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Dally Assessment 4

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, g, C, D, or El

Yhls text is for questions 1 to 4. Conditions that are thought to be drought-like in
North America might not considered drought-
A drought begins with a disruption to the like in Africa or parts of Australia. In arid
water cycle, lhe circulation of water lrom tha climates,
EeÛh's atmosphère to ils surface. Sometimes people have developed ways of surviving with
this disruption happens naturally, such as very lit\Ie water. They also conserve what li\\Ie
during a heat wave. Most droughts are water they have.
temporàry, and can occur in all climates. Some Takon Iie›m'. Oroughi and Hoal Wavo Alerl!
climateü are permanenlly dry, or arid, such as
deserts. 1. Wha! does the texl mainly explain?
A drought is a shortage of precipitation
over a peûod of time. Droughts get worse when
A. The elects of droughts.
rivers and straams dry up, leaving people B. The difference between droughts and
without water to drink and to grow food. arid climates
Droughts should lfalls
little precipitation ot beyearconfused
round. Awith arid
drought C. How droughts happen.
happens when a specific geographic region D. Where droughts occur.
receives much tess precipitation than normal. E. Why droughts aie uangercus.
The circulatiOf\ Of Water A raln, thunder, and lightn •8
from the Earth's D.
atmospheæ to its surface iS CBlled E. A squick storm.
A. a drought o. preclpitation
B. aridclimate E. drought-lik 7. From th t6Xt, we know that tornadoes
c. water cycla A. are similar around the world

3. lt can be concluded that dFOU{]htS happen B. happen in the shape of circle

when .... C. are not violent storms
A. the areas change into deserts D. may tfaval dozens of miles
B. some regions experience arid
E. move slowly
C. there is a disruption in climateS
8. "The vortax oî winds in size and shape, . . '

D. a specific the climates

The undarlined word has similar in maaning
geographic region receives
much precipitation than normal
E. there is not enough rain for a Iong A. flood D. wave
period of time B. race E. twister
C. trend
4. key also gqnserve what little water they have."
The underlined word has similar in meaning This text ls for questions 9 to 12.
to. ..
The following is how rain is formed. The air
A. save is filled with tiny particles known as vapour.
D. waste
B. release Vapour is actually the gaseous form of waler.
E. support The air around us is constantly moving because
C. use
the air near the surface of the Earlh is
This text ls for questions 5 to 8. hotter and lighter. This is why this air rises.
The air higher up in the sky is cold and
Tomadoes are among the most violent heavy, so it sinks. The rising of air and the
storms on eanh, with the potential to cause sinking of cold water cause the air to move.
very serious damage. When the hot of air rises to a certain level,
Although no two tornadoes are the same, the vapour presents in it, cools and changes to
they need certain conditions to form — particularly water. This is known as condensation. When
intense or unseasonable heat. As the ground the water particles are too heavy for the air to
temperature increases, moist air heats and carry, the air is said to be oversaturated. The
starts to rise when the warm, moist air meets water particles then lall as rain.
cold dry air, it explodes upwards, puncturing the
layer above. A”thundercloud may begin to 9. What is the purpose of the text?
build A storm quickly developes. There may A. To show the form of rain.
B. To explain how rain is formed.
a rain, thunder, and li htnin . U ward
movement of air can become very rapid. Winds C. To show what rain looks like.
from diflerent directions cause it to rotate. A D. To explain what causes rain.
visible œne or funnel drops out of the cloud E. To describe rain.
towards the ground.
The vortex Of winds in size and shape, and 10. What is vapour?
can be hundreds of metres wide. A tomado A. A very tiny particle.
can last from several seconds to more than an
hour and may travel dozens of miles. B. The gaseous form of water.
5. The text above is about
. C. A part of gas.

