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CONIC SECTIONS - a curve obtained as the intersection of the surface of a cone with a

CIRCLE - when the plane is parallel

ELLIPSE - when the plane is diagonal to the base
PARABOLA - when the plane is parallel to the outside edge
HYPERBOLA - when the plane is perpendicular to the base
intersects both cones to form two unbounded curves.

Figure 1

Figure 2

DEGENERATE CONIC SECTIONS – the points and lines obtained by a slicing plane through the

Figure 3

Equations of Conic Sections

The equation of the conic section is a second-degree polynomial in two variables; that is
2 2
A x + Bxy +C y + Dx+ Ey + F=0

Where A, B, C, D, E and F ϵ R.

This is the general form of the equation of the conic sections.


Equation in General Form Observation Type of Conic

The coefficients of the squared
2 2
4 x + 4 y −16=0 terms are equal and have the Circle
same sign.
2 x + 4 y−16=0 There is only one squared term Parabola

The coefficients of the squared

2 2
4 x +8 y −16=0 terms are not equal but have the Ellipse
same sign.

2 2 The coefficients of the squared

4 x −4 y −16=0 Hyperbola
terms have different sign.
2 2
A x + C y + Dx+ Ey+ F =0

(Note: There is no xy term in the equation since B=0)

Condition Type of Conic

A=C Circle
either A = 0 or C=0 Parabola
AC > 0 and A ≠ C Ellipse
AC < 0 Hyperbola

Example 1: Identify the type of conic section of the following equations.

1. x 2−4 y +8=0
Observation: There is only one squared term
Condition: A x 2+ C y 2+ Dx+ Ey+ F =0
2 2
x + C y + Dx−4 y +8=0 Therefore, A= 1 and C=0
Answer: Parabola

2. x 2+ 2 x + y 2−3=0
Observation: The coefficients of the squared terms are equal
and have the same sign.
Condition: A x 2+ C y 2+ Dx+ Ey+ F =0
2 2
x + y + 2 x + Ey−3=0 Therefore, A= 1 and C=1
Answer: Circle

3. 4 x 2−8 x+16 y 2 −12=0

Observation: The coefficients of the squared terms are not equal
but have the same sign.
Condition: A x 2+ C y 2+ Dx+ Ey+ F =0
2 2
4 x +16 y −8 x + Ey−12=0 Therefore, A= 4 and C=16
Answer: Ellipse

4.2 x 2−8 y 2−16 y−16=0

Observation: The coefficients of the squared terms
have different sign.
Condition: A x 2+ C y 2+ Dx+ Ey+ F =0
2 2
2 x −8 y −16 x+ 16 y−16=0 Therefore, A= 2 and C= -8

CIRCLE - the set of all points P (x, y) having the same distance from C (h, k). The point C is called
center and radius is used to refer to a segment from the center to a point P on the circle.
PC= r
√ ( x−h ) +( y −k ) =r
2 2

( x−h )2+ ( y−k )2=r 2

If the center is the origin, then h=0 and k=0. The standard equation
is x + y =r 2.
2 2


Give the standard equation of the circle satisfying the given condition. Sketch its graph and indicate the

1. Center at the origin, radius 4

2 2
Answer: x + y =16 Since the center is (0,0)
therefore, we will use
the SE = x 2+ y 2=r 2
C( 0 , 0 )

2. Center (-4, 3), radius √ 7

Answer: ( x +4 )2+ ( y−3 )2=7

Since the center is (-4,3)
therefore, we will use the SE
C(−4 , 3 ) = ( x−h )2+ ( y−k )2=r 2

3. In the figure 3, find the center, radius and standard equation.

Identify the
count the radius

Figure 3

Answer: A: Center (-2, -1)

radius: 4
standard equation: ( x +2 )2+ ( y +1 )2=16

B: Center (3, 2)
radius: 3
standard equation: ( x−3 )2 + ( y −2 )2=9
Since the center is (5,-6)
therefore, we will use the SE=
4. Center (5, -6), tangent to the y-axis
( x−h )2+ ( y−k )2=r 2
Answer: ( x−5 )2 + ( y +6 )2=25
If a circle is tangent to the y-axis at (5,-6), this means it
touches the y-axis at that point. So our r=5
C( 5 ,−6 )

( )
5. Has a diameter with endpoints A (-1, 4) and B (4, 2) x 1 + x 2 Y 1 +Y 2
Answer: The Center C is the midpoint of A and B. Midpoint= ,
2 2
C= (
−1+4 4+ 2
2)( )
= ,3
To get the radius, use the

