Trabajo Final Ingles Uu

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Final project: Advance written presentation

Student: Salcedo López Jeanpool Henry

Student Code: 1511969

Course: English

Instructor: Mirtha Diana Condori Palomino

Career: Business Administration

CFP: Villa El Salvador

Cycle: I

Year: 2023
Endangered animals

Currently in the 21st century the world fauna is suffering a great threat given that the animals

do not stop decreasing in population and this can be reflected with the figures obtained by

various researchers on the subject, they refer that of the more than 7.7 million Of the animal

species that exist in the world, 20% of these are in danger of extinction, something very

worrying given that it is an attack on biodiversity, adding to this the fact that we humans

depend either for food or medicine on a certain group of these, which would practically also

cause future problems for our humanity as well.

An animal species is considered endangered when the members of this certain group persist

in the risk of disappearing from the planet, we have an example of:

Jaguar: Animal species in danger of extinction due to loss of habitat and overhunting of the

species on which it feeds

Black Bear: Animal species in danger of extinction due to the fragmentation of its habitats

and the indiscriminate illegal hunting of this species.

Mexican wolf: Animal species that is close to disappearing due to efforts of human activity

to erase it from the planet.

Vaquita Marina: Species in danger of extinction due to the great pollution that its habitat is

suffering, adding to this the fact of the indiscriminate fishing of this species and the

reproductive difficulties it has.

In general, the main causes of the extinction of animal species that are now on the verge of

disappearing are due to the loss of habitat, indiscriminate hunting, problems in their

reproduction and the low food supply of some species of fauna that they depend precisely on

other species for their food.

Endangered Animal in Peru

The Peruvian branch cutter is a species of the Peruvian fauna that went unnoticed for more

than a century, this species is native to a small forest that is near Chiclayo in northern Peru.

As is well known, the large oil companies are located in the north, and this is precisely the

problem that, due to the pollution that these oil companies generate in the habitats of this

species, is leading to the just disappearance of this species, the reason for the exaggerated

size of trees that precisely makes them lose their places of oviparous reproduction.
How to avoid the extinction of this species?

-.The first viable solution that I propose to fight against the disappearance of this species is

to delimit and mark the areas of its habitat as protected places, adding to this the fact that the

government must guarantee its care and preservation in order not to lose this species, attached

to this the idea of managing an artificial habitat in another part of Peru where there are no oil

refineries nearby that threaten its ecosystem

-. The second proposal that I propose is that the state, through the Ministry of the

Environment (MINAN), controls the excessive felling of trees in that area, since it is

precisely in those spaces where this species leaves its eggs to develop, I limit the intention of

Promote, through this entity, an information campaign in which the problem suffered by this

species and the historical value it has for our Peruvian fauna is reported.

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