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Dysphagia (2018) 33:282–292 (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().,-volV)


Utility of Pulse Oximetry to Detect Aspiration: An Evidence-Based

Systematic Review
Deanna Britton1,2 • Amy Roeske3 • Stephanie K. Ennis4 • Joshua O. Benditt5 • Cassie Quinn1 •

Donna Graville2

Received: 11 August 2017 / Accepted: 22 November 2017 / Published online: 14 December 2017
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2017

Pulse oximetry is a commonly used means to measure peripheral capillary oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2). Potential use
of pulse oximetry to detect aspiration is attractive to clinicians, as it is readily available, quick, and noninvasive. However,
research regarding validity has been mixed. This systematic review examining evidence on the use of pulse oximetry to
detect a decrease in SpO2 indicating aspiration during swallowing is undertaken to further inform clinical practice in
dysphagia assessment. A multi-engine electronic search was conducted on 8/25/16 and updated on 4/8/17 in accordance
with standards published by the Preferred Reporting for Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis Protocols
(PRISMA). Inclusion criteria included use of pulse oximetry to detect aspiration with simultaneous confirmation of
aspiration via a gold standard instrumental study. Keywords included dysphagia or aspiration AND pulse oximetry.
Articles meeting criteria were reviewed by two blinded co-investigators. The search yielded 294 articles, from which 19
were judged pertinent and reviewed in full. Ten met the inclusion criteria and all were rated at Level III-2 on the Australian
Diagnostic Levels of Evidence. Study findings were mixed with sensitivity ranging from 10 to 87%. Potentially con-
founding variables were observed in all studies reviewed, and commonly involved defining ‘‘desaturation’’ within a
standard measurement error range (* 2%), mixed populations, mixed viscosities/textures observed during swallowing,
and lack of comparison group. The majority of studies failed to demonstrate an association between observed aspiration
and oxygen desaturation. Current evidence does not support the use of pulse oximetry to detect aspiration.

Keywords Pulse oximetry  Aspiration  Deglutition  Swallowing  Deglutition disorders


Dysphagia is a common symptom of a wide variety of

underlying diseases, including neurologic and respiratory
& Deanna Britton conditions [1]. Secondary complications of dysphagia may
include aspiration pneumonia, respiratory failure, malnu-
Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences, Portland State trition, dehydration, and death [2, 3]. These complications
University (PSU), Portland, OR, USA frequently lead to increased hospital length of stay and
Northwest Clinic for Voice and Swallowing (NWCVS), higher medical costs [3]. For these reasons, early detection
Department of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, and management of dysphagia is important to minimize or
Oregon Health & Sciences University (OHSU), Portland, OR, avoid the expensive and sometimes life-threatening con-
USA sequences of dysphagia.
Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, Spokane, WA, Pulse oximetry has been advocated by some as a means
USA to detect aspiration [4, 5]. Pulse oximetry is a commonly
Auburn, AL, USA used noninvasive means of measuring peripheral capillary
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, oxygen saturation (SpO2), i.e., the percentage of oxy-
University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC), Seattle, genated hemoglobin in individuals at risk for hypoxemia

