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Natural History and Surveillance

of Hip Dysplasia in Cerebral Palsy

Freeman Miller

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Natural History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Childhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Adolescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Adult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Diagnostic Evaluations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Hip Radiograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Computed Tomography Scans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Ultrasound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Bone Scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Arthrography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Surveillance Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Surveillance Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Abstract highest risk between 3 and 5 years old. The

Children with cerebral palsy (CP) very com- subluxation is measured with anterior-
monly develop subluxation or dislocation of posterior supine pelvic radiographs, and the
the hip joint. This dislocation leads to difficulty amount of subluxation is approximately one
sitting, problems with custodial care, and hip degree a month which means radiographs are
pain. The hip in the child with CP is normal at required annually from age 2 to 8 years old and
birth, and because of the abnormal muscle pull then every 2 years till completion of growth.
and growth, it slowly becomes displaced mov- The high-risk group of children are those who
ing lateral and posterior superior. This process cannot walk or need to use assistive devices
typically begins around age 2 and has the like walkers or crutches (GMFCS III–V). For
children who can walk (GMFCS I–II), there
needs to be only one radiograph in early child-
F. Miller (*)
AI DuPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE, USA
hood 2–4 years old; if it is normal (<25% MP),
e-mail: no further radiographs are needed. When the

# Springer International Publishing AG 2017 1

F. Miller et al. (eds.), Cerebral Palsy,
2 F. Miller

MP reaches 25%, there should be an increase which is difficult to correct surgically. Another
in attention with increased radiograph every typical example of severe weakness is the child
6 months, and consideration of surgical inven- with spinal muscular atrophy who may also
tion occurs with subluxation between 25 and develop a dislocated hip; however, because the
40%. For MP greater than 40 percent, surgical child has sensation, the hip may become painful
invention should be considered. Based on the and cause significant impairment. These hips are
experience from Sweden, almost all children very difficult to maintain in the hip joint because
with CP can reach adulthood with located hip of the severe weakness and may require resection
joints. at the end stage. Children with arthrogryposis may
be born with dislocated hips; usually these are
Keywords very stiff and do not respond to early infant treat-
Cerebral Palsy  Natural history  Surveillance  ment. Attempting to increase range of motion with
Hip subluxation  Hip dislocation  Migration therapy helps to improve the child’s function as
percent  Head-shaft angle  GMFCS  they grow; then the treatment is directed by the
Spasticity  Hypotonia  Hemiplegia functional impairment present. Children with
cerebral palsy may be spastic, have a movement
disorder, or have a mixed pattern. There is a small
group who are also hypotonic. Each of these has
Introduction different impacts on the hip joints, as does the
child’s age and gross function as defined by the
Children with cerebral palsy have a high risk of Gross Motor Function Classification Scale
developing hip dislocation, which over time can (GMFCS). This chapter will address the expected
become painful because they develop arthritis. natural history and with the understanding of the
The hips also develop contractures which can natural history will outline a monitoring program
impair function such as sitting, standing, and for early identification of hip displacement.
lying. Because severe adduction contractures
may develop, it also has a negative impact on
daily personal care such as toileting, bathing, Natural History
and dressing. The dislocated hip in the child
with CP however is very different from the The natural history of spastic hip disease follows a
dislocated hip in a normal baby or child where very clear pattern with a defining feature being
developmental hip dislocation (DDH) occurs at that the hip at birth in these children is completely
birth. It is also important to always be aware that normal (Fig. 1). If the hips are not completely
the hip stability problems are very disease spe- normal at birth, then these children have develop-
cific; therefore understanding the natural history mental hip dysplasia (DDH) and not spastic hip
and the response to treatment has to be very dis- disease, and their treatment needs to be quite
ease specific. Some examples include the different.
dislocated hip in the child with spinal cord dys-
function, most typically in the child with
myelomeningocele who may also develop dislo- Childhood
cations in early childhood; however, these hips
tend to be flaccid and insensate. As a conse- The childhood stage of spastic hip disease is when
quence, these hips seldom become painful; they almost all the spastic hip pathology begins. This
remain mobile and almost never cause a signifi- stage is defined as the period from ages 1 to
cant functional impact. Also attempts at recon- 8 years; however, the highest risk period is from
struction have high failure rates because of the ages 2 to 6 years. Most children with CP start
lack of muscle strength and the muscle imbalance developing spasticity in their second year of life,
Natural History and Surveillance of Hip Dysplasia in Cerebral Palsy 3