(√ 32 ) +( 4−3) = √ 294
2 distance formula
r=AC = −1−
√ ( x −x ) + ( Y −Y
2 1
2 1
standard equation is ( x− ) + ( y −3 ) =
3 29 2

2 4

A (-1, 4)
( 32 , 3)
B (4, 2)

Transformation of the Equation from General to Standard Form

If the equation of a circle is given in the general form

2 2
A x + A y +Cx + Dy+ E=0 , A ≠ 0 ,
2 2
x + y +Cx + Dy+ E=0

Example. Identify the center and radius of the circle with the given equation in each item.
1. x 2+ y 2−6 x=7

Solution. The first step is to rewrite each equation in standard form by completing the square in x and in
y. From the standard equation, we can determine the center and radius.
x −6 x + y =7
⇒ rewrite the equation
a b

( )
x −6 x +9+ y =7
⇒ Completing the square b =c

( 12 (−6 )) = (−3) =9

x −6 x +9+ y =7 +9 ⇒ Addition Property of Equality

2 2

( x−3 )2 + y 2=16 ⇒ factor x 2−6 x +9

⇒ Note: ( x−h )2+ ( y−k )2=r 2
Center (3, 0), r = 4

2. x 2+ y 2−2 x+ 4 y−4=0

2 2
x + y −2 x+ 4 y−4=0 ⇒ Given
2 2
x + y −2 x+ 4 y=4 ⇒ Addition Property of Equality
(x ¿¿ 2−2 x)+( y ¿¿ 2+4 y)=4 ¿ ¿ ⇒ Regrouping by variable
(x ¿¿ 2−2 x +1)+( y ¿¿ 2+4 y+ 4)=4+ 1+ 4 ¿ ¿ ⇒ Completing the squares; Addition Property of

( x−1 )2 + ( y +2 )2=9 ⇒ Factoring the perfect square trinomials

Thus, the standard equation is ( x−1 )2 + ( y +2 )2=9 with Center (1, -2) and r = 3 since
r =9.

3. 16 x 2+ 16 y 2+ 96 x−40 y=315

2 2
16 x + 96 x+ 16 y −40 y=315 ⇒ Given
2 5
16(x ¿¿ 2+6 x )+ 16( y − y)=315 ¿ ⇒ Regrouping by variable; Factor

16(x ¿¿ 2+6 x +9)+16 y 2− y +
16 )
=315+ 16 ( 9 ) +16
16 ( )
¿ ⇒ Completing the squares; Addition
Property of Equality

( )
2 5
16 ( x +3 ) +16 y− =484 ⇒ Factoring the perfect square trinomials

( ) = 484
2 5
16 ( x+3 ) +16 y−
4 ⇒ Divide both sides by 16
16 16

( ) ( )
2 2
2 5
( x +3 ) + y− = 121 11

4 4 2

( )
2 5 121 5 11
Thus, the standard equation is ( x +3 ) + y− = with Center (-3, ) and r = since
4 4 4 2
2 121
r= .

Situational Problems Involving Circles

1. A street with two lanes, each 10 ft wide, goes through a semicircular tunnel with radius 12 ft. How
high is the tunnel at the edge of each lane? Round off to 2 decimal places.

Solution. We draw a coordinate system with origin at the middle of the highway, as shown. Because of
the given radius, the tunnel’s boundary is on the circle x 2+ y 2=122. Point P is the point on the arc
just above the edge of a lane, so its x-coordinate is 10. We need its y-coordinate. We then solve
10 + y =12 , y > 0 ⟹ substitute the value of x
2 2 2

2 2
y =12 −¿ 10
⟹ Subtraction Property of Equality
y =144−100 ⟹ expand
y =44 ⟹ square root both sides to eliminate the squared
y = 2 √ 11 ≈ 6.63 ft.

- is a set of points on the coordinate plane that are of equal distance from a fixed point and a
fixed line. The fixed point is called the focus of the parabola and the fixed line is called directrix.
The line connecting two points on the parabola and passing through the focus is called the
latus rectum.
The axis of symmetry is the line which divides the parabola into two equal parts and passes
through the vertex and the focus.

