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Đề bài: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you think the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Tương tự như các bài trước, chúng ta cũng sẽ có Template như sau:
Sentence 1: Suggested structures
- Many people argue that ....
- It is true that ...
- It is sometimes argued that ...
Sentence 2: Suggested structures
- While there are some drawbacks to…, I maintain/ am of the opinion that the
strengths will likely be more significant.
- Although there can be no doubt that … can be beneficial to society to a certain
extent, I assert/ hold a belief that … will do more harm than good.
- One school of thought (luồng ý kiến/suy nghĩ)/view holds that S+V (paraphrase đề bài). (thesis
statement) This essay aims/attempts to shed light on both merits and demerits/advantages and
disadvantages/benefits and drawbacks of this trend/tendency/phenomenon/situtation/case/practice before
concluding that the former/latter is more significant.
Topic: Some students prefer to take a gap year between high school and university, to work or
travel. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Take a gap year between high school and university = take/have a year off before attending/enrolling in
Higher education/tertiary education:
Delay tertiary education for a year
To spend more time working or traveling around
Students = high school leavers = high school graduates
One school of thought holds that high school graduates should delay higher education for a year to spend
more/additional time working or traveling around. This essay attempts to shed light on both merits and
demerits of this tendency before concluding that the former is more significant.

“Many believe that the teaching of horticulture and animal domestication should be
included in the school’ s curriculum. While there are some advantages to this proposal,
I am of the opinion that the drawbacks will likely be more significant”
Ở đoạn văn này, chúng ta sẽ đi vào phần “Advantages” trước– đoạn văn cũng sẽ bao
gồm 5 câu:
Topic sentence: Suggested structures
- On the one hand, the option to V … can exert many positive effects.
On the one hand, the option to allow children to use digital devices in their leisure hours can exert
many positive effects.
- On the one hand, the idea of Ving/N phrase is advantageous to some extent.
On the one hand, the idea of allowing children to use digital devices in their leisure hours is advantageous
to some extent.
- The argument that S+V is beneficial for (đối tượng) is reasonable to some extent.
The argument that children can use digital gadgets in their free time is reasonable to some extent.
Point 1 Introduction:
- Firstly, ....
- The first advantage of this is …
Point 1 Explanation/Example/Result:
- This is because …
- This is mainly due to …
- This could be explained by the fact …
- For example, …
- This is perfectly exemplified in case of …
- As a result, …
- Consequently, …
- Therefore, …
- As such, …
Point 2 Introduction:
- Secondly, ...
- The second advantage of this is …
- Another advantage is …
Point 2 Explanation/Example/Result:
- This is because …
- This is mainly due to …
- This could be explained by the fact …
- For example, …
- This is perfectly exemplified in case of …
- As a result, …
- Consequently, …
- Therefore, …
- As such, …
- “On the one hand, the option to teach schoolchildren planting and animal raising
skills can exert certain benefits. Firstly, ... This is because … Secondly, … This is
mainly due to …”
- “On the one hand, the idea of letting children learn to grow plants and look after
animals is advantageous to some extent. The first advantage of this is … This could
be explained by the fact … Another advantage is … For example, …”
Ở đoạn thứ hai, chúng ta sẽ viết về ý còn lại “Disadvantages”.
Topic sentence: Suggested structures
- Nevertheless, I believe that this trend/ practice may carry a certain degree of risk.
- On the other hand, this trend/ practice can highlight a number of valid concerns (lo ngại).
- Despite the above-mentioned advantages, I believe that these activities/ this idea
might be associated with (gắn liền với) many detrimental effects (on… đối tượng)
=> Despite the above-mentioned advantages, I am of the opinion this trend might be associated with many
detrimental effects/a number of detrimental effects/disadvantages.
Point 1 Introduction
- The main one is N / the main one is that S+V
- The first drawback relates to N/Ving
- The first disadvantage is that S+V
- Firstly, S+V
Point 1 Explanation/Example/Result:
- This is because …
- This is mainly due to …
- This could be explained by the fact …
- For example, …
- This is perfectly exemplified in case of …
- As a result, …
- Consequently, …
- Therefore, …
- As such, …
Point 2 Introduction:
- Furthermore/In addition, ...
- The second disadvantage relates to ...
