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Background-Indentifying the Problem (Deyashini)

Objectives (Harshita)

Legal Provisions (Bandana)

Action Plan (Joyshree)

 What to do
 Who can file a complaint?
 Whom to Approach
 How to Approach

Govt schemes & programmes (Harshita)

Punishment & Compensation (Deyashini)

Landmark Cases (Bandana)

Empirical Study (All)

 Inference

Recommendations and Solutions (All)

Conclusion (All)

Design (All)

In the paucity of any explicit legislation addressing acid attacks, the cases pertaining to acid attacks were
dealt under sections 320 (grievous hurt), 322 (voluntarily causing grievous hurt), 325 (punishment for
sec.322) & 326 (voluntarily causing grievous hurt using dangerous weapons) of IPC which were
inadequate to effectively address the plights of the acid attack victims.

and provide reasons for the same which should be supplied to the nearest police station within three
days by the seller.

In the paucity of any explicit legislation addressing acid attacks, the cases pertaining to acid attacks were
dealt under sections 320 (grievous hurt), 322 (voluntarily causing grievous hurt), 325 (punishment for
sec.322) & 326 (voluntarily causing grievous hurt using dangerous weapons) of IPC which were
inadequate to effectively address the plights of the acid attack victims.

• Section 326A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 reads- Whoever causes permanent or partial
damage or deformity to, or bums or maims or disfigures or disables, any part or parts of a person's body,
or causes grievous hurt by throwing acid on or administering acid to that person, or by using any other
means with the intent of causing or knowing that he is likely to cause such injury or hurt, shall be
punished with imprisonment of either description for a term not less than ten years but which may
extend to life imprisonment and a fine. Provided, however, that such fine shall be fair and adequate in
order to make up the victim's medical expenses for treatment; Furthermore, any fine imposed under
this clause must be given to the victim.

• Section 326B of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 reads - Whoever throws or attempts to throw acid
on any person, or administers acid to any person, or uses any other methods with the intent of causing
permanent or partial damage, deformity, or bums, maiming, disfigurement, disability, or grievous harm
to that person, shall be punished by imprisonment of either description for a term not less than five
years but which may extend to seven years, and a fine.

• Se ction 114

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