Fig. 1 The natural history of spastic hip dislocation is By age 5 years, the femoral head continues to migrate
consistent and well understood. The following series of a laterally, now with 40% migration percentage. Also, there
well-documented patient with no treatment shows the typical is thickening of the medial wall of the pelvis, the lateral rim
changes over time. In infancy, the hip is normal, as shown in of the acetabulum is showing signs of deformity from high
this radiograph at age 18 months with a 10% migration pressure, and the femoral head already has some lateral
percentage (a). 1 year later at age 2.5 years, the femoral osteoporosis with a very high femoral neck-shaft angle (c).
neck is in valgus, and there has been a noticeable increase By age 8 years, the femoral head has become oblong, and the
in lateral migration to a 25% migration percentage (b). acetabular dysplasia is much worse, with damage at the
4 F. Miller

and as they grow bigger and the brain is develop- the child with only spasticity. The child with
ing, the spasticity gets worse. Also, the muscles only a movement disorder especially with
are growing stronger so that they can generate athetosis has in my experience a lower risk of
more force with the spasticity. This higher force hip dislocation; however, monitoring is still
then causes the pathomechanics discussed previ- required, since dislocation can occur in rare
ously (chapter ▶ “Etiology of Hip Displacement instances. Children with hypotonia, some of
in Children with Cerebral Palsy”). In younger whom are ambulatory, may develop hip dysplasia,
children with spasticity, because most of their which may develop slowly all through middle
acetabulum is cartilage, the hips are most suscep- childhood. Because they have wide hip abduction,
tible to developing instability and anatomical there may be reduced diligence in monitoring, and
deformity. In these young children, the initial the subluxation may be severe when it presents.
sign of the hip at risk for developing subluxation Also these hips do have a different profile in that
be limited hip abduction with the hip and knee the acetabulum is usually shallow but not opened
extended. This is a screening aspect of the phys- by force the same way as the hip of the child with
ical examination that should be consistently spasticity. For this reason, the treatment and mon-
performed on all spastic children and is especially itoring considerations are somewhat different
important for treatment considerations. As the (Fig. 2). The only group of children with CP
force continues to get worse, radiographs start who have not been reported to develop hip sub-
demonstrating lateral migration of the femur. luxation is the child with pure ataxia (Hagglund
The early stages of subluxation are usually silent et al. 2007).
with no evidence of pain. As the subluxation
becomes more severe, some children will have
periods of pain as their hips develop some syno- Adolescence
vitis response. This pain occurs when they have
very high force from spasticity, and the hip starts The adolescent period, from the ages of 8 to
to migrate laterally, developing severe subluxa- 18 years, is a time when the skeleton is much
tion that reaches 60% to 80%. Once the hip starts more mature with less cartilage in the hip joint
developing subluxation as demonstrated by the and much more bone. During this time, the risk for
migration percentage (MP) measured radiograph- the development of spastic hip disease in a hip that
ically in childhood, it is usually progressive. Sub- is otherwise normal goes from a relatively low
luxation tends to increase at a rate of risk at age 8 years to no risk by skeletal maturity.
approximately 2% per month (Miller and Bagg For children who come to preadolescence with
1995) if the migration index is less than 50% or some hip subluxation in the range of 30% to
60%. Once the migration index reaches 50% to 60%, the subluxation may continue to progress;
60%, the hip may go to full dislocation in child- however, the progression is usually quite slow,
hood very quickly, sometimes going from 60% to less than 1% per month (Miller and Bagg 1995).
100% within several months. During the period of rapid adolescent growth, the
The hips in the child with a mixed movement development of pelvic obliquity and scoliosis may
disorder maybe somewhat less predictable than impact the hips. For hips with mild to moderate

