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r ‘YMBICSIS INTERNAT] : oman ONAL (DEEMED UNIV) Rescate Ah ohh Ge EA 8) orn [Scat No, atte STUDIES AND RESEARCH vqarne: (201) MASTER OF BUSWESS ADMUSTRATON gry TRANSFOy >RIMATION) pox i vet st alt estonia Rtn ome cude: aN 42s oa: 02008 Maximum a: 60 ray os = Time: 0:00-4:30 ——___ NOTES DONGT WRITE ANN ONE SIESTA RE] —— instructions: 1. Attempt all questions, 2. Marks are indicated withthe questions a Q1 Explain demand forecasting methods for HR planning, Give example for any one method 11243 Marks] (COS) (2. What is sourcing? Explain extemal and intemal souroes of recruitment. I 10 Marks} [CO2] Q3 Whats Job Analysis and its steps? Case study on Job analysis and Description: Create a Job Description (JD) foe position Cloud Engineer. 15+10 Marks} [COS] Q4- Write short notes on, (Any three) [3°5 Marks = 15 Marks} ) Employee Retention 100) 1) People Capacity Maturity Mode (PCMM) 10s} ¢) Employee Refers 1603) 4) Human Resource fformation Stem (HRIS) cor) Page Loft _ syne snort me wave ‘ de Seton ef he UDA YEROLLY) yi Rosco by AACN AG (38) Amr fete] T Ue en [aSTHIOS STITUTE OF CONPUTER STUDES AND RESEARCH sot MASTER OF BUSINESS ADNINISTRATION CIITA TRansFonm IATION) ans 1 pata Management and Visualization 440208 cor cote: 00! cm Maximum Marks: 69 a ae Time: 00-230 a ITE ANYTHING ON THE QUESTION wit NPR ns: 1 ltt any SIX Questins 2. All questions carry equal marks, {_ Witisthe xpos of BMS? Compare DBMS wit ilesysem. [10 Marks [COI] \WhatisEntity-Relationship Model? What is DML and DDL in DBMS? Explain these term: v 7 with the help of appropriate example, [10 Marks] (C02, C03] (q3._ Explain various components used in E-R Data Modeling, Explain E-R Data Model wth he help of an example. [10 Marks] [C02, C03] (4 Explain the role of Data Warehouse in Data Management, What are the diferencs between on-premise data warehouse and cloud computing? [10 Marks} [COs] 5 Define normalization? Compare and contrast BCNF with NF? [10 Marks] [COS Ce Q6 Illustrate different anomalies in designing ofa database [10 Marks} [COS] ibles. ables? Explain main categories of visual vari [10 Marks} [COS, C06] Q7 What are Visual vari 8 What data model in GIS and what is its oe? [10 Marks} [CO6, CO7} Page 1071 SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established und (€stablabed under section 3 ofthe US Act 1988) 0-aceredited by NAAC with Grade eee state! (0301)SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER. STUDIES & RESEARCH, PUNE we: (030141) MASTE regamme: (030141) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) 2016-18,2017-19, " Business Intelligence | course! Suse code: 0301410215 atch este aot go ‘Maximum Marks: 60 wrt acum Time: 09:30 am - 12:00 pm Tnstructions: LLAll questions are compulsory. 2. Figures to the right indicate Marks tothe sub-questions QU. Explain the concept of Business intelligence with respect to: a) Enterprise BI - 4M b) Search BI - 4M ©) Data Governance - 4M 4) Performance Management - 4M ) Predictive Analytics -4M (@2. Answer the following: a) Draw the Information pyramid for BI. -- 7M bb) Draw the neat labeled BI architectural diagram of E-auction application ~ 7M ) Give the dimension table and fact table of -auction application - $M 4) How real time BI differ than general BI ~ 8M State the importance of the following 4) Artificial Intelligence in Business - SM b) Data Mining -5M Paget of SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Cstabshed under aocton ofthe UGC Act 1966) Resaccredted by NAAC with’ Grade ert [gaiute:—_(0301)SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER STUDIES & RESEARCH, PUNE ‘rogramme: (030441) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) Bae 2016-18,2017-19 omester: curse: _Data Warehousing Architecture & Operations fourse Code: 0301410214 te: 0908/2018 Maximum Mark: ay: Thursday ‘Time: 09:30 am - 12:00 pm Instructions 1. This question paper contains 3 questions and 1 page. 2, All questions are compulsory. house (QI. What are the implementation and maintenance stages to be incorporated