TinyZine 12

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TinyZine Issue 12
Written by Alan Bahr, Steffie de Vaan, Dan Waszkiewicz
Editor: Alan Bahr
Interior Art: Anthony Cournoyer
Graphic Design & Layout: Robert Denton III
TinyD6 Line Manager : Alan Bahr
Based on the game Tiny Dungeon by Brandon McFadden
Second Edition

Published by Gallant Knight Games, 2019

Tiny Dungeon 2e and TinyD6 are trademarks of Gallant Knight Games.

©2019 by Gallant Knight Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction without
the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for
the purposes of reviews, and for the blank character sheets, which may be
reproduced for personal use only.

Gallant Knight Games, Ogden UT 84404

Letter from
the Editor
Hail Loyal Gallants!
Welcome to the twelfth issue of TinyZine! This issue is a bit
smaller on word count, but just as jam-packed with goodies as
anything else.
Steffie returns with our monthly Roll-and-Play, this time
tackling Tiny Servants of Divinity, showcasing all manner of
High Priests, Gods & Purviews and more to accompany the new
Domain rules from yours truly!
After that, Dan Waszkiewicz brings you a new NPC: Sherlock
Holmes! Holmes would be right at home in our upcoming Tiny
- Alan Bahr, 4/30/2019
PS: As always, we’d also be remiss if we didn’t inform you of
our Gallant Knight Games Patreon, where you can get access
to previews, TinyZines, special Patron only dice, and free GKG
RPGs! Please, feel free to check it out.
The art in this TinyZine is graciously funded by our Patrons.


Tiny Servants of Divinity

Steffie de Vaan
Roll-and-Play is a monthly article by Steffie de Vaan which lets
GMs create easy, readymade content for their game. The concept
is simple: grab a d6, and roll once on each tables below.
Servants of Divinity explores shamans, priestly orders, churches,
and monks. Some are monastic organizations wholly devoted to
spiritual pursuits, while others pursue more secular power.
We usually don’t offer a disclaimer for Roll-and-Play, but feel
this topic deserves one. None of these are modeled after existing
religions, and any likeness is wholly coincidental.
D6 God & Purview
1 The Dark Lord who hides in forbidden places and feasts
on the marrow of evil doers.
2 The Grandmother who steals young children away from
abusive parents
3 The Peacock Spirit, the principle of divine beauty
worshipped by artists.
4 The Sacred Deer who protects the natural treasures of
the world.
5 The Feathered Sky, a spirit of healing and sanctuary.
6 The Traveler, a swift steed with eight legs and many eyes
so it may see the whole world.


D6 Followers
1 A deity of a long lost kingdom, this god sees only one
prophet remaining.
2 This god has a handful of follower. The GM decides if
they’re a single circle traveling the world to proselytize, or
separate prophets searching for new acolytes.
3 A single monastery dedicates itself to this deity, though it
sends out prophets and missionaries to spread the word.
4 While not the singular most important god in the kingdom,
this deity holds a place in the main pantheon. Heroes find
its temples and shrines across villages and cities.
5 This god stands above all others in the kingdom. Perhaps
they subjugated or devoured their competitors, or maybe
they rule as a wise and benevolent leader.
6 One mere kingdom cannot hold this deity. Their worships
travels far beyond mortal borders, and heroes see people
kneel to this deity at every major nexus (be it a city or
mystical grove) in the world.

D6 Religious Practices
1 This deity offers little guidance and even fewers rules. If

you wish to worship them, then do. Save children from

cruel parents. Dance naked in the sacred groves. Visit every
city in the world.
2 Acolytes of this deity gather in sacred ceremonies where
they imbibe mind-expanding drugs so their god may
possess them.
3 These priests adhere to a strict schedule. Rise every day at
the same time, eat breakfast, practice worship (anything
from self-flagellation to creating art), eat dinner, and rest
at the same time every day.
4 Adherents of this god shape sound into worship, be it through
reciting dark occult chants or singing in celestial choirs.
5 These acolytes must convert one person per year. Some search
the whole land for just the right apprentice to carefully tutor,
whilst others abduct their converts and throw them down in a
pit until they submit.
6 Followers of this deity may own no private possessions save
the clothes they wear and a book or symbol of their religious
practice. Anything else they need they must bargain or trade
for through services - though a few resort to theft.