Fig. 1 (continued) lateral acetabular corner (d). By age 15 years, the severely osteoporotic lateral aspect of the
10 years, there is severe acetabular dysplasia, a very shal- femoral head collapses, and severe arthritic changes
low acetabulum as the medial wall has become very thick, occur at the small contact area of the medial femoral head
the femoral head is overgrown laterally with severe osteo- and the lateral acetabulum (g). This is the stage when most
porosis, and there is a very high neck-shaft angle (e). By children develop severe pain with motion, and sometimes
age 13 years, the femur has completely dislocated and severe pain at rest develops
appears somewhat irregular. The acetabulum is now
extremely dysplastic (f). As the process continues to age
Natural History and Surveillance of Hip Dysplasia in Cerebral Palsy 5

subluxation, and if the hip is on the high side of hip is on the down side of the pelvic obliquity, a
the pelvic obliquity, it has an increased risk of subluxated hip may actually reduce and end up
developing further subluxation. However, if the having a normal radiographic appearance
(Frischhut and Krismer 1990). The other higher-
risk group for progression is the children with type
IV hemiplegia, meaning that they have some spas-
ticity of the hip adductors and internal hip rotation
gait. Although these tend to be very highly func-
tional GMFCS I and II level ambulation, they may
develop severe hip subluxation during the adoles-
cent growth period (Abousamra et al. 2015; Rutz
et al. 2012) (Fig. 3).


The natural history of spastic hips in adults is not

as well defined. If the hip is normal, defined as an
MP of less than 25% or 30%, the risk of develop-
ing hip subluxation in adulthood is virtually non-
existent. If the hip has mild to moderate
subluxation, defined as 30% to 60%, there may
rarely be some progression in adulthood. Most
Fig. 2 The hip radiograph shows the typical features of hips seem to remain stable. However, individuals
the hypotonic hip with severe coxa valga, eccentric epiph- who reach adulthood with hip subluxation of
ysis, and a shallow acetabulum. This hip may remain stable
through growth as one follows the MP. However, it is also
greater than 60% will, slowly over time, go to
possible that suddenly the hip is developing Barlow full dislocation in almost all cases (McHale et al.
positive-type hip dislocation or becoming painful if the 1990).
child is growing fast and is physically active

Fig. 3 This boy is GMFCS I level function with a hemi- functional level was not felt to have significant risk of
plegic IV pattern because he had moderate internal rotation further subluxation (a). His next presentation was with a
during gait causing lot of tripping. This was corrected with complaint of severe hip pain made worse with athletic
a femoral derotation osteotomy at age 6 at which time he activity. He now presents with severe acetabular dysplasia
had very mild acetabular dysplasia, but due to his high and lateral subluxation (b)
6 F. Miller

