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This A.

that foodadded fruitsproduce
healthy, more organic
with something
environmentally textChoose
security and
importance gorgeousrecognizedComposting is
vegetables. beneficial. for the
and issues questionscorrect
is flowers friendly, that's
gardens, over is
really is the
facing Due Composting the ready process
and answer
portant 1
put in years to
personally I onthehealthy, part fo r
of 5.
world a disposal
because it's in to by
because rich theto safe has
soils flavorful way become
of for to
mselves composting with substance
moisture also
climate Overall D,
izers, chemicalof includebeing a andenvironnmental
crucial a shocks
creates E!
nitrogen, role conditions health soil
ides, improves it
in in a is
reduced preserving thatisrich because
phosphorus, and
of source like
and the the for severed bO0sts
reliance biological include
ntal soil. Compost
soilplays a of
and fertility. organic its
on nutrient
air, resilience
advantages and
organic magnifies
physio matter,
ater. Along
By fortitying and replenishing the soil, compost This text is for questions 6 to 10.
helps the soil resist water, wind and soil erosion
bymakitng it possible for water to enter the soil Most people choose to burn their garbage
more efficiently, keeping the showers from in open areas than recycling them. Isuppose
turning into a flood. they don't realize how harmful this practice is to
From those reasons, no wonder that their health and to the environment. There are
many people do composting and use compost Some reasons why we should not burn waste.
for their environment. Open burning of garbage poses health
Source: htps://' risks to those exposed directly to the smoke.
It especially affects people with sensitive
1. What is the text about? respiratory systenms, as wellas children and the
A. How to grow plants wel. elderly. In the short term, exposure to smoke
B.Howto make compost. can cause headaches, nausea, and rashes.
C. The importance of composting. Over time, it can increase the risk of developing
heart disease.
D. Why compost fertilizer is cheap. Since open burning of garbage is more
E. The reasons of common in rural and agricultural areas,there is
composting wastes.
2 particular concern for high levels of dioxins and
The process of transforming organic matter furans settling on crops, in our streams, and
that's ready for disposal into something in our lakes. Dioxins and furans produced by
beneficial is called the open burning of garbage are deposited on
A. compost plants,which are eaten by animals. The dioxins
B. Composting and furans are absorbed by these animals and
C. materials stay in the rod chain until they ultimately end
up in our meat and dairy products. In fact, over
D. environmental issue 90 percent of our intake of dioxins and furans
E. environmental shocks is from our diet.
3. From the text, we know that composting is In conclusion, burning garbage is not a
good way to reduce our waste bcause it is
. to produce healthy fruits and vegetables dangerous for our health and environment.
in our garden. There are still many safe ways to reduce waste
A. a popular way that we can try.
B. an expensive and difficult way
C. an easy and popular way 6 The text mainly tells about
D. an efficient and common way A the effects of air pollution
E. an environmentally friendly and safe B. the danger of burning waste
way C howto burn garbage
4. The following are benefits of composting, D how to reduce waste
except Ethe importance of garbage
A. It creates a rich source of organic matter. 7 The main idea of the third paragraph is...
B. It can prevent soil erosion. A. Burning waste is bad for health.
C. It can preserve soil fertility. B. Open burning of garbage has no risks to
D. It can help us produce healthy, lakes and streams.
flourishing gardens. C. Animals are the one which spread the
E. It helps farmers to buy more pesticides pollutants.
to kill pests. D. Dioxins and furans are produced by
5 "First, it is because composting magnifies plants.
overallsoil health and boosts its resilience to E. Open burning of garbage is not good for
environmental shocks that include severed Our environment.
climate conditions like drought." 8 What is the best way to reduce home garbage?
The underlined word has similar in meaning A. Burning garbage every day.
to B. Burning waste in open area.
A. improves D. permits C. Recycling the garbage.
B. enlarges E. declines D. Not consuming meat and milk.
C. lifts E. Sorting the garbage before burning them.
11. The text mainly tells about
9. Where do people commonly burn their A. the causes of potholes
garbage in open area?
A. In urban areas. B. how to repair potholes
B. In parks and recreation districts. C. why potholes are formed
C. In towns. D. the dangers of potholes
D. In suburban areas. E. the causes of car accidents
E. Inrural and agricultural areas. 12. According to the text, what mostly causes
10. "In fact, over 90 percent of our intake of potholes?
dioxins and furans is from our diet." A. Man-made works.
Bad weather.
The underlined word has similar in meaning
to C. The bad facility in the road.
D. The car accidents.
A. exhaustion
E. The road misuse.
B. profit
C. absorption 13. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
