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µg welq c„ôv
01 wbqZ 05
02 Cgvb 06
03 mjvZ 09
04 hvKvZ Ges mv`vKvn 14
05 nv¾ 16
06 †ivRv 17
07 fv‡jv KvR 19
08 PwiÎ 22
09 `yÔAv 35
10 wcZvgvZv Ges AvZ¥xq 37
11 ZvK&Iqv 39
12 Avjøvni ¸Yvewj 41
13 Ávb AR©b 45
14 ivm~‡ji cÖwZ `yiƒ` 47
15 gymwjg‡`i g‡a¨ m¤úK© 48
16 mvgvwRK ixwZbxwZ 49
17 dwhjZ Ges whwKi 55
18 Bmjvg 59
19 cweÎZv 62

Copyright ©
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nvDR # 38, †ivW # 1/G, eøK # †R, evwiaviv, XvKv- 1212|
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cÖ_g ms¯‹iY: †deªæqvwi- 2022

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Academy of Quran Studies
evwiaviv Awdm: 5g Zjv, evmv # 38, †ivW # 1/G, eøK # †R,
evwiaviv XvKv- 1212
†gvevBj: +88 01711 262 923, +88 01840 891 989

evsjvevRvi Awdm: 37, wMqvm Mv‡W©b eyK Kg‡cø·, †`vKvb bs 122

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ÒkZ nv`x‡mi gy³v gvjvÓ eBwU we‡klfv‡e wkï‡`i Rb¨ †jLv n‡q‡Q|
Avgiv Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi cªwZwU gyûZ© gnvbex (mv.) Gi w`Kwb‡`©kbv Abyhvqx
cwiPvwjZ K‡i _vwK Ges G‡Z Avgiv Avgv‡`i bZyb cªR‡b¥i Rb¨I cªPyi w`K
wb‡`©kbv †c‡q _vwK| A‡bK mvnvev (iv.) evj¨ eqm †_‡KB gynv¤§v` (mv.)-
Gi mvnPh© MªnY K‡iwQ‡jb Ges ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) AZ¨šÍ †mœn I fv‡jvevmvi
mv‡_ Zuv‡`i‡K Bmjvg, wkóvPvi Ges Bmjv‡gi Av`k© wk¶v w`‡q‡Qb|
A‡bK M‡elYv K‡i ÒkZ nv`x‡mi gy³v gvjvÓ eBwU‡Z welq wfwËK
100wU nv`xm ms¼jb Kiv n‡q‡Q hv wkï‡`i Av`k© I wkw¶Z K‡i M‡o
Zyj‡e Ges wbtm‡›`‡n Zv‡`i Av`k©gq Rxeb MVb f~wgKv cvjb Ki‡e|
Avgv‡`i mšÍvb I Zv‡`i AwffveKMY GB mnR nv`xm¸‡jv gb w`‡q
co‡Z I wkL‡Z m‡Pó n‡e| eBwU wkï‡`i Avjøvn I Zuvi ivm~‡ji nv`xm
Rvb‡Z mnvqK n‡e| Gfv‡e Avgv‡`i mgvR GKwU Av`k©gq, gvwR©Z I mf¨
mgv‡R cwiYZ n‡e- BbkvAvjøvn|

†gRi †gvt Kvgiæj nvmvb (Aet)

e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK
GKv‡Wwg Ae KziAvb ÷vwWR

‫ إِنَّمَا‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ِ َّ ‫ْالَعْمَالُ بِالن ِّي‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wbðq mg¯Í Kv‡Ri djvdj
wbq‡Zi Dci wbf©ikxj| [eyLvix- 1]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Surely All action depends
on the intention behind it. [Bukhari- 1]

َ ْ َ َّ
.‫ إِنما العمال بِالخواتي ِم‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ْ ِ َ َ ْ ُ َ ْ
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wbðq mKj KvR Zvi †kl cwiYwZi
Dci wbf©ikxj| [eyLvix- 6607]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Verily, (the rewards of) the
deeds are decided by the last result. [Bukhari- 6607]

ُ ‫ الْ َحيَاء‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ِْ ‫ُشعْبَة ٌ مِ َن‬
‫اليمَا ِن‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb-
j¾vkxjZv Cgv‡bi GKwU A½| [eyLvix- 9]
Modesty is a Part of Iman.[Bukhari- 9]

ُّ َ ‫ ا‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ِ ْ ‫لطهُ ْورُ َش ْط ُر‬
‫اليْمَا ِن‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- cweÎZv Cgv‡bi Aa©vs½| [gymwjg- 223]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Purity is half of
iman (faith). [Muslim- 223]


َ‫ مَ ْن رَ ِغب‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

‫عَ ْن ُسنَّت ِ ْي فَلَي ْ َس مِن ِّ ْي‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ Avgvi mybœvZ †_‡K wegyL
nq †m Avgvi `jfz³ bq| [eyLvix- 5063]
The Prophet (SM) Said- He who turns away from
my Sunnah, is not my follower. [Bukhari- 5063]

‫ات َل ي ُ ْشرِ ُك‬ َ َ‫ مَ ْن م‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
َ ْ‫بِاهلل ِ َشيْئًا دَ َخل َ ال‬
َ ‫جنَّة‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ Avjøvni mv‡_ Ab¨ KvD‡K kixK bv Kiv
Ae¯’vq gviv hvq, †m Rvbœv‡Z cÖ‡ek Ki‡e| [eyLvix- 7487 I gymwjg- 93]
The Prophet (SM) Said- He who dies worshipping no one
but Allah, will enter jannah. [Bukhari- 7887 & Muslim- 93]


‫ َل إِيْمَانَ لِمَ ْن َل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ُ ‫أَمَانَة َ لَه ُ وَ َل دِي ْ َن لِمَ ْن َل عَهْ َد لَه‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- hvi AvgvbZ`vwiZv †bB, Zvi Cgvb †bB
Ges †h Iqv`v iÿv K‡i bv, Zvi Øxb †bB|
[Be‡b wneŸvb- 1422/, gymbv‡` Avngv`- 12567]
The Prophet (SM) Said- He who is not trustworthy
has no faith, and he who does not keep his word has no
religion. [Ibne Hibban- 1422/, Musnade Ahmad- 12567]

ِ‫ اَلْمُ ْسلِمُ أ َ ُخو الْمُ ْسل ِم‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ُ ‫َل ي َ ْظلِمُه ُ وَ َل ي َ ْخ ُذلُه ُ وَ َل ي َ ْحقِ ُره‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- GK gymwjg Aci gymwj‡gi fvB| †m Zvi
Ici Ryjyg Ki‡e bv, Zv‡K jvwÂZ Ki‡e bv, Ges Zv‡K Ae‡njv
Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| [gymwjg- 2564]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Every Muslim is Brother to
another Muslim. He can not abuse, humiliate and debase
one another. [Muslim- 2564]