- Another disadvantage is …
Point 2 Explanation/Example/Result:
- This is because …
- This is mainly due to …
- This could be explained by the fact …
- For example, …
- This is perfectly exemplified in case of …
- As a result, …
- Consequently, …
- Therefore, …
- As such, …
- “Nevertheless, I believe that this trend may carry a certain degree of risk. The first
drawback relates to ... This is because … Furthermore, … This is perfectly
exemplified in case of …”
- “On the other hand, this practice can highlight a number of valid concerns. The
first drawback relates to... This is mainly due to … The second one is that … For
example, …”
- “Despite the above-mentioned advantages, I believe that these activities might be
associated with many detrimental effects on children. The main one is ... This could
be explained by the fact … In addition, ... This is perfectly exemplified in case of
* Nếu các bạn cho rằng ưu điểm lớn hơn nhược điểm thì các bạn sẽ viết đoạn
“Advantages” ở body thứ 2 nhé.
Suggested structures
- In conclusion, while there are many advantages/ disadvantages regarding N phrase/Ving, I
believe the benefits/ drawbacks that result from this trend/ practice is of more vital
significance. It is recommended that...
- In conclusion, this trend might possess (sở hữu) many advantages/ disadvantages.
However, I am more inclined to the view that the disadvantages/ advantages will
likely prevail (chiếm ưu thế).
Be inclined to sth: hướng về
“In conclusion, while there may disadvantage regarding teaching children cultivation
and domestication skills, I believe that drawback that result from this trend is of more
vital significance. It is recommended that an extracurricular program relevant to these
activities should be imparted in the study timetable”
“In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move to
regional areas outside the big cities. What are the advantages and disadvantages?”
Sentence 1: Suggested structures
- The practice/ trend of …has been a topic of interest.
- The topic of ... has gained traction/ gain a high level of interest in today’s society.
- Many hold the belief that ...
Sentence 2: Suggested structures
- This essay will elaborate the strengths and weaknesses of …
- While… can exert certain benefits, this also imposes many detrimental benefits
“The practice of relocating factories and industrial firms from the metropolitan centers
to the rural regions has been a topic of interest. This essay will elaborate the strengths
and weaknesses of this movement.”
Topic sentence: Suggested structures
- On the one hand, … is beneficial to…. for many rationales.
- On the one hand, the idea of … is favorable to some extent.
- There are two main advantages of ...
Point 1 Introduction:
- Firstly, ....
- The first advantage of this is …
Point 1 Explanation/Example/Result:
- This is because …
- This is mainly due to …
- This could be explained by the fact …
- For example, …
- This is perfectly exemplified in case of …
- As a result, …
- Consequently, …
- Therefore, …
- As such, …
Point 2 Introduction:
- Secondly, ...
- The second advantage of this is …
- Another advantage is …
Point 2 Explanation/Example/Result:
- This is because …
- This is mainly due to …
- This could be explained by the fact …
- For example, …
- This is perfectly exemplified in case of …
- As a result, …
- Consequently, …
- Therefore, …
- As such, …
- “On the one hand, moving companies outside the metropolises is beneficial to
society for many rationales. Firstly, ... This is because … Secondly, … This is mainly
due to …”
- “On the one hand, the idea of moving companies outside the metropolises is
favorable to some extent. Firstly, ... Secondly, ........”
Topic sentence: Suggested structures
- Nevertheless, I believe that this trend/ practice may constitute a number of valid
- On the other hand, this trend/ practice may have two primary shortcomings.
- Despite the above-mentioned advantages, I believe that these activities/ this idea
might have their/ its downsides.
Point 1 Introduction
- The main one is ...
- The first drawback relates to ...
- The first disadvantage is that …
- Firstly, …
Point 1 Explanation/Example/Result:
- This is because …
- This is mainly due to …
- This could be explained by the fact …
- For example, …
- This is perfectly exemplified in case of …
- As a result, …
- Consequently, …
- Therefore, …
- As such, …
Point 2 Introduction:
- Furthermore/In addition, ...
- The second disadvantage relates to ...
- Another disadvantage is …
Point 2 Explanation/Example/Result:
- This is because …
- This is mainly due to …
- This could be explained by the fact …
- For example, …
- This is perfectly exemplified in case of …
- As a result, …
- Consequently, …
- Therefore, …
- As such, …
- “Nevertheless, I believe that this trend may constitute a number of valid concerns.
The first drawback relates to ... Furthermore, ...”
- “On the other hand, this practice may have two primary shortcomings. The first
one relates to ... The second one is that ...”
- “Despite the above-mentioned advantages, I believe that this trend might have its
Suggested structures
- In conclusion, while there are many advantages/ disadvantages regarding ..., its/
their demerits are worth considering. It is recommended that...
- In conclusion, this trend might possess many advantages/ disadvantages.
However, the demerits/ merits of … should not be overlooked.
“In conclusion, this trend might possess many advantages. However, the demerits of
business relocation from the urban areas to the rural ones should not be overlooked”

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