Fontana Dissertation

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The third way that examiners discussed duty was their duty to. Other examiners. A similar
independence of judgement is evident in regard to experienced. Finally, Winter et al. (2000) reported
on the criteria used by UK examiners in the. Touching on some of the most important moments in the
development of the field, as well as contemporary debates, 9 of the 12 sessions will be used to help
students situate their thinking within a body of scholarship that is seemingly in a constant state of
emergence. The remaining 3 sessions (taking place once every 4 weeks) will involve practical
learning and hands on engagement within and outside the university. Through an extensive analysis
of paintings, sculptures, publications, collecting practices, and exhibitions, my dissertation addresses
this lacuna by investigating how the Baroque was discursively constructed and visually represented
in Italian modernist artistic and cultural debates between 1880 and 1945. As a rst step in determining
what examiners are looking for in a reasearch thesis, we. This article reports on a study of the
processes that. However, the nal word of advice should go to students from one of our interviewees.
The space between the slashes remove the expectations for how a traditional painting is supposed to
look, and instead opens up the space, invading into that of the observer. The Allisons bettered them
all, however, 'Are You Sure'. Download Free PDF View PDF Closing the Loop of Sound Evaluation
and Design (CLOSED Stefano Papetti, Guillaume Lemaitre, N. The third reason was that these
examiners might feel more con dent. Highly interdisciplinary and often undertaken in cooperation
with those outside academia, from musicians to professionals, the field of sound studies is
increasingly diverse, daring and exciting. Happily a better and far more prolonged new lease of life
came in 1987 when Fontana. April 1962 commented that the label was responsible for much of the
current. It should be pointed out that with a sample of experienced examiners, who were. RELATED
TOPICS Art History See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job
Board We're Hiring. Bridging the theory - practice divide: from research methods to management in.
Looking at the entirety of the artist’s development, from his early years of training at the Brera
Academy in Milan during the years in which Italian Fascism was fomenting—under which artistic
pedagogy and image production were rigorously controlled by the cultural arm of the planning
state—through to his relative success at Martha Jackson Gallery on Manhattan’s Upper East side in
1961, White’s account of Fontana’s arc is invaluable. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and
Articles in minutes. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Warnings to students are
also clear from the research: careful attention to detail and the. For the first four years of its life
Fontana put out far more EPs. This is the moment where Fontana stopped working with sculpture
and turned to, for him, a new medium. Help Center Here you'll find an answer to your question.
Undinked copies of some singles exist (12) but they. Fontana’s way of working through and negating
available sculptural idioms demonstrates the way that he was carefully processing a rich synthesis of
twentieth-century sculpture, while refusing to borrow, tout court, any previously constituted
practices. Adelaide Graduate Centre, Adelaide University, Australia. A Study Of Factors Related To
Dissertation Progress Among Doctoral Candidates.
Obviously, during most of their lifetime humans use the hearing system to acquire information from
the external world, but they spend little time appreciating the acoustical subtleties of state of the art
technology such as high-end sound synthesis and reproduction equipment. Bridging the theory -
practice divide: from research methods to management in. Do we choose to do study in the everyday
listening spectrum only because our methods of investigation cannot deal with the artistic level of the
hearing experience. When separate sleeves were adopted again, at the start of 1963, Fontana
received. There was virtually unanimous agreement that inexperienced examiners needed to be.
Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is
currently unavailable. Finally, Winter et al. (2000) reported on the criteria used by UK examiners in
the. We were interested to know why experienced examiners thought they were chosen to. With
dollars in my hand everyone understands me!” (4) Fontana said this in New York in 1961, a
comment as much about coming to America as America’s having come to Italy fifteen years prior, a
presence Fontana repeatedly acknowledged in his journal Il Gesto. (Fontana released the first issue in
June, 1955. Through an extensive analysis of paintings, sculptures, publications, collecting practices,
and exhibitions, my dissertation addresses this lacuna by investigating how the Baroque was
discursively constructed and visually represented in Italian modernist artistic and cultural debates
between 1880 and 1945. Rethinking the dissertation: avoiding throwing the baby out with the
bathwater. Two more recent Australian studies, Ballard (1996) and Johnston (1997), continued the.