The major disability caused by spastic hips mild or can be severe leading to the child’s death.
with subluxation or dislocation as the children How often the dislocated hip leads to a child’s
age is limitation of motion, sometimes severely death is unknown and usually undocumented;
interfering with custodial care. As an example, it however, it clearly does occur as demonstrated
is very difficult to provide adequate perineal care by this case (Fig. 4).
during menstrual cycles for a young adult woman
with severe hip adduction contractures from fixed
hip dislocation. As outlined above, the subluxated Diagnostic Evaluations
and dislocated hips become arthritic and, like
many arthritic joints, become painful. There is a The most important work in evaluating the diag-
myth in the medical community that the hips do nostic monitoring of children with the typical
not ever become painful in individuals who are posterosuperior spastic hip disease was done by
noncommunicative. The fact that these individ- Reimers (1980) who defined the radiographic
uals develop painful hips from neglected disloca- measurement of the standard AP pelvis radio-
tions is absolutely clear to physicians who graph. The physical examination evaluation of
routinely care for these individuals; however, it spastic hips at risk was defined and popularized
is often difficult to determine how much pain by Rang et al. (Silver et al. 1985). This examina-
individuals are experiencing. Just as with elderly tion monitors the degree of hip abduction with the
individuals who have degenerative joints, some- hips and knees fully extended (Fig. 5). Dr. Rang
times individuals with severe changes on radio- promoted the screening concept that all spastic
graphs have only mild pain, and others with mild children should have this measure of hip abduc-
radiographic changes have severe pain. This same tion monitored every 6 months during childhood
discrepancy is seen in people with spasticity and at least to age 8 years. This monitoring could be
hip dysplasia. Although the published literature performed by a trained physical therapist. When
varies widely, probably 50% to 75% of individ- better population screening was started in Sweden
uals with spastic hip dislocation experience by Hagglund, they found that the PE was not an
enough pain that it is recognized by the caretakers accurate method to detect early hip subluxation
or medical personnel (Hodgkinson et al. 2000, (Hagglund et al. 2007). Therefore the focus for all
2001; Terjesen et al. 2004). Although not entirely screening programs has shifted to a supine AP
conclusively defined, we found that subluxated pelvic radiograph. The use of ultrasound screen-
hips had less pain than dislocated hips (Miller ing could potentially reduce radiation exposure
and Bagg 1995). There are no good data on how and has been reported as successful in children
near-normal spastic hips have to be to remove the with CP to age 8 (Smigovec et al. 2014); however,
risk of becoming painful with aging. it is not in widespread use and has the main
Another element of the natural history of the drawback of requiring specialized expertise to do
neglected dislocated hip is the effect of chronic the scan correctly. Additional imaging such as CT
pain in the individual leading to decreased seating scans is useful for planning surgical treatment but
tolerance and more difficult custodial care has too much radiation and is too expensive for
decreasing general medical condition. There routine monitoring.
have been improvements in assessing monitoring
this impact using structured caretaker question-
naires. The best one for the child or adult with Hip Radiograph
severe CP who is noncommunicative is the CP
CHILD (Jung et al. 2014). With the goal of The primary method for screening the child with
improving the quality of life for the child and the CP for hip subluxation is the pelvic radiograph.
caregivers, this type of instrument is important. The standard anterosuperior supine radiograph of
There are however still no good ways to assess the the pelvis should have the legs in neutral or rela-
impact of pain on the child’s health which may be tively neutral position with the child lying
Natural History and Surveillance of Hip Dysplasia in Cerebral Palsy 7

Fig. 4 This is a 12-year-old girl who was a GMFCS III

ambulatory with a posterior walker until she started to
develop severe hip pain and was noted to have severe
subluxation with degenerative arthritis. A proximal resec-
tion with valgus (McHale procedure) was performed, and
she never became pain-free. Over 2 years she finally could
no longer even get out of bed because of the severe pain in
her hip. We planned to do a total hip replacement; however,
1 month before the planned surgery, the chronic pain clinic
physician significantly increased her narcotic dose, and she
died in her sleep most likely due to narcotic overdose to
control the hip pain
Fig. 5 The primary screening and physical examination
method is to record the hip abduction with the hips and
comfortably. If needed, the child may have a small knees extended. This is the most sensitive physical exam-
pillow under his knees for comfort, but the hips ination measure to determine at risk and subluxated spastic
should not be flexed more than 20 degrees. The hips. It is important to make sure that asymmetric abduc-
tion is noted by observing motion of the pelvis as the hip is
frequency of obtaining a radiograph is based on
the GMFCS level of the child and the child’s age.
Because of the unpredictable nature of the
GMFCS in young children 2–5 years old, we appropriate to only look at the radiograph,
simplify this to say if the child is walking without because it is impossible to tell the difference
assistance, he should have one hip x-ray that is between an MP of 20% and one of 35% without
normal around 2 years of age. If the child is using measuring. It is no more appropriate to only look
an assistive device or not walking, an x-ray is at an anteroposterior pelvis radiograph of a spastic
required every year till age 8 and then if it is child than it is to monitor idiopathic scoliosis by
normal every 2 years till skeletal maturity. If the obtaining a scoliosis radiograph and only looking
MP is over 30% and there is no intervention, x-ray at it without measuring the curve. The measure-
is required every 6 months till age 8 and then ment of the parameter that is most predictive of
every year. The MP of this radiograph must be outcome is clearly the MP, as demonstrated by
measured and recorded (Fig. 6). It is not Reimers (1980). Another measure of the lateral
8 F. Miller