D. Britton et al.: Utility of Pulse Oximetry to Detect Aspiration... 283

[6, 7]. This is accomplished by measuring the ratio of light combination with other aspects of the clinical swallowing
absorption of oxygenated (oxyhemoglobin) and deoxy- exam were excluded due to the difficulty in disentangling
genated (deoxyhemoglobin) blood. The underlying ratio- the specific contribution of pulse oximetry to detection of
nale posited for use of pulse oximetry to detect aspiration is aspiration. Articles examining pediatric populations were
that aspiration may lead to bronchoconstriction and/or excluded due to the potential impact of differences in
airway obstruction leading to ventilation–perfusion mis- swallowing and respiratory anatomy on findings. Because
match [8–10], which in turn results in a drop in oxygen of the inherent challenges in conducting large-scale studies
saturation [9]. Potential use of pulse oximetry to detect or involving dysphagia rehabilitation research [16], we did
screen for aspiration risk is attractive to clinicians, as it is not exclude research based on study design or populations/
readily available, quick, and noninvasive, and may be settings studied. Comprehensive literature search of
easily incorporated into a clinical swallowing examination. PubMed, CINAHL Plus, PsychINFO, AMED, and Embase
In fact, use of pulse oximetry to detect aspiration has been databases without date limits was conducted on 8/25/16
advocated and adopted into clinical practice by many with an updated search covering the years 2016 forward on
clinicians. For instance, pulse oximetry has been incorpo- 4/8/17. Literature search strategies included use of medical
rated into clinical swallowing assessment protocols, such subject headings (MeSH) for the PubMed database, along
as the Volume–Viscosity Swallow Test [11, 12]. However, with text related to dysphagia, aspiration, and pulse
research and expert opinions regarding the validity of pulse oximetry used with all targeted databases. See Table 1 for
oximetry to indicate aspiration has yielded mixed findings. keywords and search strategy. To ensure literature satura-
For instance, Zaidi et al. reported oxygen desaturation tion, additional hand searches of references from included
during swallowing to be a potential marker of aspiration in articles, relevant review articles, and other sources known
individuals following acute stroke [4]. However, others to the authors were completed.
have challenged the validity of using pulse oximetry to The strength of the evidence for all of the articles fully
detect aspiration [13]. Owing to the mixed conclusions of reviewed was rated via the Australian level of evidence
research examining use of pulse oximetry to detect aspi- hierarchy for diagnostic accuracy (Table 2) [17], owing to
ration, it remains a topic of debate and clinical confusion. ease and reliability for characterizing quality of evidence
In this regard, a systematic review of the body of this lit- and risk for bias in diagnostic studies. Additional infor-
erature will shed more light on the underlying factors mation was extracted from each article to further determine
contributing to these discrepant findings and offer clinical risk for bias at both outcome and study levels. Data
direction on the validity of using pulse oximetry to detect extracted from each article included demographic infor-
prandial aspiration. mation, parameters of measurement for pulse oximetry in
The purpose of this study is to systematically review the context of swallowing, swallowing assessment meth-
evidence on the use of pulse oximetry in individuals with ods, and study findings.
dysphagia to detect a decrease in SPO2 indicating aspira-
tion during swallowing, toward the goal of further
informing clinical practice in dysphagia assessment. Results

Study Selection
Following removal of duplicate records, the search yielded
This systematic review was completed in accordance with 294 citations. Citations were screened in two stages. In
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and stage I, titles and abstracts were independently screened by
Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) standards [14, 15], an evidence- two co-investigators for relevance to the purpose of the
based set of guidelines for reporting systematic reviews. search. Two hundred ten articles without a specific focus
Peer-reviewed research studies directly investigating use of on both pulse oximetry and swallowing were excluded. In
pulse oximetry to detect aspiration with simultaneous stage II, abstracts were reviewed and articles skimmed.
confirmation of aspiration via a gold standard instrumental Sixty-five articles that did not directly examine the use of
study, i.e., modified barium swallow study (MBSS) or pulse oximetry to detect aspiration were excluded at this
fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES), in stage, including review articles and abstracts. Blinded
adults were included. Articles that did not meet the inclu- inter-rater agreement for inclusion/exclusion of citations at
sion criteria or were published in a language other than stage I and II screening was [ 80%. Discrepancies were
English were excluded (Fig. 1). Conference abstracts were resolved via a third reviewer along with discussion and
excluded owing to insufficient information to facilitate consensus. The remaining 19 articles underwent full blin-
review. Articles that studied pulse oximetry only in ded review by two co-investigators to determine relevance

284 D. Britton et al.: Utility of Pulse Oximetry to Detect Aspiration...

Fig. 1 Preferred Reporting for

Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA)
flow chart

to the specific purpose, with exclusion of nine additional either MBSS [5, 18–22] or FEES [23–26]. All of these
articles due to lack of simultaneous examination of pulse articles were rated at Level III-2 on the Australian level of
oximetry during swallowing with gold standard detection evidence hierarchy for diagnostic accuracy (Table 2) [17].
of aspiration, i.e., via MBSS or FEES. Ultimately, ten Demographic information for the studies included is
studies were qualitatively synthesized. With use of a outlined in Table 3. Most of the studies focused primarily
detailed form, the ten articles meeting criteria were on the stroke population; others included individuals with
reviewed in full for details contained in Tables 3, 4, 5, and multiple underlying diagnoses. None of the studies inclu-
6 by two co-investigators with blinded data extraction and ded a statistical power analysis. Over half of the studies did
quality of evidence rating. Disagreements were resolved not include a comparison group; some of these studies
through consensus discussion. compared instances of aspiration versus no aspiration
within or between subjects. Exclusion criteria were vari-
Study Characteristics able or, in some studies, unspecified.