D. consumption A. Potholes can damage our vehicles.
E. production B. Potholes can make bad collision.
This text is for questions 11 to 14. C. The passengers of a car can get the
impacts of the potholes.
During dry season and rain, there will be D. Potholes can cause physical injuries of
cracks or holes in the road. These holes are the driver.
called potholes. Many of them are deep. Do you E. Potholes lead the bad effects on the car
know that potholes are dangerous? Although
the occasional small bump while driving isn't engine.
a big deal, when your vehicle suffers a jolting 14. "..., but it can also have cataclysmiC effects
fall into a deep pothole, you and your car can on your engine."
suffer severe consequences. Here are some
risks of potholes. The synonym of the underlined word is
First of all, potholes can cause collision A adverse
issues and accidents. When a tire plunges B. messy
intoa pothole, it can allow air within the tire to C. fatal
rapidly escape and cause your tire to literaly
explode from the changing air pressure. D. advantageous
Furthermore, the force of the tire hitting the E. powerful
pothole can also cause structural damage to This text is for questions 15 to 17.
the wheel. Once the tire or wheel is damaged,
maintaining control of. the vehicle can be
difficult, causing potential collision risks. City parks and open space improve our
Secondly, depending on the location of physical and psychological health.
the pothole when it is hit, the concussive bounce Over the past couple of decades, interest
of the incident can damage your exhaust in city parks has revived. Governments and civic
system. A damaged exhaust cannot only put groups around the country have revitalized run
your life and the lives of your passengers in down city parks, built greenways along rivers,
danger from inhalation, but it can also have converted abandoned railroad lines to trails,
cataclysmic effects on your engine. and planted community gardens in vacant
In addition to potential impact damage lots. But with the current economio downturn,
to your vehicle, the jolting force of the bump states and cities facing severe budget crises
can cause internal physical injuries. Force are slashing their park spending, threatening
injuries can include tissue damage, whiplash, the health of existing parks, and curtailing the
concussions, neck and spinal cord pain, and creation of newparks.
more. Strong evidence shows that when people
In conclusion, potholes should not be have access to parks, they exercise more.
ignored. There are some risks caused by Regular physical activity has been shown to
potholes. The government and citizen can help increase health and reduce the risk of a wide
each other to solve this matter. Therefore, there range of diseases, including heart disease,
will be no accidents again caused by potholes. hypertension, colon cancer, and diabetes.
Physical activity also relieves symptoms of This incomplete text is for numbers 18 to 20.
depression and anxiety, improves mood, and
enhances psychological well-being. Beyond the Water conservation 18) using our
benefits of exercise, a growing body of research limited water supply wisely and caring for it
shows that contact with the natural wordd properly. Here are some of the main reasons
improves physical and psychological health. it is important to conserve water. Saving water
Taken from:
minimizes the effects of drought and water
19) By reducing the amount of
15. What is the topic of the text? water we use, we can better protect against
future drought years. Saving water helps to
A. Interest in city parks has revived. preserve our environment. Reducing our water
B. Strong evidence for research. usages reduces the energy required toprocess
C. Governments and civic groups. and deliver it to homes, businesses, farms,
D. Regular physical activity. and communities, which, in turm, helps to
reduce pollution and conserve fuel resources.
E. The importance of city parks and open , we can all make changes in
our lifestyles to reduce our water usage.
Source: https/
16. What do people often do at the park?
A. Get depressed. D. was
B. Have a research.
18. A. defines
C. Exercise.
B. Consists of E. belongs
D. Have a meeting. C. means
E. Enjoy fresh air. 19. A. leakage D. consumption
17. ". . . improves mood, and enhances B. lack E. shortage
C. store
The underlined word has similar meaning to 20. A. In fact
B. In conclusion
A. boosts D. takes away C. From the facts
B. decreases E. adorns D. In addition
C. neglects E. Furthermore

B. Answer the folowing questions clearly and correctly!

1. Where can you find texts which belong to analytical exposition?

2 What is the purpose of analytical exposition?

This text is for questions 3 to 5.

Some people argue that humans have a responsibility to protect the environment, and that might mean
sometimes putting the environment before short-term human desires. I think it is right that we should be
responsible for the environment because it gives us air, food, and water to survive.

3. What structure does the paragraph belong to?

4. What does the first sentence mean?

5. Write three reasons why we should protect our environment!

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