are laid are entirely outside of subject of the tax assessed and being "shall file with the provincial, city or
Philippine territorial or inland waters, i.e., in collected by public respondents. municipal assessor within thirty (30) days
international waters. from the date of the declaration of real
property sufficient documentary evidence in Capitol Wireless contests the assessment,
support of such claim." claiming that its telecommunications
facilities are exempt from real property CASE 3
And even under Capwire's legislative taxes under the law.
franchise, RA 4387, which amended RA
2037, where it may be derived that there
was a grant of real property tax exemption A.M. No. P-02-1651 June 22, 2006
for properties that are part of its franchise, (Formerly OCA I.P.I. No. 00-1021-P)
or directly meet the needs of its business...
such had been expressly withdrawn by the ALEJANDRO ESTRADA, Complainant,
Local Government Code, which took effect vs.
on January 1, 1992,... Section 193. SOLEDAD S. ESCRITOR, Respondent.
Withdrawal of Tax Exemption Privileges. - Issues Presented:
Unless otherwise provided in this Code, tax RESOLUTION
exemptions or incentives granted to, or Whether or not Capitol Wireless' PUNO, J.:
presently enjoyed by all persons, whether telecommunications facilities are exempt
natural or juridical, including government- from real property taxes. While man is finite, he seeks and
owned or controlled corporations, except subscribes to the Infinite. Respondent
local water districts, cooperatives duly Whether or not the respondents properly Soledad Escritor once again stands before
registered under R.A. No. 6938, nonstock assessed Capitol Wireless for real property the Court invoking her religious freedom
and nonprofit hospitals and educational taxes. and her Jehovah God in a bid to save her
institutions, are hereby withdrawn upon the family – united without the benefit of legal
effectivity of this Code. Ruling/Decision:
marriage - and livelihood. The State, on the
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Capitol other hand, seeks to wield its power to
Section 234. Exemptions from Real
Wireless, holding that its regulate her behavior and protect its
Property Tax
telecommunications facilities are exempt interest in marriage and family and the
Except as provided herein, any exemption from real property taxes. integrity of the courts where respondent is
from payment of real property tax previously an employee. How the Court will tilt the
granted to, or presently enjoyed by, all The Court found that Capitol Wireless' scales of justice in the case at bar will
persons, whether natural or juridical, telecommunications facilities fall under the decide not only the fate of respondent
including all government-owned or category of personal property rather than Escritor but of other believers coming to
controlled corporations arc hereby real property for tax purposes, and thus are Court bearing grievances on their free
withdrawn upon the effectivity of this Code not subject to real property taxes. exercise of religion. This case comes to us
from our remand to the Office of the Court
Capwire fails to allege or provide any other Reasoning: Administrator on August 4, 2003.1
privilege or exemption that were granted to
The Court examined the nature of Capitol I. THE PAST PROCEEDINGS
it by the legislature after the enactment of
Wireless' telecommunications facilities and
the Local Government Code. Therefore, the
determined that they are movable in nature In a sworn-letter complaint dated July 27,
presumption stays that it enjoys no such
and can be transferred from one place to 2000, complainant Alejandro Estrada
privilege or exemption. Tax exemptions are
another without causing damage to the requested Judge Jose F. Caoibes, Jr.,
strictly construed against the taxpayer
land. presiding judge of Branch 253, Regional
because taxes are considered the lifeblood
Trial Court of Las Piñas City, for an
of the nation. The Court cited relevant jurisprudence and investigation of respondent Soledad
statutory provisions to support its Escritor, court interpreter in said court, for
conclusion that telecommunications living with a man not her husband, and
Parties: facilities similar to those of Capitol Wireless having borne a child within this live-in
are considered personal property for tax arrangement. Estrada believes that Escritor
Petitioner: Capitol Wireless, Inc. purposes. is committing an immoral act that tarnishes
the image of the court, thus she should not
Respondents: The Court emphasized the importance of be allowed to remain employed therein as it
interpreting tax laws in favor of the taxpayer might appear that the court condones her
The Provincial Treasurer of Batangas and resolving doubts in favor of tax act.2 Consequently, respondent was
exemption. charged with committing "disgraceful and
The Provincial Assessor of Batangas
immoral conduct" under Book V, Title I,
The Municipal Treasurer and Assessor of Chapter VI, Sec. 46(b)(5) of the Revised
Nasugbu, Batangas The Supreme Court reversed the decisions Administrative Code. 3
of the lower courts and ordered the
Statement of Facts: Respondent Escritor testified that when she
respondents to refund Capitol Wireless the
entered the judiciary in 1999, she was
real property taxes it paid on its
Capitol Wireless, Inc. is a corporation already a widow, her husband having died
telecommunications facilities.