in data war [20M] for student grading system? Q2. Answer the following with respect fo Planning and Project Management of Data ware house fa) Business requirement issues -- 6M b) Architectural plan -- 7M ©) Information Delivery strategy ~7M QS. Define following with suitable example: ‘© Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) [10M] ‘+ Meta-data repository [ion Page 1of MBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) {€xtablahed under section ofthe Ueno 056, ResecreiedbyNeAg wth A Gedo eet Gute: (0301) SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER STUDIES & RESEARCH, PUNE gramme: (030141) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) ves | 2079 mosters tee: Talent Acquisition tume odo: 0301410208 net Maximum marks: 40 ee Time: 09:30 am -11:00 am Section A (Answer All Questions) ar Q1 Fill in the Blanks a — technique of forecasting takes into consideration, the human resources requirements given by a group of experts b) As per ILO a worker is one who is accepted as, having necessary physical attributes and intelligence. «Stages of career development are exploratory, establishment, mid-career, , stage of deine 4) Some of the on-job trainings are orientation, job-installation, & _ «) Some popular HRIS are Zoho people, collabrill, (2 Matk your answer true or false 2) Human resource planning is a process of assessing the past data for human resourees in a company. 1b) Work study technique is also known as work-load analysis. «) Trond analysis involves competencies and behaviors tht encompass the KSA. 4) Replacement is proactive and succession planning is reactive in nature. ¢) Strategie staffing is future oriented in nature. Section B (Answer any four questions) 20) Q3 Write a short note on Managing workforce flow. Limit your answer to ‘Time to productivity and orientation and socialization Page Lof2 sf e position. From these applications, only company received 1800 applications for a specific is pete : to screening calls. Then, 450 were given an assignment. Only 900 passed from resume sereening to sereening © orm ‘ : ‘sie ited to an interview. $0 went through to an executive interview. 5 received an offer, Make @ recruitment yield pyramid visualizing this hiring process. , iscuss (agree or disagre: Q5 External source of recruitment are beneficial for an organization. Discuss (ag gree) Q.6 Write a short note on best practices of stafling strategies. Qa ployee referrals should be encouraged in an organization. Support your answer by giving arguments Section © Qo) QS “Exton manufacturers’ is a manufacturing company producing the spare parts for automobile is cause of sty. Because of less demand itis facing the slow down, [low to resolve this gap by strategie stating sYMBIOSIS TERNATIONAL (DEE (Estbisedn ne sete se Ro-ccredted ty Naas MED UNIVE 1 UGC fet 1956) UNIVERSITY) | th’ Grade ce (SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF eon COMPUTER STUDIES & RES EARCH, POW % iE _(1014t) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (nFoRMATION TECHNOL : cy) 3016-47,2016-18,2017-19 eon 1A® object Oriented Analysis Design “ 204 : Fy, 01410 a oe wwe Maximum Marks: 89 Pe Time: 09:30 am 12:30 pm CC Ge all questions are compulsory. yeaa Esplin any 80 ofthe following design pattems with suitable example, Draw clas diagram. [2X 10-20 Marks] ) Builder b) Abstract Factory o) Adapter (02 Suppose an automatic vending machine which dispenses product as per users requirements. Assume suitable actors, scenarios and use cases and draw the following siagrams. (4X 5-20 Marks} 4 Use case diagram with include and extend relationships. +. Class diagram with demonstrating different types of relationships. ¢. Sequence diagram fora scenario where a customer inserts money and as per requirement, product is dispensed 4. Activity diagram for any one scenario from use case indicating join, fork and swimlanes. (3. Explain the followings in detail [2X 10-20 Marks} 8 Phases of ational unified process. +. Steps in object oriented Design. (4. Answer the following [2X 10 = 20 Marks} ®) What