of the hips, also add no information to the moni-

toring and treatment decision making for children
with spastic hip disease. Because these children
often require many radiographs over their life-
time, it is important to limit radiographs to only
those that directly add to the clinical decision
making, thereby limiting the radiation exposure
of these children as much as possible.
Another measure that has been recently added
to the AP hip x-ray is the head-shaft angle
(Hermanson et al. 2015a, b). This measures the
head angle as measured by a line through the
Fig. 6 The most important measure to monitor on the growth plate relative to the femoral shaft. This
radiograph for monitoring spastic hips is the Reimers
migration percentage (MP). This should be an ante-
measurement is similar to the neck-shaft angle
roposterior supine radiograph with the child’s hips in the but is likely less impacted by the hip rotation.
extended and relatively normal position. The hip should This was reported to be able to help separate
not be forced into abduction or external rotation if the child those hips with 30–40% migration into those
resists. The first line on the radiograph should be the
transverse Hilgenreiner’s line (h), which goes through the
who are likely to progress and those less likely
center of the triradiate cartilages. If the triradiates are fused to progress. This measure may also be a better
or not apparent, the inferior border of the acetabulum or measure of the current summated hip joint reac-
ischium may also be used. Next, a perpendicular Perkins’ tion force since the growing child will relatively
line is drawn from the lateral corner of the acetabulum ( p).
The medial and lateral borders of the femoral epiphysis are
quickly align the growth plate perpendicular to
next defined. Next, a measure of the distance from the the principle joint reaction force. This combina-
Perkins’ line to the lateral border of the acetabulum is tion of the child’s age, GMFCS, MP, and head-
measured (A); then the whole width of the femoral epiph- shaft angle has been combined into an APP to
ysis is measured (B)
calculate risk of progression as an aid in deter-
mining treatment options. As more data is col-
migration that is used in the monitoring of DDH is lected in screening programs, these calculation
the center-edge angle. The center-edge angle is a applications should become more useful in
poor measure for spastic hip disease and has a guiding care.
correlation coefficient of only 0.7 when compared
with the MP. The reason the center-edge angle is
not a good measure is that it requires defining a Computed Tomography Scans
center rather than a line in the femoral head and
also requires defining a point in two-dimensional The use of computed tomography (CT) scan to
space of the lateral acetabulum. Both these points evaluate hips with spastic hip disease has been
are often quite diffuse in these young and growing extensively reviewed in the literature. It is impor-
children, making the measurement of the center- tant to note that not all hips have a typical post-
edge angle quite inaccurate. The center-edge erosuperior subluxation of the femoral head, and
angle is also a measure that is not linear but by far the best mechanism for evaluating the
follows the sine curve. Therefore, changes in the direction of the hip dysplasia is the CT scan
area of interest, between 20% and 40%, tend to (Brunner and Robb 1996; Buckley et al. 1991;
fluctuate wildly based on these inaccuracies and Kim and Wenger 1997; Zimmermann and Sturm
make monitoring for treatment methods 1992). The CT scan is especially useful to clearly
extremely poor. In summary, the center-edge define the position of the femoral head. Some-
angle has no role in the ongoing monitoring of times direct anterior subluxation or dislocation
spastic hip disease. Additional radiographs, such can have an almost normal radiographic appear-
as frog-leg lateral and weightbearing radiographs ance or a very minimal abnormality. At other
Natural History and Surveillance of Hip Dysplasia in Cerebral Palsy 9

