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Ki spi0SIS INTERNATIONAL ( syM (€stabsheuns DEEMED UNIVERSITY) eat No, SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER STUDIES & RESEARCH PUNE 4 j an OF BUSINESS Al ¢ ipso MASTE! MINISTRATION (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) ort? ly A gamatas of ata Senco foe onsets # ya Maximum Marks: 60 i! Time: 09:30 am-12:00 pm er sx4=20) a ‘erence between Classification and clustering with example a » Mop Da cleaning and ntewaton a "aris typerslane in SVM Explain bri i «gl the ry Min a aston lit aa “gin te concert of Decision Tie, i «ais Data Analytics and Data Visualization in Data Science? sh + Ansner any four (ex10=40) 2 Rota the steps ofthe Hierarchical Clastering Algorithm and daw Now chat. 10M | ss the SVM algorithm andi diferent keel pes 10M «Bplainthe steps ofthe Fuzzy C Means algorithm om «rath eter plo for the following data pointsand SoWve it by Kmeans 10M Custerng A B [en 7G Ten [| 2 [259] 653) | 6a | en fem | 66 | G10 65.8) |/ G2 | 4% [659] 7) | 10M 10M "plain Naive Bayes Algorithm with Example ‘Explain Stemming and Tokenization process in NIP Page 1 of 1 SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (€stabichod under Section 3 ofthe UGC Ac, 1958) Re-ecereited by NAAC with ® Grade (2, 68/4). Awarded Category —1by UGC. eat No. (0301)SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER STUDIES AND RESEARCH, PUNE yamme: (030144) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) 2017-19,2018-20, . ise; Talent Acquisition urse Code: 0301410204 1970412019 Maximum Marks: 40 f Saturday ‘am - 11:00 am ion. All questions carry equal marks (6 marks each) | Attempt any 4 questions from this section. |. What are the steps in succession planning? How is it different from replacement? | 2 How to design an effective human resource information system? Give examples of two populer human resource information systems. Q3 What are the various Extemal sources of recruitments, Write few advantages and disadvantages of Extemal recruitments ‘0.4 Explain any four retention strategies in detail Q5 A company received 120 applications for a specific position. From these applications, only 60 passed from resume sereening to sereening calls. Then, 15 were given an assignment. Only 5 ‘vere invited to an interview. 1 received an offer. Create a recruitment yield pyramid visualizing this hiring process, Q6 “Alaska Manufacturers” is a growing manufacturing company Who are into manufacturing ‘of spare auto parts. To handle their day 10 day activities and supervision of lower level ‘employees, the company need a person. You have to design a Job description for this profile hich can be later used for newspaper advertisement. Q.7 “Dryit Enterprises” is a manufacturing company for umbrellas and raincoats in Pune. In the ‘months of March-May they are facing the challenge of low demand, You have to identify this, situation and suggest appropriate staffing strategies to resolve this issue. Page 1of1 SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established under Section 3 ofthe UGC Act 1958 ) Revacereditod by NAAC with'N’Grade (3.5814) Awarded Catogory—1by UGC — eat No| stitute: (0301)SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER STUDIES & RESEARCH, PUNE gramme: (030141) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) ston: 2016-18,2017-19 vmester: Il ours Data Warehousing Applications & Data Analysis ourse Code: 0301410314 ate: 1510412019 ay: Monday ‘Tine: 08:30 am -12:00 pm Instructions ‘This question paper contains 5 questions and 1 page. All questions are compulsory. QI. Define Data warehousing. Comment on Business requirement issues, Architectural plan and DW design issues. UsMy (@. Draw the Data warchousing architecture diagram for Medicine manufacturing plant and explain each DW component in detail lism | 3. Give the difference between classification and clustering with suitable example. [10M Qt, What is the role of Neural Network in data warehousing and its associated components. {10M} QS. Write a note on following with suitable example: ‘+ On Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) (M] ‘+ Web based OLAP [5M Page 3 of 1 ee SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Estantahed ne e-accrestlssablahed under Section tte USC At HY MAAC wih Grade (3.8) Anared Galaga -1by USE SOTSYNBIOSTS feat no] I en INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER STUDIES AND RESEARCH, PUNE 130141) MASTEH (030141) 'R OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) 017-19,2018-20 aeons = soun09 . ‘Maximum Marks Tie: 08:20am - 12:00 pm psiractions:ATl questions are compulsory 1. Define the term with an example (5 * 3 Marks =15 Marks) 4) Degenerate dimension, t) Conformed dimension, | «} Dirty dimension 4 Fact les fact table ©) ETL process 2, Solve (1*5 Marks=5 Marks) Suppose there are 10 products 4 stores and 1000 customers. Each customer purchases month from all the 4 stores. How many records will be | piece of each product ev populated in fact table in 1 year? How many facts and dimensions tables are required inthis scenario? Write the name of facts and dimensions? 