09 mjvZ
َ ،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫صل ُّ ْوا‬
َ ُ ‫كَمَا رَأَيْتُمُ ْون ِ ْي أ‬
‫صلِ ّ ْي‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †Zvgiv Avgv‡K †hfv‡e mjvZ co‡Z
†`‡LQ †mfv‡eB mjvZ c‡ov| [eyLvix- 631, gymwjg- 674]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Pray Salah as
you have seen me praying. [Bukhari- 631,
Muslim- 674]

ُ ‫ت ق ُ َّرة‬
ْ َ ‫ ُجعِل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ِ ‫الص َلة‬
َّ ‫عَيْن ِ ْي فِي‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- mjvZ Avgvi Pÿz kxZjKvix|
[gymbv‡` Avngv`- 14035, bvmvC- 3950]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Praying Salah Comforts my
eyes. [Musnade Ahmad- 14035, Nasaʼi- 3950]

‫ مِفْتَا ُح‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ُ ‫الص َلة‬ َ ْ‫ال‬
َّ ِ ‫جنَّة‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- mjvZ †e‡nk‡Zi Pvwe|
[wZiwghx- 4]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Salah is the key to
Jannah. [Tirmizi- 4]


‫ بَي ْ َن الْعَب ْ ِد وَبَي ْ َن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

َّ ‫الْ ُكفْ ِر ت َ ْر ُك‬
ِ ‫الص َلة‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- gywgb I Kv‡d‡ii g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ n‡jv
mjvZ eR©b Kiv| [gymwjg- 82, bvmvC- 464, wZiwghxnv/2620]
The difference between a believer and disbeliever is
the abandonment of Salah.
[Muslim- 82, Nasaʼi- 464, Tirmizi- 2620]


ُ ‫ مَ ْن فَاتَتْه‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ُ ‫ص ُر ف َ َكأَنَّمَا وُت ِ َر أَهْلُه ُ وَمَالُه‬
ْ َ ‫الْع‬

ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- hw` †Kv‡bv e¨w³i Avm‡ii mjvZ Qz‡U

†Mj, Zvn‡j †Kgb †hb Zvi cwievi- cwiRb I ab- m¤ú` aŸsm
n‡j †Mj| [eyLvix- 3602, gymwjg- 626]
The Prophet (SM) Said- He who has missed his
afternoon Salah is as though his family and property
has been destroyed. [Bukhari- 3602,Muslim- 626]


َ ‫ ُسِئل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

‫ضلُ؟‬ َ ْ ‫النَّبِ ُّي (ﷺ) أ َ ُّي ْالَعْمَا ِل أَف‬
َ‫لص َلة ُ ِلَوَّ ِل وَقْتِها‬
َّ َ ‫ ا‬:َ‫قَال‬

ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- ivm~j (mv.)- ‡K wRÁvmv Kiv n‡jv †h,

†Kvb Avgj †ewk DËg? wZwb ej‡jb- cÖ_g Iqv‡³ mjvZ Av`vq
Kiv| [Avey `vD`- 426, wZiwghx- 170]
The Prophet (SM) Said- The Prophet (Sm) was asked:
‘Which deed is the best?’ he replied “praying salah within
the first hour.” [Abu Daud- 426, Tirmizi- 170]


ُ ‫ص َلة‬َ ،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ّ‫ص َلة ِ الْفَ ِذ‬ َ ‫ضل ُ مِ ْن‬ َ ْ ‫جمَاعَة ِ أَف‬َ ْ‫ال‬
.ً‫ب ِ َسب ْ ِع وَ ِع ْش ِري ْ َن دَرَ َجة‬

ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- Rvgv‡Z mjvZ Av`vq Kiv GKvKx mvjvZ

Av`v‡qi †P‡q mvZvk ¸Y †ewk gh©v`vi| [eyLvix I gymwjg- 1/1064]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Praying Salah in a group is
twenty-seven times more honorable than
praying alone. [Bukhary & Muslim- 11064/]

hvKvZ I
16 mv`vKvn

‫ مَان ِ ُع‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ِ ‫الز َكة ِ ي َ ْومَ القِيَامَة ِ فِي النَّار‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h hvKvZ Av`vq Ki‡e bv †Kqvg‡Zi
w`b †m e¨w³ Rvnvbœv‡gi Av¸‡b R¦j‡e|
[Avj- gyRvgym mMxi- 20145, 935]
The Prophet (SM) Said- The one who withholds
Zakat will be in Fire on the Day of Judgment.
[Al- muzamus Sogir- 20145,935/]

َ ‫الص َدقَة‬
َّ َّ‫ إِن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
َ َ ‫لَت ُ ْطفُِئ غ‬
ّ ِ ‫ضبَ ال َّر‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wbðq `vb- mv`vKvn Avjøvni
†µva‡K cÖkwgZ K‡i| [wZiwghx- 664]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Indeed Sadaqa appeases
Allah’s anger. [Tirmizi- 664]

‫ اَلْي َ ُد‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫السفْل ٰى‬ ُّ ‫الْعُلْيَا َخي ْ ٌر مِ ْن ي َ ِد‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- `vZvi nvZ MÖwnZvi nvZ
A‡cÿv DËg| [eyLvix- 1428]
The Prophet (SM) Said- The upper hand is
better than the lower hand. [Bukhari- 1428]

‫ اَلْ َح ُّج‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
َ ‫جنَّة‬ َ ْ‫الْمَب ْ ُر ْورُ لَي ْ َس لَه ُ َجزَاء ٌ إ ِ َّل ال‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- Keyj n‡¾i cyi¯‹vi
RvbœvZ Qvov wKQz bq| [bvmvC- 2629]
The Prophet (SM) Said- The reward for an accepted
hajj is nothing less than Jannah. [Nasaʼi- 2629]

َ‫ مَ ْن أَرَاد‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
َّ َ ‫الْ َح َّج فَلْيَتَع‬
ْ ‫جل‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h n¾ Ki‡Z Pvq †m †hb
`ªæZ Zv m¤úbœ K‡i| [Avey `vE`- 1732]
The Prophet (SM) Said- He who intends to perform
hajj should hasten to do so. [Abu Daud- 1732]

،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ٌ ‫لص ْومُ ُجنَّة‬
َّ َ ‫ا‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †ivRv Xvj¯^iƒc| [eyLvix- 7492]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Sawm is a protection.
[Bukhari- 7492]