Standard Form of the Equations of the Parabola

The standard form of the equation of the parabola with vertex at (0,0) is given by
2 2
x =4 cy or y =4 cx
where 4c is the length of the latus rectum and c is the distance of the vertex from the directrix
and the focus.
x =4 cy opens upward
x =−4 cy opens downwar d
y =4 cx opens to the right
y =−4 cx opens to the left

Example: Identify the coordinates of the focus, endpoints of the latus rectum, and the equation
of the directrix.

1. x 2=4 y
From the given, x 2=4 y is a parabola that opens upward and the vertex of the equation is at (0,
0). From the standard form x 2=4 cy , 4c = 4 so c=1. This means that the focus and the directrix are 1
unit from the vertex (0,0).
Thus, the focus is at (0, 1) and the directrix is y= -1. Since the length of latus rectum is 4, its
endpoint are 2 units to the left and to the right of the focus (0,1). Hence, the endpoints of the latus
rectum are (-2, 1) and (2, 1).
Vertex (0,0)
Focus: (0,1)
Directrix: y= -1

Endpoints of the latus rectum:

(-2, 1) and (2, 1)

2. y 2=−4 x
From the given, y 2=−4 x is a parabola that opens to the left with a vertex of the equation is at (0, 0).
From the standard form y 2=4 cx , 4c = 4 so c= -1. This means that the focus and the directrix are 1 unit
from the vertex (0, 0). Thus, the focus is at (-1, 0) and the directrix is x=1. Since the length of latus
rectum is 4, its endpoint are 2 units upward and downward of the focus (-1, 0). Hence, the endpoints of
the latus rectum are (-1, -2) and (-1, -2). Vertex (0,0). Focus: (-1, 0). Directrix: (1, 0). Endpoints of the
latus rectum: (-1, -2) and (-1, -2)
Standard Form of the Equations of the Parabola
The standard form of the equation of the parabola with vertex at (h,k) is given by
2 2
( x−h) =4 c ( y −k )or ( y−k ) =4 c (x−h)
where 4c is the length of the latus rectum and c is the distance of the vertex from the directrix and the
(x−h) =4 c ( y −k ) opens upward
( x−h) =−4 c ( y −k )opens downward
( y−k ) =4 c (x−h) opens to the right
( y−k ) =4 c ( x−h)opens to the left

Example: Identify the coordinates of the vertex, focus, endpoints of the latus rectum, and the
equation of the axis and directrix.

1. (x +2)2=−4 ( y−2)
(x +2) =−4 ( y−2)is a parabola that opens downward. Its vertex is (-2, 2). In the given that 4c = -4 which
follows that c = -1. This means that the focus and the directrix are 1 unit from the vertex. Thus, the
focus is at (-2, 1) and the directrix is y = 3. The line x= - 2 is the axis of the parabola. Since the length
of the latus rectum is 4, its endpoints are 2 units to the right and to the left of the focus, therefore,
having the coordinates (-4, 1) and (0, 1).

2. ( y−1)2=4(x −2)

( y−1) =4( x −2) is a parabola that opens to the right. Its vertex is (2, 1)

2. ( y−1)2=4(x −2)

( y−1) =4(x −2) is a parabola that opens to the right. Its vertex is (2, 1). In the given that 4c = 4 which
follows that c = 1. This means that the focus and the directrix are 1 unit from the vertex. Thus, the focus is at
(3, 1) and the directrix is x = 1. The line y= 1 is the axis of the parabola. Since the length of the latus rectum
is 4, its endpoints are 2 units upward and downward of the focus, therefore, having the coordinates (3, 3) and
(3, -1).

Finding the Equation of the Parabola given Condition

1. Find the equation

of the parabola with
vertex at the origin
and focus at (2, 0).

Solution: Given the vertex and the focus, we can determine the value of c which is the distance between these
two points. The focus is 2 units from the vertex, thus, c=2. Observe also that the focus is to the right of the
vertex which means that the parabola opens to the right. Thus, the equation of the parabola is of the form
2 2
y =4 cx . Substitute the value of c, we have y =8 x .

