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Orthoptera, derived from the two Greek Word “Ortho “ meaning straight and “Ptera” meaning wings .

Orthopterans have generally a cylindrical body, with elongated hindlegs and musculature adapted for

Synonyms Of Orthoptera is saltatoria Or saltatoptera

Example : Crickets , Grasshoppers , Locusts , Katydids

KINGDOM : Animalia

PHYLUM : Insecta

SUB-CLASS: Pterygota

INFRA-CLASS : Neoptera

SUPER ORDER : Orthopterida

ORDER : Orthoptera

SUB-ORDER: Ensifera, Caelifera.


Orthoptera is divided into two suborders:-

1:-Ensifera (Long-Horned Grasshoppers).

2:-Caelifera (Short-Horned Grasshoppers).

Tettigoidae (long horned grasshopper) :

-> All members of this family, with the exception of the shield backed grasshopper, are green in color,
have long wings.

-> Tettigonids are distinguished by having the hearing organs (tympanums) located on the front legs,

-> When the male rubs his wing covers together, he produces a song that is used to attract females.

-> Each species has its own characteristic song.

-> Most long-horned grasshoppers spend the winter in the egg stage.

-> Tarsus are four segmented

Example: Surface grasshopper- Conocephailus indicus

Acrididae (short horned grasshopper) :

->Tarsus are three segmented.

->They are herbivorous and include some of the most destructive agricultural pests known.

->The plague, or migratory, species are called locusts.

->Short-horned grasshoppers range in size from 5 mm to 11 cm length.

->Hind legs are adapted for jumping, with greatly enlarged femurs.

->Most species have a pair of tympanal (hearing) organs at the base of the abdomen.

Example: Cotton grasshopper , Rice grasshopper


-> Have Biting / Chewing Mouth Parts with well developed mandibles

-> Head Is : Hypognathous

-> Modified Hind pair of legs for jumping.

-> Most Orthopterans have a long Ovipositor used for laying eggs

-> Antennae is Filiform

-> Large Compound Eyes.

-> Incomplete Metamorphosis

-> Cylindrical body.

-> 2 pair of wings.

-> 3 pair of legs.


-> 2 pair of wings.

-> The forewing are narrower than the hind wings and hardened or leathery at the base.

-> They are held roof-like overlapping the abdomen at rest.

-> The hind wing is membranous and held folded fan-like under the forewings when at rest.

->3 pair of legs.
->Hind pair of legs are modified into sartorial type of legs.
->Enlarged hind femur.
->PARTS: coxa, femur, tibia, tarsus, tarsal claws.

->1 pair of Antennae
->Filiform type of antennae also known as thread like.
-> Grasshoppers have short antennae also known as short horned grasshoppers.
-> Crickets and Katydids have large antennae while some grasshoppers known as long horned
grasshoppers also have large antennae.

Orthoptera have only 3 life stages ( Incomplete Metamorphosis)

-> Some species lay eggs in the form of groups while others lay single egg at one place.
-> Those who lay eggs in group also enclose their eggs inside an egg pod.
-> Number of Nymphal Instars varies from specie to specie.
-> Adults have fully developed wings where as nymphs don’t have wings or either in developing

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