ُ‫ضان‬ َ َ‫ إِذَا َجاء َ رَم‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫اب النَّا ِر‬ ُ ‫ت أَبْ َو‬ ُ ‫ت أَبْ َو‬
ْ َ‫اب الْ َجنَّة ِ وَغُلِ ّق‬ ْ ‫فُت ِّ َح‬
‫ ‏(‏متفق عليه‏)‏‏‬.‫الشيَا ِطي ْ ُن‬ َّ ‫و َ ُصفِّ َد ِت‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- hLb igv`vb Dcw¯’Z nq, ZLb Rvbœv‡Zi
`iRv¸‡jv Ly‡j †`qv nq| †`vh‡Li `iRv¸‡jv eÜ K‡i †`qv nq, Avi
mKj kqZvb‡K wkK‡j ew›` Kiv nq| [gymwjg- 2366]
The Prophet (SM) Said- When Ramadan arrives, the
gates of Jannah are opened, the gates of Hell are
closed, and the devils are chained.
[Muslim- 2366]

َّ ،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ُ‫الص ْوم‬
ْ ‫ وَأَنَا أ َ ْج ِز‬،‫ل ِ ْي‬
ِ ‫ي بِه‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- mvIg Avgvi Rb¨ Ges Gi
wewbgq AvwgB †`e| [eyLvix- 7492]

The Prophet (SM) Said- Fasting is for me and I

will reward it. [Bukhari- 7492]

fv‡jv KvR
ُّ ‫ ُك‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ٌ ‫ص َدقَة‬ ٍ ْ‫مَع ْ ُرو‬
َ ‫ف‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- cÖ‡Z¨K †bKxi KvR
mv`vKvn¯^iƒc| [eyLvix- 6021]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Every good deed
is sadaqa. [Bukhari- 6021]

َّ‫ َل ت َ ْحقِ َرن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ِ ْ‫مِ َن الْمَع ْ ُرو‬
‫ف َشيْئًا‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- Zzwg †Kv‡bv fv‡jv KvR‡K Zz”Q
g‡b K‡iv bv| [gymwjg- 2626]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Do not consider any
good deed as insignificant. [Muslim- 2626]

‫ دَعْ مَا‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
َ ُ ‫ك إِل ٰى مَا َل ي ُ ِريْب‬
‫ك‬ َ ُ ‫ي ُ ِريْب‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- m‡›`nhy³ welq eR©b K‡i
m‡›`ngy³ welq MÖnY K‡iv| [wZiwghx- 2518]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Leave what causes you
doubt and turn to what does not. [Tirmizi- 2518]

‫ مَ ْن دَلَّ عَ ٰل َخي ْ ٍر‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ِ ‫فَلَه ُ مِثْل ُ أ َ ْج ِر فَا ِعلِه‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ †Kv‡bv Kj¨v‡Yi c_ †`Lv‡jv Zvi
Rb¨ i‡q‡Q AvgjKvixi mgcwigvY mIqve| [gymwjg- 1893]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Whoever guides other to good
deeds, Will be rewarded the same as the ones who
does it. [Muslim- 1893]

ُ ‫ أَهْل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ُ ‫الدنْيَا هُمْ أَهْل‬ ِ ‫الْمَع ْ ُر‬
ُّ ‫وف فِي‬
،ِ‫وف فِي ْال ِخ َرة‬
ِ ‫الْمَع ْ ُر‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- `ywbqvi mrKg©kxjMYB AvwLiv‡Z
mrKg©kxj wnmv‡e MY¨ n‡e| [Avj Av`veyj gydiv`- 220]

The Prophet (SM) Said- Only the righteous in this world

will be considered among the righteous in the hereafter.
[Al- Adabul Mufrad- 220]

،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ْ‫ضب‬ َ ْ ‫َل تَغ‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- Zzwg ivM K‡iv bv| [eyLvix- 6116]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Do not get angry. [Bukhari- 6116]

‫ َل ت َ َحا َس ُدوْا‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †Zvgiv G‡K Ac‡ii cÖwZ wnsmv K‡iv bv|
[gymwjg- 2564]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Don’t be envious against one
another. [Muslim- 2564]

،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ُ َ ‫َل تَبَاغ‬
‫ض ْوا‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- ci¯úi we‡Øl †cvlY
K‡iv bv| [gymwjg- 2564]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Do not hate one
another. [Muslim- 2564]

ُ ‫ اَلْبِ ُّر ُح ْس ُن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫الخل ُ ِق‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- mr e¨venviB DËg PwiÎ| [gymwjg- 2553]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Righteousness is the best
character. [Muslim- 2553]

‫ مَ ْن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫غ َ َّشنَا فَلَي ْ َس مِنَّا‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h Avgv‡`i‡K †auvKv w`‡e,
†m Avgv‡`i `jfz³ bq| [gymwjg- 3383]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Whoever deceives us is
not one of us. [Muslim- 3383]


َّ‫ اَلْمَ ْرء ُ مَ َع مَ ْن أ َ َحب‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- gvbyl wKqvg‡Zi w`b H e¨w³i mv‡_ _vK‡e,
hv‡K †m fv‡jvevm‡e| [eyLvix- 6168]
The Prophet (SM) Said- A person will be with whom he
had loved in the day of judgment. [Bukhari- 6168]


‫ إِنَّمَا‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ْ ُ ْ ِ َ َ َّ َ ْ ِ ُ ْ َّ
‫الصبر عند الصدمة الول ٰى‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wbðq AvNv‡Zi ïiæ‡Z ˆah©aviY
KivUvB n‡jv cÖK…Z ˆah©| [eyLvix- 1285]
The Prophet (SM) Said- True patience is the
patience before striking. [Bukhari- 1285]

ْ‫ إِنَّ مِ ْن ِخيَارِكُم‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ً‫أ َ ْح َسن َ ُكمْ أ َ ْخ َلقا‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wbðq †Zvgv‡`i g‡a¨ †mB e¨w³B m‡e©vËg,
hvi PwiÎ me‡P‡q my›`i| [eyLvix- 3559]
The Prophet (SM) Said- The best amongst you are
those who have the best character. [Bukhari- 3559]


‫ َل ي َ ْش ُك ُر‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ُ ‫اهلل َ مَ ْن َّل ي َ ْش‬
َ‫ك ُر النَّاس‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ gvby‡li cÖwZ
K…ZÁZv cÖKvk K‡i bv, †m Avjøvni cÖwZ K…ZÁZv
cÖKvk K‡i bv| [Avey `vD`- 4811]
The Prophet (SM) Said- He who is not grateful to
others is not grateful to Allah. [Abu Daud- 4811]

‫ لَي ْ َس الْمُ ْؤمِ ُن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ْ ‫الَّ ِذ‬
‫‏‬.‫ي ي َ ْشب َ ُع و َ َجارُه ُ َجائ ِ ٌ‏ع‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ Zvi cÖwZ‡ekx‡K Afz³ †i‡L Z…wß
mnKv‡i Avnvi K‡i †m gyÕwgb bq| [Avj Av`veyj gydiv`- 112]
The Prophet (SM) Said- He who has a full belly while his
neighbors starve is not a believer. [Al- Adabul Mufrad- 112]