D6 High Priest
1 Rhylla was born into the priesthood, their mother High

Priest before them, and cannot imagine what life outside

the priesthood is like. Traits: Human; Charismatic,
Educated, Eidetic Memory, Resolute, Crystal Magic (see
Tiny Dungeon 2E, p.74).
2 Megran schemed and murderer to gain the position of
High Priest in a cut-throat grab for power. Traits: Salimar;
Alchemist (Poisons), Charismatic, Diehard, Insightful,
3 Gahari was born at the very moment the last High Priest
died, and marked through reincarnation. He chafes at
being High Priest and desperately seeks escape. Traits:
Dwarf; Eidetic Memory, Familiar (komodo dragon),
Perceptive, Sneaky, Tough.
4 A triumvirate of siblings - Hiram, Kanor, and Durah -
serves as High Priest, power alternating between them
as the seasons pass. Traits: All Three: Fey, Charismatic,
Educated, Insightful, Perceptive; Hiram (Summer): Ruby
Magic (see p.76); Kanor (Autumn and Spring): Earth
Martial Discipline (see p.77); Durah (Winter): Gryphon
familiar (p.52).
5 Petroua is old and ailing, and seeks the right apprentice
to succeed her as High Priest. Traits: Lizardfolk; Diehard,
Eidetic Memory, Healer, Insightful, Emerald Magic (see
6 Lakosh spends most of their time meditating, and is a
faithful servant of their deity. Traits: Treefolk; Wood
Martial Discipline (see p.78).

D6 Reward for Joining
1 Choose one free Trait: Alchemist, Educated, or Eidetic

2 Choose one free Magical Discipline (see p.74-76)
3 Choose one free Martial Discipline (see p.74-76)
4 Bond with an Animal Companion of small or medium
size (see p.72-73)
5 Gain an Amulet of Protection which grants Advantage
on all Save rolls
6 Gain a Divine Blessing which grants +2 HP

D6 Trouble
1 The High Priest is an impostor. The real High Priest is
held prisoner in a far-away reach of the land, and the
heroes must free them.
2 Acolytes of a rival god infiltrated the priesthood and seek
to bring it down. Can the heroes expose them?
3 The priests ran afoul of the Crown in a conflict over taxes,
and risk being banished. They ask the heroes to mediate.
4 The acolytes’ god fell silent, and the faithful are in a
state of panic. Did their god forsake them? Is something
stopping the god from answering prayers?
5 A young acolyte claims to be the true herald of the deity,
and half the priests follow her into exile. Can the heroes
heal this schism?
6 An evil necromancer (see p.54) seeks to kill the deity so
he may become a god themselves.

Domain Traits

Domain Traits are created to exemplify followers of various gods

and are separated by potential Domains and Areas of Influence.
Anyone blessed by a God may take a Domain Trait, and it replaces
one of their normal Trait choices.
Alternatively, magic items blessed by Gods might carry these

Blacksmith Domain: Once per day, you may restore 1 Depletion
point to an item. You gain Advantage on attempts to identify the
make, material, value and age of crafted items.
Chaos Domain: Twice per day, you may force an attack against
you to strike a random other target.
Darkness Domain: You gain Darkvision (as per the Dwarf
Heritage ability). Twice per day, you may cloud an enemy in
darkness, forcing them to suffer Disadvantage on one Test.
Death Domain: You gain Advantage on Save Tests made when
you are at 0 Hit Points. Unintelligent Undead suffer Disadvantage
on attacks against you.
Dwarf Domain: You gain Advantage on Social Tests involving
Dwarves, and once per day may have the Darkvision ability for d3 Turns.
Fae Domain: You gain Advantage on Social Tests involving Fae,
and once per day may have the Quick Shot Trait for d3 Turns.
Goblin Domain: You gain Advantage on Social Tests involving
Goblins, and once per day may cause an attack to miss you after hit hits.
Human Domain: You gain Advantage on Social Tests
involving Humans, and once per day may have any Trait of your
choice for one Turn.
Karhu Domain: You gain Advantage on Social Tests involving
Karhu, and twice per day may have an unarmed attack deal +1 damage.

Law Domain: You inherently know the laws and legal rulings
of any civilized place you inhabit, and gain Advantage on Tests

when dealing with Authorities.

Life Domain: As an action, you may restore 1 Hit Point to any
target you can touch. Alternatively, you may deal 2 damage as an
attack to any Undead you can touch.
Learning Domain: As an action, you can cause a Target to make
a Save Test. If they fail, they forget a piece of information (work with
the GM to determine a narratively appropriate result.) If you have the
Educated Trait or the Eidetic Memory Trait, you may do this Twice
per day. If you have both, you may do this Three Times per day.
Lizardfolk Domain: You gain Advantage on Social Tests
involving Lizardfolk, and once per day may hold your breath
underwater for d3 Turns.
Magic Domain: You may spend two actions to Identify any
magic items you find automatically. Additionally, you can sense
any magic item with in 25’. (You know there is one, but it’s exact
location is unknown to you.) Certain powerful magics might
mask some items (GM discretion.)
Moon Domain: At night, you have Darkvision (as per the
Dwarf Heritage ability). You also gain the Stealthy Trait at night.
Nature Domain: Natural average creatures suffer Disadvantage
on attacks against you. Once per day, you may either heal an
animal 2 hit points, or cause a 25’ radius of plants to grow rapidly
(as if they’d grown for a month unimpeded). Familiars, druids,
and animal companions are immune to the effects of this Trait.
Prophecy Domain: You can perceive the future. When you
awake in the morning (or other deific appropriate time!) you gain
two Prophecy Tokens. Before you make a Test, you can spend the
Prophecy token to either ignore Disadvantage, or gain Advantage
on the Test. You may never have more than 2 Prophecy Tokens.
Salimar Domain: You gain Advantage on Social Tests
involving Salimar, and once per day, suffer no damage from fire
or cold for 1 Turn.

