Pulling Method by Simba

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-------------Best Method In Com Made By Xan And Ecstasy-----------------

--------------------------How To Find An Account----------------------------------

1. Go on https://gamerdvr.com, find an account that has clips from season 1.

2. Go to the oldest clips on Fortnite and watch the killfeed for names.

3. Write down all the names you see.

4. Make a new tab on https://gamerdvr.com and search through all the names you have
written down.

5. Look for OGs, go through as many as you can and keep all OG names.

6. Go to https://xresolver.com/xbox or even https://beta.octosniff.net to check the

account to see if it has an IP sniffed.

7. If you have already pulled an account before, check those clips from the
account. These will be the best possible names since they have been untouched.

Method 2:

1. Find OG accounts on https://gamerdvr.com/games/fortnite/videos, go to

discord.gg/surt. Do /export-friends, find all the names and sort through them. This
will give you 100x your names.

2. (optional) Purchase CN Checker to easily sort and find OGs from these names

Method 3:

1. Purchase CN checker AIO

2. Put a pulled/OG name in and it will automatically find all friends and sort the

-------------------------How To Find OG Display Name-------------------------------

1. Go back to https://gamerdvr.com and look for their first clip

2. If the name is the same as the current gamertag then that means they have OG
display name still

3. Even if the name isn’t the same, the name in the earlier clip is still the OG

4. If the OG name is the same as the current name it is most likely unverified,
meaning the email on the account was never verified as being used by the owner

-------------------------How To Find Oldest Receipt--------------------------------

1. There are 3 main ways that somebody could have a first receipt, getting
Fortnite, buying Save The World or buying V-Bucks

2. To see which one they have is simple, go on https://gamerdvr.com again

3. Check their clips to see when their first clip with skins is, write this down
4. Go to the Xbox app either on your phone or on pc, go to their profile and look
for this: https://imgur.com/a/PgnsKVM

5. If the clip with skins came first then that means they bought V-Bucks first

6. If the date on the Save The World achievement came first this means that they
bought Save The World first

7. To make a receipt go to my server and do /receipt

8. Use inspect element to change the date to the Save The World date or a date in
which you think they might have bought V-Bucks, you can check item shop dates to

9. If they have any old battle passes: Season 2, Season 3, you can use the day that
the battle pass started as the date

10. (Save the World expanded): Go to https://fortnitedb.com, search the epic name.
See what schematics they have. If its a non-legacy founders revolt pl 9, its
standard edition. If it has a founders gun, its super deluxe. If it has a legacy
founders gun or nocturno, its limited. You can find all prices and receipt
templates online.


1. Make sure you are on a proxy while ticketing, the best proxy services are Pia
Proxy and IP2World. Connect to the OGO location

2. Clear cookies before going into live chat, they can see your past chats

3. When Epic asks for your IPv4, give them your IP that you found on Xresolver

4. When using a script, change it up a little. Epic has specialists that look for

5. Making your own script: Ask Chat GPT to write you a script to Epic Games for
your account since you forgot the email and need help getting it back, after it
responds say "make it less formal" then change it up a little bit.

6. While getting the location for a proxy use ipfingerprints.com or nordvpn ip


------------------------------Submitting A Ticket----------------------------------

1. When you have an active proxy, check to make sure it is on by going to:
whatismyipaddress.com. Check to make sure it shows you are in the desired location

2. Leave where it shows the IP address, this will be the IP you want on it. Do not
add the IP you got from xResolver.

3. Leave the fields "last 4 digits of card" and "Invoice ID" blank as well as the
email address on the top. Make sure you choose the connected accounts.

4. Put in the approximate link date, for example: "October 2017". Do not make it

5. Click submit
6. The best emails to use are Outlook and Yahoo since you do not need a phone
number and can make an infinite amount of emails. Perfect for resellers.

------------------------------Manipulating Epic-----------------------------------

1. Once you have received an email back, you need to be as convincing as possible
while acting slow as well so that they don't catch on.

2. If they say they cannot change the information on your account for security
reasons, say "i want to talk to a manager i know my information is right". This
works so much of the time.

3. You do not need a long script to be convincing, keep it short and simple. Act as
if you are the owner and how the owner would react to the situation.


Verification link:

I have not received the email

I dont have access to my email account

Hello there, I am writing to inform you that my email account associated with my
Epic Games account has been hacked, and I no longer have access to it.
Unfortunately, this means that I cannot confirm the email you sent me to continue
with a procedure, as I am unable to access the account. I have taken all the
necessary steps to regain access to my email account, including contacting my email
service provider. However, the recovery process is taking longer than expected, and
I am still unable to access my account. I am reaching out to your support team to
request your assistance in resolving this issue. Could you please provide me with
an alternative method to confirm my email and continue with the procedure?

I cannot access my mail since it was an old work mail from 2016. Hopefully i can
resolve this and i can provide as much information. Thank you in advance, Best

If there are alternative methods to verify my account and regain access. I am

willing to provide any necessary information to prove ownership of the account. If
there are any additional steps that I need to take in order to recover my account,
please let me know and I will be happy to follow them.Thank you for your time and
attention to this matter. I will look forward to hearing back from you soon.

I cannot regain access as the recovery options on that email were made up which is
needed to prove my identity to my email provider

Hello, as mentioned earlier the email address is owned by my dead mother. I already
contacted the provider, and they said they arent able to transfer me the ownership
off the email address.