s Booch methodology? Explain in detail ') What are the UML diagrams useful for architecture design ofa system? Explain with example, Page 1 of 1 r pIOSIS INTERNATIO) sm aunties ‘AL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) eaccredledes ste Reaccredtdby Nance e158) (4 gas BIOSIS INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER STUDES & RESEAROH FU | PUNE. (pst) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (NFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) gp15-t7.2016-48 eo #— gusiness Intelligence It ‘“ 1440315 ae 0 “ seo Maximum Marks: 60 ee jon No | Quest Ma (eae | plain in deal the repastor (PO) m cade Bishes = | _* | eigenen tien 7 How do we synchronize the user and application role between ‘er ece nakcosTO é {| What do we understand by event pooing table orade e | > | bsins intigene entre eton 15? ‘How is PERIODROLLING time series function different from =| 6 "AGO and TODATE time series functions? z ‘Explain the functionality oF connection poo! in oracle business 6 intelligence enterprise edition 11g? —[Enpiah in deta session varabes nade buses iniigence | enterprise eon 136 ess | Whats the funcionalty of pplication eh ode Bsness [5 inteligence enterprise edition 119? 8 Explain in detall the functionality of sytem components in ‘oracle business intelligence enterprise edition 119? 9 kin the steps of propagating the edctonal physical column 6 Pat ace prt table (data source table) through the Te pestoy in orace business intigence enterprise eon 12 10 Hen can we execute direct query in orede busness intigence s ‘enterprise edition 11g? page tol eee ov wea UNIVERSITY yM (Established under section ) A ResecredtedoynmACuan gee) # anBioss INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER STUDIES & RESEARCH, PUNE asst MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (NFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) “# ¢ -7 2006-18 Ww % pata wos ‘Applications & Data Analysis at gots oe Maximum Marks: 60 yet Time: 01:30 pm -04:00 pm GA aercontinsS questions and | page, io ese PSE se bata waschousig, Wht isthe need and importance of dnt warehouse in clo y. De lain it with suitable examplk 15 Marks) tng envionment? Explain it with sual example, t she Data warchousing architecture diagram for Automobile Peduton lant and 2a geach DW component in etal [15 Marks] oa ete eens betwee lassieion nase with uate exam, [19a 8 oa ens of visualization. elf Organi 3 Topology Preservation Map in data warehousing. jsthe ole of Self Organised Map or Topology a acing gies ton folowing wih suitable example «Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) -{5 Marks} 4+ Metadata repository ~~ [5 Marks] page tof SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (€stablished undor seein Bef he UOC et 1956) Re-acredtedy NAAC with ® Grado ett HE inatate Programme: patch: (0301)SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF COHPUTER STUDIES & RESEARCH, PUNE (020141) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) 2018-17,2014-16,2016-18, Semester: 1 (course: Talent Acquisition cours Date: ay: e Code: o3014t0109 aoa x ‘Maximum Marks: 40 Wednesday ae Instructions’ 1, This question paper contains 6 questions and 1 page. 2. All questions carry equal marks i. 10M. Az Long questio (ANY 3, 10m each) Q.LDue to the recession 50 employees are going to be surplus. What are the different ways of ‘managing surplus? Present the strategies inform ofa flow chart Q.2Design the Selection process for the position of Project Head -10 years, who would be hhandling the project team of 10 members, who are responsible for delivering financial software Q3.Design a acceptable CTC breakup for the amount of 6 lakhs. Also present the subsets of salaries. QA. What do you understand by Human Resource planning? Write the definition, need & significance & 10steps-process. (QS.Explain the process of Recruitment and Selection. What is reruitment pyramid? What are the current trends in recruitment & selection? (6. Create @ Job Description for the role of Business Analyst. Explain the