All ten citations reviewed examined SpO2 simultaneously

with a gold standard method of detecting aspiration, via

D. Britton et al.: Utility of Pulse Oximetry to Detect Aspiration... 285

Table 1 Search terms

Keywords related to Swallowing, Dysphagia, Aspiration
PubMed MeSH headings Free text search terms

Aspiration pneumonia, or ‘‘Aspiration,’’ or

Respiratory aspiration ‘‘Aspiration pneumonia’’
Deglutition, or ‘‘Deglutition,’’ or
Dysphagia, or ‘‘Dysphagia,’’ or
Swallowing, or ‘‘Swallowing,’’ or
Swallowing disorders, or ‘‘Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing,’’ or
Deglutition disorders ‘‘FEES,’’ or
‘‘Videofluoroscopic swallow study,’’ or
‘‘VFSS,’’ or
‘‘Modified barium swallow study,’’ or
Keywords related to Pulse Oximetry
PubMed MeSH headings Free text search terms

Pulse oximetry ‘‘Pulse oximetry,’’ or

‘‘Oxygen saturation,’’ or
NOT ‘‘children,’’ ‘‘pediatric,’’ ‘‘infant,’’ ‘‘meconium’’

Table 2 Australian levels of evidence. Reproduced with permission from Merlin et al. [17]
Level Diagnostic accuracy

I A systematic review of Level II studies

II A study of test accuracy with an independent, blinded comparison with a valid reference standard, among consecutive persons with a
defined clinical presentation
III-1 A study of test accuracy with: an independent, blinded comparison with a valid reference standard, among non-consecutive persons with
a defined clinical presentation
III-2 A comparison with reference standard that does not meet the criteria required for Level II and III-1 evidence
III-3 Diagnostic case–control study
IV Study of diagnostic yield (no reference standard)

Pulse Oximetry Parameters populations, populations with underlying respiratory

impairments, lack of control for viscosity or texture, and
Pulse oximetry measurement parameters and additional lack of a comparison group (Tables 3 and 4).
factors indicating risk for bias are outlined in Table 3.
Criteria for ‘‘desaturation’’ in conjunction with swallowing Instrumental Swallow Study Parameters
were variable between studies, either ranging from a 2 to
4% drop in oxygen saturation or unspecified with group Swallow study measurement parameters are outlined in
comparisons. Because the margin of error in most pulse Table 5. The criteria for categorizing a participant as an
oximetry devices is approximately 2% [27–29], use of the aspirator were not clearly specified in most of the reviewed
2% drop in SpO2 criteria for judging desaturation may lead studies. Others indicated that participants would be cate-
to bias. Study efforts to prevent measurement artifact were gorized as ‘‘aspirators’’ if they were observed to aspirate at
variable and unspecified in half of the studies reviewed. least once on any food or liquid trial [22, 23]. Most of the
Nearly half of the included studies did not report efforts to studies reported observations with a variety of textures and
blind observations. Additional potentially confounding amounts, but only one compared findings based on the
variables were noted across all studies and included mixed texture or viscosity aspirated [24].

286 D. Britton et al.: Utility of Pulse Oximetry to Detect Aspiration...

Table 3 Study demographic information

Citation Population(s) Control group Exclusion Criteria

Collins Stroke (n = 54) None Diagnoses that might impact accurate SpO2
and readings, e.g., Raynaud’s or severe peripheral
Bakheit vascular disease
Sellars Multiple, including stroke, multiple sclerosis, Healthy (n = 5) without Not indicated
et al. cerebellar ataxia (n = 6) MBSS confirmation
Sherman Stroke and ‘‘other’’ (unspecified) (n = 46) None Receiving supplemental O2
et al. Compared groups with
[20] and without aspiration
Colodny Multiple, including stroke, dementia, Healthy (n = 77) Receiving supplemental O2
[24] cardiopulmonary (n = 104)
Leder ICU patients, currently NPO (diagnoses unknown) None Not indicated
[25] (n = 60) Compared four
groups, ± aspiration
with and without
supplemental O2
Smith Stroke (n = 53) None Cognitive or language impairment that precludes
et al. consent, inability to sit upright, respiratory
[21] infection, additional neurological or medical
Chong Stroke (n = 50), [ 65 years old None Excluded if difficulty obtaining accurate SpO2
et al. readings, e.g., due to respiratory or cardiac
[23] impairments
Higo Multiple, including cerebrovascular and Seen for esophageal Not indicated
et al. neuromuscular disease, head and neck tumor disease evaluation
[23] Dysphagic (n = 110) (n = 63)
Dysphagic with cuffed tracheostomy tube (n = 9) Laryngectomy (n = 22)
Wang Multiple, including stroke; nasopharyngeal cancer Healthy (n = 40) without Presence of PVD, chronic lung disease, smoking
et al. after radiation treatment; motor neuron disease; MBSS confirmation history and incomplete MBSS
[22] parkinsonism; brain tumor; MS; TBI; esophageal
cancer, vocal fold palsy; scleroderma (n = 60)
Marian Acute stroke (n = 50) None Pre-existing dysphagia or comorbidities that may
et al. Subjects used as own cause dysphagia, reduced level of
[26] controls consciousness, and/or need for supplemental
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ICU intensive care unit; MBSS modified barium swallow study; MS multiple sclerosis; NPO nil
per os; O2 oxygen; PVD peripheral vascular disease; PO pulse oximetry; SpO2 peripheral capillary oxygen saturation; TBI traumatic brain injury