ُ ‫ أَنَا َو َكفِل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
َ َ‫جنَّة ِ ه‬
‫ك َذا‬ َ ْ‫الْيَتِي ْ ِم فِي ال‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- Avwg I BqvZx‡gi
fiY‡cvlYKvix e¨w³ Rvbœv‡Z Gfv‡e GK‡Î _vK‡ev|
(GK_v e‡j wZwb Zvi ZR©bx I ga¨gvi cÖwZ Bw½Z
K‡ib|) [eyLvix- 5304]
The Prophet (SM) Said- I and the one who looks
after an orphan will be together in Jannah like
this ( Saying this, he showed his indent and
middle finger). [Bukhari- 5304]

‫ كُ ْن لِلْيَتِي ْ ِم‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

‫َك ْل ِب ال َّرحي ْ ِم‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- BqvZx‡gi Rb¨ †¯œnkxj wcZ…Zzj¨ nI|
[Avj Av`veyj gydiv`- 138]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Be like a merciful father
towards the orphan. [Al- Adabul Mufrad- 138]


ٍ‫ مَا مِ ْن َش ْىء‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ُ‫أَثْقَل ُ فِي الْ ِميْزَا ِن مِ ْن ُح ْسن الْ ُخلق‬
ِ ِ
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- DËg Pwi‡Îi †_‡K Avi †Kvb e¯Íz
wghv‡bi cvjøvq †ewk fvix n‡e bv| [m~bv‡b Ave~ `vD` 4799,
wZiwghx- 2002, 2003, gymbv‡` Avngv`- 26971]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Nothing will be heavier
than good character on the believer’s scale
(During the Day of Judgment)
[Abu Daud- 4799,Tirmizi- 2002, 2003,
Musnade Ahmad- 26971

ُ ْ ‫ إِنَّمَا بُعِث‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ ِّ َ ُ ِ
‫لتمم مكرِم األخل ِ‏‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- DËg Av`‡k©i c~Y©Zv `v‡bi Rb¨B Avgv‡K
ivm~j (mv.) K‡i cvVv‡bv n‡q‡Q| [gymbv‡` Avngv`- 8952]
The Prophet (SM) Said- I have been sent as the
messenger to perfect good character.
[Musnade Ahmad- 8952]

ُ َ ‫ ِسب‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫الْمُ ْسلِ ِم ف ُ ُس ْو ٌق وَقِتَالُه كُفْ ٌر‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- gymwjg‡`i Mvwj †`Iqv cvc
KvR Ges Zv‡K nZ¨v Kiv Kzdix|
[eyLvix- 48, 6044, 7076, gymwjg- 116]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Abusing a Muslim is Fusuq
(evil doing) and killing him is Kufr (disbelief).
[Bukhari- 48, 6044, 7076, Muslim- 116]

َ ‫ مَا ت َ َو‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫اض َع‬
ُ ‫أ َ َح ٌد ِل ِ إ ِ َّل رَفَعَه ُ اهلل‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ Avjøvni mš‘wói D‡Ï‡k¨ webq
Aej¤^b K‡i, Avjøvn Zvi gh©v`v evwo‡q †`b| [gymwjg- 2588]
The Prophet (SM) Said- He who humbles himself to
please Allah, will be increased in status by Allah.
[Muslim- 2588]

‫ َل يَا ْ ُك َ َّن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ِ ‫أ َ َح ٌد مِّن ْ ُكمْ ب ِ ِشمَالِه‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †Zvgv‡`i †KD †hb KL‡bv evg
nv‡Z cvbvnvi bv K‡i| [gymwjg- 2020]
The Prophet (SM) Said- None of you should eat
and drink with his left hand. [Muslim- 2020]

ُ‫ ي ُ َسلِ ّمُ ال َّراكِب‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
،‫ وَالْمَا ِش ْي عَلَى القَا ِع ِد‬،‫عَلَى الْمَا ِش ْي‬
َ ْ‫وَالْقَلِيْل ُ عَلَى ال‬
.‫كثِي ْ ِر‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- Av‡ivnx e¨w³ cv‡q †nu‡U Pjv e¨w³‡K
mvjvg w`‡e Ges c`eÖ‡R MgbKvix Dcweó e¨w³‡K mvjvg w`‡e Ges
AímsL¨K †jvK †ewk msL¨K †jvK‡K mvjvg w`‡e| [eyLvix- 6232]
The Prophet (SM) Said- The riding one should greet
the walking one, and the walking one should greet the
sitting one, and the smaller number of people should
greet the larger number of people. [Bukhari- 6232]

،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
47 ‫اس ب ِ ُخل ُ ٍق َح َس ٍن‬
َ َّ ‫َخال ِ ِق الن‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- gvby‡li mv‡_
m`vPiYK‡iv| [wZiwghx- 1987]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Behave decently
towards people. [Tirmizi- 1987]

ْ‫ إِذَا عَ َط َس أ َ َح ُدكُم‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ُ ‫ف َ َح ِم َد اهلل َ ف َ َش ِمّت ُ ْوه‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- hLb †Kv‡bv e¨w³ nuvwP w`‡q Avjøvni
cÖksmv K‡i, ZLb †Zvgiv Zvi DËi `vI| [gymwjg- 2992]
The Prophet (SM) Said- When one of you sneezes and
praises Allah, you should invoke Allah’s
Mercy upon him. [Muslim- 2992]


‫ مَ ْن َكنَ ي ُ ْؤمِ ُن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ُ ‫بِاهلل ِ وَالْي َ ْومِ ْال ِخ ِر فَلْي ُ ْك ِرمْ َضيْفَه‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ Avjøvn I AvwLiv‡Zi cÖwZ
wek^vm iv‡L †m †hb †gngv‡bi m¤§vb K‡i| [eyLvix- 6138]
The Prophet (SM) Said- He who believes in Allah
and the Last Day, Should be hospitable to his
guest. [Bukhari- 6138]


ِ َّ ‫ أ َ َحبُّ الن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ِ ‫اس إ ِ ٰل اهلل‬
ِ‫تَعَال ٰى أَنْفَعُهُمْ لِلنَّاس‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- Avjøvni wbKU †mB e¨w³B me‡P‡q wcÖq †h
gvby‡li †ewk DcKvi K‡i| [wmjwmjvZzj Avnv`xwmm- 906]
The Prophet (SM) Said- The most beloved
of people to Allah are the most beneficial to
people. [Silsilatul Ahadithsis- 906]

،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫تَهَادُّوْا ت َ َحابُّ ْوا‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †Zvgiv nvw`qv wewbgq Ki,
cvi¯úwiK m¤úÖxwZ jvf Ki| [eyLvix- 935]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Give presents to each
other and you will have love for each other.
[Bukhari- 935]