2. Find the equation of the parabola whose vertex is at (3, 2) and with directrix y =5.

Solution: The directrix is above the vertex which means that the parabola opens downward. It implies that c <
0; thus, c = - 3. Hence, the equation of the parabola is of the form (x−h)2=4 c ( y−k ) . The vertex of the
parabola is (3, 2) which gives the values of h=3 and k=2. Substituting all the values into the standard form, we
( x−3) =−12 ( y−2 )

3. Determine the vertex, focus, directrix, axis of symmetry and find the equation of the parabola given the
equation y 2−5 x +12 y=−16 .
y +12 y=−16+5 x
y +12 y+ 36=−16 +5 x +36
( y +6 )2=5 x +20
( y +6 )2=5(x +4 )
The parabola opens to the right. It has vertex V(-4, -6). From 4c = 5, we get c= ∨1.25. The focus is c= 1.25
units to the right of V: F(-2.75, -6). The vertical directrix is c=1.25 to the left of V; x = -5.25. The axis of
symmetry is through the V; y = -6.
Situational Problems Involving Parabolas
1. A satellite dish has a shape called a paraboloid, where each cross-section is a parabola. Since radio signals
(parallel to the axis) will bounce off the surface of the dish to the focus, the receiver should be placed at the
focus. How far should the receiver be from the vertex, if the dish is 12 ft across, and 4.5 ft deep at the vertex?

Solution. The second figure above shows a cross-section of the satellite dish drawn on a rectangular
coordinate system, with the vertex at the origin. From the problem, we deduce that (6, 4.5) is a point on the
parabola. We need the distance of the focus from the vertex, i.e., the value of c in x2 = 4cy.
x2 = 4cy
62 = 4c(4.5)
4 ( 4.5 )
Thus, the receiver should be 2 ft away from the vertex

2. The cable of a suspension bridge hangs in the shape of a parabola. The towers supporting the cable are
400 ft apart and 150 ft high. If the cable, at its lowest, is 30 ft above the bridge at its midpoint, how high is the
cable 50 ft away (horizontally) from either tower?

Solution. Refer to the figure above, where the parabolic cable is drawn with its vertex on the y-axis 30 ft above
the origin. We may write its equation as ( x−0 )2=a( y−30); since we don’t need the focal distance, we use the
simpler variable a in place of 4c. Since the towers are 150 ft high and 400 ft apart, we deduce from the figure
that (200, 150) is a point on the parabola.
x =a ( y−30)
200 =a(150−30)
200 1000
a= =
120 3
The parabola has equation
2 1000
x= ( y−30), or equivalently, y=0.003 x 2 +30.
For the two points on the parabola 50 ft away from the towers,
x = 150 or x = −150. If x = 150, then y=0.003(1502 )+ 30=97.5
Thus, the cable is 97.5 ft high 50 ft away from either tower. (As expected, we get the same answer from x =


An ellipse is a set of points (x, y) on the coordinate plane such that the sums of the distances of the points from
the two fixed points are constant. The fixed points are called the foci of the ellipse, denoted by F 1∧F2 in the

Standard Form of the Equation of the Ellipse

The standard form of the equation of the ellipse with vertex at (0, 0) is given by
2 2
x y
+ 2 =1 (horizontally oriented)
a b

2 2
y x
+ 2 =1 (vertically oriented)
a b

Where a > b

(Note: If a = b, then the graph of the equation is a circle.)

(1) center: origin (0, 0)

(2) foci : F1(−c, 0) and F2(c, 0)
• Each focus is c units away from the center.
• For any point on the ellipse, the sum of its distances from the foci is 2c.
(3) vertices: V1(−a, 0) and V2(a, 0)
• The vertices are points on the ellipse, collinear with the center and foci.
• If y = 0, then x = ±a. Each vertex is a units away from the center.
• The segment V1V2 is called the major axis. Its length is 2a. It divides
the ellipse into two congruent parts.
(4) covertices: W1(0,−b) and W2(0, b)
• The segment through the center, perpendicular to the major axis, is the minor axis. It meets the ellipse at the
covertices. It divides the ellipse into two congruent parts.
• If x = 0, then y = ±b. Each covertex is b units away from the center.
• The minor axis W1W2 is 2b units long. Since a > b, the major axis is longer than the minor axis.
 Major Axis: The length of the major axis of the ellipse is 2a units, and the end vertices of this major axis is
(a, 0), (-a, 0) respectively.
 Minor Axis: The length of the minor axis of the ellipse is 2b units and the end vertices of the minor axis is
(0, b), and (0, -b) respectively.
 Latus Rectum: The latus rectum is a line drawn perpendicular to the transverse axis of the ellipse and is
passing through the foci of the ellipse. The length of the latus rectum of the ellipse is 2b2/a.
 Transverse Axis: The line passing through the two foci and the center of the ellipse is called the transverse
 Conjugate Axis: The line passing through the center of the ellipse and perpendicular to the transverse axis
is called the conjugate axis