Study Findings aspiration concluded that there was no significant rela-

tionship between events of aspiration and subsequent O2
Study findings were mixed and highly variable (Table 6). desaturation.
Reported measures of sensitivity and specificity for use of
pulse oximetry to detect aspiration ranged from 10 to 87%
and 39 to 100%, respectively. Reported measures of posi- Discussion
tive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value
(NPV) ranged from 35.5 to 100% and 52 to 88%, respec- This systematic review has examined the use of pulse
tively. Three of the four studies examining group com- oximetry to detect aspiration in studies with simultaneous
parisons reported a lack of change or relationship between confirmation of aspiration via a gold standard instrumental
aspiration and oxygen desaturation. The majority of studies study, such as MBSS or FEES. Although the research
(7/10) failed to demonstrate an association between aspi- findings are mixed, the majority of the studies examined in
ration and O2 desaturation. Two of the ten studies that this systematic review do not support the use of pulse
examined O2 desaturation in relation to observed events of oximetry for purposes of detecting aspiration (Table 6). In
addition, the strength of the evidence is weakened in many

D. Britton et al.: Utility of Pulse Oximetry to Detect Aspiration... 287

Table 4 Pulse oximetry parameters and risk for bias

Citation ‘‘Desaturation’’ Baseline Post-swallow Blinding? Artifact prevention Possible confounders—
defined time time observed examples
observed (min)

Collins [ 2% drop in Unspecified C2 ? Warm room, no nail polish, keep Underlying respiratory
and SpO2 Single- arm still impairments in some subjects
Bakheit blind Larger bolus sizes observed
[5] during MBSS versus during
clinical exam
Sellars [ 4% drop in 5 min 3 – Clean warm finger Mixed etiologies
et al. SpO2 Probes placed on non- Underlying respiratory
[19] hemiplegic hand impairments in some subjects
Varying MBSS protocols
Sherman Unspecified 1 min 3 Partially Unspecified Mixed etiologies
et al. Reported change Possibly underlying respiratory
[20] impairments in some subjects
Colodny Unspecified 10 min 10 ? Unspecified, except hand with Aspiration not measured in
[24] Group probe held steady control subjects
Leder [25] Unspecified 5 min 5 – Probe placed on finger on the Mixed etiologies
Group arm opposite of the blood
comparisons pressure probe
Smith [ 2% drop in Until 2 ? Probes were placed on non- Variable textures
et al. SpO2 ‘‘stable’’ hemiplegic hand Possibly underlying respiratory
[21] impairments in some subjects
Chong [ 2% drop in 5 min Up to 2 – Probe placed on non-hemiplegic Variable textures
et al. SpO2 hand Acutely ill elderly participants
[23] Exclude patients with capillary Combined aspirators and
issues penetrators in analysis
Higo et al. Compared [ 2 C1 min C1 – Unspecified Mixed etiologies
[18] and 3% drop
in SpO2
Wang [ 3% drop in C5 min C5 ? Clean warm finger Mixed etiologies
et al. SpO2 Keep arm still Variable textures
Marian [ 2% drop in Not stated 2 ? Unspecified Exclusion of non-aspirators
et al. SpO2 Lack of baseline SpO2 measures
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; MBSS modified barium swallow study; PO pulse oximetry; SpO2 peripheral capillary oxygen

