Ingles para Medicos

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Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua

I year of Medicine

Component: Ingles for doctors

Teacher: Darwin García

Work: exposure


 Osvin José Matus Centeno

 Rodrigo José López Carmona
 Ester Johana López Maradiaga
 Katerin de la Concepción Lópes Perez
 Johana Sarhaí López Morales

Date: 19-08-2023

To freedom for the university!

In the Hosptial we find that it is divided into different sections, we will mention
some things that we can find in those sections.

In the area of pediatrics, many medical equipments are used, in which the following
stand out:

 Pediatric stethoscope.
 Nebulizers.
 Wheelchairs for children.
 Weight for children
 Pediatric blood pressure monitor.

In the patient room, the following equipment is usually found:

 patient
 hospital gown
 hospital bed
 bed control
 vital sings monitor
 bed table
 medical chart
 bed pan

In the radiology department we find the following medical equipment

 Remote control
 Emergency radiology
 Horizontal table appliance
 Thermograph
 Bone teleradiography
 Mammography
 Generator
 x-ray tube

In the operating room area there are many things but mentioning some are:

 defibrillator
 electric scalpel
 Robes and hats
 anesthesia cart
 barren fields
The medical teams that are within the cardiology area, are:

 Erfoespirometry
 Defibrillators
 Ultrasound machines
 Vascular Doppler
 Blood presscure monitor
 Electro cardiograms
 Maps
 Monitors
 Pulse oximeters
 Stethoscope

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