engaged in providing telecommunications in 1998.4 She admitted that she started
services. Conclusion: living with Luciano Quilapio, Jr. without the
benefit of marriage more than twenty years
The dispute arises from the assessment of Capitol Wireless, Inc. v. The Provincial ago when her husband was still alive but
real property taxes imposed by the Treasurer of Batangas, et al. clarifies the living with another woman. She also
respondents, specifically the Provincial tax treatment of telecommunications admitted that she and Quilapio have a
Treasurer and Assessor of Batangas, as facilities for real property tax purposes. The son.5 But as a member of the religious sect
well as the Municipal Treasurer and decision underscores the principle of tax known as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the
Assessor of Nasugbu, Batangas, on Capitol exemption for certain types of movable Watch Tower and Bible Tract Society,
Wireless' telecommunications facilities property and provides guidance for respondent asserted that their conjugal
located in Nasugbu, Batangas. taxpayers and local government units in arrangement is in conformity with their
similar disputes. religious beliefs and has the approval of her
congregation.6 In fact, after ten years of and development of the religion clauses in man not her husband, and having borne a
living together, she executed on July 28, the United States (U.S.) and the child... that Escritor is committing an
1991, a "Declaration of Pledging Philippines, we held that in resolving claims immoral act... thus she should not be
Faithfulness."7 involving religious freedom (1) benevolent allowed to remain employed
neutrality or accommodation, whether
For Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Declaration mandatory or permissive, is the spirit, intent Respondent Escritor testified that when she
allows members of the congregation who and framework underlying the religion entered the judiciary... she was already a
have been abandoned by their spouses to clauses in our Constitution; and (2) in widow, her husband having died in 1998.
enter into marital relations. The Declaration deciding respondent’s plea of exemption
thus makes the resulting union moral and based on the Free Exercise Clause (from She admitted that she started living with
binding within the congregation all over the the law with which she is administratively Luciano Quilapio, Jr. without the benefit of
world except in countries where divorce is charged), it is the compelling state interest marriage more than twenty years... ago
allowed. As laid out by the tenets of their test, the strictest test, which must be when her husband was still alive but living
faith, the Jehovah’s congregation requires applied.14 with another woman. She also admitted that
that at the time the declarations are she and Quilapio have a son.
executed, the couple cannot secure the civil Notwithstanding the above rulings, the
authorities’ approval of the marital Court could not, at that time, rule definitively But as a member of the religious sect
relationship because of legal impediments. on the ultimate issue of whether respondent known as the Jehovah's Witnesses and the
Only couples who have been baptized and was to be held administratively liable for Watch Tower and Bible Tract Society,
in good standing may execute the there was need to give the State the respondent... asserted that their conjugal
Declaration, which requires the approval of opportunity to adduce evidence that it has a arrangement is in conformity with their
the elders of the congregation. As a matter more "compelling interest" to defeat the religious beliefs... together, she executed on
of practice, the marital status of the claim of the respondent to religious July 28, 1991, a "Declaration of Pledging
declarants and their respective spouses’ freedom. Thus, in the decision dated August
commission of adultery are investigated 4, 2003, we remanded the complaint to the
before the declarations are Office of the Court Administrator (OCA), and For Jehovah's Witnesses, the Declaration
executed.8 Escritor and Quilapio’s ordered the Office of the Solicitor General allows members of the congregation who
declarations were executed in the usual and (OSG) to intervene in the case so it can: have been abandoned by their spouses to
approved form prescribed by the Jehovah’s enter into marital relations.