of these studies by study design flaws and potential for Variability in Comparison Methods for Prandial
bias, such as lack of a comparison group, blinding and Aspiration
inter-rater reliability, as well as inadequate sample size
(Tables 4 and 5). Therefore, the evidence for use of pulse Clinically, it is well known that individuals who aspirate do
oximetry as a means to detect prandial aspiration is inad- not necessarily aspirate on every swallow [31]. Further,
equate and not convincing. risk for aspiration in individuals may vary depending upon
This discussion will reflect on the reviewed research the texture or liquid viscosity [32] and the size of the bolus
within the context of methodological factors, which may [33, 34]. Theoretically, these same variables might impact
have impacted the study findings, as well as other aspects the degree of desaturation. For instance, aspiration of a
of medical knowledge critical to clinical decision making larger or solid bolus might be more likely to trigger airway
[30] in this context, including consideration of physiologic occlusion or bronchospasm. This may have been a factor in
factors that could affect O2 saturation or desaturation in the the study published by Collins and Bakheit as their finding
context of swallowing. of a positive correlation between prandial desaturation and

288 D. Britton et al.: Utility of Pulse Oximetry to Detect Aspiration...

Table 5 Swallow study parameters

Citation ‘‘Aspiration’’ categorized Textures/amounts observed

Collins and Not directly indicated 150 ml liquid; 3 oz mousse and half of a 200
Bakheit barium-impregnated shortbread biscuit
Sellars et al. Not directly indicated Liquid and paste barium, and biscuit coated with
[19] barium in 5, 10 ml, or self-regulated volumes
Sherman Not directly indicated Liquid and paste barium and crackers coated with
et al. [20] barium in 5 and 15 ml volumes
Colodny Aspiration was categorized by at least one event on any bolus during FEES Dysphagic group: 5–50 ml liquid and/or puree as
[24] exam for dysphagics. Comparison groups were penetrators, liquid tolerated until aspiration
aspirators, solid aspirators and normal Non-dysphagic group: 150 ml of a liquid, puree,
and a chewable solid
Leder [25] Not directly indicated Custard, milk, and cracker boluses dyed with blue
food in 5 ml volumes
Smith et al. Not clearly indicated. ‘‘Aspiration on one or more occasion’’ was compared. Thin and thick liquid barium in 3, 5, 10, and 20 ml
[21] Additionally, combined analysis with aspirators and penetrators volumes; Yogurt and bread with barium in 5 ml
Chong et al. ‘‘Aspiration was considered to be present on FEES if there was any Water swallow: 50 ml water in 10-ml aliquots—
[23] aspiration or penetration on any food consistency’’ prior to FEES
Four blue dyed textures observed with FEES: (1)
honey thick; (2) nectar thick; (3) thin; and (4)
Amounts: 3–5 large spoonfuls (approx 8 ml each)
Higo et al. Not directly indicated ‘‘Thin liquid, thick liquid or paste barium in 3 and
[18] 5 ml and self-regulated volumes
Wang et al. Observed by case (at least 1 event of aspiration on any food consistency or Thin liquid, thick liquid and paste barium in two
[22] amount), and also per aspiration and desaturation events 5-ml boluses
Marian et al. Per swallow, for each participant one swallow with aspiration (PAS C 6) Not specified. Discussion suggests multiple
[26] and one without were compared viscosities
ml milliliters; PAS penetration–aspiration scale

aspiration was observed in the context of much larger bolus Definition of ‘‘Desaturation’’ in the Context
volumes [5]. For these reasons, group and case compar- of Swallowing
isons (Table 6) that seek to classify each individual as an
aspirator or non-aspirator may cloud the issue of whether One issue of variability lies in the definition of ‘‘desatu-
or not pulse oximetry can detect aspiration for specific ration’’ in the context of using pulse oximetry to identify
swallow events. Only two of the ten reviewed studies instances of aspiration. Of the studies examining sensitiv-
(Wang et al. [22]; Marian et al. [26]) examined a drop in ity/specificity of pulse oximetry to detect aspiration in this
SpO2 in association with specific swallows [22, 26] review, the majority specified a C 2% drop in O2 satura-
(Table 6). Both of these studies concluded no relationship tion during eating as ‘‘desaturation’’ (Table 4). The stated
between O2 desaturation and instances of aspiration. In rationale for this criterion is unclear and may have con-
addition, two of the ten studies (Chong et al. [21]; Smith tinued over time through precedent. The problem with this
et al. [23]) also categorized individuals with observed criterion is that the standard error of measurement for pulse
penetration (no aspiration) in the group of individuals with oximeters is generally about 2% [6]. More specifically, for
observed aspiration [21, 23] (Table 5). However, theoreti- SaO2 values of 90% or higher, the precision of SpO2
cally, it does not make sense that SpO2 would decrease due measures to estimate the actual percent saturation of oxy-
to the presence of food or liquid in the laryngeal vestibule, gen bound to hemoglobin in arterial blood (SaO2), i.e., the
as bronchospasm or interference with respiration would standard deviation of differences between the 2 measures,
typically occur at the level of the lower respiratory system is \ 3%, and the bias of SpO2 measures, i.e., the mean
or lungs. difference, is \ 2% [27–29]. Other researchers have com-
mented on this issue as well. For instance, Colodny stated
that ‘‘controversy exists over the use of the 2% desaturation