This essay will examine different sonification case studies, analyzing their technical and structural
features while bringing evidence of the importance of design aesthetic in auditory displays and
reflect on the role of sonification as art form. Johnston (1997) stressed the communications aspect of
the examination process. She. The book and its approach to sound are situated firmly within the
socio technological, drawing upon the fields of social constructivism and social shaping theories on
technology. Academic staff seeking assistance with the assessment of under-. They found strong
similarities and only minor differences between Australian and inter-. Sister, Tears For Fears and
James, Bates gave the old brand a contemporary new flavour. Bridging the theory - practice divide:
from research methods to management in. Touching on some of the most important moments in the
development of the field, as well as contemporary debates, 9 of the 12 sessions will be used to help
students situate their thinking within a body of scholarship that is seemingly in a constant state of
emergence. A Study Of Factors Related To Dissertation Progress Among Doctoral Candidates. The
research can be identi ed as having four stages. Stage two of this research project, now being
undertaken, may well help in understanding the. JOHNSTON, S. (1997) Examining the examiners:
an analysis of examiners’ reports on doctoral theses, Studies. From this context, some questions that
originated this research arose: what sounds and everyday objects can be used for music-
compositional purposes. August). On the artist front, Dave Dee and the band. The contribution that
this edited book makes lies in its focus on sound: sound as a material, product, object, as well as a
social concept. Other examiners form this rst impression in the course of their initial scoping of the.
Correcting for a longstanding lacuna in the scholarship, White departs from the tendency on the part
of what scant accounts do exist to focus only on Fontana’s post-World War II production, the
punctures ( Buchi ) and slits ( Attesse ) he famously made up to his death in 1968. For students, the
most heartening information is that experienced examiners want them.
Some interviewees believed they were quali ed in areas where few others were quali ed. A
mobilization of the notion of the dialectical image would demand of White, in turn, an analysis of
what “going to New York” would mean other than fame understood in the Warholian, in the Pollock-
on-the-cover-of- Time magazine way, i.e., from a U.S. metric. Yet the opening narrative frame for
White is that Martha Jackson show of 1961, in other words, from the vantage point of the United
States as postwar cultural and economic victor. There was virtually unanimous agreement that
inexperienced examiners needed to be. Stage 3 involved analysing the data and revising some of the.
For heads of schools or departments or chairs of higher degree committees who choose. The TF-000s
grew into TF-1000s in due course. In 1970. Second, art must not be used to mystify fair research
results, as it happens sometimes in this field. The 45-H-100s lost the '45' in April 1960 after Philips
abandoned the 78rpm format, H-249. Cook Sound studies is a name for the interdisciplinary ferment
in the human sciences that takes sound as its analytical point of departure or arrival. From this
context, some questions that originated this research arose: what sounds and everyday objects can be
used for music-compositional purposes. Teams Enable groups of users to work together to streamline
your digital publishing. In other cases you can see that the material is taken and used originally at
every. The remaining 3 sessions (taking place once every 4 weeks) will involve practical learning and
hands on engagement within and outside the university. The research project on which this article is
bored set out to answer two questions. In these passages, White suggests that the larger arc of
Fontana’s project has nothing to do with the commodity spectacle fetish but is really about resolving
the contradiction between the visuality of bas-relief sculpture, a problem already informing the neo-
classicism of the Novecento movement, and sculptural volume. Sound resides in this feedback loop
of materiality and metaphor, infusing words with a diverse spectrum of meanings and interpretations.
(Novak and Sakakeeny, 2015 p. 1) In recent years there has been an explosion of work on, with or
through sound by researchers in the social sciences and humanities. Do we choose to do study in the
everyday listening spectrum only because our methods of investigation cannot deal with the artistic
level of the hearing experience. Centre for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Scholarship,
University of Canberra. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. This research,
therefore, aimed to investigate everyday sounds with a view to the elaboration of musical
compositions. It then focuses on a debate in which the meaning of objectivity is negotiated within the
sonification community, showing that different notions of objectivity and scientific quality co-exist
within the community, which are linked to different research questions being asked with the
sonifications, different users that are envisaged for the sonifications, and different disciplinary
backgrounds of the sonification researchers. How, for instance, is “the commodity” (much less the
dialectical relationship between art and commodity) reconstructed in an aggressive way in Italy’s late
yet accelerated modernization between 1947 and 1965, after the economic miracle made possible by
the Marshall Plan. However, on a much broader level, policy-makers and administrators have a
challenge. Of even more comfort to postgraduate students is the reluctance of examiners to fail a
thesis. Academic staff seeking assistance with the assessment of under-. We were interested to know
whether experienced examiners read the thesis from cover to. Finally, some interviewees thought
they were asked to examine because they were. Adelaide University. The method of semi-structured
interviews was adopted (Brenner, 1985. Of course, supervisors might pass the above advice on to
their students, and our. If it looks as if the student grasps the problem then this.
Of even more comfort to postgraduate students is the reluctance of examiners to fail a thesis. This is
often when the student applies standard theories in. Of all the topics canvassed in these interviews,
the one creating the. Centre for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Scholarship, University
of Canberra. From our 30 experienced examiners (who had examined more than 300 theses over the
last. Bois himself acknowledged to have not been a part of the historical and geopolitical matrix
from which the artwork emerged. Another experienced examiner in science suggested that most.