Hey, My account email was also hacked by the compromiser and l've tried contacting
my email provider and I can't recover it so can I verify that I'm the owner of my
account in some other way?

Hello(Name), as mentioned earlier the email address is lost and I already contacted
the provider, and they said they arent able to transfer me the ownership off the
email address. Following up on this, would there be another procedure we can follow
to recover my account, keep in mind my email is truly lost. I would also like to
reassure you that I can provide any verification details necessary.

I checked all of my emails' spam & trash folders and i dont see anything, can we
continue with a different procedure?

Hi, I'd confirm it, but I can't. My emails were stolen along with my epic account.
Is there anything that I can do?

OGE bypass:

I only remember the account information on my account

2 years ago i was diagnosed with memory loss due to a tragic fall back in 2019,
ever since then i couldn't remember

I don't know the email associated because i never accessed epicgames.com so i can't
remember if there ever was a email on it, so i can't provide sorry (edited)

I strongly apologize that I cannot provide the email due to me recently losing
access to it and I understand that the safety of the account is your main priority
so I will be more than happy to answer security questions to help verify me as the

Unfortunately, I cannot recall the email address, as I had only used that email to
register on epic games and nothing else, I must have forgotten it after a while:(

Unfortunately, I cannot provide the email address due to it being hacked, I

apologize for the inconvenience

As I stated in my previous ticket around a year ago my creation email was hacked
and i cannot access it. On the bright side, I am able to access the current email
on the account and if possible I can click on a verification link from there.

Contact email provider:

Hello again (Employee’s Name)as i had stated in our previous conversation, it's
been a while since I had played Fortnite and the account is unverified, due to that
I do not have any access to the email address, If I have any other ways to verify
myself as the owner of the account, that would be great.

Hi there again, as i had stated before i do not have access to the email and the
email is unverified on epicgames, if there is any other way to prove that i own the

Just to be clear on one thing, I do not have access to the email currently on the
epic games account, due to it being unverified and fake.


I am writing to seek assistance with my Fortnite account. When I initially created

my account, I used my late friend's email address as I didn't have my own at the
time. Tragically, my friend passed away, and I no longer have access to that email.
I would be truly grateful if you could help me change the email associated with my
Fortnite account. I want to continue enjoying the game and the memories I have with
my friends on this account. I am willing to provide any necessary information to
confirm my ownership of the account. Please let me know what steps I need to take
or any additional information you require to facilitate this process.

I am writing to seek your help regarding my Fortnite account. When I initially

created my account, my father assisted me, and we used his email address for
registration. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, I am no longer in contact
with my father, and I cannot remember the email address used during the
registration process. As a minor, I am unable to legally contact my father due to a
restraining order issued by the court, and I do not have any means of accessing the
email associated with my account. I kindly request your understanding and
assistance in changing the email address on my Fortnite account.

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to kindly request your assistance
in changing the email address associated with my Fortnite account. My father
initially created my Epic Games account for me; however, since then, my parents
have gone through a divorce. Regrettably, due to the circumstances surrounding the
separation, I am no longer able to maintain contact with my father. As a result, my
Fortnite account remains linked to his email address, and I am unable to access or
update any account information. I kindly ask for your understanding and support in
changing the email associated with my Fortnite account. If needed, I am willing to
provide any necessary information to verify and validate the circumstances
surrounding my request.

I am writing to seek your assistance in recovering access to my main Fortnite

account so that I can enjoy the game once again and play with my friends.
Regrettably, I have encountered a setback as I cannot recall the email associated
with my account, making it impossible for me to access it. I kindly request your
understanding and support in changing the email address linked to my Fortnite
account. If necessary, I am more than willing to provide any relevant details that
may aid in verifying my ownership of the account, such as the username, date of
account creation, in-game purchases, or any other information you may require.

I recently wanted to get back into Fortnite and play a couple games with my
Sadly, I forgot the email to my main account and can no longer access it.
If I can provide some information about the account, could you possibly change the
email on the account so I can play Fortnite again?
I really don't want to lose all the money I spent, and the memories I made with my

Email change, No access to email account.

Hello Epic, I've Been Locked Out My Account Because My Epic Account Email Is A Fake
Email I Made While Creating My Account on my Console Account 5 Years Ago!
I Can't Seem To Change it to a Real Legitimate Email Address That's Verified So I
Can Enable 2FA Can You Please Help Me Fix My Email Problem?

Hello Epic, I need my email changed on my account please.

When I was making my Epic Games account I asked my friend to use his email address
since I did not have my own at the time.
I have the email address linked to my Xbox account though.

Hello, I have wanted to play Fortnite on PC today but I realized that I forgot my
email. I have already contacted my email provider and it didn't work. I have asked
a few people and they all told me to come here. Is there anything you could do to
help me?

Hello, I have wanted to play Fortnite but I realized that I do not remember the
email that I used. I have watched some Youtube videos and they told me to come
here. Is there anyway you can help me from here? I have contacted my email provider
already and it didn't work.

Hey, I have an issue where I cannot play anything anymore. For some reason I
haven't gotten an email from anyone in months. I'm not able to send any either I
have no idea what's going on. Now I can't play because it won't send me my Xbox 2fa
codes. I don't remember my epic password so I cannot reset it. Is there any way to
help me from here?

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