D. Britton et al.: Utility of Pulse Oximetry to Detect Aspiration... 289

Table 6 Study findings—prediction of aspiration from pulse oximetry

Citation Comparisons Sensitivity Specificity Positive Negative Conclusion
predictive predictive PRO or CON to detect aspiration from PO
value value

Collins Case 73% 87% – – PRO: pulse oximetry can reliably detect aspiration
and in most dysphagic patients
Sellars Group – – – – CON: patients showed drops of C 4% and a
et al. significantly greater drop in SpO2 than the healthy
[19] group (t test, p \ 0.05), but associated with
aspiration in only 2 of 6 cases
Sherman Group – – – – PRO: data show ‘‘an association between oxygen
et al. desaturation and swallowing abnormalities.’’
[20] Patients who aspirated had a significantly greater
decline than patients who did not (p 0.002)
Colodny Group – – – – CON: ‘‘No relation was found between SpO2 levels
[24] and aspiration’’
Leder Group – – – – CON: ‘‘No significant differences in SpO2 levels
[25] based on aspiration status or O2 requirements for
any of the 4 groups’’
Smith Case 87% 39% 36% 88% CON: inadequate PPV for detection of aspiration.
et al. Use of pulse oximetry to detect both aspiration and
[21] penetration improved to a PPV of 69%
Chong Case 55.9% 100% 100% 51.6% PRO: the combination of a 50 ml water swallow test
et al. and pulse oximetry is a sensitive screening for
[23] silent aspiration in acutely ill elderly
Higo Case C 2% C 2% – – CON: ‘‘No matter what cut-off point is adopted,
et al. SpO2 SpO2 sensitivity and specificity are insufficient to use
[18] drop drop (pulse oximetry) as a diagnostic tool to predict or
84.6% 82.5% identify aspiration’’
C 3%
Wang Case 39.1% 59.4% 35.5% 61.1% CON: No significant correlation between
et al. And, per swallow desaturation and aspiration on VFSS (Chi Squared
[22] (i.e., aspiration and test, p = 0.87)
desaturation Only 11/37 (29.7%) aspiration events occurred with
events) desaturation, and 12/39 desaturation events
occurred with an aspiration event
Marian Per swallow 10% 100% – – CON: No correlation between aspiration/dysphagia
et al. severity (k = 0.007) or the amount of aspirated
[26] material and SpO2 levels (k = 0.1101)
SpO2 Peripheral capillary oxygen saturation
Comparison types: By case between-subject comparisons, i.e., aspirators versus non-aspirators; By swallow within-subject comparisons per
swallow, i.e., instances of aspiration versus no aspiration; By group between-group comparisons, i.e., group averages of SpO2 for aspirators
versus non-aspirators

criterion as indicative of aspiration’’ [13]. In addition, both surprising considering the characteristics of the oxyhe-
Leder and Colodny critiqued the 2% criterion as being moglobin dissociation curve (Fig. 2), a sigmoid-shaped
arbitrary and at the margin of error for the pulse oximetry curve that demonstrates the complex relationship between
equipment [24, 25]. the amount of oxygen available and dissolved in plasma,
In addition to considering the standard error of mea- i.e., partial pressure of O2 dissolved in arterial blood
surement in pulse oximetry devices, it is important to note (PaO2), and the amount (percent) saturation of oxygen
that the bias and precision of SpO2 measures tend to bound to hemoglobin in arterial blood (SaO2). Owing to the
worsen when SaO2 is lower than 90% [27, 28]. This is not sigmoidal shape of the oxyhemoglobin disassociation curve