For the following items, identify the coordinates of the vertices, covertices, foci, length of the latus rectum, and
equations of the directrices. Then sketch each graph.
2 2
x y
1. + =1
16 25

2 2
x y
+ =1 is an ellipse that is vertically oriented.
16 25

Form the equation, a 2=25∧b2=16 , thus, a = 5 and b = 4. Solving for c, we have

2 2 2
c =a −b =25−16=9 ⟹ c=3 . Therefore, we have the following:

vertices: (0, 5) and (0, -5)

covertices: (4, 0) and (-4, 0)

foci: (0, 3) and (0, -3)

a 25
equations of directrices: y=± ⇒ y=± =±8. 33
c 3


W1 W2


2 2
x y
2. + =1
25 9

2 2
x y
+ =1 is an ellipse that is horizontally oriented.
25 9

Form the equation, a 2=25∧b2=9 , thus, a = 5 and b = 3. Solving for c, we have

2 2 2
c =a −b =25−9=16 ⟹ c=4. Therefore, we have the following:

vertices: (5, 0) and (-5, 0)

covertices: (0, 3) and (0, -3)

foci: (4, 0) and (-4, 0)

a 25
equations of directrices: x=± ⇒ y =± ∨± 6.25
c 4
−25 25
x= x=
4 W1 4

V1 F1
F2 V2

Standard Form of the Equation of the Ellipse

The standard form of the equation of the ellipse with center at (h, k) is given by

( x−h )2 ( y −k )2
+ =1
a2 b2


( x−h )2 ( y −k )2
+ =1
b2 a2
where a > b.

Given the center (h, k) and the values of a, b, and c, we have the following:

vertices: ( h ± a , k ) ∨(h , k ± a)

covertices: ( h , k ± b )∨(h ± b , k )

foci are at ( h ± c , k )∨(h , k ± c)

2 2
a a
the directrices are the lines x=h ± ∨ y=k ± .
c c

Note: The first entry item above is for ellipse that is horizontally oriented while the second entry is for
vertically-oriented ellipse.)

Example: Give the coordinates of the center, foci, vertices, and covertices of the ellipse with the given equation.

( x+3 )2 ( y−5 )2
1. + =1
24 49
From a 2 = 49 and b 2 = 24, we have a = 7, b = 2 √ 6 ≈4.9, and c = √ a2−b2= 5. The ellipse is vertical.
center: (−3, 5)
foci: F 1 (−3, 0), F 2 (−3, 10)
vertices: V 1 (−3,−2), V 2 (−3, 12)
covertices: W 1 (−3 − 2√ 6, 5) ≈ (−7.9, 5)
W 2 (−3 + 2√ 6, 5)≈ (1.9, 5)

2. Consider the given equation x 2+ 4 y 2−4 x−12=0. We transform this to its standard form as follows:
2 2
x + 4 y −4 x−12=0 Given
2 2
x −4 x+ 4 y −12=0 Rearrange by grouping the terms with similar variables.
2 2
x −4 x+ 4 y =12 Addition property of equality

( x 2−4 x+ 4 )=12+ 4 Completing the square; additional property of equality

( x−2 )2 + 4 y 2=16 Factor the perfect square trinomial.

( x−2 )2 4 y 2
+ =1 Divide both sides by 16.
16 16

( x−2 )2 y 2
+ =1 Simplify.
16 4

From the obtained standard form, we have determined the following:

a. The ellipse is horizontally oriented. Its center is at (2, 0).

b. Since a 2=16∧b2=4 , thena=¿ 4 and b = 2. Thus, the coordinates of the vertices are (6, 0) and (-2, 0).
Likewise, the covertices are (2, 2) and (2, -2).

c. The value of c is computed as c 2=a2−b 2=16−4=12⟹ c =√ 12 ≈ 3.46 .Hence, the coordinates of the foci are
(2 ± √ 12 , 0)∨(−1.46 , 0 ) ∧( 5.46 , 0 ) .

d. The directrices are 2 ± ∨x=−2.62∧x=6.62.
√ 12
x=−2.62 x=6.62


F1 C F2
V1 V2


Finding the Equation of the Ellipse Given Conditions

1. Find the equation of the ellipse whose vertices are at (-5, 0) and (5, 0) and foci at (-3, 0) and (3, 0).


The center of this ellipse is the midpoint of the vertices which is the origin. Each vertex is 5 units from the
center; thus, a = 5. Similarly, each focus is 3 units from the center, thus c = 3. The value of b is obtained using
the formula b 2=a2−c 2 . Substituting the values of a and c into the previous formula, we have b 2=25−9=16 .
The axis of the ellipse is horizontal. Thus, the equation of the required ellipse is
2 2 2 2
x y x y
of the form 2 + 2 =1 ; that is + =1.
a b 25 16

Applications of Ellipse

The arch of a bridge forms the upper half of an ellipse. The arch is 6 meters above the 20-meter wide river.
Write an equation for the ellipse in which its major axis coincides with the water level.