Storm Domain: You may summon bolts of lightning from the
sky to strike a single enemy you can see. Twice per day, when

you are outdoors, as an action, force an enemy you can perceive

to make a Save Test with Disadvantage. If they fail, they suffer 1
damage, and d3 enemies within 25’ (or the same zone or adjacent
zone) also suffer 1 damage.
Star Domain: You may summon tiny stars to strike your foe.
By spending two actions, you may make 2d3 ranged attacks that
deal 1 damage each. You may only use this ability twice per day.
Each star must strike a different target.
Sun Domain: You have Darkvision (as per the Dwarf Heritage
ability) during the day. You may summon a Flare as an action.
When you do, all enemies within 25’ (or the same and adjacent
Zone) must make a Save Test or lose one action on their next turn.
Treefolk Domain: You gain Advantage on Social Tests involving
Treefolk, and once per day while in the sun, you may heal 3 Hit
Points (no action required.)
War Domain: You gain a new Mastered Weapon. Once per
day, while wielding this Weapon, you may deal +1 Damage.


Creating a god and matching them to a Domain is a simple

matter! Simply pick 1-3 Traits based on the significances of the
deity in their pantheon or culture, and you’re there!

Thor is a classic example of a storm God. Impetuous, strong, and loud,
Thor is defined by 3 Domains that Clerics of Thor tend to exemplify.
Thor is a significant part of the Aesir, and so he is a greater Deity.
• Storm
• War (or Human)
• Blacksmith

God & Purview Significances of Deity

1 Lesser
2 Moderate
3 Greater

NPC Feature:
Sherlock Holmes
The World’s Greatest Detective
Sherlock Holmes

Heritage: Investigator
Home: 221b Baker St. London, England
Age: 61 born 1854
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Family Trade: Country Squires
Belief: There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.
HP: 6
Sanity: 5
Archetype Trait: Additional Trait (Eidetic Memory)
• Educated • Resolute
• Insightful • Tracker
• Perceptive • Opportunist
Weapon Proficiencies: Light Melee
Mastered Weapons: Single Stick, Boxing, Fencing
Equipment: Deer Stalker Cap, Wool Cloak, Magnifying Glass,
Walking Stick, Service Revolver
Sherlock Holmes, The World’s Greatest Detective. Holmes was
destined for greatness, As an undergraduate Holmes fine tuned
his deductive craft assisting fellow students. Through a chance
encounter with a classmates father, Holmes decided upon the life

of a detective. Through some financial hardships. Holmes paired
with a fellow, Dr. John Watson. Dr. Watson was a war veteran and
a trained surgeon. He often looks after Holmes, like a big brother.
Holmes’ focus on his cases often leads him miss meals, and lack in
general hygiene. He also has a penchant for various drugs to either
sharpen his mind or to dull it to slow his racing thoughts.
Sherlock Holmes acts as consultant detective to police forces the world
over. His clientele vary depending on the case. Sherlock has been known
to pass on cases that do not strike him as interesting, even if the client is
Sherlock Holmes

willing to pay substantially more than the current rate. Holmes wishes
to be challenged. He craves the chase and revels in the hunt for clues.
Using deductive reasoning, Holmes looks to the smallest perceivable
items to develop a framework and then fills in the skeleton with clues
and knowledge he gleans from those he is interviewing.
Few can match Sherlock Holmes in a battle of wits. The Opera
singer from America, Irene Adler, and the damnable Professor
James Moriarty have matched Holmes at times. This competition
drives Holmes to silent fits as he does not like being beaten. The
competition with Irene is friendly enough but the rivalry with
Moriarty can be fatal. Moriarty is a mastermind of the Nth degree
operating behind the scenes of a vast organized crime operation.
Moriarity specializes in crafting “accidents” and has nearly cost
Holmes his life a few times already.
Roleplaying tips:Sherlock Holmes can be very cold and calculating.He
keeps to a select few he deems worthy. He is hypervigilant. Observing
the smallest of details. Using offhanded questions to delve deeper into
the psyche of those he is interrogating. His focus often leads him to
forgetting to eat and even bathe for days at a time. When he has caught
scent of a clue Sherlock seems to come alive and deliver lines with grace
and flair. When it comes time for the big reveal, showmanship is as vital
as getting the truth out. And if some police are baffled or embarrassed
by their negligence, this draws a smile across the thin lips of Holmes.
He will often give the public the view that the police are responsible for
capturing the culprit, although he prides himself on knowing otherwise.
To decompress, Holmes will find solace in the joys of music.


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