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Classification: Internal

Year 9 Literature

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Assessment 2 Sample

Section A (10 marks)

1. __________ is the queen of the fairies, and __________ is the king.

 Hippolyta, Theseus
 Titania, Theseus
 Titania, Oberon
 Hippolyta, Oberon

2. Why are Titania and Oberon fighting?

 Titania wants the Indian boy Oberon took
 Oberon wants a magic flower that Titania has
 Titania wants a magic flower that Oberon has
 Oberon wants the Indian boy Titania took

3. The trickster, Puck, is also know as __________.

 Robin Goodfellow
 Robin James
 Robin Bottom
 Robin Snug

4. Whose fault is it that the weather is weird?

 Theseus and Hippolyta
 Puck
 The fairies
 Titania and Oberon

5. Which of the following best describes the woods?

 Magical
 Creepy
 Calm
 Normal

6. Who created the magical flower?

 Cupid
 Titania
 Oberon
 Puck
Classification: Internal

7. Oberon puts the magic flower juice on whose eyes?

 Demetrius
 Lysander
 Titania
 Helena

8. Oberon tells Puck to put the magic flower juice on whose eyes?
 Demetrius
 Titania
 Lysander
 Hermia

9. Who does Demetrius leave alone in the woods?

 Hermia
 Lysander
 Puck
 Helena

10. Puck puts the magic flower juice on whose eyes?

 Lysander
 Demtrius
 Titania
 Helena

Section B (10 marks)

Use the words below to fill the gaps:

fight Helena potion best friend Lysander
short Demetrius Helena trick tall

Oberon saw the four lovers; Hermia, _______, Demetrius and _______come into the woods. He saw
Helena trying to make _________fall in love with her, and decided to give her a helping hand. Oberon
told Puck to put some of the _________on Demetrius’ eyes. Puck got mixed up and placed the potion on
Lysander’s eyes, and he woke up and fell in love with the first person he saw, Helena.

Oberon saw what Puck had done, and ordered him to sort it out. The first thing Puck did was to put the
potion on Demetrius’ eyes. When he awoke, he also fell in love with Helena. Now both Lysander and
Demetrius love____________.

Helena was confused, because neither of the men loved her before.

Hermia was confused because she thought both men loved her, but now they were in love with
Classification: Internal

The two girls began to think the other was playing a _________on them, and began to call each other
names and fall out. They had a __________and called each other names. Helena mocked Hermia
because she is ____________and Hermia picks on Helena for being very_________.

Section C (10 marks)

Read this extract and answer the questions USING YOUR OWN WORDS.

PUCK The king doth keep his revels here tonight:

Take heed the queen come not within his sight;
For Oberon is passing fell and wrath,
Because that she as her attendant hath
A lovely boy, stolen from an Indian king;
She never had so sweet a changeling;
And jealous Oberon who would have the child
Knight of his train, to trace the forests wild;
But she perforce witholds the loved boy,
Crowns him with flowers and makes him all her joy:

1. Who hold a party in the woods tonight?_________________________________

2. What emotion is Oberon feeling? ______________________________________
3. What does Titania have that Oberon wants? _____________________________
4. Where is the queen at the moment? ___________________________________
5. Who is she with? __________________________________________

Read this extract and answer the questions USING YOUR OWN WORDS.

PUCK How now, spirit! Whither wander you?

FAIRY Over hill, over dale,
Through bush, through briar,
Over park, over pale,
Through flood, through fire,
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon’s sphere;
And I serve the fairy queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green.
Farwell, thou lob of spirits; I’ll be gone:
Our queen and all our elves come here anon.

6. Name six places the fairy has wandered

_________________________________ ___________________________________
Classification: Internal

_________________________________ ___________________________________
_________________________________ ____________________________________

7. How fast can the fairy travel?

8. Who does the fairy work for?
9. Where is the queen at the moment?
10. Who is she with?

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