Assume that the center of the ellipse is at the origin. Since the major axis coincides with the water level, the
ellipse is oriented horizontally. Also, it implies that the major axis measures 20 meter. Since the arch is 6 meters
above the water, one of the vertices is located at (0, 6). Thus, the graph of arch in the coordinate system appears
as follows:

From the figure, we have a = 10 and b = 6. Substituting these values into the standard form of the equation of
2 2 2 2
x y x y
an 2 + 2 =1 we have + =1. Transforming this to general form, we have
a b 100 36
2 2
36 x + 100 y =3,600.

References: Precalculus 11 Teacher's Guide by Garces et al (pages 36 - 49)

Precalculus 11 by Mateo et al (pages 48 - 69)


A hyperbola is a set of points on the coordinate plane such that the absolute value of the difference of
the distances of any point from the two fixed points is constant. The fixed points are called foci, denoted by
F 1 and F 2.

Standard form of the Equation of the Hyperbola

The standard form of the equation of the hyperbola with center at (0, 0) is given by
2 2
x y
− 2 =1 horizontally oriented
a b
2 2
y x
− 2 =1 vertically oriented
a b

Tip: Given an equation in standard form, we can determine the orientation of the hyperbola by looking at the
minuend. That is, if the minuend contains the x-term group, then the orientation is horizontal.
Minuend Subtrahend
2 2
x y
− 2
a b

Figure 2 Figure 3

2 2
x y
− 2 =1
a b

Let c= √ a 2+ b2.
(1) center: origin (0, 0)
(2) foci : F1(−c, 0) and F2(c, 0)
• Each focus is c units away from the center.
• For any point on the hyperbola, the absolute value of the difference of
its distances from the foci is 2a.
(3) vertices: V1(−a, 0) and V2(a, 0)
• The vertices are points on the hyperbola, collinear with the center and foci.
• If y = 0, then x = ±a. Each vertex is a units away from the center.
• The segment V1V2 is called the transverse axis. Its length is 2a.
b −b
(4) asymptotes: y= x and y= x , the lines l 1 and l 2
a a
• The asymptotes of the hyperbola are two lines passing through the center which serve as a guide in
graphing the hyperbola: each branch of the hyperbola gets closer and closer to the asymptotes, in the
direction towards which the branch extends.
• An aid in determining the equations of the asymptotes: in the standard equation, replace 1 by 0, and in the
2 2
x y
resulting equation 2 − 2 =0, solve for y.
a b
• To help us sketch the asymptotes, we point out that the asymptotes l 1 and l 2 are the extended diagonals of
the auxiliary rectangle drawn in Figure 3. This rectangle has sides 2a and 2b with its diagonals intersecting
at the center C. Two sides are congruent and parallel to the transverse axis V 1V2. The other two sides are
congruent and parallel to the conjugate axis, the segment shown which is perpendicular to the transverse
axis at the center, and has length 2b.

For the following items, identify the coordinates of the vertices, covertices, foci, length of the latus rectum,
and equations of directions and asymptotes of the hyperbola:
2 2
x y
1. − =1
16 9

2 2
x y
1. − =1 is a hyperbola that is horizontally oriented.
16 9

From the equation, a 2=16 and b 2=9 , thus, a = 4 and b = 3.Solving for c, we have

c= √ a 2+ b2= √ 16+ 9=√ 25 ⇒ c=5 . Therefore, we have the following:

vertices: (4, 0) and (-4, 0)

covertices: (0, 3) and (0, -3)

foci: (5, 0) and (-5, 0)

2b 2 ( 9 ) 9
length of the latus rectum: = =
a 4 2
a 16
equations of directrices: x=± ⇒ x=±
c 5

b 3
equations of asymptotes: y=± x ⇒ y=± x
a 4
−3 3
y= x y= x
4 4
−16 16
x= x=
5 5

F1 F2
V1 V2


2 2
y x
2. − =1
16 9

Looking at the given, we see that it is almost similar to the previous equation. The only difference is that
the numerators are interchanged. This means that the graph of this equation is a hyperbola that is vertically
oriented. Also, this means that we will obtain the same values for a, b, and c as in the previous equation; that is,
a = 4, b = 3, and c= 5.