ْ‫ لَي ْ َس مِنَّا مَ ْن لَّم‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫صغِي ْ َرنَا وَيَع ْ ِر ْف َش َر َف كَبِي ْ ِرنَا‬
َ ْ‫ي َ ْر َحم‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h †QvU‡`i‡K †¯œn K‡i bv Ges
eo‡`i‡K m¤§vb Ki‡Z Rv‡b bv †m Avgvi D¤§Z bq| [wZiwghx- 1919]
The Prophet (SM) Said- He who is not kind towards the
young and respectful towards the elder is not one of my
followers. [Tirmizi- 1919]

َ‫ مَ ْن َكن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ْ ‫ي ُ ْؤمِ ُن بِاهلل ِ وَالْي َ ْومِ ْال ِخ ِر فَلْيَقُل‬
ْ‫صمُت‬ ْ َ ‫َخي ْ ًرا أ َ ْو لِي‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ Avjøvn I
AvwLiv‡Zi cÖwZ Cgvb iv‡L, †m †hb Aek¨B fv‡jv
K_v e‡j, bZzev †hb Pzc _v‡K| [eyLvix- 6138]

The Prophet (SM) Said- He who believes in Allah and

the last day should say what is good, or keep silent.
[Bukhari- 6138]

ُّ َ ‫ ا‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ُ ‫لدعَاء‬
ُ ‫هُ َو الْعِبَادَة‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- `yÔAvB n‡jv Bev`Z|
[wZiwghx- 2969]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Supplication itself is
worshipping. [Tirmizi- 2969]


،ِ‫ اِتَّ ِق دَعْ َوة َ الْمَ ْظلُوم‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

‫ج ٌ‏‏‬
‫‏‬.‫اب‬ َ ‫الل ِ ِح‬َّ ‫ف َ ِإنَّهَا لَي ْ َس بَيْنَهَا وَبَي ْ َن‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- gvRjy‡gi e`- `yÔAv‡K fq Ki| †Kbbv,
Zvi e`- `yÔAv Ges Avjøvni gv‡S †Kvb c`©v _v‡K bv| [eyLvix- 2448]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Beware the curse of the
oppressed for there is no veil between Allah’s curse and
the curse of the oppressed. [Muslim- 19]


ُ ‫لدعَاء‬ُّ َ ‫ ا‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ِ ‫القَامَة‬ِْ َ‫َل ي ُ َردُّ بَي ْ َن ْالَذَا ِن و‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- Avhvb Ges BKvg‡Zi gv‡Si
`yAv wdwi‡q †`qv nq bv| [wZiwghx- 51]
The Prophet (SM) Said- A supplication made
between the adhan and the iqama is not
rejected. [Tirmizi- 51]

wcZvgvZv Ges

ِ ،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ُ ‫صلَة‬

‫ال َّر ِح ِم ت َ ِزي ْ ُد فِي الْعُمُ ِر‬

ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- AvZ¥xqZvi m¤úK© eRvq
ivL‡j Avqy e„w× cvq| [Avj gyRvgyj Kvexi- 7939]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Family kinship
increases life. [Al Muzamul Kabir- 7939]

َ‫ إِنَّ اهلل َ َح َّرم‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ِ‫عَلَي ْ ُكمْ عُقُ ْو َق ْالُمَّهَات‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wbðq Avjøvn †Zvgv‡`i Dci †Zvgv‡`i
wcZvgvZvi Aeva¨Zv‡K nvivg K‡i w`‡q‡Qb| [eyLvix- 5975]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Allah has made it
prohibited for you to be disrespectful
towards your parents. [Bukhari- 5975]


‫ضا‬َ ِ ‫ ر‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

‫ وَ َس َخ ُط‬،‫ضا الْ َوال ِ ِد‬ َ ِ ‫ب فِي ر‬ ّ ِ ‫ال َّر‬
.‫ب فِي َس َخ ِط الْ َوال ِ ِد‏‬ ّ ِ ‫ال َّر‬

ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wcZvgvZvi mš‘wó‡Z Avjøvni mš‘wó

Ges wcZvgvZvi Amš‘wó‡Z Avjøvni Amš‘wó| [wZiwghx- 1899]
The Prophet (SM) Said- The pleasure of the Lord
lies in the pleasure of the parent. The anger of the
Lord lies in the anger of the parent. [Tirmizi- 1899]

60 ZvK&Iqv
‫ اِتَّ ِق‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
َ ْ ‫اهلل َ َحيْثُمَا كُن‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- Zzwg †hLv‡bB _v‡Kv Avjøvn‡K
fq K‡iv| [wZiwghx- 1987]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Fear Allah wherever
you are. [Tirmizi- 1987]

ْ ‫لدنْيَا ِس‬
‫ج ُن‬ ُّ َ ‫ ا‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫الْمُؤمِ ِن و َ َجنَّة ُ الْ َكف ِ ِر‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- c„w_ex gywg‡bi †RjLvbv Ges
Kvwd‡ii RvbœvZ| [gymwjg- 469]
The Prophet (SM) Said- The world is a prison
for a believer and Paradise for
a non- believer. [Muslim- 469]

‫ لَي ْ َس‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫الْغِنَى عَ ْن كَث ْ َرة ِ الْع َ َر ِض وَلَ ِك َّن‬
‫الْغِنَى ِغنَى النَّفْ ِس‏‏‏‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- cvw_©e m¤ú‡`i AvwaK¨ weËkvjx
bq, g‡bi weËkvjxB cÖK…Z weËkvjx| [gymwjg- 1051]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Being rich is not
the abundance of wealth. Rather the
richness of mind is. [Muslim- 1051]

َّ َ‫ اِيَّاكُمْ و‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
َّ‫الظ َّن فَاِن‬
ِ‫ب الْ َح ِديْث‬ ُ ‫الظ َّن اَك ْ َذ‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †Zvgiv Abygvb †_‡K †eu‡P †_‡Kv|
KviY Abygvb A‡bK RNb¨ wg_¨v| [gymwjg- 1051]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Beware of
suspicion, for suspicion is the worst of
false tales. [Muslim- 1051]

Avjøvni ¸Yvewj
َ ‫ إِنَّ اهلل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫حبُّ ال ِرّف ْ َق‬
ِ ُ ‫رَفِي ْ ٌق ي‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wbðq Avjøvn †Kvgj, wZwb
†KvgjZv fv‡jvev‡mb| [gymwjg- 2593]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Allah is Forbearer
and He loves forbearance. [Muslim- 2593]

65 َ‫ اِتَّقُوا النَّار‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ٍ ‫وَلَ ْو ب ِ ِش ّ ِق تَمْ َرة‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- GK UzK‡iv †LRyi `vb K‡i n‡jI †Zvgiv
(Rvnvbœv‡gi) Av¸b †_‡K †eu‡P _vK| [eyLvix- 1417]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Protect yourself from the
fire even by donating a date. [Bukhari- 1417]


َ ‫ إِنَّ اهلل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

َ ْ‫حبُّ ال‬
َ‫جمَال‬ ِ ُ ‫َج ِميْل ٌ ي‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wbðq Avjøvn my›`i; wZwb
†mŠ›`h©¨‡K cQ›` K‡ib| [gymwjg- 91]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Indeed Allah is Beautiful
and He loves beauty. [Muslim- 91]

