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ASSIGNMENT # 1: Introduction!

Now it’s your turn to introduce yourself.

I’d like you to upload a written piece introducing yourself.
You may use mine as a model (or not).
Here are some ideas you may include…
• Name you go by, nickname, pronouns, age, family & friends,
description of your personality, etc…
• hobbies, free time activities, likes and dislikes, favourite things, etc.
• What is your relationship with English and the subject? Do you like it? How do you feel
when you speak it? What do you enjoy about it? What don’t you enjoy?
• If you like, you can answer the questions and fill in the boxes I’ve included throughout my
• What are your plans for next year? How do you feel about finishing secondary school? Are
you excited/ scared/ happy/etc.??? What do you take away from secondary school?
• What is something you would like me to know?
• Etc. (Feel free to include any other ideas that come to your mind! You can write as much
as you like.)

(These are just ideas. Of course you don’t need to include anything you don’t feel like sharing!)

Optional ideas:
Also, if you feel like sharing something else with me, you can make and
upload audio-visual pieces, such as…
• a collage of photos
• a poster in Canva
• a TikTok
• a video
• a song
• a drawing
• etc. (you can think of other original ideas, too!)

This can be related to what you’ve included in your writing.

Be creative and original!
Can’t wait to see your work and get to know you better!


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