Therefore, we have the following:

vertices: (0, 4) and (0, -4)

covertices: (3, 0) and (-3, 0)

foci: (0, 5) and (0, -5)

2 a b 2 (9 ) 9
length of the latus rectum: = =
a 4 2
a 16
equations of directrices: y=± ⇒ y=±
c 5

a 4
equations of asymptotes: y=± x ⇒ y=± x
b 3

−4 −4
y= x y= x
3 3
V1 y=

W1 W2



Standard Form of the Equation of the Hyperbola

The standard form of the equation of the hyperbola with center at (h, k) is given by

( x−h )2 ( y−k )2
− =1
a2 b2


( y−k )2 ( x−k )2
− =1
a2 b2

The transverse axis is equal to 2a and the conjugate axis is 2b. Endpoints of transverse axis are
(h ± a , k ) or (h , k ± a). The endpoints of the conjugate axis are (h ± b , k ) or ( h , k ± b ) .Foci are at (h ± c , k) or
2 2
2b a
h , k ± c where c 2=a2+ b2. The length of the latus rectum is . The directrices are the lines x=h ± or
a c
a b
y=k ± , whichever is applicable. The asymptotes are the lines with equations y−k=± (x−h) or
c a
y−k=± (x−h), whichever is applicable.

Given the center (h, k) and the value of a, b, and c, we have the following:

 vertices: (h ± a , k ) or (h , k ± a)

 covertices: (h , k ± b) or (h ± b , k )

 foci: (h ± c , k) or (h , k ± c)
2 2
a a
 directrices: x=h ± or y=k ±
c c

b a
 asymptotes: y−k=± (x−h) or y−k=± (x−h)
a b

(Note: The first entry in each item above is for hyperbolas that the horizontally oriented while the second entry
is for hyperbolas that are vertically oriented.)
Consider the given equation x 2−4 y 2−4 x−12=0 . We transform this to standard form as follows:
2 2
x −4 y −4 x−12=0 Given
2 2
x −4 x−4 y −12=0 Grouping terms with similar variables
2 2
x −4 x−4 y =12 Addition property of equality

( x 2−4 x+ 4 )−4 y 2=12+ 4 Completing the square; addition property of equality

( x−2 )2−4 y 2=16 Factor the perfect square trinomial.

( x−2 )2 4 y 2
− =1 Divide both sides by 16.
16 16

( x−2 )2 y 2
− =1 Simplify.
16 4

From the obtained standard form, we can determine the following:

1. The hyperbola is horizontally oriented. Its center is at (2,0).

2. Since a 2=16 and b 2=4 , then a=4 and b=2. Thus, the coordinates of the vertices are (6,0) and (-2,0).
Likewise, the covertices are (2, 2) and (2,-2)

3. The value of c is computed as c 2=a2+ b2=16+ 4=20 ⟹ c=√ 20 ≈ 4.47 .Hence, the coordinates of the foci are
(2 ± √ 20 , 0) or (-2.47,0) and (6.47,0)

4. The directrices are x=2 ± or x= -1.58 and x=5.58
√ 20
5. The equations of the asymptotes are y=± ( x−2)

y= (x−2)x=−1.58 x=5.58 y= 1 (x−2)
2 2

F1 V1 C
V2 F2


For the following items, identify the coordinates of the vertices, covertices, foci, and the equations of the
directrices and asymptotes of the hyperbola. Then sketch each graph.
( x−2 )2 ( y −1 )2
1. − =1
9 16


( x−2 )2 ( y −1 )2
1. − =1 is a hyperbola that is horizontally oriented.
9 16

From the equation, a 2=9 and b 2=16 thus, a = 3 and b = 4. Solving for c , we have
2 2 2
c =a + b =9+16=25⇒ c=5. Therefore, we have the following:

center: ( h , k ) ⇒(2 ,1)

vertices: ( h ± a , k ) ⇒ (5 ,1) and (-1, 1)

covertices: ( h , k ± b ) ⇒(2, 5) and (2, -3)

foci: ( h ± c , k ) ⇒ (7 , 1) and (-3, 1)

a 9
directrices: x=h ± ⇒ x=2 ± or x=3.8 and x = 0.2
b 5

b 4
asymptotes: y−k=± ( x−h ) ⇒ y−1=± ( x−2 ) ⇒ 4 x−3 y=5
a 3

and 4x + 3y = 11


F1 V1 C V2 F2

2 2
( y−1 ) ( x −2 )
2. − =1
16 9

Looking at the given, we see that it is almost similar to the previous equation. The only difference is that the
minuend and the subtrahend are interchanged. This means that the graph of this equation is an ellipse that is
vertically oriented. Performing the same process as in the previous item, we can obtain the following values: a=
4, b =3, and c = 5.