experience, qualifications, competencies required for this pos. B Write short notes on: (ANY 2, 5m each) 1. Personality A Forecasting methods in HRP ERP and SAP Explain the types of interviews Jb Specification Contribution of the IT sector tothe GDP age tof 30 am = 14:00 am SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (Gtlabished under section Sof he UGC Aet 1956) accreted by MAAC wih AG eget eet insite: __(0901)SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF CONDUTER STUDIES & RESEARGH, PUNE programme: (090141) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) i 2015-17,2016-18 semester: course: Data Warehousing Arehtecture & Operations ‘course Code: 0301410215, 0301410214 ae: 270472017 Maximum Marks: 60 pay: Thursday Time: 08:30 am - 12:00 pm Instructions 1. This question paper contains 3 ‘questions and 1 page, 2. Alll questions are compulsory. ie QI. Discuss the following implementation and ‘maintenance stages of data warehouse a) Physical Design process — e (6 Marks) b) Indexing strategy — (6 Marks) ‘¢) Physical model components — (6 Marks) d) User training and support — (6 Marks) €) Storage management — (6 Marks) (@2. Draw the diagram of Data warchouse architecture and explain terminologies in detail ic, ETL, data sources (operational as well as external sources) data marts, OLAP server and Meta data repository (20 Marks) QS. Give the importance ofthe following a) Data warehouse Deployment (5 Marks) b) Multi-dimensional Databases (MDDB) - (5 Marks) Page 1of 1 SYMBIOSIS INTER (€stobiches una ‘NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ese UOC na {1 for Financial Management (0301410218, 0901410217 yp017 pe: 2908 Maximum Marks: 60 ‘Time: 08:30 am - 12:00 pm ——~“tastrutions 1. All questions carry equal marks 2. Answer any 4 questions a 1Smarks rom he information given below. oe 1) Sales are both on credit and for cash, he later being one third ofthe former +b) Realisations from debtors are 25% in the month of sal aaa ee se; 60%, in month Following that «) The company adopts a uniforon pricing policy ofthe sling price being 25% over cost {8) Budgeted sales of each month are purchased and paid for inthe preceding month €) The company has outstanding debentures of Rs. 2 Takis on T* January, whieh cary interest at 15% per annum payable on the last date of each quarter on calendar yeat basis. 20% of the debentures are due for redemption, on 30th June 2014; The company has to pay the last instalment of advance tax, for assessment year 201. 15, amounting 10 Rs 54,000, 8) Anticipated office costs for the six-month period are; January Rs, 25,000; February Rs. 720,000; March Rs, 40,000; April Rs. 35,000; May Rs. 30,000 and June Rs. 45,000, 1h) The opening cash balance of Rs 10,000 is the minimum cash balance to be maintained, Deficits have to Be met by Borrowings in multiples of Rs T0,000 on which interest, on monthly basis, bas to be paid on the frst date of the subsequent mouth at 12% pa Interest is payable for a minimum period of one month. {) Rem payable is Rs. 2,000 per month i) Sales forecast for the different months are: 4113 - Rs.160,000; Nov'13 - Rs.1,80,000; Dee’ 3 - Rs.2,00,000; Jan’ 14 ~ Rs.220,000;, Feb'L4 ~ Rs 140,000; Mar’I4 - Rs: 160,000; Ape'14 - Rs.1,50,000; May"I4 ~ Rs.2,00,000 Jun’ 4 - Rs. 80,000 and Jul’ 14 - Rs.1,20,000 Required Prepare 2 Cash Budget of Excel ‘costs would remain unchanged. ited forthe fist half year of 2014, year of assuming thet Pope Lof3, ed on 1) company tas fed cost of Rs. 90.000, Sales RS. 300000 and Profit og ‘an (ase hme iin he ext prio he company seed 108 of Rs. 395 i) Wins the agin of suey fora prt of Rs ae (iy, Dns ee Re eet cate lanscaliee aos vil 5s Reba the quarter Il ry Chane sls revee required tacievea query proof Re 70,000," 2% Smarty Q3 Amy Profit and Loss Account for Ventura Ltd. for the year ended 31st March Re iakhs 2006 2007 | ‘Sales and Other Income 8015.00, 3013.50 Cost of goods sold 3767.05 4134.55 Administrative Expenses 2244.20 2312.14 Profit Before Taxes (PRT) 2003.75 | 2566.81 Taxes 7H, 988. (retiaierTa at] [nist | sy [ Balance Sheet of Ventura La 303706 31/03/07 Ason Rs lakhs Rs lakhs Linbilies and Share Capital Share Cpa 237.6} Bret Reserves and Sul T5715 126739 Secured Loans 115.02 78.49 Unsecured Loans 19523 144.10 ‘Cunen abies and 129.64 280.78 Prowisions | Tova HG Da Asset = | [Fixed Assets Qe) 81 | ang — pe a Sundry debior [Cash and Bank Belanass —+ Otter Current Assets Toans and Advances Total PoRe 2ot3 i (05 marks) i Following tr : Explain following terminologies relating to Cash Flow Analysis 1) Cat Flows 2) Cas Flow statement 3) cash Equivalents activities Financing activites 8 Investing activities of (8 maris) From the flfowing compute cash from operations Profit ad Loss Account forthe yea ended 31/03/2016 Particular R500 | Particular R000 To Salaries 5,000 _ | By Gross Profit 25,000 | |ToRent 1,000 | By Profit on Sale Land | 5000 To Depreciation 2,000 [By Income Tax Refund | 3000 | To Loss on Sale of Plant 1,000 [Te Goodwill Written OFF _-4000 “To Proposed Dividend 5000 ae [To Provision for Tax 5,000 a i ToNet Profit “| 10,000 J Page dof, 2016-18 0 Business Intelligence | 0301410215 Maximum Marks: 69 Time: 09:30 am - 12:00 pm 1. apie oracle business intelligence enterprise edition 11g architecture in 10 Marks eal 2, Explain in detail the structre of repository? Why isthe. in oracle busines intelligence enterprise edition 119? 3. is data ware house important for busines intlgences reporting? 7 Marks 4. Explain the concept of online transaction processing and onlin anahccal oy Tepository required 10 Marks data directly from online transaction processing data source, insted ot online analytical processing data source? 5. Explain the functionality of system component in oracle business 5 Marks intelligence enterprise edition 11, 6. Explain in detail the process of deploying repository in oracle business Marks intelligence enterprise edition 11? 7. Explain briefly online and off line repository modes? 6 Marks 8 Construct a business model using a single physical table as source ffom the? Mark physical layer? Page 1of 1 SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL, UNIVERSITY (Estab ender Reread Section 3et the UGC het eed by Waa ne oe L950) eqname:(om'4t) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (nronMarioN TECHNOLOGY) i 2015-17 st cee seme" Business Intelligence coi code: 0301810216 cou! pate: 29082017 poy: Saturday Maximum Marks: 60 ‘Time: 03:30 am - 12:00 pm Instructions ‘¢ All Questions are compulsory. «Provide suitable examples wherever applicable. 4. Explain the BI Architecture in Detail with examples and diagram? (20 Maris) 2, Explain the concept of grain, dimension and fact able with suitable examples. (10 Marks) 44 What are the strategic and tactical functional benefits of BI? (10 Marks) 44, What are the challenges of Mobile BI? (10 Marks) ‘5, What ae the desirable qualities ina BI system? (10 Marks) Page 1 of 1 SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL UN, IVERSITY (Exilehed wee section 3 he Uoe ae Re-aecreddbyNAAG wk Grode (©301)SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER STUDIES & RESEAROH FINE (080161) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) 2014-16,2015-17 w Data Warehousing Applications & Datn Analysis ‘course Code: 0301410316 pate: 2104/2017 Maximum Marks: 60 pay: Wednesday ‘Time: 01:30 pm - 04:00 pm Instructions 1. This question paper contains 5 questions and 1 page, 2. All questions are compulsory QI, Define Data warchousing. What isthe need and importance of data warehouse in cloud ‘computing environment? Explain it with suitable example. {15 Marks} 2. Draw the Data warehousing architecture dia gram for any manufacturing company and explain each DW component in detail, [15 Marks) (Q3. Give the difference between classification and clustering with suitable example [10 Marks} (Q4. What is the role of Neural Network in data warchousing and its associated components, [10 Marks} Q5. Write a note on following with suitable example: [10 Marks} © Web based OLAP + Metadata repository Page of

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