times, the femoral head can be situated laterally so Bone Scan

that it is very difficult to tell whether this is a
lateral anterior subluxation or dislocation or a Technetium bone scans may be used to evaluate
posterolateral subluxation or dislocation. The CT the source of unknown pain in children who are
scan is extremely accurate in defining this posi- noncommunicators. These scans are especially
tion. Using the CT scan to evaluate the exact area useful when evaluating children who have a stable
of the deformity of the acetabulum and to define subluxated hip or a dislocated hip that has not
the response of the acetabular shape to reconstruc- been painful previously but suddenly develops
tion is also useful (Chung et al. 2008). In the discomfort without a readily apparent source.
typical standard posterosuperior subluxation in The use of the bone scan in this situation allows
which the leg contracture and position are pre- defining whether there is any reaction in the hip
dominantly situated in adduction flexion and joint that may be the source of the pain. Techne-
internal rotation, it does not add much clinical tium bone scan also allows localizing occult frac-
information. In summary, not all children who tures, such as fractures in the femoral neck. If
are anticipated to have hip reconstruction need to there is a question of heterotopic ossification
have a CT scan; however, if there is any concern developing when the radiograph is still normal,
about understanding the exact direction of the the bone scan will be clearly positive even if the
subluxation as part of the preoperative planning, radiograph is still normal.
a CT scan should be obtained. Computed tomog-
raphy scan has also been demonstrated to be an
excellent mechanism for measuring femoral neck Arthrography
anteversion, especially if a normal femoral neck-
shaft angle is present (Horstmann and Mahboubi Arthrography of the hip has been used extensively
1987; Mahboubi and Horstmann 1986; Pons et al. in evaluating and deciding treatment processes for
2013). The use of the CT scan to measure ante- DDH and Perthes disease of the hip. There have
version is most useful after the femoral neck-shaft been reports of using hip arthrography in spastic
angle has been corrected and abnormal effects of hips (Huh et al. 2011; Heinrich et al. 1991); how-
the femoral osteotomy are present. ever, this test only confirms what is well known
The migration percentage (MP) is equal to A and adds little useful clinical information that can
divided by B (MP = A/B). Acetabular index can help in diagnostic decision making. There is no
also be monitored; however, accurate measure- routine role for hip arthrography in spastic hip
ments are often difficult. disease.

Ultrasound Treatment

Ultrasound of the hip has been used extensively in Surveillance Algorithm

the evaluation of infants with DDH; and there are
reported attempts to use it as a screening evalua- Based on the data of the natural history and the
tion of subluxated spastic hips (Smigovec et al. strong evidence from population surveillance pro-
2014). Ultrasound is a noninvasive and inexpen- grams in northern Europe and Australia, the risk
sive mechanism but does require experienced spe- of hip displacement is directly related to the
cialized expertise. It has also been used to measure GMFCS functional level of the child (Gordon
femoral anteversion. It is especially useful in mea- and Simkiss 2006; Connelly et al. 2009; Elkamil
suring femoral anteversion in spastic children et al. 2011; Hermanson et al. 2015a; Kentish et al.
who have not had previous hip surgery and have 2011; Wynter et al. 2011; Wynter et al. 2015).
high femoral neck-shaft angles (Haspl and Bilic Based on the data collected and reported, we
1996; Miller et al. 1997). tried to collate the data from multiple studies
10 F. Miller

Fig. 7 This graph is a Risk of developing MP>30% or MP>33%

summary of the risk of
developing hip subluxation 0.8
based on the GMFCS level
compiled data of 1082
reported patients from four 0.6
separate surveillance




Fig. 8 The percent of the % of total subluxation (MP>30% or MP>33%) occurred at certain age
total population studied % of total dislocation occurred at certain age
who had dislocated hips at 30
the specific age (green line)
and the percent of the total
population who had
subluxated hip at a defined 22.5
age (blue line). This shows
that the peak dislocation by
age risk occurs 2–3 years 15
after the peak subluxation
risk. This includes
182 subluxated hips and
38 dislocated hips in which 7.5
the data can define when it