َ َّ ‫ مَ ْن َّل ي َ ْر َح ِم الن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
َّ ‫َل ي َ ْر َحمْه ُ اهلل ُ عَ َّز و َ َجل‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ gvby‡li cÖwZ ing K‡i bv, Avjøvn
ZvAvjvI Zvi cÖwZ ing K‡ib bv| [gymwjg- 2319]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Allah Almighty will not
show mercy to the person who does not show
mercy to others. [Muslim- 2319]


َ ‫ إِنَّ اهلل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ْ‫ص َورِكُمْ وَأَمْ َوال ِ ُكم‬ُ ‫َل يَن ْ ُظ ُر إِلى‬
ْ‫كم‬ُ ِ ‫وَل ِك ْن يَّن ْ ُظ ُر إِلى قُل ُ ْوب‬
ُ ِ ‫وَأَعْمَال‬

ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wbðq Avjøvn †Zvgv‡`i evwn¨K AvKvi-

AvK…wZ Ges mnvq- m¤úwËi w`‡K †`‡Lb bv| eis wZwb †`‡Lb
†Zvgv‡`i AšÍi Ges Avgj| [gymwjg- 2564]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Verily Allah does not look
at your outlook and wealth, rather He looks at your
heart and deeds. [Muslim- 2564]

َّ‫ إِن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
َ َ ‫رَ ْحمَتِي تَغْلِبُ غ‬
‫ضبِ ْي‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wbðq Avgvi †µv‡ai Dci
Avgvi ingZ cÖavb¨ cv‡e| [gymwjg- 2751]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Verily, My mercy
predominates My wrath. [Muslim- 2751]

‫ إِن ِّي‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫الظلْمَ عَل َ َّى‬
ُّ ‫ت‬ُ ْ‫َح َّرم‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wbðq Avwg wb‡Ri Ici
AZ¨vPvi‡K nvivg K‡i w`‡qwQ| [gymwjg- 1494]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Indeed I have forbidden
self-harm.. [Muslim- 1494]

71 Ávb AR©b
ْ‫ َخي ْ ُركُم‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ُ ‫مَ ْن تَعَلَّمَ الْقُ ْرآنَ وَعَلَّمَه‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †Zvgv‡`i g‡a¨ m‡e©vËg †mB e¨w³
†h wb‡R KziAvb wk‡L Ges Ab¨‡K wkLvq| [eyLvix- 5027]
The Prophet (SM) Said- The best among you are
those who learn Quran and teaches it.
[Bukhari- 5027]

‫ك بِه ٖ َط ِريْقًا‬َ َ ‫ مَ ْن َسل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
.ِ‫يَلْت َ ِم ُس فِيْه ِ ِعلْمًا َسهَّل َ اهلل ُ لَه ُ َط ِريْقًا اِلَى الْ َجنَّة‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ Ávb A‡š^l‡Yi Rb¨ †ei nq Avjøvn
Zvi Rb¨ Rvbœv‡Zi c_ mnR K‡i †`b| [wZiwghx- 2646]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Whoever takes a path to
obtain knowledge, Allah makes the path to Jannah
easy for him. [Tirmizi- 2646]

ُ‫ َطلَب‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫ك ّ مُ ْسلِ ٍم‬ ُ ‫ضة ٌ عَل ٰى‬
َ ْ ‫ي‬ ‫ر‬ َ ‫الْعِل ْ ِم ف‬
ِ ِ
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- cÖ‡Z¨K gymjgv‡bi Ici Øxwb
Bjg AR©b Kiv dih| [Be‡b gvRvn- 224]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Seeking knowledge is
an obligation upon every Muslim. [Ibnemazah- 224]

ُ ‫ مَ ْن ي ُّ ِردِ اهلل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ِّ ‫بِه ٖ َخي ْ ًرا يُّفَقِّه ُ فِي‬
‫الدي ْ ِن‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- Avjøvn hvi Kj¨vY Pvb, Zv‡K Øx‡bi
(mwVK) eyS `vb K‡ib| [eyLvix- 71]
The Prophet (SM) Said- When Allah wishes good for
someone, He bestows upon him the understanding
(comprehension) of Deen. [Bukhari- 71]

cÖwZ `yiƒ`

ْ ‫ اَلْب َ ِخيل ُ الَّ ِذ‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

‫ص ِل ّ عَل َ َّي‬ ُ ْ‫مَ ْن ذُكِر‬
َ ُ ‫ت ِعن ْ َده ُ فَلَمْ ي‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- cªK…Z K…cY ‡mB e¨w³, hvi
Kv‡Q Avgvi bvg D”PvwiZ nj, A_P †m Avgvi c«wZ `iƒ`
cvV Kij bv| (wZiwghx- 3546 bs, nvmvb )

The Prophet (SM) Said- True miser is the one, in

whose presence I am mentioned and he does not
recite Durood upon me. [Nasaʼi- 9889]

g‡a¨ m¤úK©
ُ ‫ الْمُ ْؤمِ ُن مِرْآة‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ْ َ ‫ إِذَا رَأَى فِيهَا عَيْبًا أ‬،ِ‫أ َ ِخيه‬
‫‏‬.ُ ‫صل َ َحه‏‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- gyÕwgb e¨w³ Zvi fvB‡qi
Avqbv¯^iƒc| †m Zvi g‡a¨ †Kvbiƒc †`vl †`L‡Z †c‡j
Zv ms‡kvab K‡i w`‡e| [Avj- Av`veyj gydiv`- 237]
The Prophet (SM) Said- A believer is the mirror of
his brother. When he sees a fault in him, he should
correct it. [Al- Adabul Mufrad- 237]

‫ اَلْمُ ْؤمِ ُن لِلْمُ ْؤمِ ِن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫ضا‬ً ْ ‫ضه ُ بَع‬ُ ْ ‫َكلْبُنْيَا ِن ي َ ُش ُّد بَع‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- GK gyÕwgb Avi GK gyÕwg‡bi Rb¨ cÖvPxi
¯^iƒc, hvi GK Ask Avi GK Ask‡K my`„p K‡i| [eyLvix- 2284]
The Prophet (SM) Said- A believer to another believer is
like a building whose different parts
enforce each other. [Bukhari- 2284]