3. Answer the following (4* 10 Marks=40 Marks) 4) Define Data Warehouse According to Bill Inmon and list out the differences between OLTP and OLAP. 6) What are the components of Data Warehousing? Draw a neat diagram and explain them briefly Page 10f2 Leen nnn ceiimmeneeemmmmmmmmmmmnd! 2 jan 208 __ pagename [Adres (Sek [Same — Rear [hia | — — SYMBIOSIS INTERNATION, Raacoranedit te Sct bina Se . 2s of fact table Synge Smtr ee «) Define fit wth example fac ule Exim (COTMBIOTS NETO stanton ecm FONE CDT INES, ge 30M MASTERF NER cami wo record fora rR pant ovesnanr 020120 FT Solon to Banking aa Finn . = [aie aotearoa Finer tam20s___ ry Siud_id_[Sname — an, vino een sues #3 Tastructios : Attempt any Four Questions BOSE sie too |Queen 20 a All Questions carry egal marks [eS 1, What do you mean by negated Financial Su 2, What do you mean by Cpt! Budjeing de Explain the tps involved in prepaing fina financial planing? ster relish bet planing? Exphin Explain SCD and its types and daw SCD 1, SCD 2(on dae) and SCD 3 afer processing of data fom 3Jan 2018. 4. ‘Short Notes (5 Masks each) 8) Front Office Set up 1) Financial Planning Vs Forecasting ©) Financia mode 5. “Prices are often determined based nh ‘value realization and competitors’ pices age 2012 % a SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established under Section 3 the UGC Act, 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with’ Groda (2.604) Awarded Category = Iby USC eat No. (0301)SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER STUDIES & RESEARCH, PUNE yamme: (030141) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) 2015-17/2016-18,2017-19,2018-20 u ise Code: 0301410201 0210812019 2 Tuesday Maximum Marks: 80 Tim 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Instruction: All questions are Compulsory. le Rental Administration System. Assume suitable QU. Consider an application for vel functionalities of system which facilitate to customers, drivers and employees for 20 Marks} administration and use of vehicles. Draw following diagrams. xs a. Use ease diagram. Sequence diagram for booking a vehicle as a scenario for the system. ¢ Draw class diagram with suitable attributes, operations for cach elass. Justify different relationships between classes. 4d. Draw state di Q2. Answer the following questions. (Any two) [10 x2 = 20] a, Consider an application needs to be ercated to sort array of integers, This application provides an interface which accepts array of inteyer from as an input and provides user options to sort like bubble sort, selection sor, near sort and! merge sort. Based! on the selection of strategy selected by user, application provides output in the sorted form Assume suitable objects collaborating with each other and draw sequence diagram. five types of elass relationships with an example of each, b. Explain any c. What are the different fragmentations used in sequence diagram? Explain any two with an example Q3. Explain the purpose of following amy two design patterns with class d a, Abstract Factory b. Proxy «. State Page 10f2 = ——s—~=—~s ‘SYMBIOSIS INTERN: xe ee 04, Answer lowing stons apres 4. Discus how component dngam sponsor a suitable example STS TTT bw n )MIT meted (ROMER) MASTER OF compare with modelsin OMT methodology. gramme: (ET oa hat is Hooch methodclogy? Compare w —— “nestor Taree code: O3048%0202 te; ounaraat9 ‘y, Thursday Anstruetions : Neat diagrams, ‘SOLVE ANY ALL QUEST A. Answer the follow. a. Name ths 1b. Explair c. Expl 2. What are? each oft Page 2 of 2 OOO SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) {tablished under Scevon3 of the UGC Act, 1958) Re-accredited by NAG with'A’ Grade (35814), Awarded Category -1 by USS. feat No | (0301)SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER STUDIES AND RESEARCH, PUNE (030144) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) 2016-18,2017-19,2018-20 0 Business Intelligence 1 0301410215 Maximum Marks: 60 , Thursday “Time: 09:30 am - 12:00 pm {nsiruetions: This question paper contains 3 questions and | page. All questions are compulsory. ‘01. Explain the concept of Business intelligence with respect to a) Benefits of BL 5M by Search BE 5M ©) [Governance 5M 4) Big data Management 5M Q2. Answer the following: a) What can companies do with BI? 7™M ) Draw the neat labeled BI architectural diagram for SICSR organization 7M ©) Differentiate between BI Application Services and BI Platform Services 8M 4) What are the challenges in BI (Any 8) 8M Q3. Give the importance of the following ) Data visualization SM b) Data Mining 5M Page 1 of 1 1 e: (030141) gramme: (090141) MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) urs vreecode: 030180216 019 te: 21042 Maximum Marl 0 ee SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Estabtisned under e-acerecnasntated under Seton 3 of be UOC Act, 1050) PR Grade fa) Avarded Gatgury by UOC wsosvA ee J (0301)SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER STUDIES AND RESEARCH, PUNE 2018-20 0 Python for Analytics “Time: 09:30 am - 12:00 pm All questions are compulsory Figures to the right indicate fi Attempt Any Two of Following [2*6 Marks~12 Marks} a) Write a program to ereate simple series containing 100 random numbers 1) Display tirst 5 values ii) Display last 5 values iii) Display index for series iv) Display values of series b) Write a program to classify iris dataset using petal length ©) Write a program to read esv file of employee containing ids empid, empname, salary and answer the following queries i) Display name of emp having max salary ii) Display salary of emp having i ‘Attempt Any Two of Following [2%6 Marks=12 Marks] a) Write a program to read a esv file containing data of just dial share. Draw bar ehart for open close high and low values according to date. b). Write a program to read a esv file containing data of just dial share ind the maximum value of Open and Close ii) Display the difference between Open and Close iii) Display line graph for open value ©). Write a program to demonstrate use of data frame in pandas. Atiempt Any one of Following [112 Marks=12 Marks} a) Write a program to demonstrate PCA on iris data b) Write a program to demonstrate KINN on iris data, Page 102 a 44 Ate Any oof Following 1 Design an agpitin to may by Dest an aplication to analy flowing 88 (fear Company, Name, Tumover 5. Ate Any ono owing 2) Design Appian wo ame 1) ead at set of esl end basi ‘sing raps and data i, note) beset eeneding 9 ance write he CoH 2 Mas 12 Maris) ae aining dt in ire iesion ar DRNNO,NAME FXNO.MIM2MBNA) PRE RMONAMEENOMLMEIMD a gmension yn? Markse12 Masts) eae alysis ofthese shares Page 2 of2 SYMBIOSIS INTER ME) AAT 2: (OHNE MASTER CF Pytontor Finance code: o3cnetonty| ganas saturéay {nstruetions Tos spesion tempt any 8 QA) Exalsiathe conse calle Expest algo. Con ‘ast five years QQ) Explainite along witt Q3) Write: Alowe gay Ww NAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) ma eet 2018-20 0 Data Analysis Using Python o30t4t02t7 Maximum Marks: 60 “Time: 09:30 am - 12:00 pm ent: All queSCONS Ate compulsory, quan a. sseribe Ndarray object in Numpy with example, sver any five following questions [5x4=20] Write a Numpy code to iterate over an array. «Explain any (v0 types of string methods in Numpy. 4 Give suitable example to plot a histogram using Numpy «Write a program in Numpy to ead a text file, do modifications and save to disk {.Explain LINSPACE method in Numpy with suitable example, (q2 answer any fo questions. [2x 10=20) 1 Write and compare three different types of data structures can be created in pandas with suitable example. b Explain any two kinds of sorting techniques available in pandss. Give example of each, sorting technique, «Explain NOSQL columnar database type with suitable example, Q5.Wrte MangoDB query for the following. [X3=15) a.Create a database. Check database exists or not © Create a Collection called “Employees” 4 Check if'a collection exists or not e Insert a record in Collection. Page 1of2 44. Whatis linear regression? Let us consider a dataset where we have a value of response y : : by every feature x. Write a code in seipy to show a scatter plot and linear regression line, [5 Mari x 0 T Pama 4 3 6 T ? ¥ U 3 2 3 7 8 9 10 2 Page 2of2

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