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Problem : Dual Aspect Concept and Accounting Equation

During the month of June Bon Voyage Travel recorded the following transactions
1. Owner’s invested Rs 2,50,000 to start a business.
2. The month’s rent of Rs 5,000 was paid in cash.
3. Equipment costing Rs 80,000 was bought on credit.
4. Rs 5,000 was paid for office supplies
5. Advertising costing Rs 7,500 was paid for in cash.
6. Paid Rs 30,000 employee salaries in cash.
7. Earned travel commission of Rs 1,00,000 of which Rs 20,000 was received in cash.
8. Paid Rs 50,000 of Rs. 80,000 owed to the equipment supplier.
9. Charged Rs 10,000 of miscellaneous expenses on the corporate credit card.

a. Prepare an analysis of the month’s transactions using the tabular format and Explain how the
transactions during the month changed the basic accounting equation.

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