،‫اس‬ُ َّ ‫ يَا أيُّهَا الن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
،َ‫ و َ ِصلُوا األر ْ َحام‬،َ‫الطعَام‬َّ ‫ وَ ْأطعِمُوا‬،َ‫السالَم‬ َّ ‫أَف ْ ُشوا‬
.ٍ‫ ت َ ْد ُخلُوا ال َجنَّة َ ب ِ َسالَم‬،ٌ‫اس نِيَام‬
ُ َّ ‫و َ َصلُّوا والن‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- ÔÔ†n †jvK mKj! †Zvgiv mvjvg cÖPvi
Ki, (¶zavZ©‡K) Abœ`vb Ki, AvZ¥xqZvi eÜb AUzU ivL Ges
†jv‡K hLb (iv‡Z) Nzwg‡q _v‡K ZLb †Zvgiv bvgvh co|
Zvn‡j †Zvgiv wbivc‡` Rvbœv‡Z cÖ‡ek Ki‡e|ÕÕ [wZiwghx- 2485]
The Prophet (SM) Said- O people, establish greetings
with salam (saying Salam to each other), keep
relations with your kin, provide food (to people) and
pray at night when people are asleep and you
will enter Paradise in peace. [Bukhari- 2485]


ِ ‫ اَلْ َّسفَ ُر ق ِ ْطعَة ٌ مِّ َن الْعَ َذ‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- mdi K‡óiB GKwU Ask|
[eyLvix- 1804, gymwjg- 1927]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Traveling is a part
of labor. [Bukhari- 1804, Muslim- 1927]

‫ إِذَا‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
َ َ
.ُ‫أتَاكُمْ كَ ِريْمُ ق َ ْومٍ فَأكْ ِرمُ ْوه‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- hLb †Zvgv‡`i Kv‡Q †Kv‡bv
†Mv‡Îi m¤§vwbZ e¨w³ Av‡m ZLb †Zvgiv Zuv‡K m¤§vb
K‡iv| [Be‡b gvRvn- 3712]
The Prophet (SM) Said- If there comes to you
a man who is respected among his own people,
then honor him. [Ibnemazah- 3712]

‫كمْ رَ ٍاع‬ ُ ُّ ‫ ُك‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ٖ ‫َو ُك ُّ ُكمْ مَ ْسئ ُ ْولٌ عَ ْن رَ ِعيَّتِه‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †Zvgiv cÖ‡Z¨‡KB `vwqZ¡kxj Ges
cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Zvi `vwqZ¡ m¤ú‡K© wRÁvwmZ n‡e| (eyLvix- 7138)
The Prophet (SM) Said- Every one of you has
a responsiblity and will be questioned for your
responsibility. [Bukhari- 7138]


ْ‫ َل ي ُ ْؤمِ ُن أ َ َح ُدكُم‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ِ‫َحتّى ي ُ ِحبَّ ِل َ ِخيْه ِ مَا ي ُ ِحبُّ لِنَفْسه‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †Zvgv‡`i †KD ZZÿY ch©šÍ
cwic~Y© gywgÕb n‡Z cvi‡e bv, hZÿY bv †m Zvi fvB‡qi
Rb¨ ZvB fv‡jvevm‡e hv wb‡Ri Rb¨ fv‡jvev‡m| [eyLvix- 13]
The Prophet (SM) Said- None of you can be
proper believers until you love for your brother
what you love for yourself. [Bukhari- 13]

‫ مِ ْن ُح ْس ِن إ ِ ْس َل ِم‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ِ ‫الْمَ ْرءِ ت َ ْركُه ُ مَا َل يَعْنِيْه‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- GKRb e¨w³i Bmjvgx Rxe‡bi
†mŠ›`h© nj Ab_©K welq‡K cwinvi Kiv| [wZiwghx- 2317]
The Prophet (SM) Said- A sign of a mans good
observance of Islam (his piety) is to leave that
which does not concern him. [Tirmizi- 2317]


‫ وَاهلل ُ ف ِ ْي عَ ْو ِن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ِ ‫الْعَب ْ ِد مَا َكنَ الْعَب ْ ُد ف ِ ْي عَ ْو ِن أ َ ِخيْه‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- Avjøvn ev›`vi mvnv‡h¨ _v‡Kb hZ¶Y
ev›`v Zvi gymwjg fvB‡qi mvnv‡h¨ _v‡K| [gymwjg- 2699]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Allah helps His worshipper
as long as he helps his brother. [Muslim- 2699]

َّ‫الظلْمَ ف َ ِإن‬ُّ ‫ اِتَّقُوا‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ِ ‫ات ي َ ْومَ الْقِيَامَة‬
ٌ َ‫الظلْمَ ُظلُم‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †Zvgiv Ryjyg Kiv †_‡K †eu‡P _v‡Kv| KviY
Ryjyg †Kqvg‡Zi w`b fqven AÜKvi iƒc aviY Ki‡e| [gymwjg- 2578]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Beware of oppression, for
oppression will turn into dangerous darkness on the Day
of Resurrection. [Muslim- 2578]


ُ ‫ ال َّر ُجل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

.‫عَلى دِي ْ ِن َخلِيْلِه‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- e¨w³ Zvi eÜzi Av`‡k©
M‡o D‡V| [Avey `vE`- 4833]
The Prophet (SM) Said- A man follows the
ideal of his friend. [Abu Daud- 4833]

ً ‫ إِذَا َكن ُ ْوا ث َ َلثَة‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
.‫ث‬ ِ ِ ‫ف َ َل يَتَنَاجى اثْنَا ِن دُوْنَ الثَّال‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- hw` wZbRb GKmv‡_ nq ZLb Z…Zxq
Rb‡K ev` w`‡q `yR‡b †hb K_v bv e‡j| [eyLvix- 6288]
The Prophet (SM) Said- When there is three people,
two should not converse together to the exclusion of
the third. [Bukhari- 6288]


‫ َل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ِ ‫ض َررَ وَ َل‬
َ‫ض َرار‬ َ
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wb‡R ÿwZMÖ¯Í n‡ebv, Aci‡KI
ÿwZMÖ¯Í Ki‡e bv| [Be‡b gvRvn- 2341]
The Prophet (SM) Said- One should not harm
oneself or others. [Ibnemazah- 2341]

dwhjZ I

‫ مَ ْن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

‫ ُسب ْ َحانَ اهلل ِ الْع َ ِظي ْ ِم‬:َ‫قَال‬
ٌ ‫ت لَه ُ ن َ ْخلَة‬ ْ ‫َوب ِ َحمْ ِده ِ غ ُ ِر َس‬
ِ ‫جنَّة‬َ ْ‫فِي ال‬

ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ Ômyenvbvjøvwnj Avhxg Iqv

wenvgw`nxÕ (A_©vr gnvb Avjøvni cweÎZv eY©bv Kwi Zvi cÖksmvi
mv‡_) evK¨wU co‡e, Zvi Rb¨ Rvbœv‡Z GKwU †LRyi MvQ †ivcb
Kiv n‡e| [wZiwghx- 3464]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Whoever says:
Subḥānallāhi ‘l- ’Aẓīmi wa biḥamdih will have a date
palm planted for him in Paradise. [Tirmizi- 3464]


