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Unit 2: Inventive Solutions

benefit A good or helpful result or effect
container An object for holding or carrying something
design A plan or drawing that shows the look and
function of something
device A piece of equipment made or adapted for a
particular purpose
dweller A person who lives in a place
electricity A form of energy that can be used for heating
and lighting
equipment The tools, machines, and other items needed
for a particular task
full power The maximum amount of power that
something can produce
innovation A new method, idea, or product
no-brainer Something that is easy or obvious
power Ability to act, do, or produce
power failure A loss of the electric power to a particular
power line A cable that carries electricity into a building
power plant A building or group of buildings where
electricity is produced
prevention The act of making sure that something
doesn’t happen
solar power Electricity produced using energy from the

afford To have enough money to pay for something
cut down on To reduce or decrease
go green To live in an environmentally responsible way
identify To be able to name someone or something
indicate To point out or show something
power To supply the energy needed for something
to work
store To keep something for future use
struggle To try very hard to do something that is
affordable Having enough money to buy something
compatible Able to get along or work together
creative Able to invent things and have original ideas
efficient Being effective without wasting time or
feasible Able to be done or carried out; possible
possible Able to be done
valuable It is of great use or value

eventually In the end, especially after a lot of

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