Mandy Brown A structured approach to presenting theses notes for students and their sup. Some
examiners were adamant that they were not in uenced by the supervisor or. BALLARD, B. (1996)
Contexts of judgment: an analysis of some assumptions identi ed in examiners’ reports on 62. On the
other hand most of those actually doing research in sound are (or were) sound practitioners or expert
music listeners, if not musicians, composers or professionals in the musical field. It served throughout
the glory years and on until Fontana was shelved, and is. QR Codes Generate QR Codes for your
digital content. Newman, The Allisons and Patti Lynn, none of which rose above the No.30 position.
The comparative lack of. An overwhelming conclusion from this research was the extent to which
examiners’ rst. However, the observer quickly notices discrepancies which emerge first as two
strokes of black paint, but upon closer inspection, it is revealed that they are actually punctured
slashes which break up the yellow wash, removing it from the bounds of the painting medium by
creating a dialogue with the space directly surrounding it. Adobe Express Go from Adobe Express
creation to Issuu publication. Johnston (1997) stressed the communications aspect of the examination
process. She. The publisher hired printer and typographer Dr. Hans Mardersteig to prepare a report
on the business in which he included suggestions on design. The third way that examiners discussed
duty was their duty to. I am aware of this happening), I am irritated and I have to work very hard at.
They found strong similarities and only minor differences between Australian and inter-. How can
everyday sounds and objects be organized with a view to building a musical composition. Examiners
were looking for students who exhibited a sense of con dence in the way they. The second reason
was that we considered that these examiners, by. How, for instance, is “the commodity” (much less
the dialectical relationship between art and commodity) reconstructed in an aggressive way in Italy’s
late yet accelerated modernization between 1947 and 1965, after the economic miracle made possible
by the Marshall Plan. After the first handful of gridded singles the '1'. While it is not yet possible to
fully develop a model of postgraduate assessment, the following. The sample for this study was
drawn using gender, discipline and the methodological. Help Center Here you'll find an answer to
your question.
I haven’t even read the thesis but I know it will be. A key concept in this form of interpretative
research and analysis is the notion of ongoing. Given the time and effort examiners put into
examining in return for a very low honorarium. Examiners also looked for students who were able to
work. Fontana label changed only fractionally over the course of its existence. Singles'. In these
passages, White suggests that the larger arc of Fontana’s project has nothing to do with the
commodity spectacle fetish but is really about resolving the contradiction between the visuality of
bas-relief sculpture, a problem already informing the neo-classicism of the Novecento movement,
and sculptural volume. Finally, some interviewees thought they were asked to examine because they
were. Different disciplines have come to using the auditory system as a channel to transmit multi-
dimensional information by transposing it into sound in a process called Sonification, leading to the
formation of a dedicated branch of interdisciplinary research around it as core component of
Auditory Displays. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please
take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. They were concerned with the possible discrepancies.
The publisher hired printer and typographer Dr. Hans Mardersteig to prepare a report on the business
in which he included suggestions on design. Ballard (1996) noted that the traditional qualities of a.
This approach reflects the increasing awareness of sound within society, as integral to certain
disciplines such as urban and industrial design, ecological and anthropological studies and music and
art theory. We were interested to know whether experienced examiners read the thesis from cover to.
As a rst step in determining what examiners are looking for in a reasearch thesis, we. When
examiners are in the process of examining, do they consider they are examining. Please upgrade your
browser to improve your experience. Somewhat undermining his own superior contribution, White
explicitly states in the first chapter that his own book is an expansion of this short article. “Bois’s
interpretation is central to the germination of this book’s argument” (12). For the first four years of
its life Fontana put out far more EPs. The Mindbenders repeated the trick on their own with 'A
Groovy Kind Of Love'. February 1962 observed that Philips appeared to be developing Fontana as
its. They evolved into the H-390s by April 1962, at which point they were dropped, the six-figure.
JOHNSTON, S. (1997) Examining the examiners: an analysis of examiners’ reports on doctoral
theses, Studies. As a result, Collins had him design a typeface that would create a unique visual
identity for the company. Most interviewees believed that they were asked to examine because they
were experts. The research project on which this article is bored set out to answer two questions. But
it also suggests something else, namely that the narrative of the end of “the medium” associated with
Donald Judd’s and Frank Stella’s challenge to the base and the frame, the threshold between real and
virtual space, was broken before 1966, and far from New York. (Incidentally, White does not appear
to be particularly interested in Fontana’s use of colored lights two decades before Dan Flavin.).
Lucio Fontana was born in Argentina to Italian immigrants, and was encouraged into the arts from
an early age by his father, sculptor Luigi Fontana. Resources Dive into our extensive resources on the
topic that interests you. Another experienced examiner in science suggested that most.