‫ نِعْمَتَا ِن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

: ‫اس‬ ِ َّ ‫مَغْب ُ ْونٌ فِي ْ ِهمَا كَثِي ْ ٌر مِ َن الن‬
.ُ‫لص َّحة ُ وَالْفَ َراغ‬
َّ َ ‫ا‬

ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- Ggb `yÕwU wbqvgZ Av‡Q,

†h `yÕ‡Uv‡Z AwaKvsk gvbyl ÿwZMÖ¯Í| Zv n‡”Q,
my¯’vZv Avi Aemi| [eyLvix- 5870]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Two blessings
which many people squander: Good health
and free time. [Bukhari- 5870]

َ َ ْ‫ أ َ َحبُّ ال‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫ك ِم‬
ِ ‫ ُسب ْ َحانَ اهلل ِ وَالْ َحمْ ُد ِل‬:‫إِلَى اهلل ِ أَرْبَ ٌع‬
.‫وَ َل إِله َ إ ِ َّل اهلل ُ وَاهلل ُ أكْب َ ُر‬

ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- Avjøvni wbKU †ewk cQ›`bxq Kvjvg PviwU|

ِ ‫ ُسب ْ َحانَ اهلل‬Avjøvni cweÎZv †NvlYv KiwQ, ِ ‫ وَالْ َحمْ ُد هلل‬hveZxq
cÖksmv Avjøvni, ُ ‫( وَال َ إِلَه َ إِال َ اهلل‬GK) Avjøvn Qvov Avi Dcvm¨ †bB
Ges‫ وَاهلل ُ أكْب َ ُر‬Avjøvn me©‡kÖô| [gymwjg- 2137]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Four words are the most beloved
to Allah: Subḥānallāh, Walḥamdu lillāh, Wa lā ilāha illallāh
and Allāhu Akbar. [Muslim- 2137]


‫ مَ ْن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ُ ‫بَنَى ِل ِ مَ ْس ِج ًدا بَنَى اهلل‬
َ ْ‫لَه بَيْتًا فِي ال‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ Avjøvni Rb¨ GKwU
gvmwR` wbg©vY Ki‡e, Avjøvn Zvi Rb¨ Rvbœv‡Z GKwU Ni
wbg©vY Ki‡eb| [eyLvix- 450, gymwjg- 533]
The Prophet (SM) Said- If anyone builds a
mosque for Allah, Allah will build a house for him in
paradise. [Bukhari- 450, Muslim- 533]

ٌ ‫ك ّ دَاءٍ دَوَاء‬ ُ ِ ‫ ل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- cÖ‡Z¨K †iv‡MiB wPwKrmv
Av‡Q| (gymwjg- 5553)
The Prophet (SM) Said- There is a medicine for
every disease. [Muslim- 5553]

َ‫ مَ ْن أ َ ْح َدث‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
َ ‫ف ِ ْي أَمْرنَا‬
ٌّ‫هذا مَا لَي ْ َس فِيْه ِ فَهُ َو رَد‬ ِ
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ Øx‡bi g‡a¨ Ggb wKQz ms‡hvRb
K‡i, hv GB Øx‡bi AšÍf~©³ bq; Zv cÖZ¨vL¨vZ| [eyLvix- 2697]
The Prophet (SM) Said- If anyone introduces into this
religion of ours anything which does not belong to it, it
is rejected. [Bukhari- 2697]

‫ مَ ْن َحمَل َ عَلَيْنَا‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬
‫الس َل َح فَلَي ْ َس مِنَّا‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨w³ Avgv‡`i weiæ‡× (gymjgvb‡`i
weiæ‡×) A¯¿ aij †m Avgvi D¤§‡Zi AšÍfz©³ bq| [eyLvix- 7070]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Whoever takes up arms
against us, is not among my followers. [Bukhari- 7070]


‫ ي َ ِّس ُروْا وَ َل‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

‫تُع َ ِّس ُروْا وَبَ ِ ّش ُروْا وَ َل تُنَفِّ ُروْا‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †Zvgiv (Øx‡bi e¨vcv‡i) mnR cš’v
Aej¤^b K‡iv, KwVb cš’v Aej¤^b K‡iv bv, gvbzl‡K mzmsev`
†kvbvI, †Zvgiv Zv‡`i‡K `~‡i †V‡j w`I bv| [eyLvix- 69]

The Prophet (SM) Said- Facilitate things to people

(concerning religious matters), do not make it hard for
them, give them good tidings and do not make them
run away (from Islam). [Bukhari- 69]


‫ ا ِ ْشفَع ُ ْوا‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

‫فَلْتُؤْ َج ُروْا‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †Zvgiv fvj Kv‡Ri Rb¨ mycvwik
Ki, Zvn‡j cyi¯‹…Z n‡e| [gy mwjg- 2627]
The Prophet (SM) Said- Advocate others
towards good deed and you will be rewarded.
[Bukhari- 2627]


ِّ ،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ُ ‫الس َو‬
‫ب‬ َ ‫مُ َطهَّ َرة ٌ لِلْفَ ِم مَ ْر‬
ّ ِ ‫ضاة ٌ لِل َّر‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- wgmIqvK n‡jv gy‡Li cweÎZv Ges
Avjøvni mšÍwó jv‡fi gva¨g| [Be‡b gvRvn- 289]

The Prophet (SM) Said- Meswak is a means of

purifying the mouth, and is pleasing to the Lord.
[Ibnemazah- 289]


‫ مَ ْن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ْ‫ضوء َ َخ َر َجت‬ ُ ُ‫ضأ َ فَأ َ ْح َس َن الْو‬
َّ َ‫تَو‬
‫َخ َطايَاه ُ مِ ْن َج َس ِده ِ َحتَّى‬
َ ِ ْ َ ْ ِ َ ُ ْ َ
ٖ ‫ت أ ْظفَارِه‬ ‫تخرج من تح‬

ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- †h e¨vw³ DËgiæ‡c ARy K‡i, Zvi †`n

†_‡K ¸Yvn¸‡jv†ei n‡q hvq, Ggb wK Zvi b‡Li wfZi †_‡KI
(¸bvn) †ei n‡q hvq| [gymwjg- 471]
The Prophet (SM) Said- If anyone performs the
ablution well, his sins will come out from his body, even
from under his nails. [Muslim- 471]


‫ مَ ْن‬،)‫قَالَ رَ ُس ْولُ اهلل ِ (ﷺ‬

ُ ‫ضأ َ عَلَى ُطهْ ٍر كُتِبَ لَه‬
َّ َ‫تَو‬
ٍ َ ‫عَ ْش ُر َح َسن‬
ivm~jyjøvn (mv.) e‡j‡Qb- hw` †Kv‡bv e¨w³ cweÎZv
AR©‡bi Rb¨ IRy K‡i Z‡e Zvi Rb¨ `kwU †bKx
†jLv nq| (wZiwghx- 12)

The Prophet (SM) Said- He who performs

ablution to gain purity will have ten blessings
recorded for him. [Tirmizi- 12]


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