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Task 16

1. So
2. Such
3. such a
4. so

Task 17
1. Because
2. as a result
3. As
4. As
5. Therefore
6. Since
7. Since
8. As
9. Due to

Task 18
1. So
2. So
3. So
4. Such
5. such a
6. such
7. so
8. such
9. so

Task 19
1. Due to the fact that the train journey was so long, I fell asleep.
2. We never went back to that restaurant because the meal was so bad.
3. She burnt her mouth because the soup was so hot.
4. The house is so big (that) it takes days to clean.
5. Carla doesn't have time to see anyone because she is so busy.

Task 20
1. The police didn't catch the thief as they were fooled by his disguise. (clause
of reason)
2. Since Darren has a meeting, he can't babysit (clause of reason)
3. Sharon doesn't listen. Consequently, she makes mistakes. (clause of result)
4. There were so many people at the fast-food restaurant that they had to wait
in a queue. (clause of result)
5. The Raiders lost the game as their best player was hurt. (clause of reason)
6. The reason why I don't like Roger is because he is selfish. (clause of
7. It was such a beautiful gesture that she nearly cried. (clause of result)
8. It was so cold that we couldn't feel our fingers. (clause of result)
9. It is such stormy weather that the plane is delayed. (clause of result)

Task 21
It was such an important day that I needed her support . ... But Emma always gets
such good grades that she doesn't understand what it feels like to fail . ... My
problem is that I get so nervous that I can't think properly . ... She is such an
amazing teacher that there isn't anyone in my class who doesn't like her . ... It was
such a high mark that I couldn't believe my eyes . ...

Task 22
1. Whereas
2. Despite
3. As
4. Even though
5. Whatever
6. Though
7. Whereas
8. Though
9. Even though

Task 23
1. Despite
2. Whereas
3. Though
4. Even though

Task 24
1. Despite the fact that teachers get long holidays, they need to work at home
a lot. Teachers get long holidays, yet they need to work at home a lot.
Teachers get long holidays. However, they need to work at home a lot.
2. Despite the fact that footballers earn a lot of money, they have short
careers. Footballers earn a lot of money, yet they have short careers.
Footballers earn a lot of money. However, they have short careers.
3. Despite the fact that nurses get the chance to help sick people, they work
long shifts. Nurses get the chance to help sick people, yet they work long
shifts. Nurses get the chance to help sick people. However, they work long
4. Despite the fact that pilots travel around the world, they are away from
home a lot. Pilots travel around the world, yet they are away from home a
lot. Pilots travel around the world. However, they are away from home a lot.
Task 25
1. I studied all weekend. Nevertheless, I didn't pass the test. In spite of
studying all weekend, I didn 't pass the test.
2. Even though he's just come back from a holiday, Paul looks exhausted.
Paul's just come back from a holiday. However, he looks exhausted.
3. John plays the guitar very well but he has a terrible voice. John plays the
guitar very well. However, he has a terrible voice.
4. Although it was snowing, he decided to walk to school. Despite the fact that
it was snowing, he decided to walk to school.
5. While Spielberg is my favourite director, I don't have any of his films on
DVD. Spielberg is my favourite director, yet I don't have any of his films on

Task 26
1. Even though
2. Despite
3. But
4. Whereas
5. no matter what

Task 27
1. E
Janet was really upset. She looked as if she was going to burst into tears.
2. C
Ann is exhausted. She feels like she needs a good night's sleep.
3. A
Greg is delighted. He's behaving as if he has just won a million pounds.
4. D
Laura was very scared. She acted like she had seen a ghost.

Task 28
1. Hurt
2. Was
3. had been made
4. knew
5. was
6. had never seen
7. were

Task 29
1. as though she had never
2. as if she lost
3. as if he was
4. as though we're having
5. as though it was
Task 30
1. How
2. as though
3. as though
4. the way that
5. the same way as

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