Through an extensive analysis of paintings, sculptures, publications, collecting practices, and
exhibitions, my dissertation addresses this lacuna by investigating how the Baroque was discursively
constructed and visually represented in Italian modernist artistic and cultural debates between 1880
and 1945. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace. It is as though decades of the
artist’s work was produced in a vacuum tending toward Madison Avenue rather than rigorous formal
innovation or historically specific dialectical engagement. Do we choose to do study in the everyday
listening spectrum only because our methods of investigation cannot deal with the artistic level of the
hearing experience. For those examiners acknowledging the in uence of pre-publication, the extent of
the. QR Codes Generate QR Codes for your digital content. Examiners assume PhD candidates are
still apprentices in the profession of research. Bridging the theory - practice divide: from research
methods to management in. Critique And Ethical Considerations DQ 2.docx Critique And Ethical
Considerations DQ 2.docx A Quot How-To Quot Guide For The Education Thesis Dissertation
Process. Therefore, while it was possible to list a number of character-. Academic staff seeking
assistance with the assessment of under-. Many of the interviewees started by rst stating what they
thought made a poor PhD. The view that technology is a means to an end is challenged through a
speculative listening tactic that scans intra-faces, where sound is not conceptualised as a physical
event, but rather as a. JOHNSTON, S. (1997) Examining the examiners: an analysis of examiners’
reports on doctoral theses, Studies. The development of a well-structured argument was highly
valued in a thesis. Within. No.5. In that same year Philips linked up with Tito Burns's independent.
Several examiners also commented on how they can be easily irritated by inattention to. As a result,
Collins had him design a typeface that would create a unique visual identity for the company. Music,
often seen as a representation of the world, ends up reflecting the future, appropriating the new
universe of sounds and silences, generating new ways of listening and thinking about music.
Reviews and essays are licensed to the public under a under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. For the first four years of its life Fontana put out far more
EPs. Above all, it provides a rich overview of the conflicting aesthetic practices that influenced
Fontana outside of the usual centers of cultural hegemony. Experienced examiners make judgements
about the quality. Face-to-face interviews were selected as the most appropriate method for the
project. Mandy Brown A structured approach to presenting theses notes for students and their sup.
Stereo Popular EPs had a separate STFE-8000 series. The third way that examiners discussed duty
was their duty to. RELATED TOPICS Art History See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog
People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. As researchers, we were particularly interested in
determining the strength and in uence of. To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
It was used by Collins for three decades before the company released rights to the font. Stereo
Popular EPs had a separate STFE-8000 series. One discipline difference stood out in the responses,
and that is that all of the. Philips began numbering the singles on all their labels with seven-figure
6000-000. The questions that examiners have in mind as they read include the following. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. For elaboration of this concept we asked examiners to talk about their views on the. At
least two arguments can be given to nullify that suspicion. The book and its approach to sound are
situated firmly within the socio technological, drawing upon the fields of social constructivism and
social shaping theories on technology. Examiners also looked for students who were able to work.
Johnston (1997) stressed the communications aspect of the examination process. She. What can
listening more and reading less do to academic practice. Bois, based on the work’s seeming visual
and stylistic resemblance to luxury commodities on the one hand, yet marked by an avant-garde
gesture like a cut on the other, maintains that Fontana remained stuck on the delicate seam between
the two. The white label made a comeback at the start of 1969, with an. Newman, The Allisons and
Patti Lynn, none of which rose above the No.30 position. The comparative lack of. Any valid
assessment of a learning process might be expected to show consistency between. The Pretty Things,
The Merseys, The Mindbenders, Joan Baez, Bob Lind and. An oral defence of the thesis is only
available at a few. However, what most examiners did assert strongly was that they looked to see that
students. He spent his life traveling between the two continents, studying both painting and sculpture
at various academies before deciding that neither of the mediums on their own could achieve
precisely what he desired from his art. Add Links Send readers directly to specific items or pages
with shopping and web links. Happily a better and far more prolonged new lease of life came in
1987 when Fontana. Perhaps this new branch has not yet been totally accepted by some research
communities in the field. Australian universities, and is generally at the request of one of the
examiners. This article reports on a study of the processes that. Finally, some interviewees thought
they were asked to examine because they were. When further questioned, these experienced
examiners admitted that generally their. Second, art must not be used to mystify fair research results,
as it happens sometimes in this field. Dr Linda Keeffe Pinch and Bijsterveld's edited publication is a
significant book contributing to the discussion on sound within science, technology and society
studies (STS). Each year, approximately 200 Disseration Year Fellowships (DYF) are awarded to
UCLA graduate students who are nominated for the fellowship by their department.

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