Therefore, we have the following:

center: ( h , k ) ⇒(2 ,1)

vertices: (h , k ± a)⇒(2 , 5) and (2, -3)

covertices: (h ± b , k )⇒(5 , 1) and (-1, 1)

foci: ( h ± k , c ) ⇒ (2 , 6) and (2, -4)

a 16
directrices: y=k ± ⇒ 1± or −2.2 and y = 4.2
c 5

a 3
asymptotes: y−k=± ( x−h ) ⇒ y−1=± ( x−2 ) ⇒ 3 x−4 y=2
b 4

and 3 x+ 4 y =10


W1 C W2


Finding the Equation of the Hyperbola Given Conditions

1. Find the equation of the hyperbola with center at the origin and one endpoint of the transverse axis at (12, 0)
and focus at (-13, 0).


The axis of the hyperbola is the line y = 0 which indicates that the hyperbola is horizontal. One vertex is the
point (12, 0) which gives the value of a = 12 and the focus (-13, 0) gives the value of c =13. Using the equation
c =a + b to solve for b gives b = √ 169−144=5 . Thus, the equation of the hyperbola is
2 2 2

2 2
x y
− =1
144 25

2. Finding the equation of the hyperbola whose length of conjugate axis is 8 and with foci at (4, 7) and (4, -3).


The transverse axis is the line y = 4 which means that the hyperbola is vertically oriented. The midpoint of the
foci gives the center (4, 2). The length of the conjugate axis is 8 which gives b = 4. The focus (4, 7) is 5 units
from the center, thus, c = 5. We use the equation c 2=a2+ b2 to solve for a, which gives a = 3. Hence, the
( y−2 )2 ( x −4 )2
equation of the hyperbola is − =1.
9 16

3. Find the equation of the hyperbola with center at (−6 ,−5 ¿, vertex at (−4 ,−5) , and the length of the latus
rectum is 12.


The center and the vertex lie on the line y = 5; thus, the hyperbola is horizontal with a =2.
Using the equation =12, we obtain b 2=6 a. Substituting the value of a=2 , we have
b =12.
( x+6 )2 ( y +5 )2
Thus, the equation of the hyperbola is − =1.
4 12

Applications of Hyperbola

1. A radio telescope has a parabolic reflector (of radio waves) with focus 100 feet above the vertex. A small
hyperbolic reflector, 90 feet above the vertex and with one focus that coincides with that of the parabola,
reflects the radio waves to its other focus, which is 20 feet below the vertex of the parabola. Find the length of
the transverse and conjugate axes of the hyperbola.


Assume the parabola opens upward and its vertex is at the origin as shown below. Then we locate the foci and
vertices of the hyperbola on the same coordinate plane based on the description in the problem. The center of
the hyperbola is at (0, 40).



From the figure, we have foci at (0,100) and (0,-20) with center at (0,40). Thus, the value of c is 60. Similarly,
the vertices of the hyperbola are at (0,90) and (0,-10) with a=50. Using the relationship c 2=a2+ b2 , we have
b=√ c 2−a2 =√ 60 2−502=33.17

The transverse axis is 2 a=2 ( 50 )=100 feet and the conjugate axis is
2 b=2 ( 33.17 )=66.34 feet .

2. An explosion is heard by two stations 1200 m apart, located at F1(−600, 0) and F2(600, 0). If the explosion
was heard in F1 two seconds before it was heard in F2, identify the possible locations of the explosion. Use 340
m/s as the speed of sound.

Solution. Using the given speed of sound, we deduce that the sound traveled 340(2) = 680 m farther in reaching
F2 than in reaching F1. This is then the difference of the distances of the explosion from the two stations. Thus,
the explosion is on a hyperbola with foci are F1 and F2, on the branch closer to F1.
We have c = 600 and 2a = 680, so a = 340 and b 2=c 2−a 2 = 244400. The explosion could therefore be anywhere
x2 y2
on the left branch of the hyperbola − =1.
115600 244400

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