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Statistics - You are collecting data; you have to analyze to make a decision

Random Variable - those are variables, possible outcomes

Continuous - infinite, the number of variables that values is not limited (infinitely
many values)
Discrete - countable infinite

Non-negative whole number - Starts at 1 and the possible values of discrete

Mass Function Discrete Random Variable

- Probability Mass fxn (Pmf)

Conditions of Pmf
a.) P (x = x) = f (x) is greater than 0 then X element support S however if f(x) =
0 then x is not element support S
b.) Σ P (x = x) = f(x) = 1

Expected Value - Average

- E(x) = Σ x f(x)

Mean and Variance of Random Variable

 Mean - Expected Value
- Symbol for mean is M
- formula for solving mean is M = Σ [ x * P (x = x)]

Variance - Spread
- σ² (Sigma)
- Formula is σ² = Σ (x-m) ² (P (x = x))

Standard Deviation (SD)

- square of variance
- σ = √ Σ (x-m) ² (P (x = x))

M = Mu

Binomial Distribution - Probability Distribution having two possible outcomes;

Success & Failure
p = Probability of success
q = probability of failure
n = number of trials to get x success

Formula: P(x) = nCx p^x * q^n-x

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