Witnesses,9 approved by elders of the (a) examine the sincerity and centrality of
congregation where the declarations were respondent’s claimed religious belief and the OSG contends that the State has a
executed,10 and recorded in the Watch practice; compelling interest to override respondent's
Tower Central Office.11 claimed religious belief and practice, in
(b) present evidence on the state’s
order to protect marriage and the family as
Moreover, the Jehovah’s congregation "compelling interest" to override
basic social institutions. The Solicitor
believes that once all legal impediments for respondent’s religious belief and practice;
General, quoting the
the couple are lifted, the validity of the and
declarations ceases, and the couple should Constitution[148] and the Family Code,[149]
legalize their union. In Escritor’s case, (c) show that the means the state adopts in
argues that marriage and the family are so
although she was widowed in 1998, thereby pursuing its interest is the least restrictive to
crucial to the stability and peace of the
lifting the legal impediment to marry on her respondent’s religious freedom. 15
nation that the conjugal arrangement
part, her mate was still not capacitated to embraced in the Declaration of Pledging
It bears stressing, therefore, that the
remarry. Thus, their declarations remained Faithfulness should not be... recognized or
residual issues of the case pertained NOT
valid.12 In sum, therefore, insofar as the given effect, as "it is utterly destructive of
congregation is concerned, there is nothing the avowed institutions of marriage and the
immoral about the conjugal arrangement family for it reduces to a mockery these
between Escritor and Quilapio and they legally exalted and socially significant
remain members in good standing in the institutions which in their purity demand
congregation. respect and dignity.
By invoking the religious beliefs, practices These issues have already been ruled upon
the dissenting opinion of Mr. Justice Carpio
and moral standards of her congregation, in prior to the remand, and constitute "the law
echoes the Solicitor General in so far as he
asserting that her conjugal arrangement of the case" insofar as they resolved the
asserts that the State has a compelling
does not constitute disgraceful and immoral issues of which framework and test are to
interest in the preservation of marriage and
conduct for which she should be held be applied in this case, and no motion for its
the family as basic social institutions,... He
administratively liable,13 the Court had to reconsideration having been filed.16 The
also argues that in dismissing the
determine the contours of religious freedom only task that the Court is left to do is to
administrative complaint against
under Article III, Section 5 of the determine whether the evidence adduced
respondent, "the majority opinion effectively
Constitution, which provides, viz: by the State proves its more compelling
condones and accords a semblance of
interest. This issue involves a pure question
legitimacy to her patently unlawful
Sec. 5. No law shall be made respecting an of fact.
cohabitation..." and
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof. The free exercise and "facilitates the circumvention of the Revised
enjoyment of religious profession and Penal Code.
worship, without discrimination or
1651, 2006-06-22
preference, shall forever be allowed. No According to Mr. Justice Carpio, by
religious test shall be required for the Facts: choosing to turn a blind eye to respondent's
exercise of civil or political rights. criminal conduct, the majority is in fact
In a sworn-letter complaint... complainant recognizing a practice, custom or
A. Ruling Alejandro Estrada requested Judge Jose F. agreement that subverts marriag
Caoibes, Jr... for an investigation of
In our decision dated August 4, 2003, after The Solicitor General also argued against
respondent Soledad Escritor, court
a long and arduous scrutiny into the origins respondent's religious freedom on the basis
interpreter in said court, for... living with a
of morality, i.e., that "the conjugal that enjoys a preferred position in the The decision will be based on whether
arrangement of respondent and her live-in hierarchy of rights - "the most inalienable Soledad S. Escritor's actions violated
partner should not be condoned because and sacred of human rights," in the... words ethical rules or standards of the legal
adulterous relationships are constantly of Jefferson. Hence, it is not enough to profession, such as the Code of
frowned upon by... society";[152] and "that contend that the state's interest is Professional Responsibility.