1 2&3 4 5 5&6 8 9 11&12 15&16

(Pruszczynski et al. 2015). Based on this data we are adducted and internally rotated with equinus
documented the linear relationship with GMFCS during gait. This places a high force on the poste-
level and risked of hip subluxation (Fig. 7). There rior superior edge of the acetabulum leading to hip
is also a more complex relationship between age dysplasia and subluxation. The age of occurrence
and risk for hip displacement (Fig. 8). There is a seems to be late childhood and during the adoles-
peak of subluxation risk between 2–5 years old, cent growth period; therefore the subgroup is
and then the risk of dislocation peaks later in the unique because of good ambulatory function in
5- to 8-year-old period. Through adolescents there the late onset (Abousamra et al. 2015; Graham
continues to be a risk for both subluxation and et al. 2005; Rutz et al. 2012).
dislocation. The only clinical group that seems to The initial hip surveillance program was
have no risk of hip displacement is the ambulatory started by Mercer Rang in the early 1980s to
child with only ataxia. Another relatively high- encourage early treatment of hip subluxation (Sil-
risk group are children with Winter classification ver et al. 1985). This screening program was
type IV hemiplegia. Almost all these children are based on the supine physical examination, which
high-functioning GMFCS I or II but have hips that was then used to indicate the need for radiograph.
Natural History and Surveillance of Hip Dysplasia in Cerebral Palsy 11

Hip Monitoring Protocol for Cerebral Palsy

Goal: To monitor all children withCP to prevent hip dislocaon.
Monitoring schedule:
GMFCS I and II (full ambulation without assistive device) –
One x-ray after 2 years of age – no other needed if normal
Exception: Hemiplegia type 4 (with hip involvement, Rotation or flexion)
X-ray every two years from age 8 to skeletal maturity

GMFCS III, IV, & V (non-ambulatory to walking with assistive device)

Until age 8 – x-ray every year, MP
X-ray every 6 month - For children with severe spasticity or MP >25
Age 8 to Skeletal maturity – if previous x-ray normal – every two
If previous x-ray MP > then 25% - every year x-ray
Treatment Recommendaons:
Up to age 8 Years:
MP 30 to 60% and hip abduction less then 30º with hip and knee extended – STR
MP 30 to 60% and hip abduction over then 30º with hip and knee extended – Observe
MP > 60% and healthy child – Reconstruction
MP > 60% and hip abduction < 30º and child with multiple medical problems – STR Migration Percent (MP)- A single
AP supine pelvis x-ray with the child
Over age 8 years: lying in a relaxed, comfortable neutral
MP > 40% - Abduction less then 45º - Reconstruction position with about (10°) abduction, may
MP > 50% - Abduction over 45º - Reconstruction have a small blanket roll under the knees
Dislocated hip – Painful but not severe degenerative changes – Reconstruction to slightly flex the hips and knees if this
makes the child more comfortable. Hip
Dislocated hip – Painful with severe degenerative changes – Palliative Procedure rotation should be approximately neutral
but do not force into any position.

Fig. 9 This is the poster we have in each clinic to remind and explain the CP hip surveillance program

The frequency was based on the work of Reimers preventing later hip dislocation. By careful mon-
who showed that hips progressed at a rate of itoring of the surveillance results and encouraging
approximately one degree a month in the early early intervention, there has been a dramatic
stages of subluxation (Reimers 1980). The hip reduction in the number of children who need
monitoring program at AI DuPont Hospital hip reconstruction based on the data from the
started in 1988 based on the data of Rang and Swedish and Australian population screening
Reimers but has evolved to include the current (Dobson et al. 2002; Elkamil et al. 2011;
information. It is now based on age and Hagglund et al. 2014). Although there is no
GMFCS, with exception for the child with type agreed universal treatment protocol for the hip
IV hemiplegia. The population-based data on the with mild subluxation, there are several generally
child with hemiplegia is still very weak, since it is accepted strategies. The need for some raised
small group to start with and only a small number level of concern is between 25 and 40% subluxa-
develops hip subluxation. Our surveillance pro- tion. The first-level response is increased fre-
gram is outlined in table below (Fig. 9). quency of observation based on other factors
such as severe spasticity, nonambulatory, and
windblown posture. This is also the time to initiate
Surveillance Results the conversation with the parents that some surgi-
cal intervention may be needed in the future which
A surveillance program for early detection of hip helps them get psychologically prepared. Chil-
subluxation in children with CP only makes sense dren with spasticity who are GMFCS III–V and
if there is early intervention that is successful in whose migration is increasing toward 40% should
12 F. Miller

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