290 D. Britton et al.: Utility of Pulse Oximetry to Detect Aspiration...

carbon monoxide) and methemoglobin, may also lead to

inaccurate SpO2 readings [27]. Use of a waveform display,
available on many pulse oximeters, can help distinguish a
normal signal from a signal with various forms of artifact
[27]. Many of the studies included in this review docu-
mented efforts to minimize artifact, but at least four did not
specify these efforts (Table 4). The time it takes for a pulse
oximeter to detect a change in SpO2 is also a consideration
with attempts to use pulse oximetry to detect aspiration.
Jubran reported that the length of time to detect a decrease
in SpO2 was [ 1 min [27]. All articles included in this
review specified the duration of time for observation after
each swallow (Table 4).

Possible Impact of Breathing Swallowing


Alteration of breathing–swallowing coordination might

potentially explain desaturation in the context of swal-
Fig. 2 Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. The sigmoidal shape
demonstrates the varying affinity of hemoglobin for O2 [35]. Note lowing for some individuals. The upper airway serves
that once PaO2 is below 60 mmHg, the curve becomes steep and multiple purposes in humans, including breathing, swal-
smaller changes in PaO2 will reduce SaO2. The affinity of hemoglobin lowing, and speech. Swallowing must therefore be coor-
for O2 will vary with a number of factors. For instance, the curve will
dinated with respiration. The key indices of breathing–
shift left (increasing oxygen affinity for hemoglobin) with increased
pH, reduced PaCO2, reduced 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG), and swallowing coordination include the respiratory phase
reduced temperature. Conversely, the curve will shift right (reducing pattern (observation of inspiration or expiration before and
oxygen affinity for hemoglobin) with decreased pH, increased PaCO2, after each swallow) and the swallow apnea duration [37].
increased DPG, and increased temperature. PaO2 partial pressure of
The swallow apnea duration refers to the duration of time
O2 dissolved in arterial blood; SaO2 saturation of oxygen bound to
hemoglobin in arterial blood Image source Wikimedia Commons of a centrally controlled cessation of breathing that occurs
contributors, ’File:Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve.png’, Wiki- during each swallow. Swallow apnea duration may change
media Commons, the free media repository, 19 February 2017, 01:04 in the context of underlying disease. For instance, longer
UTC, (
swallow apnea durations have been observed in the elderly
haemoglobin_dissociation_curve.png&oldid=234162700) [accessed
26 November 2017] [37] and in individuals with neurologic disease [38]. In
addition, in individuals with underlying respiratory or
[35], pulse oximetry may not detect hypoxemia as easily in pulmonary disease, such as those with an elevated respi-
individuals with higher PaO2 levels [27]. Conversely, ratory rate, the time needed for the swallow apnea (ap-
individuals with lower SpO2 values (e.g., in the lower 90s) proximately 1 s) could compete with the individual’s
at baseline may show larger drops with smaller changes. It ventilatory needs. For instance, oxygen desaturation asso-
is therefore plausible that an individual’s underlying res- ciated with eating and swallowing—without aspiration—
piratory function could impact the accuracy of pulse was observed in some of the reviewed studies. Theoreti-
oximetry in detecting aspiration. cally, the time needed for the swallow apnea in individuals
with underlying respiratory impairments and/or prolonged
Control for Artifact in Pulse Oximetry Measures swallow apnea duration owing to underlying neurologic
disease might lead to the fluctuation of O2 saturation.
In addition to considering the limits of pulse oximetry Further research would be needed to confirm this
devices and the impact of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation possibility.
curve, other factors may lead to erroneous pulse oximetry
measures. Measurement artifact may occur for a variety of
reasons, including motion artifact, nail polish, skin pig- Conclusion
mentation, low perfusion state (e.g., low cardiac output,
vasoconstriction, or hypothermia), use of intravenous dyes, Current evidence does not support the use of pulse
and anemia [27, 36]. Elevated levels of dyshemoglobins, oximetry to detect aspiration. This may be partially related
such as carboxyhemoglobin (associated with exposure to to methodological factors in existing studies, including
variability in comparison methods for measuring prandial

D. Britton et al.: Utility of Pulse Oximetry to Detect Aspiration... 291

aspiration, defining ‘desaturation’ in the context of swal- 12. Rofes L, et al. Sensitivity and specificity of the Eating Assess-
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