State laws on marriage, which are moral in important, because our Constitution itself
nature, take clear precedence over the holds the right to religious freedom sacred. Disposition:
religious beliefs The State must articulate in specific terms
the state interest involved in preventing the The disposition will depend on the findings
Issues: exemption,... which must be compelling, for and conclusions reached by the disciplinary
only the gravest abuses, endangering body or court. If Soledad S. Escritor is
whether... respondent should be found paramount interests can limit the found to have committed misconduct,
guilty of the administrative charge of fundamental right to religious freedom. To disciplinary sanctions may be imposed.
"disgraceful and immoral conduct." rule otherwise would be to emasculate the
Free Exercise Clause as a source of right
by itself. The case involving Alejandro Estrada and
in a case where the party claims religious Soledad S. Escritor highlights the
Thus, it is not the State's broad interest in
liberty in the face of a general law that importance of upholding ethical standards
"protecting the institutions of marriage and
inadvertently burdens his religious exercise, in the legal profession. The outcome of the
the family," or even "in the sound
he faces an almost insurmountable wall in case will have implications not only for the
administration of justice" that must be
convincing the Court that the wall of parties involved but also for the broader
weighed against respondent's claim, but the
separation would not be breached if the legal community in terms of maintaining the
State's narrow interest in refusing to make
integrity and reputation of the legal
Court grants him an exemption. These an exception for the... cohabitation which
conclusions, however, are not and were respondent's faith finds moral. In other
never warranted by the 1987, 1973 and words, the government must do more than
1935 Constitutions as shown by other assert the objectives at risk if exemption is
provisions on religion in all three given; it must precisely show how and to
constitutions. It is a cardinal rule in what extent those objectives will be
constitutional construction that... the undermined if exemptions are granted.[151]
constitution must be interpreted as a whole This, the Solicitor General failed to do.
and apparently conflicting provisions should
be reconciled and harmonized in a manner
that will give to all of them full force and Parties:
effect. From this construction, it will be
ascertained that the intent of the framers Complainant: Alejandro Estrada
was... to adopt a benevolent neutrality
approach in interpreting the religious Respondent: Soledad S. Escritor
clauses in the Philippine constitutions, and
the enforcement of this intent is the goal of
construing the constitution... our own
Constitutions have made significant... Statement of Facts:
changes to accommodate and exempt
Alejandro Estrada filed a complaint against
religion. Philippine jurisprudence shows that
Soledad S. Escritor alleging acts of
the Court has allowed exemptions from a
impropriety and unethical behavior.
law of general application, in effect,
interpreting our religion clauses to cover Issues Presented:
both mandatory and permissive
accommodations Whether Soledad S. Escritor engaged in
conduct unbecoming of a member of the
The case at bar does not involve speech as legal profession.
in American Bible Society, Ebralinag and
Iglesia ni Cristo where the "clear and Whether there are sufficient grounds to
present danger" and "grave and immediate impose disciplinary sanctions against
danger" tests were appropriate as speech Soledad S. Escritor.
has easily discernible or immediate...
effects. The Gerona and German doctrine, Ruling/Decision:
aside from having been overruled, is not
congruent with the benevolent neutrality The ruling will depend on the decision of the
approach, thus not appropriate in this disciplinary body or court handling the
jurisdiction. Similar to Victoriano, the complaint. The decision could range from
present case involves purely... conduct dismissal of the complaint to imposition of
arising from religious belief. The disciplinary sanctions such as reprimand,
"compelling state interest" test is proper suspension, or disbarment.
where conduct is involved for the whole
gamut of human conduct has different
effects on the state's interests: some effects Reasoning:
may be immediate and short-term while
others delayed and... far-reaching. The disciplinary body or court will examine
the evidence presented by both parties,
the free exercise of religion is specifically including testimonies, documents, and other
articulated as one of the fundamental rights relevant materials.
in our Constitution. It is a fundamental right

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