A. how tornadoes are formed D. The hot air.

B. where tornadoes happen E. A heavy particle of air.
C. what tornadoes are dangerou 9. When is the air called to be oversaturated?
D. what cause tornadoes A. When the water particles falls as rain
E. why tornadoes rotate B. When the vapour changes into water
8. What makes the storm rotate? C. When the water particles are too heavv
A. The visible cone which drops. for the air to Carry.
B. Winds from different directions. D. When )hB hOt tir rises to a cenain Iex'el
C. The vortex of the wind. E. When Ille air mo 'es.
COld D. will inspire
10. The air higher up in the Say is and
hsnvy, ãO İÎ links.* g. will affect
The und0rlined word räf9f5 (a ....
D. the ra 16. Leaves ... up of a bunch of tiny cells where
A. lhe air
photosynthesis happens.
B. the ky E. tha sUdace
A. is made D. makes
C. the cold water
B. are made E. making
Thls taxt Ig for questions 13 tO 15. C. made
Individuals migrate because theY 17. Most planls and animals take in air, use
'n k
that th y øøn İmprOvO th6İr O Wi livØs or those the oxygen in it and give out another gas,
oítheirtamit0sbyŒoingso. carbon dioxide. This process is called
Facoc Suth aS poveMy, fact OÍ A. digestion
economic 0{›portunity, land shonage and
IOW living s\anderds nt home function as B. evaporation
push factors, while prospańty. opportunity, C. photosynthesis
available employmenl and higher living D. perspiration
standards in the plnca of destination are
pull factors. k\igænts have to consider E. aspiration
geneæl factors such as the cost of travel and This Incomplete text is for numbers 18 to 20.
accommodation, the chances of finding
work and the pævailìng wage rałes in the A blizzard is a winter storm that includes both
destination area compared with those in the snow and wind. Blizzards have winds of at
homa araa. They will also be swayed by îeast 56 kilometers per hour and lasting for
individual factors such as contacts with moæ than three hours. They 18) .
æłatives or fnends in the destination aæas. or changes in air pressure. temperaNre. and
the potential effœl of their absema on the moisture. Blizzards happen when air masses
household leß behind. Knowledge of conditions meet and form a tront. Along the front. ›•'arm
elsewheæ is important in migætion air
decisions and theætoæ modem
19) . As it ùses. the air cools
œmmunicatiœs play a signi4cant role.
and douds form. Snow 20) by
Polential migrants may learn of opportuniłies
water droplets and ice crystals inside a cloud.
from the media. from television images or
Some of the water droplets evaporate into a
from ætumees.
gas called vapor. As the vapor freezes to the
11. The text is about . . ice crystals. the crystals grow larger and
begin to fall. The crystals then crash into
A. how to go abroad
other crystals and make snowflakes.
B. how poverty happens Snow4akes combined with h:ą.1 winds and
C. why people becoma poor cold temperatures make a blizza'c.
D. why people migrate
E. how migrants survive in othæ œuntńes 18. A. cause
B. causes
12. The following are push factors of migration.
C. are causing
except ....
D. iS caused by
A. land shortage
E. aF0 CduSed by
B. available erńployment 19. A. meets
C. low living standards B. ńses
D. poverty C. grows
E. lack of economic opportunity D. makes
E ’ S
13. The individual factors also ... the migrants,
such as contacts with relatives and the . Â. fOlTnS
effects of their absence in their fa‹T›İfÿ’. @.
A. will be swayed C ø øur
B+ wilt İ ŒSS D. İS made
C. will SU gO/ E. are formed
g, AnsWof tho followl0g queatlona
M i›tI‹›ntlio ‹juF)oraI clearly and correctlyl
*”‘“IU’ 8 ( Explan ation textl

WlthUvethe d w h e g
Q. CfO@t0

b. block

4. TranSlalo the following sentences Into lndonesianl

8. Global warming is caused by a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect.

b. II is estimated that there are around 1,800 thunderstorms that occur across our planet every day.

5. Write a short explanation about a natural di9a9ter that you knowl

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